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zhengxiaokui committed
1 2 3
export default class Trnmod {
    constructor() { = {
zhengxiaokui committed
            swiadd: {
Eivi committed
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
                amedat: "", //  Amendment Date		.trnmod.swiadd.amedat
                amenbr: "", //  Amend. No Received		.trnmod.swiadd.amenbr
                amecur: "", //  Amended		.trnmod.swiadd.amecur
                ameamt: "", //  Amended		.trnmod.swiadd.ameamt
                newcur: "", //  New Data		.trnmod.swiadd.newcur
                newamt: "", //  New Data		.trnmod.swiadd.newamt
                newnomtop: "", //  New positive tolerance		.trnmod.swiadd.newnomtop
                newnomton: "", //  New negative tolerance		.trnmod.swiadd.newnomton
                nomspc: "", //  Amount Specification		.trnmod.swiadd.nomspc
                newexpdat: "", //  New Expiry Date		.trnmod.swiadd.newexpdat
                newshpdat: "", //  New Shipment Date		.trnmod.swiadd.newshpdat
                shpper: "", //  Shipment Period		.trnmod.swiadd.shpper
                shpfro: "", //  Dispatch from		.trnmod.swiadd.shpfro
                porloa: "", //  Air-/Port of Loading		.trnmod.swiadd.porloa
                pordis: "", //  Air-/Port of Discharge		.trnmod.swiadd.pordis
                purpos: "", //   Purpose of message           trnmod.swiadd.purpos
                shpto: "", //  Final Destination		.trnmod.swiadd.shpto
                addamtcov: "", //  Amounts Covered		.trnmod.swiadd.addamtcov
                addamt: "", //  Amounts Covered		.trnmod.swiadd.addamt
                insbnk: "", //  Instruction to P/A/N Bank amendment		.trnmod.swiadd.insbnk
                nartxt: "",
                newnomtopame: "",
                newnomtoname: "",
                prepers18: "", //New Presentation Period
                strinf: "", //  Narrative of Maturity		.trnmod.swiadd.strinf
huangxin committed
30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
                newmatpercnt:"",			//  New Tenor Data		.trnmod.swiadd.newmatpercnt
				newmatpertyp:"",			//  Days/Month or Year for Maturity Period		.trnmod.swiadd.newmatpertyp
				newmatperbeg:"",			//  Start of Maturity Period		.trnmod.swiadd.newmatperbeg
				newmatdat:"",			//  New Maturity Date		.trnmod.swiadd.newmatdat
				ametxt:"",			//  Further Amendments		.trnmod.swiadd.ametxt
                shptoelc: "",			//  货物目的地/交货地(港)		.trnmod.swiadd.shptoelc
				shpfroelc: "",			//  Shipment from		.trnmod.swiadd.shpfroelc
                //nartxtflg: "",			//  Narrative modified		.trnmod.swiadd.nartxtflg
			    lcrgod: "",			//  Description of Goods amendment		.trnmod.swiadd.lcrgod
				lcrdoc: "",			//  Documents Required amendment		.trnmod.swiadd.lcrdoc
				//adlcnd: "",			//  Additional Conditions amendment		.trnmod.swiadd.adlcnd
liyixun committed
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78
                purposamein:"",			//  Inc. Purpose of amend.		.trnmod.swiadd.purposamein
                purposame:"",			//  Purpose of amend.		.trnmod.swiadd.purposame
                amedat:"",			//  Amendment Date		.trnmod.swiadd.amedat
                orddat:"",			//  Order from		.trnmod.swiadd.orddat
                amenbr:"",			//  Amend. No Receiv.		.trnmod.swiadd.amenbr
                amecur:"",			//  Amended		.trnmod.swiadd.amecur
                ameamt:"",			//  Amended Amount		.trnmod.swiadd.ameamt
                newcur:"",			//  Guarantee Amount		.trnmod.swiadd.newcur
                newamt:"",			//  New amount		.trnmod.swiadd.newamt
                ameblk:"",			//  Text for Amendments		.trnmod.swiadd.ameblk
                reqcan:"",			//  Cancellation Request		.trnmod.swiadd.reqcan
