gitamep.js 15.2 KB
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302
export default {
	"CG002029": "保函修改面函模版",
	"CT000037": "The new liability date must be in the future.",
	"CT000039": "Send Amendment to",
	"SF002065": "Amended Amount",
	"CG002027": "拒绝此次修改",
	"CT000038": "The liability date has to be later than the validity date",
	"CT000032": "\'Charges condition\' has been amended to \'$1\'",
	"CT000031": "UNLIMITED",
	"CT000030": "Do you really want to discard your changes in the text?\nIf you confirm all modifications are lost",
	"CT002108": "The transfer conditions have been changed from $1 to $2.",
	"CT002109": "The \"Standard Wording required\" has been changed from $1 to $2.",
	"CT000048": "UNLIMITED",
	"CT002106": "The demand indicator has been changed from $1 to $2.",
	"CT002107": "The transfer indicator has been changed from $1 to $2.",
	"CT002104": "The charges have been changed from $1 to $2.",
	"CT000049": "The amount cannot get negative",
	"CT002105": "The governing law/place has been changed from $1 $2 to $3 $4.",
	"CT002102": "The additional amount information has been changed from $1 to $2.",
	"CT002103": "The presentation instructions has been changed from $1 to $2.",
	"CT002100": "The obligor has been changed from $1 to $2.",
	"CT002101": "The issuing bank has been changed from $1 to $2.",
	"CT000040": "Send Request to",
	"CF002073": "",
	"PD002031": "Amendment",
	"CF002079": "Choose Full Text",
	"CF002078": "Create Amendment Message",
	"CT002119": "The tender closing date has been set to $1.",
	"CF002077": "Amendments modified",
	"CF002076": "Add. Amount",
	"CT002117": "The $2 has been set to $1.",
	"CT002118": "The contract reference has been set to $1.",
	"SF002087": "Amended",
	"SF002088": "Amendments",
	"CT002113": "The auto-extension notification period has been changed from $1 to $2.",
	"CT002114": "The auto-extension final expiry date has been changed from $1 to $2.",
	"CT002111": "The automatic extension period has been changed from $1 $2 $3 to $4 $5 6.",
	"CT002112": "The non-extension notification has been changed from $1 to $2.",
	"CT000051": "Please enter an amendment number",
	"CT002110": "The requested language has been changed from $1 to $2.",
	"SF002085": "Old Guarantee Amt.",
	"SF002086": "Guarantee Amount",
	"SF002083": "Reference",
	"SF002084": "Amendment Date",
	"CF002081": "Agreement of Beneficiary Required",
	"CF002080": "Close Claim",
	"CT002128": "The additional info has been set to $1.",
	"CT002129": "The form of undertaking has been set to $1.",
	"CT002126": "The tender reference has been set to $1.",
	"CT002127": "The tender date has been set to $1.",
	"CT002124": "The governing law has been set to $1.",
	"CT002125": "The place of jurisdiction has been set to $1.",
	"CT002122": "The contract place has been set to $1.",
	"CT002123": "The account for the advanced payment undertaking has been set to $1.",
	"CT002120": "The original rate has been set to $1.",
	"CT001152": "of our amendment",
	"CT002121": "The contract amount has been set to $1 $2.",
	"SF002093": "Actual Amendment No",
	"CT001151": "thereof",
	"SF002096": "Amend. No Receiv.",
	"SF002097": "Create Autoregistration for",
	"SF002094": "Order from",
	"PD002059": "Seq. C: Amendment",
	"CF002133": "Send Amendment Acceptance Response",
	"CT002018": "Please specify an amount or disable the checkbox for the additional amount.",
	"CT002139": "The presentation instructions have been set to $1.",
	"CT002019": "The amount may not be smaller than the original additional amount.",
	"CT002137": "The additional amount information has been set to $1.",
	"CT002138": "Charges have been set to $1.",
	"CT002135": "The advising bank reference has been set to $1.",
	"CT002136": "The second advising bank has been set to $1.",
	"CT002133": "The obligor has been set to $1.",
