TDVCSUpd ZHL181 2018-10-10 10:50:25
Version 50 TradeDesign®
                        Encoding UTF-8
                        Rule 8
20050218       MK       SourceLine document BTTISSL1
                        Rule 8
20050207       MK       SourceLine documentheader BTTBE1L1
20080520134315 WD       SourceLine printheaderen
                        Rule 8
20050207       MK       SourceLine documentfooter BTTBE1L1
20080131112136 ZL       SourceLine printfooteren
                        Rule 8
20050207       MK       SourceLine document BTTBE1L1
20081014163641 SH0      SourceLine 
20081014163644 SH0      SourceLine {
20080218124711 HYY      SourceLine #>>>WCX:FRA000093 转让拒单交易移植英文面函 BTTDCR交易移植501的面函:NOTICE OF REFUSAL
20080218124651 HYY      SourceLine #>>>拒单面函
20080130104756 WCX      SourceLine #<<<WCX
20080130104640 WCX      SourceLine 
20080117133105 WCX      SourceLine $title = "NOTICE OF REFUSAL"
20080218124735 HYY      SourceLine $ref = BTDGRP\PRB\PTS\REF
20080218124748 HYY      SourceLine $mcur = BTDGRP\CBS\MAX\CUR
20080218124807 HYY      SourceLine $mamt = BTDGRP\CBS\MAX\AMT
20080218124825 HYY      SourceLine $ownref = LTDGRP\REC\OWNREF
20080218124852 HYY      SourceLine $docdis = BTDGRP\BLK\DOCDIS
20080218124919 HYY      SourceLine $namen = \TRNMOD\DOCKEYBCH\NAMEN
20080509101208 WD       SourceLine 
20080509101211 WD       SourceLine print using title, $title
20080509101211 WD       SourceLine print vertical ( 1, tdUnitem, tdPosCurrent )
20080509101254 WD       SourceLine print using XML2, "Date: " + FmtDate( Today, "D MMMM,YYYY" )
20080509101211 WD       SourceLine SetProperty( tdUnit, tdUnitmm )
20080509101656 WD       SourceLine print using mailto
20080521164731 WCX      SourceLine beginarea ( 30, 49, 80, 20 )
20080509101211 WD       SourceLine #打印开证行地址
20080509101211 WD       SourceLine   if not IsEmpty( BTDGRP\ISS\ADR\INR ) then
20080509101541 WD       SourceLine     BTDGRP\ISS.PrTAdRBlK
20080509101211 WD       SourceLine   endif
20080509101211 WD       SourceLine endarea
20080509101209 WD       SourceLine 
20080521164001 WCX      SourceLine print vertical ( 20, tdUnitmm, tdPosCurrent )
20080117133105 WCX      SourceLine print using XML1, "Attn: Export L/C Department"
20080117133105 WCX      SourceLine print vertical ( 1, tdUnitem, tdPosCurrent )
20080117133105 WCX      SourceLine print using XML1, "Dear Sirs,"
20080117133105 WCX      SourceLine print vertical ( 1, tdUnitem, tdPosCurrent )
20080117135032 WCX      SourceLine #>>>wcx:下面的BTDGRP\REC\PRBREF字段找不到
20080131155404 ZL       SourceLine 
20080218124810 HYY      SourceLine print using XML1, "Re: Your Reference No. " + $ref + "  for " + $mcur + " " + FmtAmount( $mamt, $mcur )
20080521164229 WCX      SourceLine print using XML1, "       Under our Transferred Credit No.  " + $ownref + "(please quote when correspording)"
20080117133105 WCX      SourceLine print vertical ( 1, tdUnitem, tdPosCurrent )
20080218124901 HYY      SourceLine print using XML1, "We are in receipt of the above documents and have found the following discrepancies:" + CR + $docdis
20080117133105 WCX      SourceLine print using XML1, "We would like to inform you that the documents have been refused due to the above mentioned discrepancies. Please give us as soon as possible your instructions for disposal of the discrepant documents which we are holding at your disposal without any liabilities on our part. "
20080509095622 WD       SourceLine #print using XML1, "Kindly acknowledge receipt by signing and returning to us the attached copy of this notice."
