fecism.js 7.26 KB
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143
export default {
	"C0000019": "E&xit",
	"CT000157": "$1",
	"C0000018": "Calculation Flag",
	"CT000154": "Minimum $3 $4  used.",
	"C0000015": "Value Date",
	"CT000153": "No additional charge as same result for old and new data",
	"C0000014": "End of Period",
	"CT000156": "Additional claim $1",
	"C0000017": "Amount",
	"CT000155": "Refund $1",
	"C0000016": "Cur.",
	"CT000150": "No additional charge as $1 $2 are calulated for old data.",
	"CT000152": "reduced by result for old data : $1 $3\nNow to be charged: $1 $2",
	"C0000013": "Begin of Period",
	"CT000151": "reduced by result for old data : $1 $3\nNow to be refunded: $1 $2",
	"S0000028": "Current/ Future Calculations (up to next 5 years)",
	"S0000029": "Amounts per Period (up to next 5 years, including minimum / maximum information)",
	"CT000209": "Tiered by period: $1 periods at $2,Calculated=$3$4",
	"CT000208": "Tiered by period: $1 periods at $2,Calculated=$3$4",
	"CT000207": "Tiered by period: $1 periods at $2,Calculated=$3$4",
	"C0000008": "Base Amount",
	"CT000202": "增额部分基于 $1 i.e. $2 $3 ($4 $5)",
	"CT000047": "Calculation Details",
	"C0000007": "Rate",
	"CT000201": "Total result: $1 $2",
	"CT000204": "Minimum units applied: $1 $2",
	"C0000009": "Result",
	"CT000203": "Units (re)calculated from $1 to $2 = $3 $4",
	"C0000004": "Units",
	"C0000003": "Date until",
	"C0000006": "Margin",
	"CT000200": "$1 $2",
	"C0000005": "Base Rate",
	"CT000161": "$1 max.",
	"CT000160": "$1",
	"C0000002": "Date from",
	"CT000217": "Tiered by period: $1 periods at $2,Calculated=$3$4",
	"CT000216": "Tiered by period: $1 periods at $2,Calculated=$3$4",
	"CT000218": "Tiered by period: $1 periods at $2,Calculated=$3$4",
	"CT000059": "$2 $5 $1 for $3 $4 min",
	"CT000213": "Units increased $3 $4(from $1 to $2)",
	"CT000212": "展期部分基于 OPNAMT $1 $2 ($3 $4)",
	"CT000215": "Tiered by period: $1 periods at $2,Calculated=$3$4",
	"CT000176": "$1",
	"CT000178": "$1",
	"CT000210": "Tiered by period: $1 periods at $2,Calculated=$3$4",
	"CT000172": "Calculation impossible for invalid period",
	"CT000171": "Fee $1 calculated from liability balance, but more than one liability entry for contract found.\nFee has not been recaclulated. Please check.",
	"CT000174": "Calculation of $1 units of $3 ($2).",
	"CT000173": "Fee $1 have been amended or settled in other currencies in earlier transactions.\nPlease check recalculation of fee $1 carefully.",
	"CT000170": "Fee $1 calculated from liability balance, but liability entry for contract not found.\nFee has not been recaclulated. Please check.",
	"CT000107": "bps",
	"CT000228": "Tiered by period: $1 periods at $2,Calculated=$3$4",
	"CT000106": "or fraction thereof",
	"CT000227": "增额部分费用: $1$2",
	"CT000109": "Minimum $3 $4  used.",
	"CT000108": "$1 $3 $4",
	"CT000229": "展期部分费用: $1$2",
	"CT000224": "信用证余额 $1 $2 converted to $3 $4",
	"CT000069": "Calculating refund from $1 to $2",
	"CT000102": "next settlement is due at $1.",
	"CT000223": "增额 $1 $2 converted to $3 $4",
	"CT000105": "$1 $2",
	"CT000226": "Tiered by period: $1 periods at $2,Calculated=$3$4",
	"CT000104": "$1 additional period(s) settled to reach total minimum of this fee",
	"CT000225": "Total Amount: $1 $2",
	"CT000186": "Fee not yet calculated. Start date cannot be later than end date",
	"CT000189": "- using maximum $1 $2 instead",
	"CT000100": "Commission limit for this settlement reached",
	"C0000027": "Tier",
	"CT000188": "- using minimum $1 $2 instead",
	"CT000183": "$1",
	"CT000061": "$2 $5 $1 for $3 $4",
	"CT000185": "Fee not yet calculated. Please set both dates.",
	"CT000180": "$1",
	"CT000117": "- using minimum $1 $2 instead",