	"CT002134": "The advising bank has been set to $1.",
	"SF002147": "Add. Amount Covered",
	"CT002132": "The applicant has been set to $1.",
	"CF002141": "Additional Amount",
	"CF002149": "...",
	"CF002148": "...",
	"CT002029": "金额不能小于原始开立金额",
	"SF002155": "New Liability",
	"SF002156": "Inc. Purpose of amend.",
	"CT002148": "The demand indicator has been set to $1.",
	"SF002153": "Old Liability Condition",
	"CT002027": "此交易没有做过修改!!!",
	"CT002149": "The transfer indicator has been set to $1.",
	"SF002154": "New Liability Type",
	"CT002028": "您拒绝了交易$1的第$2次修改,请手工将此次修改的内容复原!!!",
	"CT002146": "The auto-extension notification period has been set to $1.",
	"CT002025": "备注",
	"CT002026": "Guarantee is amended as follows:",
	"CT002147": "The auto-extension final expiry date has been set to $1.",
	"CT002144": "<empty>",
	"SF002157": "New Liability Condition",
	"CT002023": "减额金额",
	"CT002145": "The non-extension notification has been set to $1.",
	"CT002024": "修改日期",
	"CT002142": "<empty>",
	"CT002021": "Own Reference",
	"CT002143": "<empty>",
	"CT002022": "Cur",
	"CT002140": "The confirmation instructions have been set to $1.",
	"CT002141": "The confirmation party has been set to $1.",
	"CT002020": "",
	"SF002151": "Old Liability Type",
	"SF002152": "Old Liability",
	"CF002159": "Allow *",
	"CF002158": "Allow *",
	"CF002157": "Amendments modified",
	"CT002038": "金额不能改小",
	"CT002159": "The tender closing date has been set to $1.",
	"CT002039": "The undertaking is changed from $1 to $2.",
	"CT002036": "The following goods are now covered: $1",
	"CT002157": "The $2 has changed set to $1.",
	"CT002037": "The $2 has changed from $3 to $1.",
	"CT002158": "The contract reference has been set to $1.",
	"CT002034": "Liability Approval for Amendment",
	"CT002155": "The additional amount has been set to $1 $2.",
	"CT002035": "The undertaking amount has been changed from $1 $2 to $3 $4.",
	"CT002032": "金额不能改小",
	"CT002153": "The undertaking type is set to $1.",
	"SG002020": "第",
	"CT002033": "Request of Amendment",
	"SG002021": "次修改",
	"CT002151": "<empty>",
	"SG002022": "修改金额",
	"CT002152": "<empty>",
	"SG002024": "修改日期",
	"CT002150": "The transfer conditions have been set to $1.",
	"SG002028": "备注 R=接受, J=拒绝, I=增额修改, D=减额修改",
	"PD000000": "Amendment",
	"S0000062": "Amounts Covered",
	"CT002049": "The governing law has been changed from $1 to $2.",
	"CT002047": "The contract place has been changed from $1 to $2.",
	"CT002168": "The tender date has been set to $1.",
	"CT002048": "The account for the advanced payment undertaking has been changed from $1 to $2.",
	"CT002169": "The additional info has been set to $1.",
	"CT002045": "The original rate has been changed from $1 to $2.",
	"CT002166": "The place of jurisdiction has been set to $1.",
	"CT002046": "The contract amount has been changed from $1 $2 to $3 $4.",
	"CT002167": "The tender reference has been set to $1.",
	"CT002043": "The contract reference has been changed from $1 to $2.",
	"CT002164": "The governing law has been set to $1.",
	"CT002044": "The tender closing date has been changed from $1 to $2.",
	"CT002165": "The governing law has been set to $1.",
	"SG002032": "面函标题",
	"CT002041": "The expiry date has been changed from $1 to $2.",
	"CT002162": "The contract place has been set to $1.",
	"SG002033": "变更次数",
	"CT002042": "The validity of the undertaking has been changed from $1 to unlimited.",
	"CT002163": "The account for advanced payment undertaking has been set to $1.",
	"SG002034": "核销日期",
	"CT002160": "The original rate has been set to $1.",
	"CT002040": "Request for extension of the undertaking accepted.",
	"CT002161": "The contract amount has been set to $1 $2.",
	"SF002108": "Old Expiry Type",
	"SF002109": "Old Expiry Condition",
	"SF002106": "New Expiry Type",
	"SF002107": "New Expiry Condition",
	"SF002100": "Reason for Reduce / Discharge",
	"SF002101": "Additional Amount Covered",
