selbut.js 4.51 KB
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92
export default {
	"CT000239": "indicates No. of pending items for this L/C incl. Documents",
	"SF000208": "Change to:",
	"CT000238": "For this Loan",
	"SF000209": "of selected",
	"CT000235": "indicates No. of pending items for this Reimbursement incl. Claims",
	"CT000157": "Documents not yet accepted",
	"CT000234": "For this Participation",
	"CT000237": "indicates No. of pending items for this Loan",
	"CT000159": "1 advised shipment",
	"CT000236": "For this Reimbursement",
	"CT000154": "Revolving $1 of $2",
	"CT000198": "Workflow Info for this Contract",
	"CT000231": "indicates No. of pending items for this Manual Contact",
	"CT000153": "$1  Document Sets received",
	"CT000197": "Workflow Info for this Loan",
	"CT000233": "indicates No. of pending items for this Participation",
	"CT000232": "For this Manual Contract",
	"CT000150": "Pending Claims",
	"CT000194": "Workflow Info for this Contract",
	"CT000152": "1 Document Set received",
	"CT000196": "Workflow Info for this Reimburs.",
	"CT000151": "No Document Sets received",
	"CT000195": "Workflow Info for this Partic.",
	"CT000190": "Workflow Info for this Import Col.",
	"CT000192": "Workflow Info for this Clean Payment",
	"CT000191": "Workflow Info for this Advance",
	"PD000186": "Panel for Exit Button",
	"CT000209": "indicates No. of waiting Workflow-Transactions for this Reimbursement incl. Claims",
	"CT000008": "Do you really want to store the unmodified transaction \'$1\' as pending transaction?",
	"CT000206": "indicates No. of waiting Workflow-Transactions for this Clean Payment",
	"CT000205": "indicates No. of waiting Workflow-Transactions for this Advance",
	"CT000208": "indicates No. of waiting Workflow-Transactions for this Participation",
	"CT000207": "indicates No. of waiting Workflow-Transactions for this Manual Contract",
	"CT000169": "1 Pending Amendment",
	"CT000202": "indicates No. of waiting Workflow-Transactions for this Export Collection incl. Advances",
	"CT000201": "indicates No. of waiting Workflow-Transactions for this Guarantee incl. Claims",
	"CT000245": "advised shipments or S/G",
	"CF000207": "&Diaries",
	"CT000203": "Workflow Info for this Guarantee",
	"CT000088": "The contract $1 couldn\'t be found anymore",
	"CT000165": "No Amendments",
	"CT000242": "indicates No. of pending items for this Contract",
	"SF000211": "contract",
	"CT000164": "Please read the following information about contracts:\n$1",
	"CT000241": "indicates No. of pending items for this Export Collection incl. Advances",
	"CF000206": "&Release",
	"CT000167": "Amendments",
	"CT000244": "1 advised shipment or S/G",
	"CF000203": "&Diaries",
	"CT000166": "1 Amendment",
	"CT000243": "indicates No. of waiting Workflow-Transactions for this Contract",
	"CF000204": "&To Do",
	"PD000214": "Contract Selection",
	"CT000160": "Advised Shipments",
	"CT000162": "Please read the following information about contract $1\n$2",
	"CF000213": "&Infotext",
	"CT000139": "$1 Items in To Do List",
	"CT000136": "1 uncommitted transaction",
	"CT000213": "Workflow Info for this L/C",
	"T0000173": "Buttons and technical functions for business transactions",
	"CT000212": "indicates No. of waiting Workflow-Transactions for this L/C incl. Documentsets",
	"CT000138": "1 Item in To Do List",
	"CT000137": "$1 uncommitted transactions",
	"CT000176": "Contract Selection for \"New Diary\"",
	"CF000216": "&Take",
	"CT000175": "$1 Claims received",
	"CT000211": "indicates No. of waiting Workflow-Transactions for this Import Collection incl. Finance",
	"CT000133": "For this L/C",
	"CT000177": "Please select a contract to be passed to \"New Diary\".",
	"CT000210": "indicates No. of waiting Workflow-Transactions for this Loan",
	"CF000215": "&Close",
	"CT000172": "No Claim received",
	"CT000171": "The selected record is meanwhile deleted. First undelete the entry.",
	"CT000174": "1 Claim received",
	"PD000205": "Buttons middle part SELs",
	"CT000170": "Pending Amendments",
	"CT000228": "For this Guarantee",
	"CT000227": "indicates No. of pending items for this Guarantee incl. Claims",
	"CF000185": "E&xit",
	"CT000224": "For this Advance",
	"CT000223": "indicates No. of pending items for this Advance",
	"CT000149": "1 Pending Claim",
	"CT000226": "For this Clean Payment",
	"CT000148": "$1 closed since $2",
	"CT000225": "indicates No. of pending items for this Clean Payment",
	"CT000220": "For this Export Collection",
	"CT000189": "Workflow Info for this Export Col.",
	"CT000222": "For this Import Collection",
	"CT000188": "For this Contract",
	"CT000221": "indicates No. of pending items for this Import Collection incl. Finances",