	"CT000119": "Calculation of repeated periods ($1-$2)",
	"CT000116": "Calculation for first $4 periods:\n   - amount $1 $2 * rate $3 = $1 $5",
	"CT000110": "Maximum $3 $4 used.",
	"CT000198": "- using maximum $1 $2 instead",
	"CT000197": "- using minimum $1 $2 instead",
	"CT000079": "Flat Amount $1 $2 from conditions * $3 units = $1 $4",
	"CT000112": "Please enter amount and dates manually",
	"CT000111": "% p.a.",
	"CT000199": "- using minimum $1 $2 instead",
	"CT000194": "- amount $1 $2 * rate $3 * $4 units = $1 $5",
	"CT000072": "Using fee minimum of $1 $2",
	"CT000193": "Condition only valid for $1 repeated periods. Please enter amount manually.",
	"CT000196": "- using maximum $1 $2 instead",
	"CT000195": "adding base amount $1 $2 $3 times",
	"CT000190": "- Sorry, repeated periods cannot be calculated.\n   Please calculate and enter fee manually",
	"CT000071": "Interest not yet calulated. Dates not yet consistent",
	"CT000192": "Calculation of repeated periods ($1-$2)",
	"CT000070": "- $1-$2 $3 units at rate $4 on $5 $6 \n  => $5 $7",
	"CT000191": "- Sorry, condition only valid for previous periods.\n   Please calculate and enter fee amount manually",
	"CT000129": "- Sorry, repeated periods cannot be calculated.\n   Please calculate and enter fee manually",
	"CT000124": "Total result: $1 $2",
	"CT000126": "- amount $1 $2 * rate $3 * $4 units = $1 $5",
	"CT000088": "Units (re)calculated from $1 to $2 = $3 $4",
	"CT000121": "- using minimum $1 $2 instead",
	"CT000087": "Calculation: amount $1 $2 * rate $3 * $4 units = $1 $5",
	"CT000120": "Condition only valid for $1 repeated periods. Please enter amount manually.",
	"CT000002": "$1 for $3 months",
	"R0000179": "$2%o $1 max.\', $txt, rat )",
	"CT000089": "Calculation: tier portion $1 $2 * per mille $3%o * units $4",
	"CT000084": "Tiered by period: $1 periods at $2",
	"CT000083": "Tiered by period: $1 periods at $2",
	"CT000085": "Tiered by period: $1 periods at $2",
	"CT000080": "Calculation based on $1 i.e. $2 $3",
	"CT000082": "Tiered by period: $1 periods at $2",
	"CT000081": "Tiered by period: $1 periods at $2",
	"CT000139": "next settlement is due at $1.",
	"CT000136": "adding base amount $1 $2 $3 times",
	"RG000232": "Calculated from $1 to $2 \', Today, line\\dat2 )",
	"CT000135": "- using minimum $1 $2 instead",
	"RG000233": "Calculated from $1 to $2 \', line\\OLDMATDAT, line\\dat2 )",
	"CT000138": "$1 above $2",
	"CT000137": "Interest on balance $2 cannot be calulated yet:\n$1",
	"CT000099": "- $1-$2 $3 $4 ($5)",
	"CT000098": "Calculation: amount $1 $2 * rate $3 * $4 units = $1 $5",
	"CT000131": "- Sorry, condition only valid for previous periods.\n   Please calculate and enter fee amount manually",
	"CT000134": "- using maximum $1 $2 instead",
	"CT000133": "- using maximum $1 $2 instead",
	"CT000095": "Condition from $1 used.",
	"R0000177": "$2%o $1 min.\', $txt, rat )",
	"CT000094": "Minimum units applied: $1 $2",
	"CT000097": "$1 B.P. interest on balance $2 cannot be calulated: Reference rate $1 not found",
	"R0000175": "$2%o $1\', $txt, rat )",
	"CT000096": "Plus per mille calculated from lower tiers $1 $2 = $1 $3",
	"CT000091": "$1% monthly interest on $2 for $3 months",
	"CT000090": "$1% Interest per annum on $2 for $3 periods (days)",
	"CT000093": "$1% on $2 for $3 quarters",
	"CT000092": "$1% per quarter on $2 for $3 quarters",
	"PD000001": "Details of Calculation",
	"CT000147": "$1 $2",
	"CT000146": "Fee not yet calculated. Start date cannot be later than end date",
	"CT000148": "Amount $1 $2 converted to $3 $4 at rate $5",
	"CT000145": "Fee not yet calculated. Please set both dates.",
	"CT000144": "days",
	"CT000141": "Relevant amount $1 $2 converted to $3 $4",
	"CT000140": "- using maximum $1 $2 instead",