srochk.js 665 Bytes
export default {
	"CT000008": "Entry \'$1\' - \'$2\' occurs in SRO but service not found in codetable SRVTXT.",
	"CT000007": "All other services must wait for \'SRVWAI\'.",
	"CT000004": "Check predecessors (\'SRVPDP\') must be processed before \'Commit\' (\'SRVCOM\').",
	"CT000003": "If \'Ready for interactive release\' is used, this must be before \'Check signature\' (\'SRVPDP\').",
	"CT000006": "Assertion violated: \'$1\' \'$2\' must be before \'$3\' \'$4\' : $5",
	"CT000002": "Check signature (\'SRVPDS\') must be processed before \'Commit\' (\'SRVCOM\').",
	"CT000001": "All other services must be finished before workflow is compressed via \'SRVCLN\'.",