mtabut.js 7.8 KB
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132
export default {
	"CG000242": "企业名录",
	"CT000157": "Contract will be closed although there are still opened subcontracts.",
	"CT000159": "Contract will be closed though there are still not settled temporary settlement.",
	"CT000154": "References must neither start or end with / nor contain //.",
	"SF000200": "Language/Form",
	"CT000153": "Rerouting executed",
	"CT000156": "Execution stopped due to timeout",
	"SF000202": "Copies",
	"CG000240": "imgyge",
	"CT000155": "Reference  is not valid for SWIFT as it start or end with / or contains // .\nPlease correct reference with transaction \"Editing References\" before continuing with this transaction.",
	"SF000201": "Originals",
	"CG000241": "人行影像",
	"CT000150": "Canceled by user",
	"CG000239": "Inc to Ben",
	"CT000209": "The picking up of the pending item \'$1\' has been canceled.",
	"CT000206": "Do you really want to cancel the picking up\nof the pending transaction \'$1\' and terminate the transaction?",
	"CT000205": "Do you really want to cancel the picking up\nof the registered transaction \'$1\' and terminate the transaction?",
	"CT000208": "The undeleting of item \'$1\' has been canceled.",
	"CT000207": "Do you really want to cancel the entry\nof the new transaction \'$1\' and terminate the transaction?",
	"CT000169": "$1 created at $4 by $5\nis referring to the same incoming message.\nThis pending entry will finally be removed to avoid multiple\nprocessing of the same message.",
	"CT000202": "There is already contract $1 with reference $2 for $4 $3.",
	"CT000168": "New",
	"CG000232": "Img",
	"CT000204": "Do you really want to cancel the undeleting\nof the transaction \'$1\' and terminate the transaction?",
	"CG000233": "His.img",
	"CT000203": "There are changes",
	"CF000208": "&Redirect",
	"CT000165": "Contract will be closed though there are still opened entries for this contract in \'Selection of Pending Items\'",
	"CT000164": "The following transaction(s) wait(s) for workflow completion:\n$1",
	"CT000167": "New for",
	"CT000200": "There is already contract $1 with reference $2 for $4 $3.\n\nPlease check incoming message and maybe delete the message.",
	"CT000161": "Contract will be closed though there are still charges stored in the pool.\nPlease use transaction Settle Charges to collect outstanding charges under this contract.",
	"CT000160": "Contract cannot be closed as there are open subcontracts. Please close the subcontracts first.",
	"CT000163": "Contract cannot be closed because of $1 uncommitted transaction(s) for subcontracts. Check Warning for details.",
	"CT000162": "Contract will be closed although there are still open diaries. They will be set to \"done\".",
	"CF000179": "E&xit",
	"CF000213": "&Order",
	"CF000210": "&Load",
	"CF000178": "&Break",
	"CF000211": "&Close",
	"CF000175": "C&heck",
	"CT000217": "本次操作处理了保证金,不能退出,请执行Break操作    !!!!",
	"CG000224": "用户确认",
	"CF000176": "Warning",
	"CG000225": "Check",
	"CT000219": "本次操作处理了保证金,不能退出,请执行Break操作    !!!!",
	"CF000174": "&Save",
	"T0000173": "Buttons and technical functions for business transactions",
	"CT000213": "请输入开立申请人",
	"CT000215": "请输入金额",
	"CT000214": "请输入币种",
	"CT000211": "Canceled by user",
	"CT000056": "Diaries for Contract $1",
	"CF000215": "Close Contract",
	"CT000210": "The entry of \'$1\' has been canceled.",
	"PD000207": "Chain Transaction",
	"CF000182": "&Use",
	"CF000183": "&Print",
	"CF000181": "&Search",
	"CF000188": "Show &Inc.",
	"CF000189": "&Unmapped",
	"CT000227": "No errors found on check.",
	"CF000185": "E&xit",
	"CT000229": "Details of address for $1",
	"SF000198": "Correspondence",
	"CT000226": "No errors found on check.",
