eblmod.js 498 Bytes
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
export default {
	"CT000007": "只允许0-10之间的数据",
	"CT000004": "No contract available for CFA",
	"CT000003": "",
	"CT000006": "不能删除非新增子节点",
	"CT000005": "The contract $4 is locked by $2 since $3. Errorcode $1\nThe transaction cannot be executed.",
	"CT000000": "The contract $4 is locked by $2 since $3. Errorcode $1\nThe transaction cannot be executed.",
	"CT000002": "No contract available for transaction",
	"CT000001": "This Transation has not been Released!",