ditp.js 5.66 KB
export default {
	"CF000311": "Reserved Contract",
	"SF000325": "Applicable Rules RMB",
	"CF000279": "Awaiting Applicant´s Request",
	"CG000526": "显示在电证报文",
	"CG000527": "文件名",
	"SF000326": "Date of Authorisation to Reimburse",
	"CG000522": "影像ID",
	"CG000523": "影像类型",
	"CF000273": "",
	"CG000524": "影像描述",
	"SG000532": "影像业务编号",
	"SF000163": "Applicant              Ref.",
	"SF000284": "Revolving Type",
	"SG000377": "贸易类型",
	"SG000531": "合同影像",
	"SG000376": "假远期信用证",
	"SF000165": "Beneficiary           Ref.",
	"SG000375": "MT799(79) 备注",
	"SF000167": "Nominal Amount",
	"SF000288": "Notes to Applicant",
	"SF000166": "Name",
	"SF000289": "Revolving Clause",
	"SG000490": "声明",
	"PD000303": "Reimbursement Narrative",
	"SF000280": "Next Revolve Date",
	"SF000161": "Reference",
	"CF000286": "...",
	"SG000369": "MT799(79)申请人英文名称",
	"CF000283": "Cumulative",
	"SG000487": "报文类型",
	"CT000047": "Please Check The Input Rule",
	"SF000176": "L/C Expiring on",
	"CT000049": "付款期限不应超过货物装运日后(不含装运日)180天",
	"SG000363": "MT799 (79) 签名",
	"CT000044": "Please enter the drawee !",
	"SG000362": "MT799 (79) 受益人英文名称",
	"CF000327": "Presentation Period modified",
	"CT000045": "Please enter \'Drafts at\' as the drawee is entered!",
	"CG000351": "红/绿条款",
	"SG000480": "是否可转让",
	"SF000171": "L/C Issued on",
	"SF000292": "Revolving Details",
	"PD000491": "合同影像",
	"SF000226": "Reimbursement Bank",
	"CG000349": "...",
	"SF000228": "Other Charges",
	"CG000346": "...",
	"SG000479": "合同金额",
	"CF000294": "",
	"SG000357": "Transportation Type",
	"CG000348": "...",
	"CT000059": "swift code",
	"SG000355": "申请人开户行",
	"SG000476": "是否可保兑",
	"SF000184": "Responsible User",
	"CT000058": "联行信息",
	"SG000354": "付行的指示",
	"SG000475": "是否可议付",
	"SG000474": "申请人统一社会信用代码",
	"CG000344": "...",
	"SG000473": "电话",
	"SF000222": "Charges Definition",
	"CT000055": "数据量过大(超过400条),是否显示?",
	"SG000472": "邮编",
	"SF000221": "Account Identification",
	"CT000054": "至少输入3个字或6位行号",
	"SG000350": "给付款、承兑、议",
	"SG000471": "电话",
	"CT000057": "无匹配记录",
	"SG000470": "邮编",
	"CT000056": "联行信息",
	"CT000051": "请输入查询条件",
	"CT000050": "请输入查询条件",
	"CT000053": "联行名称",
	"CT000052": "联行行号",
	"SF000238": "Deferred Payment",
	"SG000347": "附加条款",
	"SG000345": "单据要求",
	"CG000330": "Get Ref",
	"CT000069": "$1",
	"CT000066": "对手行信息",
	"CT000065": "无匹配记录",
	"CT000068": "此对手行代码不存在",
	"CT000067": "此对手行代码不存在",
	"S0000410": "有效地点",
	"CT000062": "至少输入4个字符",
	"S0000411": "是否通过电证系统",
	"CT000061": "name2",
	"CT000064": "对手行信息",
	"S0000413": "转运",
	"CT000063": "数据量过大(超过400条),是否显示?",
	"S0000414": "合同编号",
	"S0000416": "货物目的地/交货地(港)",
	"CT000060": "name1",
	"S0000417": "服务提供地点",
	"PD000275": "Revolving Details",
	"SF000248": "Presentation Period",
	"CF000235": "...",
	"CF000477": "...",
	"SF000368": "信用证最大金额",
	"SG000339": "受益人开户行",
	"SG000338": "受益人帐号",
	"SG000337": "申请人帐号",
	"SF000408": "信用证兑付方式",
	"SG000333": "Mortgage Flag",
	"CT000077": "请不要超过100个汉字!",
	"SF000365": "上下浮动限额 +/-",
	"CT000079": "请不要超过100个汉字!",
	"CT000078": "请不要超过100个汉字!",
	"CT000073": "付款期限不应超过366天",
	"S0000465": "开证行",
	"S0000466": "通知行",
	"S0000467": "申请人银行",
	"CT000074": "请不要超过100个汉字!",
	"PD000065": "Reimbursement",
	"PD000342": "条款",
	"SG000328": "Tenor day",
	"CT000008": "Available with Bank                         Ref.",
	"CT000004": "Pct",
	"CG000550": "有效标识",
	"CG000551": "有效标识",
	"CT000006": "The passed user $1 is not available.",
	"CT000005": "Please enter either the revolve date or activate awaiting applicant´s request.",
	"CT000088": "请不要超过2000个汉字!",
	"CT000087": "请不要超过2000个汉字!",
	"CT000089": "请不要超过2000个汉字!",
	"CT000084": "小数点后只能输入前两位",
	"CT000083": "小数点前不能超过14位",
	"CT000086": "付款期限不应超过366天",
	"CT000080": "请不要超过100个汉字!",
	"CT000082": "请不要超过20个汉字!",
	"CT000081": "请不要超过100个汉字!",
	"PD000452": "银行明细",
	"SF000302": "Reimbursing Bank Account Identification",
	"CG000548": "显示在电证报文",
	"SG000439": "开证类型",
	"CG000549": "文件名",
	"SF000304": "MT747 :77A:",
	"CT000018": "Please enter an advising bank or change Available with.",
	"CG000544": "影像ID",
	"CG000545": "影像类型",
	"CG000546": "影像描述",
	"SG000395": "分期装运/提供服务约定",
	"SF000301": "Ref.",
	"CT000094": "",
	"PD000488": "声明",
	"CT000091": "请不要超过60个汉字!",
	"CT000090": "请不要超过35个汉字!",
	"CT000093": "该字段不能录入英文双引号",
	"CT000092": "请不要超过2000个汉字",
	"PD000361": "Mt799",
	"PD000001": "内容",
	"SG000426": "分期装运/提供服务",
	"CG000533": "获取",
	"SG000540": "历史合同影像",
	"S0000460": "指定的有关银行",
	"SF000277": "Revolve Times",
	"S0000461": "保兑行",
	"SF000276": "Revolving Count",
	"S0000463": "转让行",
	"S0000454": "参考号",
	"CT000020": "Please fill in the deferred payment details!",
	"S0000458": "议付行",
	"PD000077": "明细",