sysmod.js 14.9 KB
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export default {
	"MB000073": "Display transaction documentation",
	"CT000399": "File $1 found, but SYSADM can\'t be launched",
	"MB000072": "Display context help",
	"MB000075": "Save Display Image",
	"MB000074": "Save Dump",
	"MB000077": "Show About Info",
	"CT000395": "No field is currently selected.\nF1 displays the helptext of a selected field.",
	"MB000076": "Print Hardcopy",
	"CT000398": "Launching SYSADM because the system is blocked. ($1 found)",
	"MB000079": "Edit context helptext",
	"MB000078": "Display general documentation",
	"CT000392": "Error on invisible field \'$1\' ($2)",
	"CT000391": "The block contains character \'*\'.\nPlease delete the character or replace it with a valid text.",
	"CT000270": "The maximum number of allowed logins for PC $1 has been exceeded.\nNo further login on that Workstation possible.",
	"CT000273": "<no versioninfo found in $1>",
	"CT000394": "No helptexts found.",
	"CT000393": "Error on field \'$1\' on panel $2",
	"CT000390": "Do you really want to cancel and return to the main menu\nwithout saving entered data?",
	"MB000071": "Pulldown Menu",
	"MB000070": "Print",
	"CT000605": "BPTOPN",
	"MB000069": "Zoom 100%",
	"MB000061": "Standard Hotkeys",
	"MB000068": "Zoom 200%",
	"CT000287": "Caution: databasefile and data partition do not match.\nData Partition = $1\nDatasource = $2\nProbably a missconfiguration of the environment or the PC.",
	"CT000617": "CPTOPN",
	"CT000616": "The requested transaction \'$1\' is not stored or inaccessable.",
	"CT000619": "LETDAV",
	"CT000618": "CPTADV",
	"CT000613": "GETOPN",
	"CT000612": "GITOPN",
	"CT000615": "The requested transaction \'$1\' is not stored or inaccessable.",
	"CT000614": "BOTSCC",
	"CT000059": "A hardcopy of the current screen has been sent to the printer.",
	"MB000095": "Builtin",
	"MB000094": "User",
	"CT000611": "TRTOPN",
	"MB000097": "Flow",
	"CT000610": "BP",
	"MB000096": "Basexec",
	"CT000176": "The configured database is not accessible. Please check the configuration.\n(Error=$1 $2)",
	"MB000099": "SQL Data",
	"CT000054": "Unable to print the hardcopy or print was canceled.",
	"MB000098": "Communication",
	"CT000178": "The table LCK of the configured database is not accessible or erroneous. Please check the configuration.\n(Error=$1 $2)",
	"CT000299": "$1 has been printed",
	"CT000177": "An error occurred on the initial access to the configured database. Please check the configuration.\n(Error=$1 $2)",
	"CT000298": "$1 is about to be printed.",
	"CT000293": "ZIP file $1 does not exist.",
	"CT000053": "A hardcopy of the current screen has been sent to the printer.",
	"MB000091": "Profiling",
	"MB000090": "Info",
	"MB000093": "Rules",
	"MB000092": "SQL Request",
	"CT000628": "代办机构:",
	"CT000627": "user $1 $2  $3",
	"CT000629": "",
	"CT000624": "FN",
	"CT000623": "PC",
	"CT000626": "user $1   $2  $3",
	"CT000620": "LETDRW",
	"MB000084": "Zoom 50%",
	"MB000083": "Zoom 75%",
	"CT000622": "LITROG",
	"MB000086": "Show Context in Statusline",
	"MB000085": "Zoom 125%",
	"MB000088": "Save Image for documentation",
	"MB000087": "Debug settings",
	"MB000089": "Debugsetting",
	"MB000080": "Fit Width",
	"CT000060": "Unable to print the hardcopy or print was canceled.",
	"CT000181": "\i3$1\n\nThe software is about to terminate. You might cancel the\ntermination, but this could create further error messages.\n\nOK will terminate.\tCancel will continue.",
	"MB000082": "Show all pages",
	"CT000180": "Please be keep in mind that the security key of this installation will expire in $1 days.\nPerhaps you should request a new security key to be able to use the installation further on.",
	"MB000081": "Fit Height",
	"CT000639": "订单复核",
