setgll.js 10.6 KB
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252
export default {
	"CT000399": "联行名称",
	"CT000039": "Please type in the reserved rate",
	"CF000438": "Get",
	"CT000033": "Don\'t use more than the available amount",
	"CT000154": "IZV Debit to $2",
	"CT000396": "No Code selected.",
	"CT000032": "Please use positive amounts only",
	"CT000153": "IZV Credit to $2",
	"CT000398": "联行行号",
	"CT000034": "Don\'t use more than the available amount",
	"CT000155": "Account Payer/Payee",
	"CT000397": "Code Input Error",
	"CT000392": "For $1 no fitting Code found.",
	"CT000391": "No Code selected.",
	"CT000031": "Please use positive amounts only",
	"CT000394": "For $1 no fitting Code found.",
	"CT000393": "No Code selected.",
	"CT000390": "For $1 no fitting Code found.",
	"PD000307": "Control payment messages",
	"SG000408": "牌价时间",
	"SF000457": "代码",
	"CT000169": "GBP",
	"CT000049": "Clearing code $1 not supported",
	"CT000165": "请选择结汇方式代码!    ",
	"S0000440": "对方帐号",
	"CT000285": "CMT 100 Payment to $1",
	"S0000441": "对方银行代码",
	"CT000167": "请选择交易主体!    ",
	"S0000442": "国内地区",
	"CT000166": "请选择售汇方式代码!    ",
	"CT000040": "Please type in the reserved rate",
	"CT000281": "Diary  printed by $1 on $2 at $3 during the change",
	"CT000042": "Please type in the reserved rate",
	"CT000041": "Intermediary bank account",
	"PD000413": "preferential rate",
	"S0000439": "对方户名",
	"CT000059": "CHAPS Branch Sort Code",
	"CT000058": "Portuguese National Clearing Code",
	"CT000179": "This field is mandatory",
	"CT000055": "Bank Code of Hong Kong",
	"CT000176": "EUR",
	"CT000054": "Spanish Domestic Interbanking Code",
	"CT000175": "EUR",
	"CT000057": "Irish National Clearing Code (NSC)",
	"CT000299": "收款人开户行不在代理行$1的参加行清单",
	"CT000056": "Italian Domestic Identification Code",
	"CT000177": "EUR",
	"CT000051": "Australian Bank State Branch (BSB) Code",
	"CT000172": "USD",
	"CT000293": "MT 202",
	"CT000050": "Austrian Bankleitzahl",
	"CT000171": "GBP",
	"CT000053": "Canadian Payments Association Payment Routing Number",
	"CT000174": "USD",
	"CT000052": "German Bankleitzahl",
	"CT000173": "USD",
	"S0000402": "Which MT to beneficiary institution",
	"S0000403": "Direct payment (one message)",
	"CT000170": "GBP",
	"PD000321": "Payment cover message as letter",
	"SF000236": "Amount handled",
	"CT000069": "$1 has to be numeric",
	"CT000066": "Account with institution account",
	"CT000068": "$1 too long",
	"CT000189": "Payee and intermediary bank may not be the same",
	"CT000067": "$1 too short",
	"CT000062": "CHIPS Universal Identifier",
	"CT000183": "当账号的第7至8位为83时帐户类型必须是TRF OR BDF!!!",
	"PD000434": "CMT100",
	"CT000061": "Russian Central Bank Identification Code",
	"CT000064": "*** $2 *** $3\n\"$1\" seems to be a clearing account\nFor clearing please use clearing code preceded by \"/\" if possible.",
	"CT000185": "$1科目只能贷记不能借记!!",
	"PD000436": "new XML document panel",
	"CT000063": "CHIPS Participant Identifier",
	"PD000435": "境内外币结算",
	"CT000060": "Swiss Clearing Code (BC code)",
	"CT000181": "当账号的第7至8位为83时帐户类型必须是BEF或BDF或NFR!!!",
	"CT000180": "$1",
	"SG000458": "虚拟户账号",
	"CT000077": "Payee",
	"CT000076": "Payer",
	"CT000079": "Payment information",