	"S0000030": "Old Guarantee Amt.",
	"S0000031": "Guarantee Amount",
	"CT002058": "The liability is now unlimited.",
	"CT002179": "The presentation instructions has been set to $1.",
	"S0000032": "Amended",
	"CT002059": "The liability date has been changed from $1 to $2.",
	"S0000033": "Amendments",
	"SF002105": "New Expiry Date",
	"CT002056": "The liability date has been set to $1.",
	"CT002177": "The additional amount information has been set to $1.",
	"S0000034": "Old Validity",
	"CT002057": "The liability of the undertaking has been changed from $1 to unlimited.",
	"CT002178": "The charges have been set to $1.",
	"S0000035": "New Validity",
	"CT002054": "The expiry date has been changed from unlimited to $1.",
	"CT002175": "The obligor has been set to $1.",
	"CT002055": "The liability date has been changed from unlimited to $1.",
	"CT002176": "The issuing bank has been set to $1.",
	"CT002052": "The tender date has been changed from $1 to $2.",
	"CT002173": "",
	"S0000027": "Reference",
	"CT002053": "The additional info has been changed from $1 to $2.",
	"CT002174": "The applicant has been set to $1.",
	"S0000028": "Name",
	"CT002050": "The place of jurisdiction has been changed from $1 to $2.",
	"CT002171": "The form of undertaking has been set to $1.",
	"S0000029": "Amendment Date",
	"CT002051": "The tender reference has been changed from $1 to $2.",
	"CT002170": "The date of issue has been set to $1.",
	"CF000041": "",
	"SF002112": "Purpose of amend.",
	"SF002110": "Old Expiry Date",
	"CT002067": "Do you really want to delete the additional amount of this contract?",
	"CT002188": "The auto-extension notification period has been set to $1.",
	"CT002068": "The additional amount has been changed from $1 $2 to $3 $4.",
	"CT002189": "The auto-extension final expiry date has been set to $1.",
	"CT002186": "<empty>",
	"S0000036": "New Liability",
	"CT002066": "Please specify an amount or disable the checkbox for the additional amount Seq.C.",
	"CT002187": "The non-extension notification has been set to $1.",
	"S0000037": "Old Liability",
	"CT002063": "The governing law has been changed from $1 to $2.",
	"CT002184": "<empty>",
	"S0000038": "Actual Amendment No",
	"CT002064": "The amount cannot get negative",
	"CT002185": "<empty>",
	"S0000039": "Order from",
	"CT002061": "The expiry date has been set to $1.",
	"CT002182": "<empty>",
	"CT002062": "The additional amount has been changed from $1 $2 to $3 $4.",
	"CT002183": "<empty>",
	"CT002180": "The \"Standard Wording required\" has been set to $1.",
	"CT002060": "The validity is now unlimited.",
	"CT002181": "The requested language has been set to $1.",
	"CF000058": "Close Claim",
	"CT002519": "The governing law $1 has been deleted.",
	"CF000057": "Agreement of Beneficiary Required",
	"CF002113": "Cancellation Request",
	"CT002517": "The contract place has been deleted.",
	"CF000054": "Choose Full Text",
	"CT002518": "The account for the advanced payment undertaking $1 has been deleted.",
	"CF000052": "Unlimited",
	"CF000053": "Unlimited",
	"SF000064": "Amend. No Receiv.",
	"SF002123": "Amendments",
	"CT002078": "The advising bank has been changed from $1 to $2.",
	"CT002199": "",
	"CT002076": "The applicant has been changed from $1 to $2.",
	"CT002077": "The obligor has been changed from $1 to $2.",
	"CT002198": "",
	"CT002074": "The form of undertaking has been changed from $1 to $2.",
	"CT002195": "<empty>",
	"CT002075": "The applicable rules have been changed from $1 $2 to $3 $4.",
	"CT002196": "",
	"CT002193": "New purpose does not allow sequence C. All Sequence C input fields will be cleared",
	"CT002194": "Invalid purpose of amendment. Valid are ISCA and ISUA",
	"CT002191": "The transfer indicator has been set to $1.",
	"CT002192": "The transfer conditions have been set to $1.",
	"CF000061": "Create Amendment Message",
