Commit 6a26c9ef by zhengxiaokui


parent b2e06c41
import Utils from "~/utils"
* Letsel Check规则
let checkObj = {
"bedget.sdamod.dadsnd" :null,
"recget.sdamod.dadsnd" :null,
"bpdget.sdamod.dadsnd" :null,
"trdget.sdamod.dadsnd" :null,
"fpdget.sdamod.dadsnd" :null,
"btdget.sdamod.dadsnd" :null,
"ltdget.sdamod.dadsnd" :null,
for (const key in checkObj) {
if (, key)) {
checkObj[key] = checkObj[key] ? checkObj[key] : Utils.reflectCheck(key)
export default checkObj
* Letsel Default规则
import Api from "~/service/Api";
import Utils from "~/utils/index"
export default {
"btdgrp.be2.pts.nam" :Utils.defaultFunction,
"trpnttyp" :Utils.defaultFunction,
"bedgrp.prb.pts.nam" :Utils.defaultFunction,
"sptpenltbt" :Utils.defaultFunction,
"sptpenltbt_descr" :Utils.defaultFunction,
"bppnttyp" :Utils.defaultFunction,
"bpdgrp.rec.ownref" :Utils.defaultFunction,
"ledgrp.rec.ownref" :Utils.defaultFunction,
"selbut.trnpenlab" :Utils.defaultFunction,
"selbut.trnpenlab_descr" :Utils.defaultFunction,
"trnpenltbt" :Utils.defaultFunction,
"trnpenltbt_descr" :Utils.defaultFunction,
"" :Utils.defaultFunction,
"ltdgrp.adt.pts.nam" :Utils.defaultFunction,
"fpdgrp.inv.pts.nam" :Utils.defaultFunction,
"bpdgrp.fia.pts.nam" :Utils.defaultFunction,
"ledgrp.ben.pts.nam" :Utils.defaultFunction,
"bedgrp.apl.pts.nam" :Utils.defaultFunction,
"" :Utils.defaultFunction,
"ltdgrp.be1.pts.nam" :Utils.defaultFunction,
"clsflg" :Utils.defaultFunction,
"ltdgrp.rec.ownref" :Utils.defaultFunction,
"cfgfil.subtrn1" :Utils.defaultFunction,
"selbut.sptpenlab_descr" :Utils.defaultFunction,
"selbut.sptpenlab" :Utils.defaultFunction,
"bedgrp.rec.ownref" :Utils.defaultFunction,
"ltdgrp.avt.pts.nam" :Utils.defaultFunction,
"sptpentrbp" :Utils.defaultFunction,
"sptpentrbp_descr" :Utils.defaultFunction,
"ledgrp.iss.pts.nam" :Utils.defaultFunction,
"fpdgrp.rec.opndat" :Utils.defaultFunction,
"btdgrp.be1.pts.nam" :Utils.defaultFunction,
"bpdgrp.rec.fintyp" :Utils.defaultFunction,
"" :Utils.defaultFunction,
"ledgrp.apl.pts.nam" :Utils.defaultFunction,
"ledgrp.rec.revflg" :Utils.defaultFunction,
"cfgfil.subtxt10" :Utils.defaultFunction,
"cfgfil.subtrn10" :Utils.defaultFunction,
"cfgfil.subtrn11" :Utils.defaultFunction,
"cfgfil.subtxt11" :Utils.defaultFunction,
"btdgrp.rec.ownref" :Utils.defaultFunction,
"cfgfil.subtxt1" :Utils.defaultFunction,
"cfgfil.subtrn9" :Utils.defaultFunction,
"cfgfil.subtxt9" :Utils.defaultFunction,
"cfgfil.subtrn8" :Utils.defaultFunction,
"cfgfil.subtxt8" :Utils.defaultFunction,
"cfgfil.subtrn7" :Utils.defaultFunction,
"cfgfil.subtxt7" :Utils.defaultFunction,
"cfgfil.subtrn6" :Utils.defaultFunction,
"cfgfil.subtxt6" :Utils.defaultFunction,
"cfgfil.subtrn5" :Utils.defaultFunction,
"cfgfil.subtxt5" :Utils.defaultFunction,
"cfgfil.subtrn4" :Utils.defaultFunction,
"cfgfil.subtxt4" :Utils.defaultFunction,
"cfgfil.subtrn3" :Utils.defaultFunction,
"cfgfil.subtxt3" :Utils.defaultFunction,
"cfgfil.subtrn2" :Utils.defaultFunction,
"cfgfil.subtxt2" :Utils.defaultFunction,
"fpdgrp.rec.ownref" :Utils.defaultFunction,
"trdgrp.fip.pts.nam" :Utils.defaultFunction,
"bedgrp.iss.pts.nam" :Utils.defaultFunction,
"trdgrp.rec.ownref" :Utils.defaultFunction,
