Commit 0757bf4e by nanrui


parent ac8472b8
...@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ const CodeTable = { ...@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ const CodeTable = {
{ label: "划转支行", value: "1" }, { label: "划转支行", value: "1" },
{ label: "其他汇款", value: "4" }, { label: "其他汇款", value: "4" },
{ label: "应解挂账", value: "2" }, { label: "应解挂账", value: "2" },
{ label: "Charge Settlement", value: "C" }, { label: "费用结算", value: "C" },
], ],
accountcata: [ accountcata: [
{ label: "现钞户", value: "11" }, { label: "现钞户", value: "11" },
...@@ -116,284 +116,284 @@ const CodeTable = { ...@@ -116,284 +116,284 @@ const CodeTable = {
{ label: "只还息", value: "0" }, { label: "只还息", value: "0" },
], ],
addamtflg: [ addamtflg: [
{ label: "No", value: "" }, { label: "", value: "" },
{ label: "Yes", value: "X" }, { label: "", value: "X" },
], ],
addselper: [ addselper: [
{ label: "Two", value: "2" }, { label: "2", value: "2" },
{ label: "Default", value: "X" }, { label: "默认", value: "X" },
{ label: "Three", value: "3" }, { label: "3", value: "3" },
{ label: "One", value: "1" }, { label: "1", value: "1" },
], ],
invtyp: [ invtyp: [
{ label: "type1", value: "1" } { label: "类型一", value: "1" }
], ],
trpdoctyp: [ trpdoctyp: [
{ label: "Ocean Bill of Lading", value: "Ocean Bill of Lading" }, { label: "海运提单", value: "Ocean Bill of Lading" },
{ label: "Other Transport Document", value: "Other Transport Document" }, { label: "其它运输单据", value: "Other Transport Document" },
], ],
tramod: [ tramod: [
{ label: "Multi-model transport", value: "Multi-model transport" }, { label: "多模式运输", value: "Multi-model transport" },
{ label: "Sea", value: "Sea" }, { label: "海运", value: "Sea" },
], ],
stacty: [ stacty: [
{ label: "AALAND ISLAND", value: "AX" }, { label: "荷兰", value: "AX" },
{ label: "Afghanistan", value: "AF" }, { label: "阿富汗", value: "AF" },
{ label: "Albania", value: "AL" }, { label: "阿尔巴尼亚", value: "AL" },
{ label: "Algeria", value: "DZ" }, { label: "阿尔及利亚", value: "DZ" },
{ label: "American Oceania", value: "UM" }, { label: "美国大洋洲", value: "UM" },
{ label: "American Samoa", value: "AS" }, { label: "美属萨摩亚", value: "AS" },
{ label: "Andorra", value: "AD" }, { label: "安道尔", value: "AD" },
{ label: "Angola", value: "AO" }, { label: "安哥拉", value: "AO" },
{ label: "Anguilla", value: "Al" }, { label: "安圭拉", value: "Al" },
{ label: "Antarctica", value: "AQ" }, { label: "南极洲", value: "AQ" },
{ label: "Antigua and Barbuda", value: "AG" }, { label: "安提瓜和巴布达", value: "AG" },
{ label: "Argentina", value: "AR" }, { label: "阿根廷", value: "AR" },
{ label: "Armenia", value: "AM" }, { label: "亚美尼亚", value: "AM" },
{ label: "Aruba", value: "AW" }, { label: "阿鲁巴", value: "AW" },
{ label: "Australia", value: "AU" }, { label: "澳大利亚", value: "AU" },
{ label: "Azerbaijan", value: "AZ" }, { label: "阿塞拜疆", value: "AZ" },
{ label: "Bahamas", value: "BS" }, { label: "巴哈马群岛", value: "BS" },
{ label: "Bahrain", value: "BH" }, { label: "巴林", value: "BH" },
{ label: "Bangladesh", value: "BD" }, { label: "孟加拉国", value: "BD" },
{ label: "Barbados", value: "BB" }, { label: "巴巴多斯", value: "BB" },
{ label: "Belarus", value: "BY" }, { label: "白俄罗斯", value: "BY" },
{ label: "Belgium", value: "BE" }, { label: "比利时", value: "BE" },
{ label: "Belize", value: "BZ" }, { label: "伯利兹", value: "BZ" },
{ label: "Beninermuda", value: "BJ" }, { label: "Beninermuda", value: "BJ" },
{ label: "Bermuda", value: "BM" }, { label: "百慕大群岛", value: "BM" },
{ label: "Bhutan", value: "BT" }, { label: "不丹", value: "BT" },
{ label: "Bolivia", value: "BO" }, { label: "玻利维亚", value: "BO" },
{ label: "Bosnia and Herzegovina", value: "BA" }, { label: "波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那", value: "BA" },
{ label: "Botswana", value: "BW" }, { label: "博茨瓦纳", value: "BW" },
{ label: "Bouvet lsland", value: "BV" }, { label: "布韦岛", value: "BV" },
{ label: "Brazil", value: "BR" }, { label: "巴西", value: "BR" },
{ label: "British Indian Ocean Territory", value: "IO" }, { label: "英属印度洋领地", value: "IO" },
{ label: "Brunei", value: "BN" }, { label: "文莱", value: "BN" },
{ label: "Bulgaria", value: "BG" }, { label: "保加利亚", value: "BG" },
{ label: "Burkina Faso", value: "BF" }, { label: "布基纳法索", value: "BF" },
{ label: "Burundi", value: "BI" }, { label: "布隆迪", value: "BI" },
{ label: "CARIBBEAN NETHERLANDS", value: "BQ" }, { label: "荷兰加勒比区", value: "BQ" },
{ label: "Cambodia", value: "KH" }, { label: "柬埔寨", value: "KH" },
{ label: "Cameroon", value: "CM" }, { label: "喀麦隆", value: "CM" },
{ label: "Canada", value: "CA" }, { label: "加拿大", value: "CA" },
{ label: "Cayman Islands", value: "KY" }, { label: "开曼群岛", value: "KY" },
{ label: "entral African Republic", value: "CF" }, { label: "中部非洲共和国", value: "CF" },
{ label: "Chad", value: "TD" }, { label: "乍得", value: "TD" },
{ label: "Chile", value: "CL" }, { label: "智利", value: "CL" },
{ label: "Cocos Island", value: "CC" }, { label: "科科斯群岛", value: "CC" },
{ label: "Colombia", value: "CO" }, { label: "哥伦比亚", value: "CO" },
{ label: "Commonwealth of Dominica", value: "DM" }, { label: "多米尼加联邦", value: "DM" },
{ label: "Comoros", value: "KM" }, { label: "科摩罗", value: "KM" },
{ label: "Cook Islands", value: "CK" }, { label: "库克群岛", value: "CK" },
{ label: "Costa Rica", value: "CR" }, { label: "哥斯达黎加", value: "CR" },
{ label: "Cote d'Ivoire", value: "CI" }, { label: "科特迪瓦", value: "CI" },
{ label: "Croatia", value: "HR" }, { label: "克罗地亚", value: "HR" },
{ label: "Cuba", value: "CU" }, { label: "古巴", value: "CU" },
{ label: "Curacao", value: "CW" }, { label: "库拉索", value: "CW" },
{ label: "Czech Republic", value: "CZ" }, { label: "捷克共和国", value: "CZ" },
{ label: "Czechoslovakia", value: "CS" }, { label: "捷克斯洛伐克", value: "CS" },
{ label: "Democratic Republic of Congo", value: "CD" }, { label: "刚果共和国", value: "CD" },
{ label: "Democratic Republic of Korea", value: "KP" }, { label: "朝鲜民主主义共和国", value: "KP" },
{ label: "Denmark", value: "DK" }, { label: "丹麦", value: "DK" },
{ label: "Djibouti", value: "DJ" }, { label: "吉布提", value: "DJ" },
{ label: "Dominican Republic", value: "DO" }, { label: "多米尼加共和国", value: "DO" },
{ label: "East Timor", value: "TL" }, { label: "东帝汶", value: "TL" },
{ label: "Ecuador", value: "EC" }, { label: "厄瓜多尔", value: "EC" },
{ label: "Egypt", value: "EG" }, { label: "埃及", value: "EG" },
{ label: "Eilandgebieden Sint Maarten", value: "SX" }, { label: "圣马丁岛地区", value: "SX" },
{ label: "El Salvador", value: "SV" }, { label: "萨尔瓦多", value: "SV" },
{ label: "Equatorial Guinea", value: "GQ" }, { label: "赤道几内亚", value: "GQ" },
{ label: "Eritrea ", value: "ER" }, { label: "厄立特里亚 ", value: "ER" },
{ label: "Estonia", value: "EE" }, { label: "爱沙尼亚", value: "EE" },
{ label: "Ethiopia", value: "ET" }, { label: "埃塞俄比亚", value: "ET" },
{ label: "European Community", value: "XE" }, { label: "欧洲共同体", value: "XE" },
{ label: "Falkland lslands", value: "FK" }, { label: "福克兰群岛", value: "FK" },
{ label: "Faroe lslands", value: "FO" }, { label: "法罗群岛", value: "FO" },
{ label: "Fiji", value: "FJ" }, { label: "斐济", value: "FJ" },
{ label: "Finland", value: "Fl" }, { label: "芬兰", value: "Fl" },
{ label: "France", value: "FR" }, { label: "法国", value: "FR" },
{ label: "French Polynesia", value: "PF" }, { label: "法属波利尼西亚", value: "PF" },
{ label: "French Southen and Antartic", value: "TF" }, { label: "法国南部和南极洲", value: "TF" },
{ label: "Gabon", value: "GA" }, { label: "加蓬", value: "GA" },
{ label: "Gambia", value: "GM" }, { label: "冈比亚", value: "GM" },
{ label: "Georgia", value: "GE" }, { label: "格鲁吉亚", value: "GE" },
{ label: "Germany", value: "DE" }, { label: "德国", value: "DE" },
{ label: "Ghana", value: "GH" }, { label: "加纳", value: "GH" },
{ label: "Gibraltar", value: "GI" }, { label: "直布罗陀", value: "GI" },
{ label: "Great Britain", value: "GB" }, { label: "英国", value: "GB" },
{ label: "Greece", value: "GR" }, { label: "希腊", value: "GR" },
{ label: "Greenland", value: "GL" }, { label: "格陵兰岛", value: "GL" },
{ label: "Grenada", value: "GD" }, { label: "格林纳达", value: "GD" },
{ label: "Guadeloupe", value: "GP" }, { label: "瓜德罗普岛", value: "GP" },
{ label: "Guam", value: "GU" }, { label: "关岛", value: "GU" },
{ label: "Guatemala", value: "GT" }, { label: "危地马拉", value: "GT" },
{ label: "Guernsey, CA", value: "GG" }, { label: "加利福尼亚州根西岛", value: "GG" },
{ label: "Guiana", value: "GF" }, { label: "圭亚那", value: "GF" },
{ label: "Guinea", value: "GN" }, { label: "几内亚", value: "GN" },
{ label: "Guinea-Bissau", value: "GW" }, { label: "几内亚比绍", value: "GW" },
{ label: "Guyana", value: "GY" }, { label: "圭亚那", value: "GY" },
{ label: "Haiti", value: "HT" }, { label: "海地", value: "HT" },
{ label: "GibralHeard islands Mc Donaldtar", value: "HM" }, { label: "赫德岛和麦克唐纳群岛", value: "HM" },
{ label: "Honduras", value: "HN" }, { label: "洪都拉斯", value: "HN" },
{ label: "Hong Kong", value: "HK" }, { label: "香港", value: "HK" },
{ label: "Hungary", value: "HU" }, { label: "匈牙利", value: "HU" },
{ label: "lceland", value: "IS" }, { label: "冰岛", value: "IS" },
{ label: "lndia", value: "IN" }, { label: "印度", value: "IN" },
{ label: "lndonesia", value: "ID" }, { label: "印度尼西亚", value: "ID" },
{ label: "lnternational Organization", value: "II" }, { label: "国际组织", value: "II" },
{ label: "lran", value: "IR" }, { label: "伊朗", value: "IR" },
{ label: "lraq", value: "IQ" }, { label: "伊拉克", value: "IQ" },
{ label: "lreland", value: "IE" }, { label: "爱尔兰", value: "IE" },
{ label: "lsrael", value: "IL" }, { label: "以色列", value: "IL" },
{ label: "ltaly", value: "IT" }, { label: "意大利", value: "IT" },
{ label: "Jamaica", value: "JM" }, { label: "牙买加", value: "JM" },
{ label: "Japan", value: "JP" }, { label: "日本", value: "JP" },
{ label: "Jersey, CA", value: "JE" }, { label: "加利福尼亚州泽西州", value: "JE" },
{ label: "Jordan", value: "JO" }, { label: "约旦", value: "JO" },
{ label: "Kazakhstan", value: "KZ" }, { label: "哈萨克斯坦", value: "KZ" },
{ label: "Kenya", value: "KE" }, { label: "肯尼亚", value: "KE" },
{ label: "Kiribati", value: "KI" }, { label: "基里巴斯", value: "KI" },
{ label: "Kuwait", value: "KW" }, { label: "科威特", value: "KW" },
{ label: "Kyrgyz Republic", value: "KG" }, { label: "吉尔吉斯共和国", value: "KG" },
{ label: "Laos", value: "LA" }, { label: "老挝", value: "LA" },
{ label: "Latvia", value: "LV" }, { label: "拉脱维亚", value: "LV" },
{ label: "Lebanon", value: "LB" }, { label: "黎巴嫩", value: "LB" },
{ label: "Lesotho", value: "LS" }, { label: "莱索托", value: "LS" },
{ label: "Liberia", value: "LR" }, { label: "利比里亚", value: "LR" },
{ label: "Libyan Arab Jamahiriya", value: "LY" }, { label: "阿拉伯利比亚民众国", value: "LY" },
{ label: "Lithuania", value: "LI" }, { label: "立陶宛", value: "LI" },
{ label: "Luxembourg", value: "LU" }, { label: "卢森堡", value: "LU" },
{ label: "MONTENEGRO", value: "ME" }, { label: "黑山共和国", value: "ME" },
{ label: "Macau", value: "MO" }, { label: "澳门", value: "MO" },
