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export default {
	"CT000216": "Can not sum up foreign fees as more than one currency found for account of $1. Foreign charges (:33R:) are not printed. Please check.",
	"CT000212": "Advice of Original Documents in 2nd mail",
	"CT000176": "Error reading from table TXM: $1, $2",
	"CT000253": "进口代收撤销提示:$1",
	"CT000153": "You must specify a start of tenor, when you specify a tenor",
	"CT000175": "Error reading from table TXM: $1, $2",
	"CT000197": "Maturity date is mandatory for clean collections.",
	"CT000395": "Waive Remitting Bank Charges:",
	"CT000211": "Advice of 2nd mail Documents",
	"CT000172": "Please enter either maturity date or a tenor",
	"CT000392": "Further Instructions:",
	"CT000391": "Protest Instructions:",
	"CT000152": "You must specify the unit type, when you specify a tenor",
	"CT000196": "Maturity date cannot be before date received!",
	"CT000394": "Waive Collecting Bank Charges:",
	"CT000393": "Charges Details:",
	"CT000190": "The selected maturity date $1 of the calendar \'$2\' on overview panel is a holiday.",
	"CT000390": "Draft Instructions:",
	"PD000021": "Acknowledgment of Collection",
	"PD000020": "Navigationbuttons of Transaction",
	"PD000023": "Advice of Documents 2nd mail",
	"PD000022": "Advice of Documents",
	"CT000409": "请重新获取业务编号!",
	"CT000202": "MATURITY:",
	"CT000389": "进口代收付款提示:$1",
	"CG000253": "Get Ref",
	"CT000201": "MODE OF TRANSPORT: $1",
	"CT000189": "Transport document reference $1 has already been used in $2.",
	"CT000200": "NAME OF VESSEL: $1",
	"CT000188": "You have selected another collection ($1) with the same transport document,\nindicating that you should not continue with this transport document.",
	"PD000214": "Shipping Guarantee",
	"CT000160": "Bill Collection",
	"CT000185": "This transport document has already been used in $1, you should not continue with this transport document.",
	"PD000017": "Overview",
	"PD000215": "Release of Goods",