export default {
"SF000027": "Description",
"SG000119": "预计核验日期",
"CF000013": "Entry Done",
"SG000118": "付款金额",
"SG000117": "付款币种",
"SG000115": "客户号",
"SF000020": "Detailed Information",
"SF000022": "Start Transaction",
"SF000023": "Business Sector",
"CT000150": "Res.User",
"CT000071": "The selected contract is is meanwhile deleted.\nThe first selected contract will be loaded.",
"CT000070": "The selected contract is currently locked by $1 since $2 $3 and cannot be modified. Please try later.\nThe first selected contract will be loaded.",
"PD000000": "Diary",
"PD000024": "List of Diary",
"SF000017": "Entered/Modified by",
"CF000026": "",
"SF000016": "Date of Diary",
"SF000019": "Resp. User",
"SF000018": "Resp. Group",
"CT000147": "Start TRN",
"CT000146": "Coded Reason",
"CT000149": "Res. Grp.",
"SG000121": "客户名称",
"CT000148": "Entered",
"CT000143": "Sector",
"CT000142": "Reference",
"SF000015": "Description",
"CT000145": "Date",
"SF000014": "Diary Reason",
"CT000144": "Name",
"CT000060": "Diary $4 printed by $1 on $2 at $3 during the change",
"PD000112": "PRECHKDATE",