exportdefault{"CF000013":"Original Amount","CF000010":"Fee Amount","CT000333":"该项收费为我行面向小微企业的自主免费项目,当前客户企业规模为小型或微小型,请柜员确认是否仍收取$1费用","CT000010":"Fee \"$1\" stored in pool for party $2($3) not loaded\nThis transaction does not settle to that party","CT000296":"The user accepted to remove fees.","CT000293":"Do you really want to remove the fee from pool?\nIf you accept the amount is set to zero and a warning is set","CT000295":"Do you really want to remove this already advised fee from pool?\nIf you accept the amount is set to zero and a warning is set","CT000294":"Fees in different currencies found for role $1, cannot sum them up","PD000000":"Fees","CF000003":"Role","CF000004":"Code","CF000002":"Details","CT000305":"Fees of temporary settlement picked up here found in pool of \ncontract not handled in this transaction.\nThese fees have been loaded additionally.\nPlease check carefully if those fees are settled from and to correct role.","CT000304":"For $1 $2 charges are stored in the pool ! Settle or change role of payer first.","CT000306":"No row selected","CT000301":"CAUTION : Own charge line $1 in settlement settled to $2 does not hold party information.\nRole defaulting on pickup will not be possible","CT000300":"Do you really want to remove the transaction fee?\nIf you accept the amount is set to zero and a warning is set","CT000303":"Fee has been advised on $1","CF000009":"Cur.","CT000302":"$5 unit(s) of $1 stored in pool on $2: $3 $4","CF000007":"Units","CF000008":"Long Fee Text","CF000005":"Source of fee","S0000001":"Own Commission / Charges:","CF000006":"Disp.",}