20080117133105 WCX      SourceLine #打印签名
20080117133105 WCX      SourceLine print vertical ( 1, tdUnitem, tdPosCurrent )
20080117133105 WCX      SourceLine print protect
20080117133105 WCX      SourceLine print vertical ( 1, tdUnitem, tdPosCurrent )
20080521163700 WCX      SourceLine print using TXTINFO, "YOURS FAITHFULLY"
20080521164538 WCX      SourceLine print vertical ( 1, tdUnitem, tdPosCurrent )
20080218124923 HYY      SourceLine print using ebank, Mid( Trim( $namen ), 1, 21 ), Mid( Trim( $namen ), 22, 40 )
20080303101234 WD       SourceLine 
20080303101203 WD       SourceLine print vertical ( 4, tdUnitem, tdPosCurrent )
20080509101124 WD       SourceLine print using XML2
20080117133105 WCX      SourceLine print protect ( FALSE )
                        Rule 8
20010226       BR       SourceLine sub RegisterDocument method
20070321130253 VO       SourceLine # message to 1st Ben-Side (DOCPRBROLBE1)
20080701152614 ZL       SourceLine {
20041227       VO       SourceLine # advice of refusal
20050926       MK       SourceLine # only send if role is set
20070321125759 VO       SourceLine $IsSetPresenterBE1 = BTTMOD\BTTDOC.IsRolSet ( BTDGRP\REC\DOCPRBROLBE1, $PresenterBE1PtaInr, $PresenterBE1AdrBlk )
20070321125810 VO       SourceLine if $IsSetPresenterBE1 then
20070321125832 VO       SourceLine   TRNMOD\TRNDOC.DefDocEot ( "TRN", "BE11", "\\BTTBE1L1", "LET", 0, $PresenterBE1PtaInr, RecGetPath( BTDGRP ), GetDescription( BTTBE1L1 ), BTDGRP\REC\DOCPRBROLBE1, $PresenterBE1AdrBlk )
20041227       VO       SourceLine endif
20080701152612 ZL       SourceLine }
20070320144846 MK       SourceLine # letter to presenting party (DOCPRBROL)
20070320144844 MK       SourceLine 
20070320144904 MK       SourceLine # Advice of Refusal
20080704101930 WD       SourceLine $desc = 'LI000137'
20080704102123 WD       SourceLine if REJPENINS = "X" then
20080704102044 WD       SourceLine   $desc = 'LI000138'
20080704102034 WD       SourceLine endif
20080704102129 WD       SourceLine if ACCDISFLG = "X" then
20080704102747 WD       SourceLine   $desc = 'LI000139'
20080704102006 WD       SourceLine endif
20080704102108 WD       SourceLine if not IsEmpty( $desc ) then
20081104175137 SH0      SourceLine 
20070320144928 MK       SourceLine   $IsSetPresenter = BTTMOD\BTTDOC.IsRolSet ( BTDGRP\REC\DOCPRBROL, $PresenterPtaInr, $PresenterAdrBlk )
20070320145011 MK       SourceLine   if $IsSetPresenter then
20081104175136 SH0      SourceLine     TRNMOD\TRNDOC.DefDocEot ( "TRN", "BE21", "\\BTTBE2L1", "LET", 0, $PresenterPtaInr, RecGetPath( BTDGRP ), $desc, BTDGRP\REC\DOCPRBROL, $PresenterAdrBlk )
20181010105020 ZHL      SourceLine     # DNGDEV.000346 - is 752 for SWIFT
20181010105024 ZHL      SourceLine     TRNMOD\TRNDOC.SetUseTag79Z ( "TRN", "BE21", "SWT" )
20050926       MK       SourceLine   endif
20081104175138 SH0      SourceLine endif
20080704101812 WD       SourceLine 
20070320144719 MK       SourceLine # messages to Payer (PAYROL)
20070320144719 MK       SourceLine $IsSetPayer = BTTMOD\BTTDOC.IsRolSet ( BTDGRP\REC\PAYROL, $PayerPtaInr, $PayerAdrBlk )
20070320144719 MK       SourceLine if $IsSetPayer then
20050926       MK       SourceLine   if not IsEmpty( ADVDISFLG ) then
20070320144807 MK       SourceLine     TRNMOD\TRNDOC.DefDocEot ( "TRN", "ISS1", "\\BTTISSL1", "LET", 0, $PayerPtaInr, RecGetPath( BTDGRP ), GetDescription( BTTISSL1 ), BTDGRP\REC\PAYROL, $PayerAdrBlk )
20050926       MK       SourceLine   endif
20050926       MK       SourceLine endif
20080728145325 WD       SourceLine {