"fpdgrp.sel.pts.nam" :Utils.defaultFunction,
"trnpentrbp_descr" :Utils.defaultFunction,
"trnpentrbp" :Utils.defaultFunction,
"ltdgrp.be2.pts.nam" :Utils.defaultFunction,
import Api from "~/service/Api"
import Utils from "~/utils"
export default {
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ import Tstopn from "./Tstopn"
import Bdtudp from "./Bdtudp"
import Trndtl from "./Trnrel/Trndtl"
import Infpta from "./Infpta"
import Letsel from "./Letsel"
import Letopn from "./Letopn"
import Letame from "./Letame"
import Letrsv from './Letrsv'
......@@ -58,6 +60,7 @@ const BusRouter = [
{ path: 'trndtl', query: 'inr', component: Trndtl, name: 'Trndtl', meta: { title: 'Trndtl' } },
{ path: 'tstopn', component: Tstopn, name: 'Tstopn', meta: { title: 'Tstopn' } },
{ path: 'infpta', component: Infpta, name: 'Infpta', meta: { title: 'Infpta' } },
{ path: 'letsel', component: Letsel, name: 'Letsel', meta: { title: '出口信用证通知' } },
{ path: 'letopn', component: Letopn, name: 'Letopn', meta: { title: '出口信用证通知' } },
{ path: 'letame', component: Letame, name: 'Letame', meta: { title: '出口信用证修改' } },
{ path: 'letrsv', component: Letrsv, name: 'Letrsv', meta: { title: '出口信用证补通知' } },
......@@ -76,12 +79,12 @@ const BusRouter = [
{ path: 'brtlat', component: Brtlat },
{ path: 'litopn', component: Litopn },
{ path: 'litcan', component:Litcan},
{ path: 'litdav', component:Litdav},
{ path: 'litdck', component:Litdck},
{ path: 'inflid', component:Inflid},
{ path: 'inftrd', component:Inftrd},
{ path: 'litcan', component: Litcan },
{ path: 'litdav', component: Litdav },
{ path: 'litdck', component: Litdck },
{ path: 'inflid', component: Inflid },
{ path: 'inftrd', component: Inftrd },
{ path: 'trtame', component: Trtame },
// { path: 'infdet', component: Infdet, name: 'Infdet', meta: { title: 'Infdet' } },
export default BusRouter
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<div class="eContainer">
<el-form :model="model" :rules="rules" ref="modelForm" label-width="150px" label-position="right" size="small" :validate-on-rule-change="false">
<c-tabs v-model="tabVal" ref="elment" type="card" @tab-click="tabClick">
<!--PD000035 -->
<el-tab-pane label="PD000035" name="sel">
<m-sel :model="model" :codes="codes"/>
import Api from "~/service/Api"
import CodeTable from "~/config/CodeTable"
import Letsel from "~/model/Letsel"
import CommonProcess from "~/mixin/CommonProcess"
import Check from "~/model/Letsel/Check"
import Default from "~/model/Letsel/Default"
import Pattern from "~/model/Letsel/Pattern"
import Sel from "./Sel"
export default {
name: "Letsel",
"m-sel" : Sel,
provide() {
return {
root: this
mixins: [CommonProcess], // 里面包含了Default、Check等的公共处理
return {
tabVal: "",
trnName: "letsel",
model: new Letsel().data,
checkRules: Check,
defaultRules: Default,
pattern: Pattern,
rules: null,
codes: {
created:async function(){
let rtnmsg = await this.init({})
if(rtnmsg.respCode == SUCCESS)
//TODO 处理数据逻辑
this.$notify.error({title: '错误',message: '服务请求失败!'});
<template id="SideMenu">
<div class="eContainer-menu-search">
<c-button icon="el-icon-s-fold" v-if="menuOpen" @click="closeMenu"></c-button>
<c-button icon="el-icon-s-unfold" v-else @click="openMenu"></c-button>
