exportdefault{"PD000081":"Shipping Guarantee","SG000213":"SG Reference","CT000158":"Booked in AR at advice of payment","CT000157":"paid by applicant at advice of payment","CT000175":"The amount of shipment are $1 $2 higher than the open amount","S0000078":"Name","S0000079":"Document Set Ref.","CT000171":"You must enter a reference number of the relevant transport document(s)","CT000174":"Please enter a positive document amount","CT000173":"There must be a reference number of the carrier, please enter it here.","SF000060":"Amount of Shipment","CT000170":"Please specify, how the goods should be released","PD000084":"Reply Letter of Undertaking","CT000107":"Amount to be received in contract currency $1","CT000169":"Shipping Guarantee expired","CT000164":"Documents received?","CT000167":"This date must not be in the past!","CT000189":"Release of goods","CT000188":"Release of goods","CT000166":"Advice of Release","PD000038":"Navigationbuttons of Transaction","CT000185":"Letter of Undertaking for Release of Goods","PD000074":"Advice of Release","PD000075":"Release of Goods","PD000057":"Release Goods",}