{ label: "Macedonia", value: "MK" }, { label: "马其顿", value: "MK" },
{ label: "Madagascar", value: "MG" }, { label: "马达加斯加", value: "MG" },
{ label: "Makawi", value: "MW" }, { label: "马卡提", value: "MW" },
{ label: "Malaysia", value: "MY" }, { label: "马来西亚", value: "MY" },
{ label: "Maldives", value: "MV" }, { label: "马尔代夫", value: "MV" },
{ label: "Mali", value: "ML" }, { label: "马里", value: "ML" },
{ label: "Malta", value: "MT" }, { label: "马耳他", value: "MT" },
{ label: "Man", value: "IM" }, { label: "Man", value: "IM" },
{ label: "Marshall Islands", value: "MH" }, { label: "马绍尔群岛", value: "MH" },
{ label: "Martinique", value: "MQ" }, { label: "马提尼克岛", value: "MQ" },
{ label: "Mauritania", value: "MR" }, { label: "毛里塔尼亚", value: "MR" },
{ label: "Mauritius", value: "MU" }, { label: "毛里求斯", value: "MU" },
{ label: "Mayotte", value: "YT" }, { label: "马约特岛", value: "YT" },
{ label: "Mexico", value: "MX" }, { label: "墨西哥", value: "MX" },
{ label: "Micronesia", value: "FM" }, { label: "密克罗尼西亚", value: "FM" },
{ label: "Moldava", value: "MD" }, { label: "摩尔多瓦", value: "MD" },
{ label: "Monaco", value: "MC" }, { label: "摩纳哥", value: "MC" },
{ label: "Mongolia", value: "MN" }, { label: "蒙古", value: "MN" },
{ label: "Montserrat", value: "MS" }, { label: "蒙特塞拉特", value: "MS" },
{ label: "Morocco", value: "MA" }, { label: "摩洛哥", value: "MA" },
{ label: "Mozambique", value: "MZ" }, { label: "莫桑比克", value: "MZ" },
{ label: "Myanmar", value: "MM" }, { label: "缅甸", value: "MM" },
{ label: "Namibia", value: "NA" }, { label: "纳米比亚", value: "NA" },
{ label: "Nauru", value: "NR" }, { label: "瑙鲁", value: "NR" },
{ label: "Nepal", value: "NP" }, { label: "尼泊尔", value: "NP" },
{ label: "Netherlands", value: "NL" }, { label: "荷兰", value: "NL" },
{ label: "Netherlands Antilles", value: "AN" }, { label: "荷属安的列斯群岛", value: "AN" },
{ label: "Neutral Zone", value: "NT" }, { label: "中立区", value: "NT" },
{ label: "New Caledonia", value: "NC" }, { label: "新喀里多尼亚", value: "NC" },
{ label: "New Zealand", value: "NZ" }, { label: "新西兰", value: "NZ" },
{ label: "Nicaragua", value: "NI" }, { label: "尼加拉瓜", value: "NI" },
{ label: "Niger", value: "NE" }, { label: "尼日尔", value: "NE" },
{ label: "Nigeria", value: "NG" }, { label: "尼日利亚", value: "NG" },
{ label: "Niue", value: "NU" }, { label: "纽埃", value: "NU" },
{ label: "Norfolk Island", value: "NF" }, { label: "诺福克岛", value: "NF" },
{ label: "North Mariana lslands", value: "MP" }, { label: "北马里亚纳群岛", value: "MP" },
{ label: "Norway", value: "NO" }, { label: "挪威", value: "NO" },
{ label: "Oman", value: "OM" }, { label: "阿曼", value: "OM" },
{ label: "Other Countries", value: "ZZ" }, { label: "其他国家/地区", value: "ZZ" },
{ label: "Pakistan", value: "PK" }, { label: "巴基斯坦", value: "PK" },
{ label: "Palau", value: "PW" }, { label: "帕劳", value: "PW" },
{ label: "Palestinian territories", value: "PS" }, { label: "巴勒斯坦自治区", value: "PS" },
{ label: "Panama", value: "PA" }, { label: "巴拿马", value: "PA" },
{ label: "Papua New Guinea", value: "PG" }, { label: "巴布亚新几内亚", value: "PG" },
{ label: "Paraguay", value: "PY" }, { label: "巴拉圭", value: "PY" },
{ label: "People's Republic of China", value: "CN" }, { label: "中华人民共和国", value: "CN" },
{ label: "Peru", value: "PE" }, { label: "秘鲁", value: "PE" },
{ label: "Philippines", value: "PH" }, { label: "菲律宾", value: "PH" },
{ label: "Pitcairn lsland", value: "PN" }, { label: "皮特凯恩群岛", value: "PN" },
{ label: "Poland", value: "PL" }, { label: "波兰", value: "PL" },
{ label: "Portugal", value: "PT" }, { label: "葡萄牙", value: "PT" },
{ label: "Puerto Rico", value: "PR" }, { label: "波多黎各", value: "PR" },
{ label: "Qatar", value: "QA" }, { label: "卡塔尔", value: "QA" },
{ label: "Republic of Cape verde", value: "CV" }, { label: "佛得角共和国", value: "CV" },
{ label: "Republic of Congo", value: "CG" }, { label: "刚果共和国", value: "CG" },
{ label: "Republic of Cyprus", value: "CY" }, { label: "塞浦路斯共和国", value: "CY" },
{ label: "Republic of Korea", value: "KR" }, { label: "大韩民国", value: "KR" },
{ label: "Reunion", value: "RE" }, { label: "留尼汪", value: "RE" },
{ label: "Romania", value: "RO" }, { label: "罗马尼亚", value: "RO" },
{ label: "Russia", value: "RU" }, { label: "俄罗斯", value: "RU" },
{ label: "Rwanda", value: "RW" }, { label: "卢旺达", value: "RW" },
{ label: "SAlNT BARTHELEMY", value: "BL" }, { label: "圣巴泰勒米岛", value: "BL" },
{ label: "SAINT MARTIN (FRANCE)", value: "MF" }, { label: "圣马丁(法国)", value: "MF" },
{ label: "SERBIA", value: "RS" }, { label: "塞尔维亚", value: "RS" },
{ label: "SOUTH SUDAN", value: "SS" }, { label: "南苏丹", value: "SS" },
{ label: "Saint Lucia", value: "LC" }, { label: "圣卢西亚", value: "LC" },
{ label: "San Marino", value: "SM" }, { label: "圣马力诺", value: "SM" },
{ label: "Sao Tome And Principe", value: "ST" }, { label: "圣多美和普林西比", value: "ST" },
{ label: "Saudi Arabia", value: "SA" }, { label: "沙特阿拉伯", value: "SA" },
{ label: "Senegal", value: "SN" }, { label: "塞内加尔", value: "SN" },
{ label: "Seychelles", value: "SC" }, { label: "塞舌尔", value: "SC" },
{ label: "Sierra Leone", value: "SL" }, { label: "塞拉利昂", value: "SL" },
{ label: "Singapore", value: "SG" }, { label: "新加坡", value: "SG" },
{ label: "Slovak Republic", value: "SK" }, { label: "斯洛伐克共和国", value: "SK" },
{ label: "Slovenia", value: "SI" }, { label: "斯洛文尼亚", value: "SI" },
{ label: "Solomon Island", value: "SB" }, { label: "所罗门岛", value: "SB" },
{ label: "Somalia", value: "SO" }, { label: "索马里", value: "SO" },
{ label: "South frica", value: "ZA" }, { label: "南非", value: "ZA" },
{ label: "South Georgia and South", value: "GS" }, { label: "南乔治亚州和南部", value: "GS" },
{ label: "Spain", value: "ES" }, { label: "西班牙", value: "ES" },
{ label: "Sri Lanka", value: "LK" }, { label: "斯里兰卡", value: "LK" },
{ label: "St. Helena", value: "SH" }, { label: "圣赫勒拿岛", value: "SH" },
{ label: "St.Kitts and Nevis", value: "KN" }, { label: "圣基茨和尼维斯联邦", value: "KN" },
{ label: "St.Pierre and Miquelon", value: "PM" }, { label: "圣皮埃尔和密克隆群岛", value: "PM" },
{ label: "St.vincent and The Grenadines", value: "VC" }, { label: "圣文森特和格林纳丁斯", value: "VC" },
{ label: "State Union of Serbia and Montenegro", value: "RR" }, { label: "塞尔维亚和黑山国家联盟", value: "RR" },
{ label: "Sudan", value: "SD" }, { label: "苏丹", value: "SD" },
{ label: "Surinam", value: "SR" }, { label: "苏里南", value: "SR" },
{ label: "Svalbard and Jan Mayen lslands", value: "SJ" }, { label: "斯瓦尔巴群岛和扬马延群岛", value: "SJ" },
{ label: "Swaziland", value: "SZ" }, { label: "斯威士兰", value: "SZ" },
{ label: "Sweden", value: "SE" }, { label: "瑞典", value: "SE" },
{ label: "Switzerland", value: "CH" }, { label: "瑞士", value: "CH" },
{ label: "Syria", value: "SY" }, { label: "叙利亚", value: "SY" },
{ label: "Taiwan", value: "TW" }, { label: "台湾", value: "TW" },
{ label: "Taiwan.Province of China", value: "TP" }, { label: "中国台湾省", value: "TP" },
{ label: "Tajikistan", value: "TJ" }, { label: "塔吉克斯坦", value: "TJ" },
{ label: "Tanzania", value: "TZ" }, { label: "坦桑尼亚", value: "TZ" },
{ label: "Territory of Christmas Island", value: "CX" }, { label: "圣诞岛领土", value: "CX" },
{ label: "Thailand", value: "TH" }, { label: "泰国", value: "TH" },
{ label: "Togo", value: "TG" }, { label: "多哥", value: "TG" },
{ label: "Tokelau lslands", value: "TK" }, { label: "托克劳群岛", value: "TK" },
{ label: "Tonga lslands", value: "TO" }, { label: "汤加群岛", value: "TO" },
{ label: "Trinidad and Tobago", value: "TT" }, { label: "特立尼达和多巴哥", value: "TT" },
{ label: "Tunisia", value: "TN" }, { label: "突尼斯", value: "TN" },
{ label: "Turkmenistan", value: "TM" }, { label: "土库曼斯坦", value: "TM" },
{ label: "Turks and Caicos Islands", value: "TC" }, { label: "突尼斯", value: "TC" },
{ label: "Tuvalu", value: "TV" }, { label: "图瓦卢", value: "TV" },
{ label: "Uganda", value: "UG" }, { label: "乌干达", value: "UG" },
{ label: "Ukraine", value: "UA" }, { label: "乌克兰", value: "UA" },
{ label: "UnitedArab Emirates", value: "AE" }, { label: "阿拉伯联合酋长国", value: "AE" },
{ label: "United States of America", value: "US" }, { label: "美利坚合众国", value: "US" },
{ label: "Uruguay", value: "UY" }, { label: "乌拉圭", value: "UY" },
{ label: "Uzbekistan", value: "UZ" }, { label: "乌兹别克斯坦", value: "UZ" },
{ label: "Vanuatu", value: "VU" }, { label: "瓦努阿图", value: "VU" },
{ label: "Vatican City State", value: "VA" }, { label: "梵蒂冈城邦", value: "VA" },
{ label: "Venezuela", value: "VE" }, { label: "委内瑞拉", value: "VE" },
{ label: "Vietnam", value: "VN" }, { label: "越南", value: "VN" },
{ label: "Virgin lslands[British]", value: "VG" }, { label: "维尔京群岛[英国]", value: "VG" },
{ label: "Virgin lslands[U.S]", value: "VI" }, { label: "维尔京群岛[美国]", value: "VI" },
{ label: "Wallis and Futuna lslands", value: "WF" }, { label: "瓦利斯群岛和富图纳群岛", value: "WF" },
{ label: "Western Sahara", value: "EH" }, { label: "西撒哈拉", value: "EH" },
{ label: "Western Samoa", value: "WS" }, { label: "西萨摩亚", value: "WS" },
{ label: "Yemen", value: "YE" }, { label: "也门", value: "YE" },
{ label: "Yugoslavia", value: "YU" }, { label: "南斯拉夫", value: "YU" },
{ label: "Zaire", value: "ZR" }, { label: "扎伊尔", value: "ZR" },
{ label: "Zambia", value: "ZM" }, { label: "赞比亚", value: "ZM" },
{ label: "Zimbabwe", value: "ZW" }, { label: "津巴布韦", value: "ZW" },
], ],
...@@ -405,29 +405,29 @@ const CodeTable = { ...@@ -405,29 +405,29 @@ const CodeTable = {
], ],
matperbeg: [ matperbeg: [
{ label: "After date of bill of exchange", value: "BE" }, { label: "汇票日期之后", value: "BE" },
{ label: "After customer clearance of goods", value: "CC" }, { label: "客户清关货物后", value: "CC" },
{ label: "After goods pass Food and Drugs Adm", value: "FD" }, { label: "货物通过食品和药品管理局", value: "FD" },
{ label: "After first of presentation", value: "FP" }, { label: "首次演示后", value: "FP" },
{ label: "After arrival of goods", value: "GA" }, { label: "货物到达后", value: "GA" },
{ label: "After invoice date", value: "ID" }, { label: "发票日期之后", value: "ID" },
{ label: "After sight", value: "ST" }, { label: "见票后付款", value: "ST" },
{ label: "After date of transport documents", value: "TD" }, { label: "运输单据日期之后", value: "TD" },
{ label: "See field 72 for specification", value: "XX" }, { label: "规范见字段72", value: "XX" },
], ],
adrsta: [ adrsta: [
{ label: "Temporary", value: "T" }, { label: "暂存的", value: "T" },
{ label: "Downloaded", value: "" }, { label: "已下载", value: "" },
], ],
advtyp0: [ advtyp0: [
{ label: "Advice of Discrepancy (MT750)", value: "750" }, { label: "不符点通知(MT750)", value: "750" },
{ label: "Advice of Payment (MT754)", value: "754" }, { label: "付款通知(MT754)", value: "754" },
{ label: "Other", value: "oth" }, { label: "其它", value: "oth" },
], ],
alletyflg: [ alletyflg: [
{ label: "No", value: "" }, { label: "", value: "" },
{ label: "Yes", value: "Y" }, { label: "", value: "Y" },
], ],
allow: [ allow: [
{ label: "允许", value: "ALWD" }, { label: "允许", value: "ALWD" },
...@@ -448,17 +448,17 @@ const CodeTable = { ...@@ -448,17 +448,17 @@ const CodeTable = {
