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export default {
	"SG000535": "备案表类型",
	"CT000510": "进口信用证撤证提示:$1",
	"CT000553": "NEGOLC",
	"CT000511": "CHARBENE",
	"CT000079": "Content of field Presentation Period differs from default value and default has been changed in this transaction. Please check carefully !",
	"CT000397": "NEGOLC",
	"CT000353": "Please enter an exchange rate for $1",
	"CT000392": "Issuance date should not be after date of execution.",
	"CT000394": "In Local LCs the beneficiary has to be stored in the database.\nPlease select advising bank or store beneficiary\'s address.",
	"CT000393": "Issuance date is before date of execution!",
	"PD000021": "Acknowledgment",
	"PD000020": "Authorization to Reimburse",
	"PD000022": "Navigationbuttons of Transaction",
	"CT000569": "Standby as form of L/C is not permitted for channel DTA.",
	"CT000400": "",
	"CT000161": "Percentage collateral must be between 0 and 110%",
	"PD000019": "Issuance of a Documentary Credit",
	"SG000517": "交易银行部意见",
	"SG000516": "备案表效期",
	"CT000059": "This date must not be before the issuance date",
	"CG000540": "不需要",
	"CT000058": "This date cannot be after the expiration date",
	"CT000377": "Please enter this amount tolerance without a sign",
	"CG000541": "其它",
	"CT000379": "Please enter the drawee !",
	"CT000055": "This date must not be after the issuance date",
	"CT000571": "请重新获取业务编号!",
	"CT000376": "This amount tolerance has to be positive",
	"CT000570": "Cannot split message. Too many message",
	"CG000536": "不在名录",
	"CG000537": "异地付汇",
	"SG000549": "货物简称",
	"CG000538": "转口贸易",
	"CG000539": "90天以上信用证",
	"SG000586": "超90天,已经总行贸易金融部批准办理",
	"SG000585": "非物权凭证,贸易背景真实",
	"SG000584": "起运地与目的地均为国内,属于加工贸易深加工",
	"SG000583": "目的港在境外的转口贸易/境外工程业务",
	"SG000582": "运输单据抬头人为开证行,申请人不得拒付",
	"CT000385": "Issuance date should not be in the future.",
	"SG000581": "受益人为保税区企业",
	"CT000384": "The maximum amount exceeds the open amount of the export L/C of $1 $2",
	"SG000580": "异地通知",
	"CT000067": "Either Shipment Period or Latest Shipment Date may be filled!",
	"PD000511": "备查表1",
	"PD000510": "备查表",
	"CT000380": "Please enter \'Drafts at\' as the drawee is entered!",
	"PD000513": "备查表3",
	"PD000512": "备查表2",
	"PD000514": "备查表面函",
	"CT000060": "This date cannot be before the shipment date",
	"PD000550": "备查表4",