	"CT000518": "GETCRQ",
	"CT000517": "GITCRQ",
	"CT000519": "LITDAV",
	"CT000635": "Fail to get branch key of the user",
	"CT000514": "BPTOPN",
	"CT000634": "User $1 has no related clients",
	"CT000513": "T",
	"CT000516": "GETOPN",
	"CT000636": "",
	"CT000515": "GITOPN",
	"CT000630": "经办机构:",
	"CT000633": "User $1 has no related clients. Could not start application.\nPlease contact your system administrator.",
	"CT000512": "LTTDCK",
	"CT000632": "stream is empty",
	"CT000649": "币种参数错误",
	"CT000525": "BP",
	"CT000646": "User $1 has already been cancled. So could not login sstf.\nPlease contact system administrator.",
	"CT000403": "Error in SYSDUMP: $1 / $2",
	"CT000524": "LETDRV",
	"CT000645": "stream is empty",
	"CT000648": "0",
	"CT000526": "BE",
	"CT000400": "Printing not defined for \"$1\".",
	"CT000520": "LITDCK",
	"CT000641": "您无权选择其他机构下账户!!",
	"CT000402": "Error in SYSDUMP: $1 / $2",
	"CT000401": "Error in SYSDUMP: $1 / $2",
	"CT000419": "Fail to get branch key of the user",
	"CT000418": "The branch access is wrong,please check the error $1 and error message $2",
	"CT000539": "LC",
	"CT000536": "TR",
	"CT000657": "联行名称",
	"CT000414": "The branch access is wrong,please check the error $1 and error message $2",
	"CT000535": "PC",
	"CT000656": "联行行号",
	"CT000417": "Fail to get branch key of the user",
	"CT000538": "CONRES",
	"CT000659": "数据量过大(超过400条),是否显示?",
	"CT000537": "TR",
	"CT000658": "至少输入3个字或6位行号",
	"CT000532": "BCTSET",
	"CT000653": "查找数据库失败!",
	"CT000531": "BRTSET",
	"CT000652": "查找数据库失败!",
	"CT000413": "Fail to get branch key of the user",
	"CT000534": "PC",
	"CT000655": "This fields is not allowed [}|$`^~]#%&*=@",
	"CT000654": "This fields is not allowed [}|$`^~]",
	"CT000651": "查找数据库失败!",
	"CT000650": "查找数据库失败!",
	"CT000547": "User $1 has no related clients",
	"CT000546": "User $1 has no related clients. Could not start application.\nPlease contact your system administrator.",
	"CT000428": "The branch code is error,the errorcode is :$1,please check the data!",
	"CT000549": "User $1 has no related clients",
	"CT000548": "User $1 has no related clients. Could not start application.\nPlease contact your system administrator.",
	"CT000543": "FC",
	"CT000300": "The printing of $1 has been canceled",
	"CT000542": "FC",
	"CT000663": "0",
	"CT000424": "The branch access is wrong,please check the error $1 and error message $2",
	"CT000423": "Fail to get branch key of the user",
	"CT000665": "字符$1 输入不合法",
	"CT000660": "联行信息",
	"CT000420": "The branch access is wrong,please check the error $1 and error message $2",
	"CT000541": "FCTOPN",
	"CT000662": "联行信息",
	"CT000540": "LI",
	"CT000661": "无匹配记录",
	"CT000437": "SG",
	"CT000558": "GETOPN",
	"CT000436": "LITROG",
	"CT000557": "GITOPN",
	"CT000439": "LTTOPN",
	"RG000410": "<current entity>\' and ETGEXTKEY = \'<current entitygroup>\' and ( <sql> )",
	"CT000438": "SG",
	"CT000559": "BPTOPN",
	"CT000433": "LITOPN",
	"CT000554": "CPTOPN",
	"CT000553": "User $1 has no related clients",
	"CT000435": "LI",
	"CT000556": "stream is empty",
	"CT000434": "LC",
	"CT000555": "CPTADV",
	"CT000550": "User $1 has no related clients. Could not start application.\nPlease contact your system administrator.",
	"CT000552": "User $1 has no related clients. Could not start application.\nPlease contact your system administrator.",
	"CT000551": "User $1 has no related clients",
	"RG000409": "<current entitygroup>\' and ( <sql> )",
	"RG000408": "<current entity>\' and ( <sql> )",
	"CT000206": "The requested transaction \'$1\' is not stored or inaccessable.",
	"CT000327": "*** WARNING: Rollback was not successful. ***",
	"CT000448": "BCTDAV",
	"CT000569": "-1",
	"CT000326": "Application dump executed",
	"CT000447": "CC",
	"CT000568": "-1",
	"CT000329": "Please check database carefully.",
