sptincp.js 2.02 KB
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export default {
	"CF000033": "Show Inc.",
	"CF000030": "",
	"SG000051": "虚拟机构",
	"SG000050": "Work User",
	"CT000009": "Routing to transaction $1 not allowed.",
	"CT000004": "No associated contract is found.",
	"CT000003": "Select the Export L/C parent contract for the Bill set contract.",
	"CT000006": "This field is mandatory.",
	"CT000005": "Parent Contract",
	"CG000036": "Show Inc.",
	"S0000042": "Info Text",
	"CT000000": "Select a Bill set contract for the Import L/C parent contract",
	"S0000043": "in TRN",
	"S0000044": "at",
	"CT000002": "Select the Import L/C parent contract for the Bill set contract.",
	"S0000045": "Entered by",
	"CT000001": "Select a Bill set contract for the Export L/C parent contract",
	"S0000046": "Type",
	"S0000037": "Message Reference",
	"S0000038": "Name",
	"S0000039": "Transaction",
	"CT000018": "Pending entry $1 is currently locked by $2 since $3 $4.\nProbably someone else is picking up the entry now.\nCheck this or pick up entry later.",
	"CT000017": "No entry saved",
	"CT000016": "Do you want to process the message by connecting it?\nThis would bypass the originaly scheduled transaction $1\nand will remove the incoming message from the processing queue.",
	"CT000011": "Selected incoming message",
	"CT000010": "Incoming message",
	"S0000013": "Message Reference",
	"S0000047": "File Path",
	"S0000048": "File Name",
	"PD000001": "Pending Item",
	"SF000031": "File Path",
	"S0000020": "at",
	"SF000032": "File Name",
	"CT000022": "Do you want to process the message by connecting it?\nThis would bypass the originaly scheduled transaction $1\nand will remove the incoming message from the processing queue.",
	"CT000021": "<No reference>",
	"S0000022": "Entered by",
	"SF000034": "Business Sector",
	"CG000052": "",
	"CF000027": "",
	"S0000023": "Type",
	"CG000053": "",
	"S0000014": "Name",
	"S0000015": "Transaction",
	"CT000020": "Module $1 does not exist.",
	"S0000016": "Responsible Group",
	"S0000017": "Responsible  User",
	"S0000018": "Info Text",
	"S0000019": "in TRN",
	"PD000035": "Pending Item",