	"CT000078": "Debit information",
	"CT000073": "Payee\'s account",
	"CT000194": "您无权选择其他机构下账户!!",
	"CT000072": "Payer\'s account",
	"CT000193": "您无权选择其他机构下账户!!",
	"CT000196": "融资账号不能直接在国结系统中记账!",
	"CT000195": "您无权选择其他机构下账户!!",
	"CT000190": "Account with institution and intermediary bank may not be the same",
	"PD000349": "Backup Panel",
	"CT000191": "Account party and intermediary bank may not be the same",
	"CT000408": "至少输入4个字符",
	"CT000407": "name2",
	"CT000409": "数据量过大(超过400条),是否显示?",
	"CT000404": "联行信息",
	"CG000433": "",
	"CT000403": "无匹配记录",
	"CT000406": "name1",
	"CT000405": "swift code",
	"CT000400": "至少输入3个字或6位行号",
	"CT000402": "联行信息",
	"CT000401": "数据量过大(超过400条),是否显示?",
	"CT000088": "The selected value date $1 of calendar \'$2\' on settlement panel is a holiday.",
	"SF000411": "Selling Rate",
	"CT000089": "No account found in database.\nPlease add account to database first.",
	"SF000410": "Middle Rate",
	"CT000083": "Disposition $1 not allowed for actual addresses",
	"CT000082": "Line handling the amount not found.",
	"CT000081": "Base currency only $1 $2 (EVS)",
	"SF000409": "Buying Rate",
	"PD000454": "CIPS要素",
	"PD000453": "CIPS面函",
	"CT000419": "自贸区机构不允许选择9开头的选项.",
	"CT000418": "$1",
	"CG000428": "第三方还款",
	"SG000437": "核心业务代号",
	"CT000415": "No Code selected.",
	"SF000309": "Which MT to beneficiary institution",
	"CT000417": "此对手行代码不存在",
	"CT000416": "此对手行代码不存在",
	"CT000411": "无匹配记录",
	"CT000410": "对手行信息",
	"CT000413": "请输入查询条件",
	"CT000412": "对手行信息",
	"PD000000": "Details",
	"CT000308": "收款人开户行不在代理行$1的参加行清单",
	"CT000429": "联行信息",
	"SG000427": "该客户存在如下汇率优惠:",
	"CT000305": "请在dbibtb交易中维护",
	"CT000426": "数据量过大(超过400条),是否显示?",
	"SG000424": "Buy",
	"CT000304": "请在dbibtb交易中维护",
	"CT000425": "至少输入2个字或4位行号",
	"CT000307": "请在dbibtb交易中维护",
	"CT000428": "无匹配记录",
	"SG000422": "Sel",
	"CT000306": "收款人开户行不在代理行$1的参加行清单",
	"CT000427": "联行信息",
	"CT000422": "No exchange rate found for $1 , please enter exchange rate first!",
	"CT000421": "No exchange rate found for $1 , please enter exchange rate first!",
	"CT000303": "请在dbibtb交易中维护",
	"CT000424": "参加行名称",
	"CT000423": "参加行BIC",
	"SF000310": "Direct payment (one message)",
	"CT000420": "非自贸区机构不允许选择D开头的选项",
	"PD000235": "Panel to show handled Amount",
	"CT000437": "MT 103 Payment to $2",
	"CT000439": "Diary  printed by $1 on $2 at $3 during the change",
	"CT000438": "YYYYMMDD",
	"SF000285": "From Date",
	"S0000032": "Cross Rate",
	"S0000033": "Calculate Rate",
	"S0000025": "Value Date",
	"S0000026": "Original Amount",
	"S0000027": "Rate Type",
	"S0000028": "Disposition",
	"S0000029": "Search Account for",
	"PD000020": "Detailspanel for ZM 52",
	"CT000448": "cips113 Payment to $1",
	"CT000447": "$1",
	"CT000449": "不能连续输入;+;",
	"CT000201": "境内外币支付付款指令",
	"SG000364": "Term_id",
	"CT000446": "Diary  printed by $1 on $2 at $3 during the change",
	"CT000440": "cips111 Payment to $1",
	"CG000350": "Payment Order",
	"CG000351": "Change to Details handling Amount",
	"CT000441": "cips112 Payment to $1",
	"CF000296": "",
	"RG000435": "%\" + CTYCOD + \"%\' OR NUMCOD LIKE\'%\" + CTYCOD + \"%\' ORDER BY COD\" )",
	"CF000295": "",
	"CT000339": "如需扣减保证金,请在Cash Cover页面操作!",
	"S0000370": "传票摘要",