{ label: "融资信息修改", value: "A" }, { label: "融资信息修改", value: "A" },
], ],
amounttype: [ amounttype: [
{ label: "GuaranteeObjectAmount", value: "O" }, { label: "担保对象", value: "O" },
{ label: "IncreaseAmount", value: "I" }, { label: "增加数量", value: "I" },
{ label: "GuaranteeAmountChange", value: "C" }, { label: "担保金额变更", value: "C" },
{ label: "GuaranteeAmount", value: "G" }, { label: "担保金额", value: "G" },
{ label: "DocumentaryCreditAmount", value: "A" }, { label: "跟单信用证金额", value: "A" },
{ label: "DecreaseAmount", value: "D" }, { label: "减少金额", value: "D" },
], ],
amtflg: [ amtflg: [
{ label: "Percent", value: "P" }, { label: "百分比", value: "P" },
{ label: "not decided", value: "" }, { label: "尚未决定", value: "" },
{ label: "Amount", value: "A" }, { label: "数量", value: "A" },
], ],
amtype: [ amtype: [
{ label: "对公", value: "11" }, { label: "对公", value: "11" },
...@@ -475,40 +475,40 @@ const CodeTable = { ...@@ -475,40 +475,40 @@ const CodeTable = {
{ label: "Guarantee", value: "GUA" }, { label: "Guarantee", value: "GUA" },
], ],
apprul: [ apprul: [
{ label: "ANY OTHER RULE", value: "OTHR" }, { label: "任何其他规则", value: "OTHR" },
{ label: "UCP LATEST VERSION", value: "UCP LATEST VERSION" }, { label: "UCP最新版本", value: "UCP LATEST VERSION" },
{ label: "EUCP LATEST VERSION", value: "EUCP LATEST VERSION" }, { label: "EUCP最新版本", value: "EUCP LATEST VERSION" },
{ label: "ISP LATEST VERSION", value: "ISP LATEST VERSION" }, { label: "ISP最新版本", value: "ISP LATEST VERSION" },
], ],
apprul1: [ apprul1: [
{ label: "ANY OTHER RULE", value: "OTHR" }, { label: "任何其他规则", value: "OTHR" },
{ label: "EUCP LATEST VERSION", value: "EUCP LATEST VERSION" }, { label: "EUCP最新版本", value: "EUCP LATEST VERSION" },
{ label: "ISP LATEST VERSION", value: "ISP LATEST VERSION" }, { label: "ISP最新版本", value: "ISP LATEST VERSION" },
{ label: "UCP + URR LATEST VERSION", value: "UCPURR LATEST VERSION" }, { label: "UCP+URR最新版本", value: "UCPURR LATEST VERSION" },
{ label: "UCP LATEST VERSION", value: "UCP LATEST VERSION" }, { label: "UCP最新版本", value: "UCP LATEST VERSION" },
], ],
apprulrmb: [ apprulrmb: [
{ label: "NOT SUBJECT TO URR", value: "NOTURR" }, { label: "不受URR限制", value: "NOTURR" },
{ label: "URR LATEST VERSION", value: "URR LATEST VERSION" }, { label: "URR最新版本", value: "URR LATEST VERSION" },
], ],
apptrcflg: [ apptrcflg: [
{ label: "Errors", value: "2" }, { label: "错误", value: "2" },
{ label: "Result per entry", value: "5" }, { label: "每个条目结果", value: "5" },
{ label: "No logging", value: "0" }, { label: "无日志记录", value: "0" },
{ label: "ReRead", value: "3" }, { label: "重新读取", value: "3" },
{ label: "Minimum logging", value: "1" }, { label: "最小日志记录", value: "1" },
{ label: "Start per entry", value: "6" }, { label: "每个条目开始", value: "6" },
], ],
arcflg: [ arcflg: [
{ label: "Not archived", value: "N" }, { label: "未存档", value: "N" },
{ label: "Archived", value: "A" }, { label: "已存档", value: "A" },
], ],
attcusflg: [ attcusflg: [
{ label: "No", value: "" }, { label: "", value: "" },
{ label: "Yes", value: "Y" }, { label: "", value: "Y" },
], ],
attrcode: [ attrcode: [
{ label: "股份合作 130", value: "130" }, { label: "股份合作 130", value: "130" },
...@@ -559,16 +559,16 @@ const CodeTable = { ...@@ -559,16 +559,16 @@ const CodeTable = {
{ label: "是", value: "Y" }, { label: "是", value: "Y" },
], ],
authflg: [ authflg: [
{ label: "Authenticated", value: "A" }, { label: "已验证身份", value: "A" },
{ label: "Connected", value: "C" }, { label: "有联系的", value: "C" },
{ label: "Not connected", value: "N" }, { label: "未连接的", value: "N" },
], ],
avbby: [ avbby: [
{ label: "BY NEGOTIATION", value: "N" }, { label: "议付", value: "N" },
{ label: "BY PAYMENT", value: "P" }, { label: "即期付款", value: "P" },
{ label: "BY DEF PAYMENT", value: "D" }, { label: "延期付款", value: "D" },
{ label: "BY MIXED PYMT", value: "M" }, { label: "混合付款", value: "M" },
{ label: "BY ACCEPTANCE", value: "A" }, { label: "承兑", value: "A" },
], ],
avbby0: [ avbby0: [
{ label: "远期承兑", value: "A" }, { label: "远期承兑", value: "A" },
...@@ -582,13 +582,13 @@ const CodeTable = { ...@@ -582,13 +582,13 @@ const CodeTable = {
{ label: "即期付款", value: "P" }, { label: "即期付款", value: "P" },
], ],
avbwth: [ avbwth: [
{ label: "Issuing Bank", value: "I" }, { label: "开证行", value: "I" },
{ label: "Specified Bank", value: "S" }, { label: "指定银行", value: "S" },
{ label: "Confirming Bank", value: "C" }, { label: "保兌行", value: "C" },
{ label: "Any Bank", value: "O" }, { label: "任何银行", value: "O" },
{ label: "Reimbursing Bank", value: "R" }, { label: "偿付行", value: "R" },
{ label: "Advising Bank", value: "A" }, { label: "通知行", value: "A" },
{ label: "Transferring Bank", value: "T" }, { label: "转让行", value: "T" },
], ],
backtype: [ backtype: [
{ label: "业务撤销", value: "0" }, { label: "业务撤销", value: "0" },
...@@ -609,23 +609,23 @@ const CodeTable = { ...@@ -609,23 +609,23 @@ const CodeTable = {
{ label: "人民币报关-人民币结算", value: "1" }, { label: "人民币报关-人民币结算", value: "1" },
], ],
balcla: [ balcla: [
{ label: "Normal", value: "Z" }, { label: "正常的", value: "Z" },
{ label: "Urgent", value: "U" }, { label: "紧急的", value: "U" },
], ],
balflg: [ balflg: [
{ label: "Free for Load Balancing", value: "F" }, { label: "免费进行负载平衡", value: "F" },
{ label: "Manually", value: "M" }, { label: "手动", value: "M" },
{ label: "Assigned by QUETSK", value: "A" }, { label: "由QUETSK分配", value: "A" },
{ label: "Urgent", value: "U" }, { label: "紧急的", value: "U" },
{ label: "Assigned on Creation", value: "C" }, { label: "创建时分配", value: "C" },
], ],
balsrtflg: [ balsrtflg: [
{ label: "Amount, Date", value: "A" }, { label: "金额, 日期", value: "A" },
{ label: "Date, Amount", value: "D" }, { label: "日期, 金额", value: "D" },
], ],
baowflg: [ baowflg: [
{ label: "人行支付系统", value: "X" }, { label: "人行支付系统", value: "X" },
{ label: "Other", value: "O" }, { label: "其它", value: "O" },
], ],
basrattyp: [ basrattyp: [
{ label: "人行基准利率", value: "010" }, { label: "人行基准利率", value: "010" },
...@@ -657,27 +657,27 @@ const CodeTable = { ...@@ -657,27 +657,27 @@ const CodeTable = {
], ],
bccls2: [ bccls2: [
{ label: "不适用", value: "N" }, { label: "不适用", value: "N" },
{ label: "", value: "Y" }, { label: "适用", value: "Y" },
], ],
bccls3: [ bccls3: [
{ label: "不适用", value: "N" }, { label: "不适用", value: "N" },
{ label: "", value: "Y" }, { label: "适用", value: "Y" },
], ],
bccls4: [ bccls4: [
{ label: "不适用", value: "N" }, { label: "不适用", value: "N" },
{ label: ",且符合我行转口贸易结算业务指引", value: "Y" }, { label: "适用,且符合我行转口贸易结算业务指引", value: "Y" },
], ],
bccls5: [ bccls5: [
{ label: "不适用", value: "N" }, { label: "不适用", value: "N" },
{ label: "", value: "Y" }, { label: "适用", value: "Y" },
], ],
bccls6: [ bccls6: [
{ label: "不适用", value: "N" }, { label: "不适用", value: "N" },
{ label: "", value: "Y" }, { label: "适用", value: "Y" },
], ],
bccls7: [ bccls7: [
{ label: "不适用", value: "N" }, { label: "不适用", value: "N" },
{ label: "", value: "Y" }, { label: "适用", value: "Y" },
], ],
bccls8:[ bccls8:[
{ label: "公司要求全新文本,原保函正本已退回", value: "A" }, { label: "公司要求全新文本,原保函正本已退回", value: "A" },
...@@ -721,8 +721,8 @@ const CodeTable = { ...@@ -721,8 +721,8 @@ const CodeTable = {
{ label: "Interrupt", value: "I" }, { label: "Interrupt", value: "I" },
], ],
bcothi: [ bcothi: [
{ label: "Defer payment till vessel arrival", value: "DF1" }, { label: "延迟付款至船舶到达", value: "DF1" },
{ label: "Defer payment till goods arrival", value: "DF2" }, { label: "延迟付款至货物到达", value: "DF2" },
], ],
bcy: [ bcy: [
{ label: "否", value: "0" }, { label: "否", value: "0" },
...@@ -1516,12 +1516,12 @@ const CodeTable = { ...@@ -1516,12 +1516,12 @@ const CodeTable = {
{ label: "对外付款/承兑通知书", value: "C" }, { label: "对外付款/承兑通知书", value: "C" },
], ],
bopyesno: [ bopyesno: [
{ label: "NO", value: "N" }, { label: "", value: "N" },
{ label: "YES", value: "Y" }, { label: "", value: "Y" },
], ],
bppnttyp: [ bppnttyp: [
{ label: "Transfer Document Set", value: "MTD" }, { label: "转移文档集", value: "MTD" },
{ label: "Document Set", value: "BFD" }, { label: "文档集", value: "BFD" },
], ],
brtselflg: [ brtselflg: [
{ label: "单据修改", value: "4" }, { label: "单据修改", value: "4" },
...@@ -1584,16 +1584,16 @@ const CodeTable = { ...@@ -1584,16 +1584,16 @@ const CodeTable = {
], ],
bustxt: [ bustxt: [
{ label: "Clearing", value: "PM" }, { label: "Clearing", value: "PM" },
{ label: "Financial Institution Transfers", value: "FT" }, { label: "金融机构转账", value: "FT" },
{ label: "Clean Payment", value: "CP" }, { label: "清偿付款", value: "CP" },
{ label: "Import L/C", value: "LI" }, { label: "Import L/C", value: "LI" },
{ label: "国内买方信用证单据", value: "BD" }, { label: "国内买方信用证单据", value: "BD" },
{ label: "国内卖方信用证单据", value: "BM" }, { label: "国内卖方信用证单据", value: "BM" },
{ label: "Export L/C", value: "LE" }, { label: "Export L/C", value: "LE" },
{ label: "Export L/C Document Set", value: "BE" }, { label: "Export L/C Document Set", value: "BE" },
{ label: "Manual Contract", value: "MC" }, { label: "手动合同", value: "MC" },
{ label: "转账", value: "ZZ" }, { label: "转账", value: "ZZ" },
{ label: "Export Collection", value: "BO" }, { label: "出口托收", value: "BO" },
{ label: "远期结售汇", value: "FU" }, { label: "远期结售汇", value: "FU" },
{ label: "进出口代付", value: "DF" }, { label: "进出口代付", value: "DF" },
{ label: "出口类融资", value: "BP" }, { label: "出口类融资", value: "BP" },
...@@ -1601,7 +1601,7 @@ const CodeTable = { ...@@ -1601,7 +1601,7 @@ const CodeTable = {
{ label: "进口类融资和打包放款", value: "TR" }, { label: "进口类融资和打包放款", value: "TR" },
{ label: "买方国内证", value: "DI" }, { label: "买方国内证", value: "DI" },
{ label: "提货担保", value: "SG" }, { label: "提货担保", value: "SG" },
{ label: "Import Collection", value: "BC" }, { label: "进口托收", value: "BC" },
{ label: "福费廷", value: "FP" }, { label: "福费廷", value: "FP" },
{ label: "光票托收", value: "CC" }, { label: "光票托收", value: "CC" },
{ label: "即期结售/套汇", value: "FE" }, { label: "即期结售/套汇", value: "FE" },
...@@ -1638,14 +1638,14 @@ const CodeTable = { ...@@ -1638,14 +1638,14 @@ const CodeTable = {
{ label: "是", value: "1" }, { label: "是", value: "1" },
], ],
calcbs: [ calcbs: [
{ label: "Net amount", value: "NETAMT" }, { label: "净额", value: "NETAMT" },
{ label: "Increase Maximum", value: "AMEMAX" }, { label: "增加最大值", value: "AMEMAX" },
{ label: "Maximum amount", value: "MAXAMT" }, { label: "最大金额", value: "MAXAMT" },
{ label: "Liability amount", value: "LIAAMT" }, { label: "负债金额", value: "LIAAMT" },
{ label: "Document amount", value: "DOCAMT" }, { label: "单据金额", value: "DOCAMT" },
{ label: "Open amount", value: "OPNAMT" }, { label: "未结金额", value: "OPNAMT" },
{ label: "Contract amount", value: "CONAMT" }, { label: "合同金额", value: "CONAMT" },
{ label: "Increase amount", value: "AMEAMT" }, { label: "增加金额", value: "AMEAMT" },
], ],
calflg: [ calflg: [
{ label: "maximum", value: "U" }, { label: "maximum", value: "U" },
...@@ -1679,16 +1679,16 @@ const CodeTable = { ...@@ -1679,16 +1679,16 @@ const CodeTable = {