	"R0000237": "请输入有效中台流水号!              \' )",
	"CT000220": "本次操作处理了保证金,不能退出,请执行Break操作    !!!!",
	"SF000199": "Medium",
	"CT000221": "本次操作处理了保证金,不能退出,请执行Break操作    !!!!",
	"CF000190": "&Diaries",
	"PD000180": "TRN Add Buttons Lower part",
	"CT000239": "incoming message",
	"CT000235": "请完成黑名单认证提交操作!",
	"CT000234": "请完成黑名单认证提交操作!",
	"CT000198": "$1",
	"CT000231": "单证中心柜员不能经办业务!!!",
	"CT000230": "单证中心柜员不能经办业务!!!",
	"CT000233": "到期日 $1 为节假日!",
	"CT000199": "There is already contract $1 with reference $2 for $4 $3.",
	"CT000232": "单证中心柜员不能经办业务!!!",
	"CT000196": "for",
	"CT000195": "New",
	"PD000184": "Info Buttons",
	"PD000186": "TRN Add Buttons Lower part(Exit)",
	"PD000187": "Selection Buttons",
	"CT000008": "Do you really want to store the unmodified transaction \'$1\' as pending transaction?",
	"RG000224": "请输入受益人\' )",
	"CT000004": "The undeleting of item \'$1\' has been canceled.",
	"CT000125": "Transaction to be used for message",
	"CT000246": "需要在OCRM系统维护客户分类!",
	"CT000003": "Do you really want to cancel the entry\nof the new transaction \'$1\' and terminate the transaction?",
	"CT000245": "请完成黑名单认证提交操作!",
	"CT000006": "The entry of \'$1\' has been canceled.",
	"CT000248": "There are warnings",
	"CT000005": "The picking up of the pending item \'$1\' has been canceled.",
	"CT000247": "需要加强客户及交易背景审查!",
	"CT000000": "Do you really want to cancel the undeleting\nof the transaction \'$1\' and terminate the transaction?",
	"CT000242": "请完成黑名单认证流程!",
	"CT000241": "请重新获取业务编号!",
	"CT000002": "Do you really want to cancel the picking up\nof the pending transaction \'$1\' and terminate the transaction?",
	"CT000123": "selected incoming message",
	"CT000244": "请完成黑名单认证流程!",
	"CT000001": "Do you really want to cancel the picking up\nof the registered transaction \'$1\' and terminate the transaction?",
	"CT000122": "incoming message",
	"CT000243": "请完成黑名单认证提交操作!",
	"PD000214": "Subpanel for CLSFLG",
	"CT000240": "selected incoming message",
	"CT000080": "No errors found on check.",
	"PD000177": "TRN Add Buttons Upper part",
	"RG000238": "请输入有效中台流水号!              \' )",
	"CT000014": "Do you really want to cancel the entry\nof the new transaction \'$1\' and clear all fields?",
	"CT000017": "The new transaction \'$1\' has been stored in the database.",
	"CT000013": "Do you really want to cancel the picking up\nof the pending transaction \'$1\' and clear all fields?",
	"CT000012": "Do you really want to cancel the undeleting\nof the transaction \'$1\' and clear all fields?",
	"PD000191": "Buttons middle part",
	"CT000029": "Unmapped Fields of Incoming Message",
	"CT000026": "No unmapped fields found",
	"CT000147": "Check failed during recalculation",
	"CT000025": "Unmapped Fields of Incoming Message",
	"CT000146": "Incoming message routed to contract type $1.\nThis transaction handles contracts of type $2 and thus cannot execute.\nPlease reroute incoming message.",
	"CT000149": "Transaction cannot be locked",
	"CT000148": "There are warnings",
	"CT000022": "Please check the following correction message:\n$1",
	"CT000143": "$1 deleted at $4 by $5\nis referring to the same incoming message.\nThis deleted entry will finally be removed to avoid multiple\nprocessing of the same message.",
	"CT000021": "Please check the following message for registration $2:\n$1",
	"CT000145": "Additional pending entries of message found, which are currently locked\nby $1 since $2.\nTransaction cannot execute unless these entries are unlocked.",
	"CT000023": "Please check the following message for incoming messages:\n$1",
	"CT000144": "The original transaction was connected to an incoming message.\nYou will now process the incoming message, which was created\nby $5 at $4.",
	"PD000197": "Header of EOT (8/8 on EOT)",