20080719120933 WD       SourceLine TRNMOD\TRNDOC.SetCORTYPList ( "TRN", "BE21", "SWT" )
20080719120921 WD       SourceLine TRNMOD\TRNDOC.SetCORTYPList ( "TRN", "ISS1", "SWT" )
                        Rule 8
20050207       MK       SourceLine document BTTBE2L1
20080728151434 WD       SourceLine 
20080728151433 WD       SourceLine if REJPENINS = "X" then
20080728151412 WD       SourceLine #>>>WCX:FRA000093 转让拒单交易移植英文面函 BTTDCR交易移植501的面函:NOTICE OF REFUSAL
20080728151412 WD       SourceLine #>>>拒单面函
20080728151412 WD       SourceLine #<<<WCX
20080728151412 WD       SourceLine 
20080728151412 WD       SourceLine   $title = "NOTICE OF REFUSAL"
20080728151412 WD       SourceLine   $ref = BTDGRP\PRB\PTS\REF
20080728151412 WD       SourceLine   $mcur = BTDGRP\CBS\MAX\CUR
20080728151412 WD       SourceLine   $mamt = BTDGRP\CBS\MAX\AMT
20080728151412 WD       SourceLine   $ownref = LTDGRP\REC\OWNREF
20080728151412 WD       SourceLine   $docdis = BTDGRP\BLK\DOCDIS
20080728151412 WD       SourceLine   $namen = \TRNMOD\DOCKEYBCH\NAMEN
20080728151412 WD       SourceLine 
20080728151412 WD       SourceLine   print using title, $title
20080728151412 WD       SourceLine   print vertical ( 1, tdUnitem, tdPosCurrent )
20080728151412 WD       SourceLine   print using XML2, "Date: " + FmtDate( Today, "D MMMM,YYYY" )
20080728151412 WD       SourceLine   SetProperty( tdUnit, tdUnitmm )
20080731131933 WD       SourceLine   print vertical ( 1, tdUnitem, tdPosCurrent )
20081104183754 SH0      SourceLine   beginarea ( 20, 61, 80, 20 )
20081104175942 SH0      SourceLine     print using mailto, "TO:", TRNMOD\TRNDOC\DOCCUR\ADRBLK
20081104175944 SH0      SourceLine {
20080728151412 WD       SourceLine #打印开证行地址
20080728151412 WD       SourceLine     if not IsEmpty( BTDGRP\ISS\ADR\INR ) then
20080728151412 WD       SourceLine       BTDGRP\ISS.PrTAdRBlK
20080728151412 WD       SourceLine     endif
20081104175954 SH0      SourceLine     }
20080728151412 WD       SourceLine   endarea
20081104175952 SH0      SourceLine 
20080728151412 WD       SourceLine   print vertical ( 20, tdUnitmm, tdPosCurrent )
20080728151412 WD       SourceLine   print using XML1, "Attn: Export L/C Department"
20080728151412 WD       SourceLine   print vertical ( 1, tdUnitem, tdPosCurrent )
20080728151412 WD       SourceLine   print using XML1, "Dear Sirs,"
20080728151412 WD       SourceLine   print vertical ( 1, tdUnitem, tdPosCurrent )
20080728151412 WD       SourceLine #>>>wcx:下面的BTDGRP\REC\PRBREF字段找不到
20080728151412 WD       SourceLine 
20080728151412 WD       SourceLine   print using XML1, "Re: Your Reference No. " + $ref + "  for " + $mcur + " " + FmtAmount( $mamt, $mcur )
20080728151412 WD       SourceLine   print using XML1, "       Under our Transferred Credit No.  " + $ownref + "(please quote when correspording)"
20080728151412 WD       SourceLine   print vertical ( 1, tdUnitem, tdPosCurrent )
20080728151412 WD       SourceLine   print using XML1, "We are in receipt of the above documents and have found the following discrepancies:" + CR + $docdis
20080728151412 WD       SourceLine   print using XML1, "We would like to inform you that the documents have been refused due to the above mentioned discrepancies. Please give us as soon as possible your instructions for disposal of the discrepant documents which we are holding at your disposal without any liabilities on our part. "
20080728151412 WD       SourceLine #print using XML1, "Kindly acknowledge receipt by signing and returning to us the attached copy of this notice."