{ label: "国际结算", value: "2" }, { label: "国际结算", value: "2" },
], ],
canchk: [ canchk: [
{ label: "No", value: "" }, { label: "", value: "" },
{ label: "Yes", value: "Y" }, { label: "", value: "Y" },
], ],
cancod: [ cancod: [
{ label: "闭卷", value: "NORM" }, { label: "闭卷", value: "NORM" },
{ label: "注销", value: "CONF" }, { label: "注销", value: "CONF" },
], ],
canlock: [ canlock: [
{ label: "No", value: "" }, { label: "", value: "" },
{ label: "Yes", value: "Y" }, { label: "", value: "Y" },
], ],
cansta: [ cansta: [
{ label: "撤销(闭卷)", value: "C" }, { label: "撤销(闭卷)", value: "C" },
...@@ -1698,8 +1698,8 @@ const CodeTable = { ...@@ -1698,8 +1698,8 @@ const CodeTable = {
{ label: "预撤销失败", value: "N" }, { label: "预撤销失败", value: "N" },
], ],
canunz: [ canunz: [
{ label: "No", value: "" }, { label: "", value: "" },
{ label: "Yes", value: "Y" }, { label: "", value: "Y" },
], ],
caozbz: [ caozbz: [
{ label: "", value: "1" }, { label: "", value: "1" },
...@@ -1722,9 +1722,9 @@ const CodeTable = { ...@@ -1722,9 +1722,9 @@ const CodeTable = {
{ label: "Local", value: "L" }, { label: "Local", value: "L" },
], ],
ccstyp: [ ccstyp: [
{ label: "per Transaction", value: "TRN" }, { label: "每笔交易", value: "TRN" },
{ label: "None", value: "" }, { label: "None", value: "" },
{ label: "per Message", value: "SMH" }, { label: "每条消息", value: "SMH" },
], ],
ccvtyp: [ ccvtyp: [
{ label: "6月定期", value: "6M" }, { label: "6月定期", value: "6M" },
...@@ -1791,8 +1791,8 @@ const CodeTable = { ...@@ -1791,8 +1791,8 @@ const CodeTable = {
], ],
chato: [ chato: [
{ label: `Shared`, value: `SHA` }, { label: `Shared`, value: `SHA` },
{ label: `Beneficiary Customer`, value: `BEN` }, { label: `受益人`, value: `BEN` },
{ label: `Ordering Customer`, value: `OUR` }, { label: `汇款人`, value: `OUR` },
], ],
waicolcod: [ waicolcod: [
...@@ -1804,25 +1804,25 @@ const CodeTable = { ...@@ -1804,25 +1804,25 @@ const CodeTable = {
{ label: "Waive if refused", value: "W" } { label: "Waive if refused", value: "W" }
], ],
othins: [ othins: [
{ label: "Defer payment till goods arrival", value: "DF2" }, { label: "延迟付款至货物到达", value: "DF2" },
{ label: "Defer payment till vessel arrival", value: "DF1" }, { label: "延迟付款至船舶到达", value: "DF1" },
], ],
chgcurflg: [ chgcurflg: [
{ label: "no", value: "" }, { label: "no", value: "" },
{ label: "yes", value: "X" }, { label: "yes", value: "X" },
], ],
chgetyprt: [ chgetyprt: [
{ label: "No", value: "" }, { label: "", value: "" },
{ label: "Yes", value: "Y" }, { label: "", value: "Y" },
], ],
chkall: [ chkall: [
{ label: "No", value: "" }, { label: "", value: "" },
{ label: "Yes", value: "Y" }, { label: "", value: "Y" },
], ],
chkdoc: [ chkdoc: [
{ label: "Exclude Documents", value: "E" }, { label: "排除文档", value: "E" },
{ label: "Generate separate PDF", value: "S" }, { label: "生成单独的PDF", value: "S" },
{ label: "Include Documents", value: "I" }, { label: "包括文档", value: "I" },
], ],
chkprtd: [ chkprtd: [
{ label: "否", value: "N" }, { label: "否", value: "N" },
...@@ -1830,8 +1830,8 @@ const CodeTable = { ...@@ -1830,8 +1830,8 @@ const CodeTable = {
], ],
chktyp: [ chktyp: [
{ label: "Check", value: "C" }, { label: "Check", value: "C" },
{ label: "Promissory Note", value: "P" }, { label: "承兑票据", value: "P" },
{ label: "Draft", value: "D" }, { label: "汇票", value: "D" },
{ label: "Travel Check", value: "T" }, { label: "Travel Check", value: "T" },
], ],
chrset: [ chrset: [
...@@ -1843,8 +1843,8 @@ const CodeTable = { ...@@ -1843,8 +1843,8 @@ const CodeTable = {
{ label: "是", value: "Y" }, { label: "是", value: "Y" },
], ],
ckbadradd: [ ckbadradd: [
{ label: "No", value: "N" }, { label: "", value: "N" },
{ label: "Yes", value: "Y" }, { label: "", value: "Y" },
], ],
cla: [ cla: [
{ label: "Incoming", value: "INC" }, { label: "Incoming", value: "INC" },
...@@ -1857,17 +1857,17 @@ const CodeTable = { ...@@ -1857,17 +1857,17 @@ const CodeTable = {
{ label: "Pending", value: "PEN" }, { label: "Pending", value: "PEN" },
], ],
clatyp: [ clatyp: [
{ label: "ALL", value: "ALL" }, { label: "全部", value: "ALL" },
{ label: "登记", value: "RIM" }, { label: "登记", value: "RIM" },
{ label: "Correct", value: "COR" }, { label: "修正", value: "COR" },
{ label: "Release", value: "REL" }, { label: "释放", value: "REL" },
{ label: "Pending", value: "PEN" }, { label: "待定", value: "PEN" },
], ],
clcdifflg: [ clcdifflg: [
{ label: "Recalculation / Refund", value: "R" }, { label: "重新计算/退款", value: "R" },
{ label: "Difference / No Refund", value: "O" }, { label: "差额/无退款", value: "O" },
{ label: "Recalculation / No Refund", value: "A" }, { label: "重新计算/无退款", value: "A" },
{ label: "Difference / Refund", value: "W" }, { label: "差额/退款", value: "W" },
], ],
clityp: [ clityp: [
{ label: "外贸企业", value: "3" }, { label: "外贸企业", value: "3" },
...@@ -1880,26 +1880,26 @@ const CodeTable = { ...@@ -1880,26 +1880,26 @@ const CodeTable = {
{ label: "商业企业", value: "5" }, { label: "商业企业", value: "5" },
], ],
clmctl: [ clmctl: [
{ label: "Query to Claim / Order", value: "Q" }, { label: "查询索赔/订单", value: "Q" },
{ label: "Direct Rejection", value: "D" }, { label: "直接拒绝", value: "D" },
{ label: "Advice of Claim/Payment", value: "R" }, { label: "索赔/付款通知", value: "R" },
{ label: "Direct Payment", value: "P" }, { label: "直接付款", value: "P" },
], ],
clmtyp: [ clmtyp: [
{ label: "Non-public surety", value: "S" }, { label: "非公共担保人", value: "S" },
{ label: "Order to pay", value: "O" }, { label: "指示付款票证", value: "O" },
{ label: "First demand", value: "F" }, { label: "第一需求", value: "F" },
{ label: "Public surety", value: "P" }, { label: "公共担保人", value: "P" },
{ label: "Pay or extend", value: "E" }, { label: "支付或延期", value: "E" },
], ],
clrtyp: [ clrtyp: [
{ label: "线下清算登记", value: "OFLN" }, { label: "线下清算登记", value: "OFLN" },
{ label: "线上清算申请", value: "ONLN" }, { label: "线上清算申请", value: "ONLN" },
], ],
clsflg: [ clsflg: [
{ label: "all", value: "A" }, { label: "全部", value: "A" },
{ label: "only open", value: "" }, { label: "只打开", value: "" },
{ label: "only closed", value: "C" }, { label: "只关闭", value: "C" },
], ],
clsopr: [ clsopr: [
{ label: "Before", value: "<" }, { label: "Before", value: "<" },
...@@ -1916,14 +1916,14 @@ const CodeTable = { ...@@ -1916,14 +1916,14 @@ const CodeTable = {
{ label: "AJAX", value: "A" }, { label: "AJAX", value: "A" },
], ],
cltprtflg: [ cltprtflg: [
{ label: "Client Print System", value: "W" }, { label: "客户端打印系统", value: "W" },
{ label: "Generate Files ( PS/PDF )", value: "S" }, { label: "生成文件 ( PS/PDF )", value: "S" },
{ label: "Windows Server Printing", value: "X" }, { label: "Windows Server打印", value: "X" },
], ],
cmtflg: [ cmtflg: [
{ label: "代理行模式", value: "C" }, { label: "代理行模式", value: "C" },
{ label: "Other", value: "O" }, { label: "其它", value: "O" },
{ label: "CIPS系统", value: "P" }, { label: "CIPS系统", value: "P" },
], ],
...@@ -1932,21 +1932,21 @@ const CodeTable = { ...@@ -1932,21 +1932,21 @@ const CodeTable = {
{ label: "计复息", value: "1" }, { label: "计复息", value: "1" },
], ],
cmpopr: [ cmpopr: [
{ label: "Like", value: "like" }, { label: "", value: "like" },
{ label: "Equal", value: "=" }, { label: "等于", value: "=" },
{ label: "Smaller or Equal", value: "<=" }, { label: "小于或等于", value: "<=" },
{ label: "Greater", value: ">" }, { label: "大于", value: ">" },
{ label: "Smaller", value: "<" }, { label: "小于", value: "<" },
{ label: "Not Equal", value: "<>" }, { label: "不等", value: "<>" },
{ label: "Greater or Equal", value: ">=" }, { label: "大于或等于", value: ">=" },
], ],
cnd: [ cnd: [
{ label: "Lower", value: "<" }, { label: "低于", value: "<" },
{ label: "Not is Empty", value: "9" }, { label: "不为空", value: "9" },
{ label: "Equal", value: "=" }, { label: "等于", value: "=" },
{ label: "Is Empty", value: "0" }, { label: "", value: "0" },
{ label: "Greater", value: ">" }, { label: "大于", value: ">" },
{ label: "not Equal", value: "<>" }, { label: "不等", value: "<>" },
], ],
cndfld1typ: [ cndfld1typ: [
{ label: "Field", value: "FLD" }, { label: "Field", value: "FLD" },
...@@ -1954,12 +1954,12 @@ const CodeTable = { ...@@ -1954,12 +1954,12 @@ const CodeTable = {
], ],
cndfld2typ: [ cndfld2typ: [
{ label: "Field", value: "FLD" }, { label: "Field", value: "FLD" },
{ label: "Constant Value", value: "CONST" }, { label: "常量", value: "CONST" },
], ],
cnfflg: [ cnfflg: [
{ label: "Percentage confirmed", value: "P" }, { label: "已确认百分比", value: "P" },
{ label: "Not confirmed", value: "" }, { label: "未确认", value: "" },
{ label: "Amount confirmed", value: "A" }, { label: "已确认金额", value: "A" },
], ],
cnfins: [ cnfins: [
{ label: "WITHOUT", value: "W" }, { label: "WITHOUT", value: "W" },
...@@ -1967,12 +1967,12 @@ const CodeTable = { ...@@ -1967,12 +1967,12 @@ const CodeTable = {
{ label: "MAY ADD", value: "A" }, { label: "MAY ADD", value: "A" },
], ],
cnfsta: [ cnfsta: [
{ label: "No", value: "" }, { label: "", value: "" },
{ label: "Yes", value: "Y" }, { label: "", value: "Y" },
], ],
cnvalltbl: [ cnvalltbl: [
{ label: "No", value: "" }, { label: "", value: "" },
{ label: "Yes", value: "Y" }, { label: "", value: "Y" },
], ],
cnvflg: [ cnvflg: [
{ label: "no", value: "" }, { label: "no", value: "" },
...@@ -2018,13 +2018,13 @@ const CodeTable = { ...@@ -2018,13 +2018,13 @@ const CodeTable = {
], ],
comsel: [ comsel: [
{ label: "File List", value: "f" }, { label: "File List", value: "f" },
{ label: "Single Transaction", value: "s" }, { label: "单笔交易", value: "s" },
{ label: "All TRNs in Workenenv.", value: "w" }, { label: "All TRNs in Workenenv.", value: "w" },
{ label: "All Transactions", value: "a" }, { label: "所有交易", value: "a" },
], ],
comswt: [ comswt: [
{ label: "Compile to TTO", value: "t" }, { label: "Compile to TTO", value: "t" },
{ label: "Generate Display Image", value: "p" }, { label: "生成显示图像", value: "p" },
{ label: "Compile to TMO", value: "s" }, { label: "Compile to TMO", value: "s" },
{ label: "Import Literals", value: "xi" }, { label: "Import Literals", value: "xi" },
{ label: "Update Source Format", value: "r" }, { label: "Update Source Format", value: "r" },
...@@ -2038,18 +2038,18 @@ const CodeTable = { ...@@ -2038,18 +2038,18 @@ const CodeTable = {
{ label: "AND", value: "a" }, { label: "AND", value: "a" },
], ],
concreflg: [ concreflg: [
{ label: "Not creating Contracts", value: "" }, { label: "不创建合同", value: "" },
{ label: "Allocates Contract", value: "X" }, { label: "分配合同", value: "X" },
], ],
contyp: [ contyp: [
{ label: "Compare Field with Field", value: "CMF" }, { label: "将字段与字段进行比较", value: "CMF" },
{ label: "Party Selection", value: "PTY" }, { label: "当事人选择", value: "PTY" },
{ label: "Party Group Selection", value: "PTG" }, { label: "Party Group Selection", value: "PTG" },
{ label: "User Filter", value: "USF" }, { label: "User Filter", value: "USF" },
{ label: "Is empty", value: "EMP" }, { label: "Is empty", value: "EMP" },