                amemsgdonflg:"",			//  Create Amendment Message		.trnmod.swiadd.amemsgdonflg
                addamtflg:"",			//  Add. Amount Flag		.trnmod.swiadd.addamtflg
                addcur:"",			//  Additional Currency		.trnmod.swiadd.addcur
                addamt:"",			//  Additional Amount		.trnmod.swiadd.addamt
                addamtcovs20:"",			//  Additional Amount Covered		.trnmod.swiadd.addamtcovs20
                redrea:"",			//  Reason for Reduce / Discharge		.trnmod.swiadd.redrea
                exptyp:"",			//  New Expiry Type 		.trnmod.swiadd.exptyp
                newexpdat:"",			//  New Expiry Date		.trnmod.swiadd.newexpdat
                exptxt:"",			//  New Expiry Condition		.trnmod.swiadd.exptxt
                liatypc:"",			//  New Liability Type 		.trnmod.swiadd.liatypc
                newliadat:"",			//  New Liability Date		.trnmod.swiadd.newliadat
                liatxtc:"",			//  New Liability Condition		.trnmod.swiadd.liatxtc
                newdtaappexpdat:"",			//  New appr. Expiry Date		.trnmod.swiadd.newdtaappexpdat
                ameblkc:"",			//  Text for Amendments		.trnmod.swiadd.ameblkc
                amecurc:"",			//  Amended Amount		.trnmod.swiadd.amecurc
                ameamtc:"",			//  Increase of Local Guarantee Amount		.trnmod.swiadd.ameamtc
                newcurc:"",			//  Local Undertaking		.trnmod.swiadd.newcurc
                newamtc:"",			//  New Amount Local Guarantee		.trnmod.swiadd.newamtc
                addamtflgc:"",			//  Additional Amount Flag Seq. C		.trnmod.swiadd.addamtflgc
                addcurc:"",			//  Additional Currency Seq. C		.trnmod.swiadd.addcurc
                addamtc:"",			//  Additional Amount Seq. C		.trnmod.swiadd.addamtc
                addamtcovc:"",			//  Add. Amount Covered 		.trnmod.swiadd.addamtcovc
                newexpflg:"",			//  Unlimited Validity		.trnmod.swiadd.newexpflg
                newliaflg:"",			//  Unlimited Liability		.trnmod.swiadd.newliaflg
                addamtcov:"",			//  Amounts Covered		.trnmod.swiadd.addamtcov
zhengxiaokui committed
zhengxiaokui committed
            trndoc: {
Eivi committed
81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91
                nar754: "", //  Narrative :77A:		.trnmod.trndoc.nar754
                advlabel: "", //  ADVLABEL		.trnmod.trndoc.advlabel
                amdnam: "", //  AMDNAM		.trnmod.trndoc.amdnam
                advdoc: "", //  国内证通知书		.trnmod.trndoc.advdoc
                advnam: "", //  国内证落款		.trnmod.trndoc.advnam
                amdapl: "", //  修改申请人名称		.trnmod.trndoc.amdapl
                doclbl: "", //  Lable for CONDOCSTM		.trnmod.trndoc.doclbl
                doctrestm: "", //  Document tree		.trnmod.trndoc.doctrestm
                shwinc: "", //  Show Incoming Messages		.trnmod.trndoc.shwinc
                shwout: "", //  Show Outgoing Messages		.trnmod.trndoc.shwout
                condocstm: "", //  Connected Documents		.trnmod.trndoc.condocstm
zhengxiaokui committed
                rcvatt: {
Eivi committed
                    seainf: "", //  		.trnmod.trndoc.rcvatt.seainf
zhengxiaokui committed
Eivi committed
                filrecv: "", //  File Receiver		.trnmod.trndoc.filrecv
zhengxiaokui committed
                doceot: [],
Wuyuqiu committed
zhengxiaokui committed
zhujiazhan committed
99 100 101 102 103 104
                ascin:"",			//  Message as stream		            .trnmod.docimm.ascin
                prtswtrpblk:"",			//  XMLPanel prtswtrp的内置block	.trnmod.docimm.prtswtrpblk
                xmldocblk:"",			//  XMLPanel xmldoc的内置block		.trnmod.docimm.xmldocblk
                prtswtpblk:"",			//  XMLPanel prtswtp的内置block		.trnmod.docimm.prtswtpblk
Eivi committed

zhengxiaokui committed
106 107
Eivi committed