	"CT002190": "The demand indicator has been set to $1.",
	"PD002100": "Amendment Dates",
	"CF000060": "...",
	"CT002528": "counter undertaking",
	"CT002529": "undertaking",
	"CT002526": "The demand indicator $1 has been deleted.",
	"CF000063": "Add. Amount",
	"CT002527": "Cancellation of the $1 requested.",
	"CT002524": "The transfer conditions have been deleted.",
	"SF002133": "New appr. Expiry Date",
	"CT002522": "Charges have been deleted.",
	"CT002523": "The presentation instructions have been deleted.",
	"SF002132": "Old appr. Expiry Date",
	"CT002520": "The place of jurisdiction $1 has been deleted.",
	"CT002521": "The additional info has been deleted.",
	"CT002089": "The non-extension notification has been changed from $1 to $2.",
	"SF002135": "Old Local Undertaking",
	"SF002136": "Local Undertaking",
	"CT002087": "The governing law/place has been changed from $1 $2 to $3 $4.",
	"CT002088": "The automatic extension period has been changed from $1 $2 $3 to $4 $5 $6.",
	"CT002085": "The presentation instructions have been changed from $1 to $2.",
	"CT002086": "The charges have been changed from $1 to $2.",
	"CT002083": "The confirmation party has been changed from $1 to $2.",
	"CT002084": "The confirmation instructions have been changed from $1 to $2.",
	"CT002081": "The second advising bank has been changed from $1 to $2.",
	"CT002082": "The additional amount information has been changed from $1 to $2.",
	"CT002080": "The advising bank reference has been changed from $1 to $2.",
	"CT002530": "Cancellation of the local undertaking requested.",
	"CT002098": "The applicable rules have been changed from $1 $2 to $3 $4.",
	"CT002099": "The applicant has been changed from $1 to $2.",
	"CT002096": "The form of undertaking has been changed from $1 to $2.",
	"CT002097": "The date of issue has been changed from $1 to $2.",
	"CT002094": "The transfer conditions have been changed from $1 to $2.",
	"CT002092": "The demand indicator has been changed from $1 to $2.",
	"CT002093": "The transfer indicator has been changed from $1 to $2.",
	"CT002090": "The auto-extension notification period has been changed from $1 to $2.",
	"CT002091": "The auto-extension final expiry date has been changed from $1 to $2.",
	"CT000008": "Content of field Amendment differs from default value and default has been changed in this transaction. Please check carefully !",
	"CT000007": "Request for extension of the undertaking accepted.",
	"CT000004": "Please transmit until $1.",
	"CT000003": "The $2 has changed from $3 to $1.",
	"CT000006": "The undertaking type is changed from $1 to $2.",
	"CT000002": "The following goods are now covered: $1",
	"CT000019": "The tender date has been changed from $1 to $2.",
	"CT000018": "The tender reference has been changed from $1 to $2.",
	"CT000015": "The account for advanced payment undertaking has been changed from $1 to $2.",
	"CT000014": "The contract place has been changed from $1 to $2.",
	"CT000017": "The place of jurisdiction has been changed from $1 to $2.",
	"CT000016": "The governing law has been changed from $1 to $2.",
	"CT000011": "The tender closing date has been changed from $1 to $2.",
	"CT000010": "The contract reference has been changed from $1 to $2.",
	"CT000013": "The contract amount has been changed from $1 $2 to $3 $4.",
	"CT000012": "The original rate has been changed from $1 to $2.",
	"CT000029": "UNLIMITED",
	"CT000026": "The liability date has been changed from $1 to $2.",
	"CT000025": "The liability is now unlimited.",
	"CT000028": "UNLIMITED",
	"CT000022": "The liability date has been changed from unlimited to $1.",
	"CT000024": "The liability of the undertaking has been changed from $1 to unlimited.",
	"CT000023": "The liability date has been set to $1.",
	"CT000020": "The additional info has been changed from $1 to $2.",
	"PD002018": "Reject amendment",