{ label: "Compare Field with Value", value: "CMV" }, { label: "将字段与值进行比较", value: "CMV" },
{ label: "Directly executable SQL", value: "SQL" }, { label: "直接可执行SQL", value: "SQL" },
{ label: "Wildcard Compare of Field", value: "LIK" }, { label: "字段的通配符比较", value: "LIK" },
], ],
copmet: [ copmet: [
{ label: "Network Copy", value: "C" }, { label: "Network Copy", value: "C" },
...@@ -2109,7 +2109,7 @@ const CodeTable = { ...@@ -2109,7 +2109,7 @@ const CodeTable = {
], ],
covtyp: [ covtyp: [
{ label: "covered external", value: "E" }, { label: "covered external", value: "E" },
{ label: "covered by cash", value: "C" }, { label: "由现金支付", value: "C" },
{ label: "no cover", value: "" }, { label: "no cover", value: "" },
], ],
cpayeeattr: [ cpayeeattr: [
...@@ -2127,8 +2127,8 @@ const CodeTable = { ...@@ -2127,8 +2127,8 @@ const CodeTable = {
{ label: "Client", value: "client" }, { label: "Client", value: "client" },
], ],
cre707flg: [ cre707flg: [
{ label: "no", value: "" }, { label: "", value: "" },
{ label: "yes", value: "X" }, { label: "", value: "X" },
], ],
creact: [ creact: [
{ label: "OUR H.O. A/C", value: "H" }, { label: "OUR H.O. A/C", value: "H" },
...@@ -2148,261 +2148,261 @@ const CodeTable = { ...@@ -2148,261 +2148,261 @@ const CodeTable = {
{ label: "Point", value: "." }, { label: "Point", value: "." },
], ],
ctytxt: [ ctytxt: [
{ label: "Papua New Guinea", value: "PG" }, { label: "巴布亚新几内亚", value: "PG" },
{ label: "Cambodia", value: "KH" }, { label: "柬埔寨", value: "KH" },
{ label: "North Mariana Islands", value: "MP" }, { label: "北马里亚纳群岛", value: "MP" },
{ label: "Kazakhstan", value: "KZ" }, { label: "哈萨克斯坦", value: "KZ" },
{ label: "Neutral Zone", value: "NT" }, { label: "中立区", value: "NT" },
{ label: "Paraguay", value: "PY" }, { label: "巴拉圭", value: "PY" },
{ label: "Syria", value: "SY" }, { label: "叙利亚", value: "SY" },
{ label: "Bahamas", value: "BS" }, { label: "巴哈马群岛", value: "BS" },
{ label: "Montserrat", value: "MS" }, { label: "蒙特塞拉特", value: "MS" },
{ label: "Marshall Islands", value: "MH" }, { label: "马绍尔群岛", value: "MH" },
{ label: "Mali", value: "ML" }, { label: "马里", value: "ML" },
{ label: "Guadeloupe", value: "GP" }, { label: "瓜德罗普岛", value: "GP" },
{ label: "Panama", value: "PA" }, { label: "巴拿马", value: "PA" },
{ label: "Czechoslovakia", value: "CS" }, { label: "捷克斯洛伐克", value: "CS" },
{ label: "Laos", value: "LA" }, { label: "老挝", value: "LA" },
{ label: "American Oceania", value: "UM" }, { label: "美国大洋洲", value: "UM" },
{ label: "Argentina", value: "AR" }, { label: "阿根廷", value: "AR" },
{ label: "Falkland Islands", value: "FK" }, { label: "福克兰群岛", value: "FK" },
{ label: "Seychelles", value: "SC" }, { label: "塞舌尔", value: "SC" },
{ label: "Belize", value: "BZ" }, { label: "伯利兹", value: "BZ" },
{ label: "Zambia", value: "ZM" }, { label: "赞比亚", value: "ZM" },
{ label: "Bahrain", value: "BH" }, { label: "巴林", value: "BH" },
{ label: "AQ", value: "AQ" }, { label: "南极洲", value: "AQ" },
{ label: "Kyrgyz Republic", value: "KG" }, { label: "吉尔吉斯共和国", value: "KG" },
{ label: "Guinea-Bissau", value: "GW" }, { label: "几内亚比绍", value: "GW" },
{ label: "Namibia", value: "NA" }, { label: "纳米比亚", value: "NA" },
{ label: "AX", value: "AX" }, { label: "AX", value: "AX" },
{ label: "Finland", value: "FI" }, { label: "芬兰", value: "FI" },
{ label: "Faroe Islands", value: "FO" }, { label: "法罗群岛", value: "FO" },
{ label: "Comoros", value: "KM" }, { label: "科摩罗", value: "KM" },
{ label: "Netherlands Antilles", value: "AN" }, { label: "荷属安的列斯群岛", value: "AN" },
{ label: "Georgia", value: "GE" }, { label: "格鲁吉亚", value: "GE" },
{ label: "Yemen", value: "YE" }, { label: "也门", value: "YE" },
{ label: "RS", value: "RS" }, { label: "RS", value: "RS" },
{ label: "Eritrea", value: "ER" }, { label: "厄立特里亚", value: "ER" },
{ label: "Puerto Rico", value: "PR" }, { label: "波多黎各", value: "PR" },
{ label: "Aruba", value: "AW" }, { label: "阿鲁巴", value: "AW" },
{ label: "BL", value: "BL" }, { label: "BL", value: "BL" },
{ label: "Madagascar", value: "MG" }, { label: "马达加斯加", value: "MG" },
{ label: "Western Samoa", value: "WS" }, { label: "西萨摩亚", value: "WS" },
{ label: "BQ", value: "BQ" }, { label: "BQ", value: "BQ" },
{ label: "Sweden", value: "SE" }, { label: "瑞典", value: "SE" },
{ label: "BV", value: "BV" }, { label: "BV", value: "BV" },
{ label: "Malawi", value: "MW" }, { label: "马拉维", value: "MW" },
{ label: "Andorra", value: "AD" }, { label: "安道尔", value: "AD" },
{ label: "Liechtenstein", value: "LI" }, { label: "列支敦士登公国", value: "LI" },
{ label: "Poland", value: "PL" }, { label: "波兰", value: "PL" },
{ label: "Bulgaria", value: "BG" }, { label: "保加利亚", value: "BG" },
{ label: "Jordan", value: "JO" }, { label: "约旦", value: "JO" },
{ label: "Tunisia", value: "TN" }, { label: "突尼斯", value: "TN" },
{ label: "Republic of Korea", value: "KR" }, { label: "大韩民国", value: "KR" },
{ label: "SS", value: "SS" }, { label: "SS", value: "SS" },
{ label: "Wallis and Futuna Islands", value: "WF" }, { label: "瓦利斯群岛和富图纳群岛", value: "WF" },
{ label: "Jersey, CA", value: "JE" }, { label: "加利福尼亚州泽西州", value: "JE" },
{ label: "United Arab Emirates", value: "AE" }, { label: "阿拉伯联合酋长国", value: "AE" },
{ label: "Tuvalu", value: "TV" }, { label: "图瓦卢", value: "TV" },
{ label: "Kenya", value: "KE" }, { label: "肯尼亚", value: "KE" },
{ label: "Commonwealth of Dominica", value: "DM" }, { label: "多米尼加联邦", value: "DM" },
{ label: "French Polynesia", value: "PF" }, { label: "法属波利尼西亚", value: "PF" },
{ label: "Brunei", value: "BN" }, { label: "文莱", value: "BN" },
{ label: "Djibouti", value: "DJ" }, { label: "吉布提", value: "DJ" },
{ label: "Lebanon", value: "LB" }, { label: "黎巴嫩", value: "LB" },
{ label: "Azerbaijan", value: "AZ" }, { label: "阿塞拜疆", value: "AZ" },
{ label: "Cuba", value: "CU" }, { label: "古巴", value: "CU" },
{ label: "Czech Republic", value: "CZ" }, { label: "捷克共和国", value: "CZ" },
{ label: "Saint Lucia", value: "LC" }, { label: "圣卢西亚", value: "LC" },
{ label: "Mauritania", value: "MR" }, { label: "毛里塔尼亚", value: "MR" },
{ label: "TL", value: "TL" }, { label: "TL", value: "TL" },
{ label: "Mayotte", value: "YT" }, { label: "马约特岛", value: "YT" },
{ label: "Israel", value: "IL" }, { label: "以色列", value: "IL" },
{ label: "San Marino", value: "SM" }, { label: "圣马力诺", value: "SM" },
{ label: "Australia", value: "AU" }, { label: "澳大利亚", value: "AU" },
{ label: "TP", value: "TP" }, { label: "TP", value: "TP" },
{ label: "Tajikistan", value: "TJ" }, { label: "塔吉克斯坦", value: "TJ" },
{ label: "Myanmar", value: "MM" }, { label: "缅甸", value: "MM" },
{ label: "Cameroon", value: "CM" }, { label: "喀麦隆", value: "CM" },
{ label: "Gibraltar", value: "GI" }, { label: "直布罗陀", value: "GI" },
{ label: "Rrunion", value: "RE" }, { label: "留尼汪", value: "RE" },
{ label: "Surinam", value: "SR" }, { label: "苏里南", value: "SR" },
{ label: "Malaysia", value: "MY" }, { label: "马来西亚", value: "MY" },
{ label: "Iceland", value: "IS" }, { label: "冰岛", value: "IS" },
{ label: "Oman", value: "OM" }, { label: "阿曼", value: "OM" },
{ label: "Armenia", value: "AM" }, { label: "亚美尼亚", value: "AM" },
{ label: "Gabon", value: "GA" }, { label: "加蓬", value: "GA" },
{ label: "Yugoslavia", value: "YU" }, { label: "南斯拉夫", value: "YU" },
{ label: "Slovak Republic", value: "SK" }, { label: "斯洛伐克共和国", value: "SK" },
{ label: "Zaire", value: "ZR" }, { label: "扎伊尔", value: "ZR" },
{ label: "Luxembourg", value: "LU" }, { label: "卢森堡", value: "LU" },
{ label: "Brazil", value: "BR" }, { label: "巴西", value: "BR" },
{ label: "Turks and Caicos Islands", value: "TC" }, { label: "突尼斯", value: "TC" },
{ label: "Algeria", value: "DZ" }, { label: "阿尔及利亚", value: "DZ" },
{ label: "Slovenia", value: "SI" }, { label: "斯洛文尼亚", value: "SI" },
{ label: "Antigua and Barbuda", value: "AG" }, { label: "安提瓜和巴布达", value: "AG" },
{ label: "Colombia", value: "CO" }, { label: "哥伦比亚", value: "CO" },
{ label: "Ecuador", value: "EC" }, { label: "厄瓜多尔", value: "EC" },
{ label: "EH", value: "EH" }, { label: "EH", value: "EH" },
{ label: "Republic of Cyprus", value: "CY" }, { label: "塞浦路斯共和国", value: "CY" },
{ label: "test", value: "QQ" }, { label: "test", value: "QQ" },
{ label: "Vanuatu", value: "VU" }, { label: "瓦努阿图", value: "VU" },
{ label: "Cocos Island", value: "CC" }, { label: "科科斯群岛", value: "CC" },
{ label: "Honduras", value: "HN" }, { label: "洪都拉斯", value: "HN" },
{ label: "Italy", value: "IT" }, { label: "意大利", value: "IT" },
{ label: "Nauru", value: "NR" }, { label: "瑙鲁", value: "NR" },
{ label: "Haiti", value: "HT" }, { label: "海地", value: "HT" },
{ label: "Afghanistan", value: "AF" }, { label: "阿富汗", value: "AF" },
{ label: "Burundi", value: "BI" }, { label: "布隆迪", value: "BI" },
{ label: "Singapore", value: "SG" }, { label: "新加坡", value: "SG" },
{ label: "American Samoa", value: "AS" }, { label: "美属萨摩亚", value: "AS" },
{ label: "Tokelau Islands", value: "TK" }, { label: "托克劳群岛", value: "TK" },
{ label: "Russia", value: "RU" }, { label: "俄罗斯", value: "RU" },
{ label: "Netherlands", value: "NL" }, { label: "荷兰", value: "NL" },
{ label: "Martinique", value: "MQ" }, { label: "马提尼克岛", value: "MQ" },
{ label: "Bhutan", value: "BT" }, { label: "不丹", value: "BT" },
{ label: "Romania", value: "RO" }, { label: "罗马尼亚", value: "RO" },
{ label: "Togo", value: "TG" }, { label: "多哥", value: "TG" },
{ label: "Philippines", value: "PH" }, { label: "菲律宾", value: "PH" },
{ label: "Cote d'Ivoire", value: "CI" }, { label: "科特迪瓦", value: "CI" },
{ label: "Uzbekistan", value: "UZ" }, { label: "乌兹别克斯坦", value: "UZ" },
{ label: "Territory of Christmas Island", value: "CX" }, { label: "圣诞岛领土", value: "CX" },
{ label: "GS", value: "GS" }, { label: "GS", value: "GS" },
{ label: "St. Pierre and Miquelon", value: "PM" }, { label: "圣皮埃尔和密克隆", value: "PM" },
{ label: "French Southern and Antartic", value: "TF" }, { label: "法国南部和南极洲", value: "TF" },
{ label: "Democratic Republic of Congo", value: "CD" }, { label: "刚果共和国", value: "CD" },
{ label: "Zimbabwe", value: "ZW" }, { label: "津巴布韦", value: "ZW" },
{ label: "British Indian Ocean Territory", value: "IO" }, { label: "英属印度洋领地", value: "IO" },
{ label: "Indonesia", value: "ID" }, { label: "印度尼西亚", value: "ID" },
{ label: "Benin", value: "BJ" }, { label: "贝宁", value: "BJ" },
{ label: "Angola", value: "AO" }, { label: "安哥拉", value: "AO" },
{ label: "HM", value: "HM" }, { label: "HM", value: "HM" },
{ label: "Sudan", value: "SD" }, { label: "苏丹", value: "SD" },
{ label: "Portugal", value: "PT" }, { label: "葡萄牙", value: "PT" },
{ label: "New Caledonia", value: "NC" }, { label: "新喀里多尼亚", value: "NC" },
{ label: "Grenada", value: "GD" }, { label: "格林纳达", value: "GD" },
{ label: "Greece", value: "GR" }, { label: "希腊", value: "GR" },
{ label: "Cayman Islands", value: "KY" }, { label: "开曼群岛", value: "KY" },
{ label: "Latvia", value: "LV" }, { label: "拉脱维亚", value: "LV" },
{ label: "Mongolia", value: "MN" }, { label: "蒙古", value: "MN" },