	"RG000663": "查询成功!\' )",
	"CT000207": "The requested transaction \'$1\' is not stored or inaccessable.",
	"CT000328": "Errorcode $1/$2",
	"CT000449": "IC",
	"RG000664": "出现出错:$1 \', $RtnText )",
	"CT000323": "Dump is unable to save the file $1.\n(Error=$2 $3)\nPlease inform the system administrator.",
	"CT000565": "-1",
	"CT000322": "Dump is unable to create a filename starting with $1.\n(Error=$2 $3)\nPlease inform the system administrator.",
	"CT000564": "",
	"CT000325": "Dump is unable to save the file $1.\n(Error=$2 $3)\nPlease inform the system administrator.",
	"CT000446": "CC",
	"CT000567": "-1",
	"CT000324": "Dump is unable to retrieve the display information.\n(Error=$1 $2)\nPlease inform the system administrator.",
	"CT000445": "CCTDAV",
	"CT000566": "-1",
	"CT000440": "TC",
	"CT000321": "Dump is unable to create the dump directory $1.\n(Error=$2 $3)\nPlease inform the system administrator.",
	"CT000441": "LT",
	"CT000562": "GI",
	"MB000100": "Application",
	"CT000338": "Fore-/Background: $1",
	"CT000459": "CPI",
	"CT000337": "Start of Trn.:    $1",
	"CT000458": "IT",
	"CT000579": "BCTDAV",
	"CT000339": "Command Line:     $1",
	"CT000334": "Date / Time:      $1",
	"CT000455": "CL",
	"CT000576": "LTTOPN",
	"CT000333": "Screen Image:     $1 could not be stored. Errorcode = $2",
	"CT000454": "CLTDAV",
	"CT000575": "LETNOT",
	"CT000336": "Session-Init:     $1 (SSN\\INR=$2)",
	"CT000457": "CPTADV",
	"CT000335": "User ID:          $1",
	"CT000456": "CL",
	"R0000644": "\' and OBJTYP = ? and OBJINR = ? and INR <> ?\", $ObjTyp, $ObjInr, \\SYSMOD\\SPT\\INR )",
	"CT000330": "Dump File:        $1",
	"CT000451": "BOTDAV",
	"CT000450": "BC",
	"CT000571": "LITOPN",
	"CT000332": "Screen Image:     $1",
	"CT000453": "BO",
	"CT000574": "LETOPN",
	"CT000331": "Dump File:        $1 could not be stored. Errorcode = $2",
	"CT000452": "OC",
	"CT000570": "-1",
	"CT000349": "Unable to save the image file in $1.\n(Error=$2 $3)",
	"CT000348": "An image file of the current set of panels of $2 is stored in $1.",
	"CT000227": "The currently used user interface languagecode is \"$1\".\nThe application is not yet translated into this language.\nPlease select a different baselanguage or userlanguage.\nYou might continue, but this could create unreadable panels, messages and prompts.\nOK will continue and Cancel will terminate.",
	"CT000469": "TR",
	"CT000345": "Call-Stack:",
	"CT000224": "-e $3 -v $4  [$5] $1 $2",
	"CT000466": "TRTOPN",
	"CT000587": "LETDRW",
	"CT000102": "The stored data of the entry to be picked up is not available.\nThe transaction cannot be started.",
	"CT000344": "Locked Records:",
	"CT000223": "$4:$3  [$5] $1 $2",
	"CT000465": "BE",
	"CT000347": "Dump is unable to save the file $1.\n(Error=$2 $3)\nPlease inform the system administrator.",
	"CT000468": "PC",
	"CT000346": "No addition system information available",
	"CT000225": "-e $3  [$4] $1 $2",
	"CT000467": "PC",
	"CT000341": "GetFrameName:     $1 - $2",
	"CT000462": "CPO",
	"CT000583": "LETRSV",
	"CT000340": "Runtime System:   $1",
	"CT000461": "TT",
	"CT000582": "CLTDAV",
	"CT000343": "Last SQL Statement:",
	"CT000464": "BP",
	"CT000342": "Previous dump:    $1",
	"CT000463": "LTTDCK",
	"CT000584": "LETDRV",
	"CT000460": "CPTOPN",
	"CT000581": "CCTDAV",
	"CT000580": "BOTDAV",
	"CT000359": "Timeout during start of $1",
	"CT000356": "The system received a record which is not found in the current entity \"$2\"\nand thus cannot process it.",
	"CT000477": "LETOPN",
	"CT000355": "Record of not registered type received and thus skipped.\nMost probably the Infosystem was not initiated from this transaction.",
	"CT000476": "LE",
	"CT000358": "Waiting for $1 to be started",
	"CT000479": "LE",
