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export default {
	"SF000206": "% of Parent Amount",
	"SF000205": "Percentage",
	"SF000207": "Sold or Reserved",
	"CT000157": "Can\'t find Document Set to Transfer.",
	"CT000159": "The passed Document Set is not connected to a Transfer can not be processed here.",
	"CF000318": "闭卷",
	"CT000154": "Can\'t find Export L/C to Transfer.",
	"CT000156": "Passed Document Set is not connected to an Export L/C. Contract cannot be processed here.",
	"S0000310": "单据业务编号",
	"PD000304": "Selection Header for BT",
	"CT000151": "Can\'t find Export L/C to Transfer.",
	"PD000303": "Selection Header for BE",
	"S0000306": "单据业务编号",
	"S0000307": "摘要",
	"CT000169": "% but not all amds",
	"CF000209": "Our Presentation",
	"CT000168": "Silent Confirmed @",
	"CF000329": "",
	"CT000165": "L/C Confirmed, but not all amendments",
	"CT000164": "Partially confirmed for $1%",
	"CT000167": "L/C merely advised, not confirmed",
	"CF000324": "",
	"SF000213": "Expires",
	"CT000166": "Fully confirmed L/C",
	"SF000212": "Parent Issued on",
	"CT000161": "The passed loan is not connected to a Export-L/C nor export document set and can not be processed here.",
	"S0000311": "摘要",
	"CT000160": "The passed Advance is not connected to an Export Document Set and can not be processed here.",
	"CT000163": "% but not all amendments",
	"CT000162": "Confirmed @",
	"CF000333": "",
	"CF000334": "",
	"CF000210": "Silent Forfaiting",
	"CF000331": "",
	"CF000211": "Funded",
	"CF000332": "",
	"CF000330": "",
	"CT000179": "L/T Docs closed on $1",
	"CT000176": "Doc. Set closed on $1",
	"SF000101": "押汇到期日",
	"CF000337": "",
	"SF000100": "起息日期",
	"CF000338": "",
	"CT000178": "Advance closed on $1",
	"CF000335": "",
	"CT000177": "Transfer closed on $1",
	"SF000102": "%",
	"CF000336": "",
	"CT000172": "Fully Silent Confirmed L/C",
	"CT000171": "L/C Silent Confirmed, but not all amendments",
	"CT000174": "The L/C is not yet advised",
	"CT000170": "Partially Silent Confirmed for",
	"SF000233": "融资客户",
	"CT000186": "Can\'t find Export L/C to Transfer.",
	"SF000232": "编号",
	"CT000188": "Can\'t find documents to Advance.",
	"SF000234": "融资类型",
	"CT000183": "Can\'t find documents to Loan.",
	"CT000182": "$1 Transfer Docs received",
	"CT000185": "Can\'t find Document Set to Transfer.",
	"CT000184": "Can\'t find transfer documents to Loan.",
	"PD000314": "Selection Header for FP",
	"CT000181": "1 Transfer Document received",
	"CT000180": "No Transfer Documents received",
	"S0000071": "押汇金额",
	"S0000192": "Opened on",
	"S0000193": "Valid until",
	"S0000194": "Seller",
	"S0000195": "编号",
	"CT000197": "The selected record is meanwhile deleted. First undelete the entry.",
	"CT000194": "The selected record is meanwhile deleted. First undelete the entry.",
	"CT000193": "The selected record is meanwhile deleted. First undelete the entry.",
	"CT000196": "The selected record is meanwhile deleted. First undelete the entry.",
	"CT000195": "The selected record is meanwhile deleted. First undelete the entry.",
	"CT000190": "Can\'t find  transfer documents to Advance.",
	"CT000192": "The selected record is meanwhile deleted. First undelete the entry.",
	"CT000191": "Can\'t find Transfer to transfer document set.",
	"PD000109": "Header for LE, BE",
	"PD000222": "Selection Header LE",
	"SF000097": "信用证余额",
	"SF000099": "融资百分比",
	"SG000320": "融资帐号",
	"PD000339": "Heard for DF,LE,BE",
	"S0000290": "单据业务编号",
	"S0000170": "信用证余额",
	"S0000291": "简略信息",
	"S0000171": "2nd Beneficiary",
	"S0000172": "指定银行",
	"S0000173": "兑付方式",
	"S0000174": "Date / Place of Expiry",
	"S0000175": "Advising Bank",
	"S0000176": "Date Issued/Form",
	"S0000178": "编号",
	"S0000169": "Transfer L/C Amount",
	"S0000049": "编号",
	"PD000248": "Selection Header BE",