{ label: "Guiana", value: "GF" }, { label: "圭亚那", value: "GF" },
{ label: "Iran", value: "IR" }, { label: "伊朗", value: "IR" },
{ label: "Morocco", value: "MA" }, { label: "摩洛哥", value: "MA" },
{ label: "Guatemala", value: "GT" }, { label: "危地马拉", value: "GT" },
{ label: "Guyana", value: "GY" }, { label: "圭亚那", value: "GY" },
{ label: "Moldava", value: "MD" }, { label: "摩尔多瓦", value: "MD" },
{ label: "Iraq", value: "IQ" }, { label: "伊拉克", value: "IQ" },
{ label: "Chile", value: "CL" }, { label: "智利", value: "CL" },
{ label: "Nepal", value: "NP" }, { label: "尼泊尔", value: "NP" },
{ label: "Democratic Republic of Korea", value: "KP" }, { label: "朝鲜民主主义共和国", value: "KP" },
{ label: "Tanzania", value: "TZ" }, { label: "坦桑尼亚", value: "TZ" },
{ label: "Ukraine", value: "UA" }, { label: "乌克兰", value: "UA" },
{ label: "Ghana", value: "GH" }, { label: "加纳", value: "GH" },
{ label: "Anguilla", value: "AI" }, { label: "安圭拉", value: "AI" },
{ label: "India", value: "IN" }, { label: "印度", value: "IN" },
{ label: "Canada", value: "CA" }, { label: "加拿大", value: "CA" },
{ label: "Maldives", value: "MV" }, { label: "马尔代夫", value: "MV" },
{ label: "Turkey", value: "TR" }, { label: "土耳其", value: "TR" },
{ label: "Belgium", value: "BE" }, { label: "比利时", value: "BE" },
{ label: "Taiwan", value: "TW" }, { label: "台湾", value: "TW" },
{ label: "Trinidad and Tobago", value: "TT" }, { label: "特立尼达和多巴哥", value: "TT" },
{ label: "South Africa", value: "ZA" }, { label: "南非", value: "ZA" },
{ label: "Bermuda", value: "BM" }, { label: "百慕大群岛", value: "BM" },
{ label: "Central African Republic", value: "CF" }, { label: "中非共和国", value: "CF" },
{ label: "Man", value: "IM" }, { label: "Man", value: "IM" },
{ label: "Jamaica", value: "JM" }, { label: "牙买加", value: "JM" },
{ label: "Peru", value: "PE" }, { label: "秘鲁", value: "PE" },
{ label: "Turkmenistan", value: "TM" }, { label: "土库曼斯坦", value: "TM" },
{ label: "Germany", value: "DE" }, { label: "德国", value: "DE" },
{ label: "Vatican City State", value: "VA" }, { label: "梵蒂冈城邦", value: "VA" },
{ label: "Fiji", value: "FJ" }, { label: "斐济", value: "FJ" },
{ label: "Guernsey, CA", value: "GG" }, { label: "加利福尼亚州根西岛", value: "GG" },
{ label: "Hong Kong", value: "HK" }, { label: "香港", value: "HK" },
{ label: "Guinea", value: "GN" }, { label: "几内亚共和国", value: "GN" },
{ label: "Somalia", value: "SO" }, { label: "索马里", value: "SO" },
{ label: "Chad", value: "TD" }, { label: "乍得", value: "TD" },
{ label: "Thailand", value: "TH" }, { label: "泰国", value: "TH" },
{ label: "Equatorial Guinea", value: "GQ" }, { label: "赤道几内亚", value: "GQ" },
{ label: "Kiribati", value: "KI" }, { label: "基里巴斯", value: "KI" },
{ label: "Costa Rica", value: "CR" }, { label: "哥斯达黎加", value: "CR" },
{ label: "Vietnam", value: "VN" }, { label: "越南", value: "VN" },
{ label: "Pitcairn Island", value: "PN" }, { label: "皮特凯恩岛", value: "PN" },
{ label: "Kuwait", value: "KW" }, { label: "科威特", value: "KW" },
{ label: "Nigeria", value: "NG" }, { label: "尼日利亚", value: "NG" },
{ label: "Croatia", value: "HR" }, { label: "克罗地亚", value: "HR" },
{ label: "Sao Tome And Principe", value: "ST" }, { label: "圣多美和普林西比", value: "ST" },
{ label: "Cook Islands", value: "CK" }, { label: "库克群岛", value: "CK" },
{ label: "Sri Lanka", value: "LK" }, { label: "斯里兰卡", value: "LK" },
{ label: "Uruguay", value: "UY" }, { label: "乌拉圭", value: "UY" },
{ label: "Switzerland", value: "CH" }, { label: "瑞士", value: "CH" },
{ label: "Solomon Island", value: "SB" }, { label: "所罗门岛", value: "SB" },
{ label: "Republic of Congo", value: "CG" }, { label: "刚果共和国", value: "CG" },
{ label: "Spain", value: "ES" }, { label: "西班牙", value: "ES" },
{ label: "Liberia", value: "LR" }, { label: "利比里亚", value: "LR" },
{ label: "Venezuela", value: "VE" }, { label: "委内瑞拉", value: "VE" },
{ label: "Burkina Faso", value: "BF" }, { label: "布基纳法索", value: "BF" },
{ label: "Swaziland", value: "SZ" }, { label: "斯威士兰", value: "SZ" },
{ label: "Palau", value: "PW" }, { label: "帕劳", value: "PW" },
{ label: "Virgin Islands(British)", value: "VG" }, { label: "维尔京群岛(英国)", value: "VG" },
{ label: "Estonia", value: "EE" }, { label: "爱沙尼亚", value: "EE" },
{ label: "Libyan Arab Jamahiriya", value: "LY" }, { label: "阿拉伯利比亚民众国", value: "LY" },
{ label: "Niue", value: "NU" }, { label: "纽埃", value: "NU" },
{ label: "Austria", value: "AT" }, { label: "奥地利", value: "AT" },
{ label: "Great Britain", value: "GB" }, { label: "英国", value: "GB" },
{ label: "St. Helena", value: "SH" }, { label: "圣赫勒拿岛", value: "SH" },
{ label: "Mozambique", value: "MZ" }, { label: "莫桑比克", value: "MZ" },
{ label: "El Salvador", value: "SV" }, { label: "萨尔瓦多", value: "SV" },
{ label: "Monaco", value: "MC" }, { label: "摩纳哥", value: "MC" },
{ label: "Guam", value: "GU" }, { label: "关岛", value: "GU" },
{ label: "ME", value: "ME" }, { label: "黑山共和国", value: "ME" },
{ label: "MF", value: "MF" }, { label: "MF", value: "MF" },
{ label: "People's Republic of China", value: "CN" }, { label: "中华人民共和国", value: "CN" },
{ label: "Lesotho", value: "LS" }, { label: "莱索托", value: "LS" },
{ label: "Hungary", value: "HU" }, { label: "匈牙利", value: "HU" },
{ label: "Japan", value: "JP" }, { label: "日本", value: "JP" },
{ label: "Belarus", value: "BY" }, { label: "白俄罗斯", value: "BY" },
{ label: "Mauritius", value: "MU" }, { label: "毛里求斯", value: "MU" },
{ label: "Albania", value: "AL" }, { label: "阿尔巴尼亚", value: "AL" },
{ label: "Norfolk Island", value: "NF" }, { label: "诺福克岛", value: "NF" },
{ label: "New Zealand", value: "NZ" }, { label: "新西兰", value: "NZ" },
{ label: "St. Kitts and Nevis", value: "KN" }, { label: "圣基茨和尼维斯", value: "KN" },
{ label: "Senegal", value: "SN" }, { label: "塞内加尔", value: "SN" },
{ label: "Macedonia", value: "MK" }, { label: "马其顿", value: "MK" },
{ label: "Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands", value: "SJ" }, { label: "斯瓦尔巴群岛和扬马延群岛", value: "SJ" },
{ label: "Ethiopia", value: "ET" }, { label: "埃塞俄比亚", value: "ET" },
{ label: "St. Vincent and The Grenadines", value: "VC" }, { label: "圣文森特和格林纳丁斯", value: "VC" },
{ label: "United States of America", value: "US" }, { label: "美利坚合众国", value: "US" },
{ label: "Egypt", value: "EG" }, { label: "埃及", value: "EG" },
{ label: "Macau", value: "MO" }, { label: "澳门", value: "MO" },
{ label: "Sierra Leone", value: "SL" }, { label: "塞拉利昂", value: "SL" },
{ label: "Bolivia", value: "BO" }, { label: "玻利维亚", value: "BO" },
{ label: "Malta", value: "MT" }, { label: "马耳他", value: "MT" },
{ label: "Saudi Arabia", value: "SA" }, { label: "沙特阿拉伯", value: "SA" },
{ label: "Pakistan", value: "PK" }, { label: "巴基斯坦", value: "PK" },
{ label: "Gambia", value: "GM" }, { label: "冈比亚", value: "GM" },
{ label: "Ireland", value: "IE" }, { label: "爱尔兰", value: "IE" },
{ label: "Qatar", value: "QA" }, { label: "卡塔尔", value: "QA" },
{ label: "France", value: "FR" }, { label: "法国", value: "FR" },
{ label: "Lithuania", value: "LT" }, { label: "立陶宛", value: "LT" },
{ label: "Bosnia and Herzegovina", value: "BA" }, { label: "波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那", value: "BA" },
{ label: "Republic of Cape Verde", value: "CV" }, { label: "佛得角共和国", value: "CV" },
{ label: "Niger", value: "NE" }, { label: "尼日尔", value: "NE" },
{ label: "Tonga Islands", value: "TO" }, { label: "汤加群岛", value: "TO" },
{ label: "Virgin Islands(U.S)", value: "VI" }, { label: "维尔京群岛(美国)", value: "VI" },
{ label: "Rwanda", value: "RW" }, { label: "卢旺达", value: "RW" },
{ label: "European Community", value: "XE" }, { label: "欧洲共同体", value: "XE" },
{ label: "Bangladesh", value: "BD" }, { label: "孟加拉国", value: "BD" },
{ label: "Barbados", value: "BB" }, { label: "巴巴多斯", value: "BB" },
{ label: "Nicaragua", value: "NI" }, { label: "尼加拉瓜", value: "NI" },
{ label: "Norway", value: "NO" }, { label: "挪威", value: "NO" },
{ label: "Botswana", value: "BW" }, { label: "博茨瓦纳", value: "BW" },
{ label: "Denmark", value: "DK" }, { label: "丹麦", value: "DK" },
{ label: "Dominican Republic", value: "DO" }, { label: "多米尼加共和国", value: "DO" },
{ label: "Mexico", value: "MX" }, { label: "墨西哥", value: "MX" },
{ label: "Uganda", value: "UG" }, { label: "乌干达", value: "UG" },
{ label: "Micronesia", value: "FM" }, { label: "密克罗尼西亚", value: "FM" },
{ label: "Greenland", value: "GL" }, { label: "格陵兰岛", value: "GL" },
{ label: "Palestinian territories", value: "PS" }, { label: "巴勒斯坦自治区", value: "PS" },
], ],
cunqii: [ cunqii: [
{ label: "一至三年(含三年)", value: "003" }, { label: "一至三年(含三年)", value: "003" },
...@@ -2412,20 +2412,20 @@ const CodeTable = { ...@@ -2412,20 +2412,20 @@ const CodeTable = {
{ label: "三至五年(含五年)", value: "005" }, { label: "三至五年(含五年)", value: "005" },
], ],
cur: [ cur: [
{ label: "HKD", value: "HKD" }, { label: "港币", value: "HKD" },
{ label: "CHF", value: "CHF" }, { label: "瑞士法郎", value: "CHF" },
{ label: "EUR", value: "EUR" }, { label: "欧元", value: "EUR" },
{ label: "USD", value: "USD" }, { label: "美元", value: "USD" },
{ label: "CAD", value: "CAD" }, { label: "加元", value: "CAD" },
{ label: "CNY", value: "CNY" }, { label: "人民币", value: "CNY" },
{ label: "AUD", value: "AUD" }, { label: "澳元", value: "AUD" },
{ label: "SGD", value: "SGD" }, { label: "新加坡元", value: "SGD" },
{ label: "KRW", value: "KRW" }, { label: "韩元", value: "KRW" },
{ label: "JPY", value: "JPY" }, { label: "日元", value: "JPY" },
{ label: "GBP", value: "GBP" }, { label: "英镑", value: "GBP" },
{ label: "N/A(仅限汇总填报时使用)", value: "N/A" }, { label: "N/A(仅限汇总填报时使用)", value: "N/A" },
{ label: "SEK", value: "SEK" }, { label: "瑞典克朗", value: "SEK" },
{ label: "NZD", value: "NZD" }, { label: "新西兰元", value: "NZD" },
], ],
curcod: [ curcod: [
{ label: "GHC - 加纳塞地", value: "GHC" }, { label: "GHC - 加纳塞地", value: "GHC" },
...@@ -2819,19 +2819,19 @@ const CodeTable = { ...@@ -2819,19 +2819,19 @@ const CodeTable = {
{ label: "外资证券公司 10120206", value: "10120206" }, { label: "外资证券公司 10120206", value: "10120206" },
], ],
delflg: [ delflg: [
{ label: "Account available", value: "" }, { label: "可用帐户", value: "" },
{ label: "Logically deleted", value: "X" }, { label: "逻辑删除", value: "X" },
], ],
delivrcod: [ delivrcod: [
{ label: "No Monitoring", value: "" }, { label: "无监控", value: "" },
{ label: "Non Delivery Warning and Delivery Notification", value: "3" }, { label: "未送达警告和送达通知", value: "3" },
{ label: "Delivery Notification", value: "2" }, { label: "交货通知", value: "2" },
{ label: "Non-Delivery Warning", value: "1" }, { label: "送达通知未送达警告", value: "1" },
], ],
delpty: [ delpty: [
{ label: "Delete all parties", value: "W" }, { label: "删除所有当事人", value: "W" },
{ label: "Keep 'Own Parties'", value: "O" }, { label: "保留'自己的当事人'", value: "O" },
{ label: "Do not delete", value: "" }, { label: "不删除", value: "" },
], ],
deselflg: [ deselflg: [
{ label: "信用证开立", value: "0" }, { label: "信用证开立", value: "0" },
...@@ -2844,12 +2844,12 @@ const CodeTable = { ...@@ -2844,12 +2844,12 @@ const CodeTable = {