	"CT000333": "业务代号信息",
	"CT000336": "业务代号",
	"CT000335": "账号",
	"CT000450": "不能连续输入;+;",
	"CT000332": "查询结果为空!",
	"CT000453": "cips112 Payment to $1",
	"CT000331": "查询出错:$1",
	"CT000452": "请点击Get按钮获取核心业务代号 !",
	"S0000366": "交易主体",
	"S0000367": "结售汇类型",
	"CG000451": "?",
	"CG000452": "?",
	"CT000344": "请在dbibtb交易中维护",
	"SG000463": "虚拟户名称",
	"S0000023": "Account",
	"CT000343": "如需扣减保证金,请在Cash Cover页面操作!",
	"S0000024": "Amount to Be Paid",
	"PD000398": "Control payment messages",
	"CT000118": "No exchange rate found for $1 , please enter exchange rate first!",
	"CT000113": "Settlement Booking Details $1 $2 $3 $4",
	"CT000116": "$1:$2 $3",
	"CT000115": "($1:$2 $3)",
	"S0000352": "Account",
	"S0000353": "Amount to Be Paid",
	"CT000111": "The selected value date $1 on settlement details panel is in the past.",
	"S0000354": "Value Date",
	"CT000008": "Please use direct account relationship for Payee (if any)",
	"CT000007": "Please use direct account relationship for Payer (if any)",
	"PD000292": "Payment message as letter",
	"CT000009": "Payee and intermediary bank may not be the same",
	"CT000125": "No exchange rate for $1 stored, please update the exchange rate first",
	"CT000124": "MT $1 Payment to $2",
	"CT000006": "Please do not use our branches here",
	"S0000360": "Their Account Identif.",
	"CT000126": "Exchange rate for $1 is older than 3 days (from $2), please update the exchange rate first.",
	"S0000361": "Cross Rate",
	"CT000000": "Please select one of the available currencies",
	"RG000184": "当账号的第7至8位为83时帐户类型必须是ITF!!!                    \' )",
	"S0000362": "External Rate",
	"CT000121": "MT 202 Cover",
	"CT000120": "No exchange rate found for $1 , please enter exchange rate first!",
	"S0000363": "From Date",
	"CT000123": "TARGET Payment to $2",
	"CT000001": "This field is mandatory",
	"CT000122": "RTGSplus Payment to $2",
	"CT000364": "收款人开户行不在代理行$1的参加行清单",
	"S0000355": "Original Amount",
	"S0000356": "Rate Type",
	"S0000357": "Disposition",
	"S0000358": "Search Account for",
	"S0000359": "Account Party",
	"PD000294": "Detailspanel for Account with In",
	"RI000198": "MT 202 Cover\', \"COV\", SETGRP\\APY\\PTS\\ADRBLK )",
	"CT000011": "Account party and intermediary bank may not be the same",
	"CT000374": "请点击Get按钮获取核心业务代号 !",
	"CT000010": "Account with institution and intermediary bank may not be the same",
	"CT000131": "Exchange rate for $1 is older than 3 days (from $2), please update the exchange rate first.",
	"CT000373": "账号$1 的核心业务代号为:$2",
	"CT000376": "hvps111 Payment to $1",
	"CT000375": "hvps111 Payment to $1",
	"S0000443": "国别代码",
	"CT000370": "请在dbibtb交易中维护",
	"S0000444": "交易性质",
	"CT000130": "No exchange rate for $1 stored, please update the exchange rate first",
	"CT000372": "收款人开户行不在代理行$1的参加行清单",
	"CT000371": "收款人开户行不在代理行$1的参加行清单",
	"CT000029": "Please don\'t use slashes here.\nThe field 72 is set up automatically",
	"CT000389": "No Code selected.",
	"CT000388": "hvps112 Payment to $1",
	"CT000264": "MT 202",
	"CT000263": "MT 202",
	"CG000372": "",
	"CT000387": "hvps112 Payment to $1",
	"CG000373": "",
	"CT000020": "The complete text including ERI has more than 6 lines:\n$1",
	"CT000383": "YYYYMMDD",