ntfmod.js 883 Bytes
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export default {
	"CT000008": "$1 $4 $5 $2 (from $3)",
	"CT000009": "There are more than $1 notify messages.\n\"Yes\" will start the management transaction.\n\"No\" will disable Notify for this transaction.\n\"Cancel\" will start Notify.",
	"CT000003": "The Notify system cannot access its database table and is thus disabled for this session.\nPlease check the NTF-Table.\n(Error=$1 $2)",
	"CT000006": "The following notify message could not be shown. (Error=$2)\n$1\nOk will disable notify for this transaction.\tCancel will retry notify in a minute.",
	"CT000005": "The notifier could not be started to show the following message.\n$1\nOk will disable notify for this transaction.\tCancel will retry notify in a minute.",
	"CT000011": "There are more than $1 notify messages.\n\"OK\" will start the management transaction.\n\"Cancel\" will disable Notify for this transaction.",