	"CT000357": "The transaction $1 could not be started within $2 seconds.\nPlease retry later.",
	"CT000478": "AD",
	"CT000352": "The system is unable to change to the requested entity $1.",
	"CT000351": "The system is unable to change to the requested entity $1.",
	"CT000354": "The system received a record based on the entity \"$1\"\nwhich is different from the current entity \"$2\"\nand thus cannot process it.",
	"RF000640": "\" + \\SYSMOD\\BCH\\INR + \"\'\"",
	"CT000475": "RS",
	"CT000353": "The transaction does not allow to use the record.",
	"CT000474": "LETRSV",
	"CT000350": "The user count has exceeded the allowed limit or the license has expired.\nThe transaction is canceled.",
	"CT000470": "TR",
	"RF000638": "BranchInr not exist!\' )",
	"CT000367": "The current user ($1) is not found in the user table. The default settings are taken.",
	"CT000366": "Trn=$1, Fieldpath=$2, Field=$3, Table=$4, Panelpath=$5, Panel=$6",
	"CT000369": "\i3$1\nThe software is about to terminate. You might cancel the\ntermination, but this could create further error messages.\n\nOK will terminate.\tCancel will continue.",
	"CT000368": "The current session could not be registered.\n(Error=$1 $2)",
	"CT000363": "Trn=$1, Fieldpath=$2, Field=$3, Table=$4, Panelpath=$5, Panel=$6",
	"CT000362": "The helptext editor is currently active.\nPlease terminate transaction\nand retry.",
	"CT000365": "<root>",
	"CT000364": "<no>",
	"CT000480": "CPTOPN",
	"CT000361": "No helptext found.",
	"CT000360": "No helptext found.",
	"CT000481": "CPTADV",
	"CT000378": "A hardcopy of the current document has been sent to the printer.",
	"CT000256": "<err=$1. INI file not accessable>",
	"CT000377": "An image of the current set of panels of $2 is stored in $1.",
	"CT000498": "LETNOT",
	"CT000258": "<undefined tag used in SYSMOD.GetSysInfStream>",
	"CT000379": "A hardcopy of the current document has been sent to the printer.",
	"CT000253": "<err=$1. partition not accessable>",
	"CT000374": "Unable to save the image of $3 in $1. (Error=$2 $3)",
	"CT000373": "This field is mandatory",
	"CT000255": "< empty >",
	"CT000376": "Unable to save the image of $3 in $1.\n(Error=$2 $3)",
	"CT000375": "An image of the current set of panels of $2 is stored in $1.",
	"CT000370": "The current user ($1) was found more than once in the user\ntable and has no priority flag set.\nThus, the selected user might be in the wrong entity.\nPlease maintain the database and mark one entry of the user with the priority flag.",
	"CT000251": "<err=$1. context not accessable>",
	"CT000372": "Unable to show the requested documentation \"$1\".\n(Error from WinExec = $2 $3)",
	"CT000371": "Unable to show the requested documentation \"$1\".\n(Error from ShellExec = $2 $3)",
	"CT000389": "Do you really want to leave the application completely?",
	"CT000388": "An application dump was issued in $3.\n\n$1\nMore details are stored in $2\n$4\nThe transaction will be canceled.$5",
	"CT000267": "\'Error\' in transaction $1 for $2 $3:\n$4",
	"CT000385": "The requested transaction \'$1\' is not stored or inaccessable.",
	"CT000384": "The requested transaction \'$1\' is not stored or inaccessable.",
	"CT000266": "<err=Tag $1 not found>",
	"CT000387": "An application dump was issued in $3.\n\n$1\nMore details are stored in $2\n$4\nDo you want to continue the transaction?",
	"CT000265": "<err=Illegal tag reference>",
	"CT000386": "Unable to start TDVIEW viewer to view file $1.\n(Error=$2 $3)\nThis file holds information about an application dump, which just occurred.",
	"CT000381": "Unable to print the document or print was canceled.",
	"CT000380": "Unable to print the document or print was canceled.",
	"CT000383": "ObjTyp\tObjInr  \tSptInr  \tF\tSta\tH\tDate     Time    \tSession \tTrans.\tObjNam",
	"CT000382": "Viewer Hardcopy",