<!-- <c-input prefix-icon="el-icon-search" v-if="menuOpen" v-model="searchContent"
@keyup.enter.native="searchMenuEvent" placeholder="全局搜索"></c-input> -->
<c-search-input v-show="menuOpen"></c-search-input>
<c-content :height="250">
<img src="../../assets/menu_bottom.png" style="position: fixed; width: 200px; bottom: 0" />
<el-menu :default-active="activeMenu" class="el-menu-vertical-demo" v-bind:router="true" @open="handleOpen"
@close="handleClose" :collapse="!menuOpen">
style="position: fixed; width: 200px; bottom: 0"
<!-- <el-menu-item index="/business/office">
<i class="el-icon-menu"></i>
<span slot="title">主页</span>
......@@ -21,10 +34,10 @@
import Button from "../../components/Button.vue";
import SubMenu from "~/components/SubMenu.vue";
import Button from "../../components/Button.vue";
import SubMenu from "~/components/SubMenu.vue";
export default {
export default {
components: { Button, SubMenu },
data: function () {
return {
......@@ -46,6 +59,7 @@
{ inifrm: "infbdd", ininam: "买方信用证单据查询", pntmiu: "2" },
{ inifrm: "bdtudp", ininam: "国内证承兑", pntmiu: "2" },
{ inifrm: "3", ininam: "出口信用证", pntmiu: "" },
{ inifrm: "letsel", ininam: "出口信用证查询", pntmiu: "3" },
{ inifrm: "letopn", ininam: "出口信用证通知", pntmiu: "3" },
{ inifrm: "letame", ininam: "出口信用证修改", pntmiu: "3" },
{ inifrm: "letrsv", ininam: "出口信用证补通知", pntmiu: "3" },
......@@ -174,94 +188,94 @@
aside.className = aside.className + " fold";
<style scoped>
.eContainer-menu-search .el-button {
.eContainer-menu-search .el-button {
border: none;
font-size: 20px;
padding: 12px 20px;
.eContainer-menu-search .el-input {
.eContainer-menu-search .el-input {
width: auto;
position: absolute;
right: 20px;
top: 10px;
left: 60px;
.eContainer-scroller .el-scrollbar__wrap {
.eContainer-scroller .el-scrollbar__wrap {
overflow: auto;
margin-right: 0px !important;
.eContainer-menu-search {
.eContainer-menu-search {
width: 100%;
position: relative;
.eContainer-menu-search .el-input,
.eContainer-menu-search .search-wrapper {
.eContainer-menu-search .el-input,
.eContainer-menu-search .search-wrapper {
width: auto;
position: absolute;
right: 20px;
top: 10px;
left: 60px;
.eContainer-menu-search .el-input .el-input__inner {
.eContainer-menu-search .el-input .el-input__inner {
height: 30px;
.eContainer-menu-search .el-icon-search {
.eContainer-menu-search .el-icon-search {
line-height: 30px;
.eContainer-scroller {
.eContainer-scroller {
height: calc(100% - 44px);
.eContainer-scroller .el-scrollbar__bar {
.eContainer-scroller .el-scrollbar__bar {
display: none;
.el-icon-s-fold {
.el-icon-s-fold {
float: left;
font-size: 20px;
.el-icon-s-unfold {
.el-icon-s-unfold {
float: left;
font-size: 20px;
.el-menu {
.el-menu {
border-right: none;
.eContainer-refresh {
.eContainer-refresh {
width: auto;
overflow: auto;
height: calc(100% - 44px);
.el-button-refresh {
.el-button-refresh {
width: 100%;
height: 40px;
.el-menu-vertical-demo.el-menu--collapse {
.el-menu-vertical-demo.el-menu--collapse {
width: 60px;
.el-submenu .el-menu-item {
.el-submenu .el-menu-item {
font-size: 12px;
height: 35px;
line-height: 35px;
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