ptap.js 2.79 KB
export default {
	"SF000644": "Usage",
	"SF000643": "Address Status",
	"SF000687": "DTA Export L/C ID",
	"CT000036": "Address Status",
	"CT000039": "Client",
	"CT000038": "Bank",
	"SF000640": "Party No.",
	"CT000033": "Party Name",
	"CT000032": "Party Number",
	"SF000642": "Party Name",
	"SF000686": "DTA Import L/C ID",
	"CT000034": "Type",
	"PD000029": "Address Association",
	"PD000700": "Infotext",
	"CT000031": "Address Name",
	"CT000030": "This transaction does not allow to handle main addresses.\nPlease use the transaction \'Display a Party\'.",
	"CF000641": "",
	"SF000534": "Address No.",
	"SF000536": "Address Name",
	"SF000535": "Type",
	"SF000538": "Street",
	"SF000537": "Name",
	"SF000539": "Post Code",
	"RG000103": "\" + BCHKEY + \"\' OR (lev=1 and branch = \'\" + BCHKEY + \"\')\"",
	"CT000048": "Email",
	"CF000647": "Own Address",
	"CF000648": "Other",
	"CT000049": "Post Code",
	"CT000000": "Address association already defined",
	"CF000645": "Bank",
	"CT000044": "Telefax-1/2",
	"CF000646": "Client",
	"CT000043": "Telefone-1/2",
	"T0000025": "Panel for addressee association",
	"CT000046": "Street",
	"CT000040": "Own Address",
	"CT000042": "Name",
	"CT000041": "Other",
	"PD000650": "Authentication of Address",
	"SF000545": "Telefone 1/2",
	"SF000544": "Department",
	"CF000694": "&Info",
	"SF000547": "Telex",
	"SF000546": "Telefax 1/2",
	"CF000692": "Authentication",
	"SF000549": "Branch ID",
	"SF000703": "2",
	"SG000711": "电证地址",
	"CF000693": "Public Key",
	"SF000548": "BIC",
	"SG000710": "电证名称",
	"CF000690": "Corr. Type",
	"CF000691": "Addressing",
	"SF000704": "3",
	"CT000059": "Department",
	"CT000058": "Language",
	"PD000639": "List of address association",
	"SF000541": "P O Box",
	"CT000099": "some wrong on the branch!please check.",
	"CT000055": "Post Code",
	"SF000540": "& City",
	"CT000054": "Bank Code",
	"SF000543": "Country or region",
	"CT000057": "Country",
	"S0000651": "Authentication of Address",
	"SF000542": "中文邮编",
	"CT000056": "Clearing",
	"CT000051": "Branch ID",
	"CT000095": "Telex",
	"CT000097": "the branch is not yours",
	"CT000053": "TradeConnect",
	"CT000052": "P O Box",
	"CT000096": "SWIFT BIC",
	"SG000709": "国内地区码",
	"SG000708": "开户行信息",
	"SG000707": "支行:",
	"PD000685": "Details",
	"SG000706": "分行:",
	"SF000555": "Bank Code",
	"SG000702": "中文地址           1",
	"CT000102": "stream is empty",
	"CT000028": "A party must be entered",
	"SF000550": "Clearing",
	"CT000027": "Address Number",
	"SF000552": "Messages",
	"SF000551": "Language",
	"SF000554": "TradeCon.",
	"CT000101": "some wrong on the branch!please check.",
	"CF000028": "",
	"SF000553": "E-mail",
	"CT000100": "some wrong on the branch!please check.",
	"CT000062": "Own Branch",
	"CT000061": "Usage",
	"CT000060": "Messages",
	"SF000708": "DTA Guarantees ID",