gtxp.js 1.54 KB
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export default {
	"CT000117": "Priority",
	"CF000130": "",
	"SF000141": "Default for Object of Contract",
	"SF000140": "Legal Form",
	"SF000143": "Handling Type",
	"CT000116": "Legal form",
	"SF000142": "Label for Additional Info Field",
	"CT000115": "Type of Guarantee",
	"CT000110": "Language",
	"SF000144": "Unlimited Guarantee",
	"PD000001": "Guarantee Text Definition",
	"PD000145": "Print",
	"CF000146": "...",
	"SF000137": "Language",
	"SF000139": "Label for Contract Date",
	"CT000107": "Name",
	"CT000106": "Party",
	"CT000108": "Object Type",
	"CT000004": "The external key $1 already exists. Please specify a different one.",
	"SF000152": "Purpose of Message (for outgoing)",
	"CT000103": "External Key",
	"CT000125": "Label for Additional Info Field",
	"CT000003": "The external key $1 already exists. Please specify a different one.",
	"CT000124": "Default for Object of Contract",
	"CT000105": "Country",
	"CT000149": "Group",
	"SF000132": "Name",
	"CT000005": "The external key  of a Guarantee text definition might not be empty. Please specify a valid content.",
	"CT000148": "The name of a Guarantee text definition might not be empty. Please specify a valid content.",
	"SF000131": "External Key",
	"CT000104": "Text:",
	"SF000134": "Priority",
	"CG000150": "云平台gtx to atx",
	"CT000121": "Handling Type",
	"CF000129": "",
	"SF000133": "Type of Guarantee",
	"CT000101": "The following text is not a field:\n$1",
	"SF000136": "Object Type",
	"CT000123": "Label for Contract Date",
	"CT000100": "Converting error:\n$1",
	"SF000135": "Guarantee Text",