detp.js 4.19 KB
export default {
	"CG000407": "...",
	"SG000534": "开证行",
	"SG000412": "Accept., Negot. Bank",
	"SG000411": "Instructions to Pay.,",
	"SG000410": "Additional Conditions",
	"SG000497": "议付行",
	"S0000542": "理由",
	"S0000545": "通知行",
	"PD000548": "声明",
	"SG000409": "Documents Required",
	"CT000048": "Please enter \'Drafts at\' as the drawee is entered!",
	"CT000047": "Please enter the drawee !",
	"CT000049": "Please enter the reference number!",
	"CT000044": "Please enter only one of these fields: \'Deferred Payment Details\' or \'Mixed Payment Details\'.",
	"CT000043": "Please enter only one of these fields: \'Drafts at\\Drawee\' or \'Mixed Payment Details\'.",
	"CT000046": "Please enter only one of these fields: \'Deferred Payment Details\' or \'Drafts at\\Drawee\'.",
	"CT000042": "Please enter only one of these fields: \'Deferred Payment Details\', \'Drafts at\\Drawee\' or \'Mixed Payment Details\'.",
	"PD000017": "Overview",
	"PD000494": "银行明细",
	"SG000515": "是否可保兑",
	"SG000514": "开证行开证类型",
	"SG000510": "申请人开户行",
	"CT000059": "swift code",
	"CT000058": "联行信息",
	"CT000055": "数据量过大(超过400条),是否显示?",
	"CT000054": "至少输入3个字或6位行号",
	"CT000057": "无匹配记录",
	"CT000056": "联行信息",
	"S0000530": "合同编号",
	"CT000051": "请输入查询条件",
	"CT000050": "请输入查询条件",
	"CT000053": "联行名称",
	"S0000523": "受益人账号",
	"CT000052": "联行行号",
	"S0000524": "受益人开户行",
	"S0000526": "分期装运/提供服务",
	"S0000527": "分期装运/提供服务约定",
	"S0000528": "服务提供地点",
	"S0000529": "货物运输或交货方式/服务方式",
	"SG000506": "申请人账号",
	"SG000505": "申请人银行",
	"CF000463": "...",
	"SG000504": "申请人统一社会信用代码",
	"CF000461": "获取",
	"SG000502": "保兑行",
	"CF000462": "...",
	"SG000501": "转让行",
	"CT000069": "请不要超过20个汉字!",
	"CT000066": "对手行信息",
	"CT000065": "无匹配记录",
	"CT000068": "此对手行代码不存在",
	"S0000541": "是否通知客户",
	"CT000067": "此对手行代码不存在",
	"CT000062": "至少输入4个字符",
	"S0000498": "指定的",
	"S0000531": "合同金额",
	"CT000061": "name2",
	"S0000499": "有关银行",
	"S0000532": "货物目的地/交货地(港)",
	"CT000064": "对手行信息",
	"CT000063": "数据量过大(超过400条),是否显示?",
	"S0000535": "编号",
	"CT000060": "name1",
	"SG000455": "指示",
	"SG000453": "Available in",
	"S0000470": "开立日期",
	"S0000471": "有效日期",
	"S0000472": "有效地点",
	"S0000473": "所属客户经理",
	"S0000474": "转运",
	"S0000475": "信用证兑付方式",
	"CT000073": "请不要超过60个汉字!",
	"S0000466": "申请人        编号.",
	"CT000072": "付款期限不应超过366天",
	"S0000500": "是否可议付",
	"S0000468": "受益人        编号.",
	"S0000469": "金额",
	"CT000070": "Please Check The Input Rule",
	"CF000488": "",
	"SG000446": "承兑、",
	"CT000009": "Transfers and/or Back-to-Back L/C`s have been issued for more than the open amount of the export L/C of $1 $2.",
	"S0000480": "溢短装",
	"S0000482": "最大金额",
	"S0000484": "贸易类型",
	"CF000489": "",
	"S0000485": "是否通过电证系统",
	"S0000476": "远期付款指示",
	"S0000477": "交单期限",
	"S0000478": "天数",
	"S0000479": "摘要",
	"CT000018": "The contract cannot be confirmed by more than 100%.",
	"CT000014": "Please enter the Revolve Date.",
	"CT000016": "The passed User $1 is not available.",
	"SG000550": "发起参与机构",
	"CT000010": "The shipping date ($1) of the Back-to-Back or transferred L/C ($2) is later than the one of the export L/C ($3).",
	"CT000013": "An opening date in the future is not allowed",
	"SF000543": "是否可转让",
	"PD000405": "Detail",
	"PD000525": "明细",
	"CG000415": "...",
	"CG000416": "...",
	"SG000549": "声明",
	"CT000029": "Please fill in the deferred payment details when advising further via SWIFT!",
	"CG000414": "...",
	"CT000028": "L/Cs underlying UCP Latest Version should not be defined as Revocable LCs!",
	"CT000024": "Please fill in details to the applicable rules",
	"S0000464": "编号",