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export default {
	"SF000206": "Open Amount",
	"SF000205": "Guarantee Amount",
	"CF000197": "Add. Amount",
	"S0000190": "Validity",
	"S0000191": "Our Liability",
	"CF000196": "Add. Amount",
	"SF000163": "Open Amount",
	"SF000162": "Guarantee Amount",
	"S0000195": "Claim Amount",
	"SF000165": "Type of Undertaking",
	"SF000164": "Handling Type",
	"CF000159": "",
	"SF000169": "Beneficiary",
	"SF000168": "Applicant",
	"SF000161": "Name",
	"SF000160": "Reference",
	"PD000188": "Navigationbuttons of Transaction",
	"PD000145": "Header for GI, GC",
	"SF000215": "Guarantee Amount",
	"SF000219": "Open Amount",
	"CT000249": "Validity",
	"SF000174": "Open Amount",
	"SF000173": "Guarantee Amount",
	"CT000248": "unlimited",
	"SF000176": "Open Amount",
	"SF000175": "Type of Undertaking",
	"SF000178": "Applicant",
	"CF000203": "Add. Amount",
	"SF000213": "Validity",
	"SF000179": "Beneficiary",
	"SF000171": "Issuing Bank",
	"CF000172": "",
	"PD000130": "Selection Header for GI",
	"PD000134": "Header for GI",
	"SF000226": "Claim Reference",
	"SF000225": "Date of Claim",
	"SF000228": "Presented by",
	"SF000227": "Claim Amount",
	"SF000229": "Incoming Purpose",
	"SF000220": "Type of Undertaking",
	"CT000253": "The selected record is meanwhile deleted. First undelete the entry.",
	"CF000216": "",
	"SF000222": "Applicant",
	"CT000252": "Claim closed on $1",
	"CF000217": "Show closed",
	"SF000221": "Open Amount",
	"SF000224": "Name",
	"CT000254": "The selected record is meanwhile deleted. First undelete the entry.",
	"CF000215": "Add. Amount",
	"SF000223": "Beneficiary",
	"PD000126": "Menu",
	"PD000202": "Selection Header for GI for SR20",
	"CT000250": "Can\'t find guarantee to claim.",
	"SF000180": "Name",
	"SF000183": "Claim Reference",
	"SF000182": "Date of Claim",
	"PD000200": "Header for HI, GC for SR2020",
	"SF000237": "Issuing Bank",
	"SF000236": "Accountee",
	"CT000227": "(Several Applicants)",
	"CT000268": "Liability",
	"SF000198": "Presented by",
	"SF000230": "Purpose of Message",
	"SF000233": "Type of Undertaking",
	"SF000199": "Adv\Rcv Bank",
	"SF000232": "Handling Type",
	"CT000266": "Expiry",
	"SF000235": "Beneficiary",
	"SF000234": "Applicant",
	"CT000262": "Liability",
	"CT000261": "unlimited",
	"CF000194": "Show closed",
	"CF000192": "Show closed",