{ label: "指定银行", value: "DSIG" }, { label: "指定银行", value: "DSIG" },
], ],
detchgcod: [ detchgcod: [
{ label: "Beneficiary Customer", value: "BEN" }, { label: "受益人", value: "BEN" },
{ label: "Ordering Customer", value: "OUR" }, { label: "汇款人", value: "OUR" },
], ],
detflg: [ detflg: [
{ label: "No Details", value: "N" }, { label: "没有详细信息", value: "N" },
{ label: "Print Details", value: "Y" }, { label: "打印详细信息", value: "Y" },
], ],
detlev: [ detlev: [
{ label: "Only sum per Feecode", value: "3" }, { label: "Only sum per Feecode", value: "3" },
...@@ -2882,17 +2882,17 @@ const CodeTable = { ...@@ -2882,17 +2882,17 @@ const CodeTable = {
{ label: "历史", value: "OLD" }, { label: "历史", value: "OLD" },
], ],
dif: [ dif: [
{ label: "Second Working Day", value: "*+2" }, { label: "第二个工作日", value: "*+2" },
{ label: "Semilast Working Day", value: "*-2" }, { label: "Semilast Working Day", value: "*-2" },
{ label: "Semilast Day", value: "D-2" }, { label: "Semilast Day", value: "D-2" },
{ label: "Last Day", value: "D-1" }, { label: "最后一天", value: "D-1" },
{ label: "First Working Day", value: "*+1" }, { label: "第一个工作日", value: "*+1" },
{ label: "First Day", value: "D+1" }, { label: "第一天", value: "D+1" },
{ label: "Second Day", value: "D+2" }, { label: "第二天", value: "D+2" },
{ label: "Last Working Day", value: "*-1" }, { label: "最后一个工作日", value: "*-1" },
], ],
difmet: [ difmet: [
{ label: "Date and Time", value: "D" }, { label: "日期和时间", value: "D" },
{ label: "Checksum", value: "M" }, { label: "Checksum", value: "M" },
], ],
difsta: [ difsta: [
...@@ -2978,7 +2978,7 @@ const CodeTable = { ...@@ -2978,7 +2978,7 @@ const CodeTable = {
{ label: "Documents settled free of payment", value: "N" }, { label: "Documents settled free of payment", value: "N" },
{ label: "Discrepant document received in trust", value: "T" }, { label: "Discrepant document received in trust", value: "T" },
{ label: "Other Type of Advice, wait for documents", value: "O" }, { label: "Other Type of Advice, wait for documents", value: "O" },
{ label: "Documents have been refused and returned", value: "R" }, { label: "文件被拒绝并退回", value: "R" },
], ],
docsta: [ docsta: [
{ label: "Advice Payment rec.,wait for docs", value: "A" }, { label: "Advice Payment rec.,wait for docs", value: "A" },
...@@ -2989,7 +2989,7 @@ const CodeTable = { ...@@ -2989,7 +2989,7 @@ const CodeTable = {
{ label: "Discrepant documents received", value: "F" }, { label: "Discrepant documents received", value: "F" },
{ label: "documents taken up", value: "I" }, { label: "documents taken up", value: "I" },
{ label: "Documents settled free of payment", value: "J" }, { label: "Documents settled free of payment", value: "J" },
{ label: "Documents have been refused and returned", value: "R" }, { label: "文件被拒绝并退回", value: "R" },
], ],
docsta2: [ docsta2: [
{ label: "Goods rel., Advice of Payment received", value: "A" }, { label: "Goods rel., Advice of Payment received", value: "A" },
...@@ -3008,7 +3008,7 @@ const CodeTable = { ...@@ -3008,7 +3008,7 @@ const CodeTable = {
{ label: "Documents settled free of payment", value: "N" }, { label: "Documents settled free of payment", value: "N" },
{ label: "Discrepant document received in trust", value: "T" }, { label: "Discrepant document received in trust", value: "T" },
{ label: "Other Type of Advice, wait for documents", value: "O" }, { label: "Other Type of Advice, wait for documents", value: "O" },
{ label: "Documents have been refused and returned", value: "R" }, { label: "文件被拒绝并退回", value: "R" },
], ],
doctyp: [ doctyp: [
{ label: "买方单据", value: "BDD" }, { label: "买方单据", value: "BDD" },
...@@ -3019,16 +3019,16 @@ const CodeTable = { ...@@ -3019,16 +3019,16 @@ const CodeTable = {
{ label: "出口托收", value: "BOD" }, { label: "出口托收", value: "BOD" },
], ],
doctypcod: [ doctypcod: [
{ label: "D/P Docs against Deferred Payment", value: "D" }, { label: "延期付款交单", value: "D" },
{ label: "Documents against Mixed Payment", value: "M" }, { label: "混合付款交单", value: "M" },
{ label: "D/P Documents against Sight Payment", value: "P" }, { label: "即期付款交单", value: "P" },
{ label: "D/A Documents against Acceptance", value: "A" }, { label: "承兑交单", value: "A" },
], ],
doctypcod1: [ doctypcod1: [
{ label: "Mixed Payment Bills", value: "M" }, { label: "混合支付票据", value: "M" },
{ label: "Sight Bills", value: "P" }, { label: "即期汇票", value: "P" },
{ label: "Usance Bils Acceptance", value: "A" }, { label: "远期汇票承兑", value: "A" },
{ label: "Usance Bills Deferred", value: "D" }, { label: "延期远期票据", value: "D" },
], ],
doftyp: [ doftyp: [
{ label: "直接贷款", value: "1101" }, { label: "直接贷款", value: "1101" },
...@@ -3042,21 +3042,21 @@ const CodeTable = { ...@@ -3042,21 +3042,21 @@ const CodeTable = {
{ label: "Open", value: "O" }, { label: "Open", value: "O" },
], ],
drpcol: [ drpcol: [
{ label: "No", value: "" }, { label: "", value: "" },
{ label: "Yes", value: "Y" }, { label: "", value: "Y" },
], ],
drpidx: [ drpidx: [
{ label: "No", value: "" }, { label: "", value: "" },
{ label: "Yes", value: "Y" }, { label: "", value: "Y" },
], ],
drpreflg: [ drpreflg: [
{ label: "Draft", value: "" }, { label: "汇票", value: "" },
{ label: "Declaration of Readiness", value: "R" }, { label: "Declaration of Readiness", value: "R" },
{ label: "Pre-Advise", value: "P" }, { label: "预先通知", value: "P" },
], ],
drptbl: [ drptbl: [
{ label: "No", value: "" }, { label: "", value: "" },
{ label: "Yes", value: "Y" }, { label: "", value: "Y" },
], ],
dsp2: [ dsp2: [
{ label: "DAD", value: "DAD" }, { label: "DAD", value: "DAD" },
...@@ -3069,9 +3069,9 @@ const CodeTable = { ...@@ -3069,9 +3069,9 @@ const CodeTable = {
{ label: "Standard", value: "" }, { label: "Standard", value: "" },
], ],
dtacod: [ dtacod: [
{ label: "Advising Commission", value: "ADVCOM" }, { label: "通知手续费", value: "ADVCOM" },
{ label: "Pre-Advice Commission", value: "PREADCOM" }, { label: "Pre-Advice Commission", value: "PREADCOM" },
{ label: "Miscellaneous Fee", value: "MISC" }, { label: "杂费", value: "MISC" },
{ label: "Delivery Free of Charges", value: "FREE" }, { label: "Delivery Free of Charges", value: "FREE" },
{ label: "Acceptance Commission", value: "ACCPTCOM" }, { label: "Acceptance Commission", value: "ACCPTCOM" },
{ label: "Commission", value: "COMM" }, { label: "Commission", value: "COMM" },
...@@ -3101,16 +3101,16 @@ const CodeTable = { ...@@ -3101,16 +3101,16 @@ const CodeTable = {
{ label: "Negotioation Commission", value: "NEGCOM" }, { label: "Negotioation Commission", value: "NEGCOM" },
], ],
dtaflg: [ dtaflg: [
{ label: "All", value: "" }, { label: "全部", value: "" },
{ label: "only not executable", value: "N" }, { label: "仅不可执行", value: "N" },
{ label: "only executable", value: "S" }, { label: "仅可执行", value: "S" },
], ],
dtd: [ dtd: [
{ label: "GuaranteeAmendmentRequest", value: "419" }, { label: "担保修订请求", value: "419" },
{ label: "DocumentaryCreditAmendmentRequest", value: "470" }, { label: "跟单信用证修改请求", value: "470" },
{ label: "DocumentaryCreditApplication", value: "460" }, { label: "跟单信用证申请", value: "460" },
{ label: "FreeFormatAdvice", value: "488" }, { label: "自由格式建议", value: "488" },
{ label: "GuaranteeApplication", value: "429" }, { label: "担保申请", value: "429" },
], ],
due: [ due: [
{ label: "一月", value: "1M" }, { label: "一月", value: "1M" },
...@@ -3167,12 +3167,12 @@ const CodeTable = { ...@@ -3167,12 +3167,12 @@ const CodeTable = {
{ label: "廉租住房收购贷款", value: "011020" }, { label: "廉租住房收购贷款", value: "011020" },
], ],
err: [ err: [
{ label: "No", value: "" }, { label: "", value: "" },
{ label: "Yes", value: "Y" }, { label: "", value: "Y" },
], ],
errflg: [ errflg: [
{ label: "Error occurred", value: "E" }, { label: "发生错误", value: "E" },
{ label: "No error occurred", value: "" }, { label: "未发生错误", value: "" },
], ],
etytyp: [ etytyp: [
{ label: "Entity", value: "E" }, { label: "Entity", value: "E" },
...@@ -3196,20 +3196,20 @@ const CodeTable = { ...@@ -3196,20 +3196,20 @@ const CodeTable = {
{ label: "对方与本机构/被代理居民机构/委托人无关联关系、关系未知,或两机构均处于中国境内", value: "4" }, { label: "对方与本机构/被代理居民机构/委托人无关联关系、关系未知,或两机构均处于中国境内", value: "4" },
], ],
exe: [ exe: [
{ label: "Executable", value: "Y" }, { label: "可执行", value: "Y" },
{ label: "Not Executable", value: "N" }, { label: "不可执行", value: "N" },
], ],
exeflg: [ exeflg: [
{ label: "不参与", value: "N" }, { label: "不参与", value: "N" },
{ label: "参与", value: "Y" }, { label: "参与", value: "Y" },
], ],
exeinddef: [ exeinddef: [
{ label: "No", value: "" }, { label: "", value: "" },
{ label: "Yes", value: "Y" }, { label: "", value: "Y" },
], ],
exesta: [ exesta: [
{ label: "Subprocess started, waiting for result", value: "W" }, { label: "子进程已启动,正在等待结果", value: "W" },
{ label: "No subprocess", value: "N" }, { label: "无子流程", value: "N" },
], ],
exetyp: [ exetyp: [
{ label: "经办", value: "0" }, { label: "经办", value: "0" },
...@@ -3233,10 +3233,10 @@ const CodeTable = { ...@@ -3233,10 +3233,10 @@ const CodeTable = {
{ label: "On", value: "=" }, { label: "On", value: "=" },
], ],
expplc: [ expplc: [
{ label: "Advising Bank", value: "ADB" }, { label: "通知行", value: "ADB" },
{ label: "Issuing Bank", value: "ISB" }, { label: "开证行", value: "ISB" },
{ label: "At Our Counter", value: "ATC" }, { label: "在我们的柜台", value: "ATC" },
{ label: "Any Bank", value: "ANB" }, { label: "任何银行", value: "ANB" },
], ],
extid: [ extid: [
{ label: "Import collection", value: "BC" }, { label: "Import collection", value: "BC" },
...@@ -3264,9 +3264,9 @@ const CodeTable = { ...@@ -3264,9 +3264,9 @@ const CodeTable = {
{ label: "Settled", value: "S" }, { label: "Settled", value: "S" },
], ],
fct: [ fct: [
{ label: "Deleted", value: "D" }, { label: "已删除", value: "D" },
{ label: "Updated", value: "U" }, { label: "已更新", value: "U" },
{ label: "Inserted", value: "I" }, { label: "已插入", value: "I" },
], ],
feaactsta: [ feaactsta: [
{ label: "开户", value: "11" }, { label: "开户", value: "11" },
...@@ -3280,8 +3280,8 @@ const CodeTable = { ...@@ -3280,8 +3280,8 @@ const CodeTable = {
], ],
feecod: [ feecod: [
{ label: "Shared", value: "SHA" }, { label: "Shared", value: "SHA" },
{ label: "Beneficiary Customer", value: "BEN" }, { label: "受益人", value: "BEN" },
{ label: "Ordering Customer", value: "OUR" }, { label: "汇款人", value: "OUR" },
], ],
feepri: [ feepri: [
{ label: "Group", value: "3" }, { label: "Group", value: "3" },
...@@ -3380,11 +3380,11 @@ const CodeTable = { ...@@ -3380,11 +3380,11 @@ const CodeTable = {
{ label: "是", value: "1" }, { label: "是", value: "1" },
], ],
fldtyp: [ fldtyp: [
{ label: "Numeric", value: "n" }, { label: "数字", value: "n" },
{ label: "Text", value: "t" }, { label: "文本", value: "t" },
{ label: "Date", value: "d" }, { label: "日期", value: "d" },
{ label: "Amount", value: "a" }, { label: "数量", value: "a" },
{ label: "Datetime", value: "e" }, { label: "日期时间", value: "e" },
], ],
