exportdefault{"CT000319":"Acknowledgment of Receipt","CT000018":"Latest shipment date must be prior to expiry date!","RF000329":"t reset flag to show old values","CT000257":"We have canceled our confirmation.","CT000256":"Amendment advised on $1.","CT000314":"出口信用证撤证提示:$1","CT000159":"Amendment transfer","RI000318":"Amendment received out of sequence. Processed as Nr. $1.\', Str( TRNMOD\\SWIADD\\AMENBR ) ) )","CT000176":"Number of incoming message $1 does not match with amendment number used from contract ($2).","CT000175":"The amendment number in the incoming message is $1, the next number for the contract is $2.\nAre you sure that this is the correct sequence of amendments?\nDo you want to continue with contract $3?","CT000310":"印/押不符提示:$1","CT000255":"Amendment advised adding our confirmation on $1.","CT000111":"Use leftmost column to register amendment for that contracts","CT000172":"Mapping of new amount $1 $2 cleared because not in contract currency $3","CT000174":"Mapping of amendment amount $1 $2 adjusted to new amount of message.\nNew amount $1 $3 does not match with calulated amount of contract $1 $4\nSequence of amendments should be checked","CT000173":"Mapping of amendment amount $1 $2 cleared because not in contract currency $3","CT000192":"Please cancel the silent confirmation first","CT000328":"Standby as form of L/C is not permitted for channel DTA.","CT000264":"The Letter of Credit has expired. You are amending the Letter of Credit without extending its validity.","RF000330":"t reset flag to show old values","CT000263":"The Letter of Credit is fully utilized. You are amending the Letter of Credit without increasing the L/C Amount.","PD000038":"Navigationbuttons of Transaction","CT000160":"Amendment back to back","CT000261":"According to UCP600 second advising bank should not be changed!","PD000317":"","PD000318":"Advice of Amendment","PD000034":"MT 742 Reimbursement Claim","PD000036":"Letter 2.Adv.Bk","PD000035":"出口信用证修改转通知书",}