	"SF000313": "This Purchase Offer is Valid until",
	"SF000316": "摘要",
	"SF000315": "Reference",
	"S0000182": "最迟装运日期",
	"CF000309": "闭卷",
	"CF000305": "闭卷",
	"S0000188": "Agree to Purchase",
	"S0000189": "信用证余额",
	"S0000179": "1st Beneficiary",
	"PD000111": "Header for LE, LT",
	"PD000110": "Header for LE, BE, BT, BP",
	"CF000274": "闭卷",
	"S0000150": "融资金额",
	"S0000275": "单据业务编号",
	"S0000276": "摘要",
	"S0000147": "融资业务编号",
	"S0000148": "摘要",
	"SF000280": "业务合同",
	"CF000289": "闭卷",
	"CT000209": "For Transfers under this L/C:",
	"CT000206": "with all select. subcontracts",
	"CF000285": "闭卷",
	"CT000207": "with Bills under Export L / C",
	"CT000202": "1 LT Amendment",
	"CT000201": "No LT Amendments",
	"S0000041": "融资客户",
	"SF000297": "业务合同",
	"CG000354": "",
	"CT000203": "LT Amendments",
	"S0000286": "单据业务编号",
	"S0000287": "摘要",
	"PD000253": "Selection Header for LT",
	"PD000134": "Header for LE, FP",
	"CT000217": "indicates the No. of pending Financings under this L/C",
	"CT000216": "indicates the No. of waiting Workflow-Transactions for this Loan / Advance",
	"CT000219": "The passed Forfaiting is not connected to an Export L/C and can not be processed here.",
	"CT000218": "indicates the No. of waiting Workflow-Transactions for this transfer incl. Documentsets",
	"CT000213": "Workflow Info for Loan/ Advance:",
	"CT000212": "Workflow Info for Transfers:",
	"S0000250": "单据业务编号",
	"SF000066": "融资业务编号",
	"CT000214": "indicates No. of pending transfer transactions (incl. Documents) for this L/C",
	"S0000251": "摘要",
	"SF000067": "摘要",
	"S0000254": "Transfer Reference",
	"CT000210": "For Financings under this L/C:",
	"S0000255": "摘要",
	"CG000340": "闭卷",
	"S0000366": "最迟交单日期/交单地",
	"S0000367": "信用证类型",
	"S0000368": "开证行",
	"S0000369": "编号",
	"PD000283": "Selection Header for BT",
	"PD000284": "Selection Header for BE",
	"CT000224": "",
	"CT000223": "",
	"SF000198": "开证行",
	"CT000220": "Can\'t find L/C to Forfaiting.",
	"SF000199": "编号",
	"CT000222": "",
	"CT000221": "The selected record is meanwhile deleted. First undelete the entry.",
	"SF000073": "融资类型",
	"PD000273": "Selection Header for BT",
	"PD000035": "Menu",
	"S0000350": "编号",
	"S0000351": "代付行",
	"S0000231": "到期日",
	"S0000352": "编号",
	"S0000353": "代付类型",
	"S0000112": "到单日期",
	"S0000223": "信用证编号",
	"S0000344": "代付本金",
	"S0000224": "摘要",
	"S0000345": "代付金额",
	"S0000346": "代付日期",
	"S0000226": "押汇余额",
	"S0000347": "代付起始日",
	"S0000348": "到",
	"S0000349": "申请人",
	"S0000229": "起息日期",
	"PD000062": "Header for LE, BE, BT, TR",
	"PD000185": "Header for LE, LT, BT",
	"CF000245": "闭卷",
	"CF000246": "附加金额标志",
	"CF000242": "",
	"CT000127": "Can\'t find Export L/C to Loan.",
	"CT000126": "Revolving $1 of $2",
	"S0000361": "开证日期",
	"S0000120": "开证行",
	"S0000362": "编号",
	"S0000121": "单据状态",
	"S0000122": "编号",
	"S0000364": "编号",
	"S0000123": "信用证编号",
	"S0000113": "远期单据到期日",
	"S0000355": "信用证金额",
	"S0000235": "编号",
	"S0000356": "信用证余额",
	"S0000115": "提示日期",
	"S0000236": "编号",
	"S0000357": "受益人",
	"S0000116": "申请人",
	"S0000358": "申请人",
	"S0000117": "单据余额",
	"S0000359": "指定银行",
	"S0000118": "单据金额",
	"S0000119": "单据类型",
	"SF000370": "兑付方式",
	"PD000057": "Navigationbuttons of Transaction",
	"CT000131": "Packing Credit issued",
	"CF000258": "闭卷",
	"S0000210": "单据业务编号",
	"CT000133": "Loan closed on $1",
	"S0000211": "单据类型",
	"S0000203": "Rec. 2nd Ben.",
	"S0000204": "远期单据到期日",
	"S0000205": "1st Beneficiary",
	"S0000207": "2nd Beneficiary",
	"S0000208": "单据余额",
	"S0000209": "单据金额",
	"CF000267": "闭卷",
	"CF000265": "闭卷",
	"CF000263": "闭卷",
	"CT000146": "Can\'t find Export L/C to Document Set.",
	"SF000272": "编号",
	"CF000269": "闭卷",
	"S0000342": "代付业务编号",
	"S0000343": "摘要",
	"S0000213": "单据状态",
	"S0000214": "编号",
	"S0000216": "编号",
	"SF000271": "交单行",
	"S0000219": "摘要",
	"SF000270": "寄单日期",
	"PD000074": "Header for LE",