flg: [ flg: [
{ label: "Reject", value: "R" }, { label: "Reject", value: "R" },
...@@ -3442,16 +3442,16 @@ const CodeTable = { ...@@ -3442,16 +3442,16 @@ const CodeTable = {
{ label: "Text (CSV)", value: "CSV" }, { label: "Text (CSV)", value: "CSV" },
], ],
fmtdomadrtyp: [ fmtdomadrtyp: [
{ label: "Address Type A", value: "A" }, { label: "地址类型A", value: "A" },
{ label: "Address Type C", value: "C" }, { label: "地址类型C", value: "C" },
{ label: "Address Type B", value: "B" }, { label: "地址类型B", value: "B" },
{ label: "Address Type D", value: "D" }, { label: "地址类型D", value: "D" },
], ],
fmtintadrtyp: [ fmtintadrtyp: [
{ label: "Address Type A", value: "A" }, { label: "地址类型A", value: "A" },
{ label: "Address Type C", value: "C" }, { label: "地址类型C", value: "C" },
{ label: "Address Type B", value: "B" }, { label: "地址类型B", value: "B" },
{ label: "Address Type D", value: "D" }, { label: "地址类型D", value: "D" },
], ],
fmtsub: [ fmtsub: [
{ label: "PDF", value: "PDF" }, { label: "PDF", value: "PDF" },
...@@ -3463,10 +3463,10 @@ const CodeTable = { ...@@ -3463,10 +3463,10 @@ const CodeTable = {
{ label: "FMT100", value: "100" }, { label: "FMT100", value: "100" },
], ],
fmtwiduni: [ fmtwiduni: [
{ label: "Millimeter", value: "mm" }, { label: "毫米", value: "mm" },
{ label: "Points", value: "pt" }, { label: "Points", value: "pt" },
{ label: "Character", value: "" }, { label: "Character", value: "" },
{ label: "Percent", value: "%" }, { label: "百分比", value: "%" },
], ],
folwupopt: [ folwupopt: [
{ label: "等待回复", value: "W" }, { label: "等待回复", value: "W" },
...@@ -3478,7 +3478,7 @@ const CodeTable = { ...@@ -3478,7 +3478,7 @@ const CodeTable = {
], ],
folwupopt1: [ folwupopt1: [
{ label: "Register to Send and Settle Docs", value: "N" }, { label: "Register to Send and Settle Docs", value: "N" },
{ label: "Send Advice of Discrepancy", value: "S" }, { label: "Send 不符点通知", value: "S" },
{ label: "Wait for Response", value: "W" }, { label: "Wait for Response", value: "W" },
{ label: "Send Documents", value: "C" }, { label: "Send Documents", value: "C" },
{ label: "Accept/ Settle Document now", value: "A" }, { label: "Accept/ Settle Document now", value: "A" },
...@@ -3487,7 +3487,7 @@ const CodeTable = { ...@@ -3487,7 +3487,7 @@ const CodeTable = {
folwupopt2: [ folwupopt2: [
{ label: "Register to Send and Settle Docs", value: "S" }, { label: "Register to Send and Settle Docs", value: "S" },
{ label: "Register 1st Ben. to Replace Docs", value: "R" }, { label: "Register 1st Ben. to Replace Docs", value: "R" },
{ label: "Send Advice of Discrepancy", value: "P" }, { label: "Send 不符点通知", value: "P" },
{ label: "Wait for Response", value: "W" }, { label: "Wait for Response", value: "W" },
{ label: "Send Documents", value: "C" }, { label: "Send Documents", value: "C" },
], ],
...@@ -3527,7 +3527,7 @@ const CodeTable = { ...@@ -3527,7 +3527,7 @@ const CodeTable = {
], ],
futhndflg: [ futhndflg: [
{ label: "Wait for Response", value: "W" }, { label: "Wait for Response", value: "W" },
{ label: "Send Advice of Discrepancy", value: "P" }, { label: "Send 不符点通知", value: "P" },
{ label: "Send Documents", value: "C" }, { label: "Send Documents", value: "C" },
{ label: "Register to Send and Settle Docs", value: "S" }, { label: "Register to Send and Settle Docs", value: "S" },
{ label: "Register 1st Ben. to Replace Docs", value: "R" }, { label: "Register 1st Ben. to Replace Docs", value: "R" },
...@@ -3538,12 +3538,12 @@ const CodeTable = { ...@@ -3538,12 +3538,12 @@ const CodeTable = {
{ label: "套汇", value: "TH" }, { label: "套汇", value: "TH" },
], ],
genbro: [ genbro: [
{ label: "No", value: "" }, { label: "", value: "" },
{ label: "Yes", value: "Y" }, { label: "", value: "Y" },
], ],
gencod: [ gencod: [
{ label: "No", value: "" }, { label: "", value: "" },
{ label: "Yes", value: "Y" }, { label: "", value: "Y" },
], ],
gender: [ gender: [
{ label: "女", value: "2" }, { label: "女", value: "2" },
...@@ -3551,40 +3551,40 @@ const CodeTable = { ...@@ -3551,40 +3551,40 @@ const CodeTable = {
{ label: "未知", value: "3" }, { label: "未知", value: "3" },
], ],
gendsp: [ gendsp: [
{ label: "No", value: "" }, { label: "", value: "" },
{ label: "Yes", value: "Y" }, { label: "", value: "Y" },
], ],
genfromen: [ genfromen: [
{ label: "No", value: "" }, { label: "", value: "" },
{ label: "Yes", value: "Y" }, { label: "", value: "Y" },
], ],
gengif: [ gengif: [
{ label: "No", value: "" }, { label: "", value: "" },
{ label: "Yes", value: "Y" }, { label: "", value: "Y" },
], ],
geninc: [ geninc: [
{ label: "No", value: "" }, { label: "", value: "" },
{ label: "Yes", value: "Y" }, { label: "", value: "Y" },
], ],
genswm: [ genswm: [
{ label: "No", value: "" }, { label: "", value: "" },
{ label: "Yes", value: "Y" }, { label: "", value: "Y" },
], ],
gentbl: [ gentbl: [
{ label: "No", value: "" }, { label: "", value: "" },
{ label: "Yes", value: "Y" }, { label: "", value: "Y" },
], ],
gentdi: [ gentdi: [
{ label: "No", value: "" }, { label: "", value: "" },
{ label: "Yes", value: "Y" }, { label: "", value: "Y" },
], ],
gentrd: [ gentrd: [
{ label: "No", value: "" }, { label: "", value: "" },
{ label: "Yes", value: "Y" }, { label: "", value: "Y" },
], ],
gentrn: [ gentrn: [
{ label: "No", value: "" }, { label: "", value: "" },
{ label: "Yes", value: "Y" }, { label: "", value: "Y" },
], ],
getmgrflg: [ getmgrflg: [
{ label: "Invalid content", value: "" }, { label: "Invalid content", value: "" },
...@@ -3636,11 +3636,11 @@ const CodeTable = { ...@@ -3636,11 +3636,11 @@ const CodeTable = {
{ label: "保函索赔重开", value: "22" }, { label: "保函索赔重开", value: "22" },
], ],
gleflg: [ gleflg: [
{ label: "No", value: "" }, { label: "", value: "" },
{ label: "Yes", value: "X" }, { label: "", value: "X" },
], ],
glggrpflg: [ glggrpflg: [
{ label: "Separate Fees", value: "F" }, { label: "单独费用", value: "F" },
], ],
godcod: [ godcod: [
{ label: "金(含金饰品)", value: "001" }, { label: "金(含金饰品)", value: "001" },
...@@ -3668,7 +3668,7 @@ const CodeTable = { ...@@ -3668,7 +3668,7 @@ const CodeTable = {
], ],
grpflg: [ grpflg: [
{ label: "1st panel", value: "SEL" }, { label: "1st panel", value: "SEL" },
{ label: "Pending Items", value: "SELSPT" }, { label: "待定项目", value: "SELSPT" },
{ label: "Further Tables", value: "SELTBL" }, { label: "Further Tables", value: "SELTBL" },
{ label: "Transfer Directories", value: "SELARC" }, { label: "Transfer Directories", value: "SELARC" },
], ],
...@@ -3707,7 +3707,7 @@ const CodeTable = { ...@@ -3707,7 +3707,7 @@ const CodeTable = {
{ label: "Waiting for ReDo in SPTREL", value: "S" }, { label: "Waiting for ReDo in SPTREL", value: "S" },
], ],
frm: [ frm: [
{ label: "Advising / Confirming", value: "LETOPN" }, { label: "通知/确认", value: "LETOPN" },
], ],
hndtyp: [ hndtyp: [
{ label: "Receive to issue", value: "FR" }, { label: "Receive to issue", value: "FR" },
...@@ -3748,12 +3748,12 @@ const CodeTable = { ...@@ -3748,12 +3748,12 @@ const CodeTable = {
{ label: "鼓励", value: "1" }, { label: "鼓励", value: "1" },
], ],
impchkoutflg: [ impchkoutflg: [
{ label: "No", value: "" }, { label: "", value: "" },
{ label: "Yes", value: "X" }, { label: "", value: "X" },
], ],
incflg: [ incflg: [
{ label: "Include", value: "I" }, { label: "包括", value: "I" },
{ label: "Exclude", value: "E" }, { label: "排除", value: "E" },
], ],
industrycode: [ industrycode: [
{ label: "2096 国际组织", value: "2096" }, { label: "2096 国际组织", value: "2096" },
...@@ -3863,7 +3863,7 @@ const CodeTable = { ...@@ -3863,7 +3863,7 @@ const CodeTable = {
{ label: "Replace Prefix by Infotext", value: "R" }, { label: "Replace Prefix by Infotext", value: "R" },
], ],
inflev: [ inflev: [
{ label: "Stop Transaction", value: "3" }, { label: "停止交易", value: "3" },
{ label: "Stop new Risk", value: "1" }, { label: "Stop new Risk", value: "1" },
{ label: "Do not show", value: "!" }, { label: "Do not show", value: "!" },
{ label: "Show", value: "$" }, { label: "Show", value: "$" },
...@@ -3872,12 +3872,12 @@ const CodeTable = { ...@@ -3872,12 +3872,12 @@ const CodeTable = {
{ label: "Warn", value: "0" }, { label: "Warn", value: "0" },
], ],
inftxtflg: [ inftxtflg: [
{ label: "No", value: "" }, { label: "", value: "" },
{ label: "Yes", value: "Y" }, { label: "", value: "Y" },
], ],
initpty: [ initpty: [
{ label: "", value: "NIL" }, { label: "", value: "NIL" },
{ label: "Applicant Bank", value: "APB" }, { label: "开证行", value: "APB" },
{ label: "Not ment. Ordering Party", value: "NMO" }, { label: "Not ment. Ordering Party", value: "NMO" },
], ],
inout: [ inout: [
...@@ -3885,8 +3885,8 @@ const CodeTable = { ...@@ -3885,8 +3885,8 @@ const CodeTable = {
{ label: "收报", value: "<" }, { label: "收报", value: "<" },
], ],
intbl: [ intbl: [
{ label: "No", value: "" }, { label: "", value: "" },
{ label: "Yes", value: "Y" }, { label: "", value: "Y" },
], ],
intflg: [ intflg: [
{ label: "计息不自动入账", value: "0" }, { label: "计息不自动入账", value: "0" },
...@@ -4099,7 +4099,7 @@ const CodeTable = { ...@@ -4099,7 +4099,7 @@ const CodeTable = {
{ label: "Old Account Party", value: "OAP" }, { label: "Old Account Party", value: "OAP" },
{ label: "Old Buyer", value: "OBU" }, { label: "Old Buyer", value: "OBU" },
{ label: "Old Invoice Party", value: "OIN" }, { label: "Old Invoice Party", value: "OIN" },
{ label: "Ordering Customer", value: "ORC" }, { label: "汇款人", value: "ORC" },
{ label: "Ordering Institution", value: "ORI" }, { label: "Ordering Institution", value: "ORI" },
{ label: "Futher Party", value: "OTH" }, { label: "Futher Party", value: "OTH" },
{ label: "Ourselves", value: "OWN" }, { label: "Ourselves", value: "OWN" },
...@@ -4277,8 +4277,8 @@ const CodeTable = { ...@@ -4277,8 +4277,8 @@ const CodeTable = {
], ],
advtyp: [ advtyp: [
{ label: "Advice of Discrepancy (MT750)", value: "750" }, { label: "不符点通知(MT750)", value: "750" },
{ label: "Advice of Payment (MT754)", value: "754" }, { label: "付款通知(MT754)", value: "754" },
{ label: "Other", value: "OTH" }, { label: "Other", value: "OTH" },
], ],
advtyp1: [ advtyp1: [
...@@ -4286,8 +4286,8 @@ const CodeTable = { ...@@ -4286,8 +4286,8 @@ const CodeTable = {
{ label: "NACC", value: "NACC" }, { label: "NACC", value: "NACC" },
], ],
advtyp2:[ advtyp2:[
{ label: "Advice of Discrepancy (MT750)", value: "750" }, { label: "不符点通知(MT750)", value: "750" },
{ label: "Advice of Payment (MT754)", value: "754" }, { label: "付款通知(MT754)", value: "754" },
], ],
limittype: [ limittype: [
...@@ -4348,8 +4348,8 @@ const CodeTable = { ...@@ -4348,8 +4348,8 @@ const CodeTable = {
{ label: "Info", value: "I" }, { label: "Info", value: "I" },
], ],
logflg: [ logflg: [
{ label: "No", value: "" }, { label: "", value: "" },
{ label: "Yes", value: "Y" }, { label: "", value: "Y" },
], ],
loglev: [ loglev: [
{ label: "No Output", value: "" }, { label: "No Output", value: "" },
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