20080728151412 WD       SourceLine #打印签名
20080728151412 WD       SourceLine   print vertical ( 1, tdUnitem, tdPosCurrent )
20080728151412 WD       SourceLine   print protect
20081104175900 SH0      SourceLine   print vertical ( 3, tdUnitem, tdPosCurrent )
20080728151412 WD       SourceLine   print using TXTINFO, "YOURS FAITHFULLY"
20080728151412 WD       SourceLine   print vertical ( 1, tdUnitem, tdPosCurrent )
20080728151412 WD       SourceLine   print using ebank, Mid( Trim( $namen ), 1, 21 ), Mid( Trim( $namen ), 22, 40 )
20080728151412 WD       SourceLine 
20080728151412 WD       SourceLine   print vertical ( 4, tdUnitem, tdPosCurrent )
20080728151412 WD       SourceLine   print using XML2
20081104175800 SH0      SourceLine   print vertical ( 4, tdUnitmm, tdPosCurrent )
20081104175745 SH0      SourceLine   print using XML7
20080728151412 WD       SourceLine   print protect ( FALSE )
20080728151440 WD       SourceLine endif
                        Rule 8
20050207       MK       SourceLine documentheader BTTBE2L1
                        Rule 8
20050207       MK       SourceLine documentfooter BTTBE2L1
                        Rule 8
20050218       MK       SourceLine documentheader BTTISSL1
                        Rule 8
20050218       MK       SourceLine documentfooter BTTISSL1
                        Rule 8
20070320144214 MK       SourceLine sub xmlprtBodyAdviceOfRefusal
20070320144130 MK       SourceLine 
20070320143604 MK       SourceLine # if additional amounts are present
20070320143611 MK       SourceLine if BTDGRP\CBS\OPN2\AMT > 0 then
20070320143624 MK       SourceLine   print using introAddAmount, XMLFmtCurAmt( BTDGRP\CBS\MAX\CUR, BTDGRP\CBS\MAX\AMT ), XMLFmtCurAmt( BTDGRP\CBS\MAX2\CUR, BTDGRP\CBS\MAX2\AMT )
20070320143604 MK       SourceLine else
20070320143645 MK       SourceLine   print using intro, XMLFmtCurAmt( BTDGRP\CBS\MAX\CUR, BTDGRP\CBS\MAX\AMT )
20070320143604 MK       SourceLine endif
20070320143604 MK       SourceLine XMLPrtEmptyLine( 1 )
20070320143603 MK       SourceLine 
20070320143803 MK       SourceLine # discrepancies
20070320202657 MK       SourceLine XMLPrtTxtAboveBlk( 'LI000107', BTDGRP\BLK\DOCDIS )
20070320143803 MK       SourceLine 
20070320143803 MK       SourceLine # Reason for Rejection
20070320143931 MK       SourceLine XMLPrtTxtAboveBlk( 'LI000108', BTDGRP\BLK\DOCINS )
20070320143803 MK       SourceLine 
20070320143803 MK       SourceLine # Disposal of Documents
20070320143820 MK       SourceLine XMLPrtTxtBlk( BTDGRP\BLK\DISDOC )
20070320143803 MK       SourceLine XMLPrtEmptyLine( 1 )
20070320143803 MK       SourceLine 
20050207       MK       SourceLine if not IsEmpty( REJPENINS ) then
20050207       MK       SourceLine   print using finrej
20050207       MK       SourceLine   print using docsencl
20070320144240 MK       SourceLine   XMLPrtEmptyLine( 1 )
20050207       MK       SourceLine else
20050207       MK       SourceLine   print using instruc
20070320144242 MK       SourceLine   XMLPrtEmptyLine( 1 )
20070320144250 MK       SourceLine endif

                        PanelPage \TRNMOD\TRNDOC\DOCCUR\COVER
                        PPRelPos 5 \TRNMOD\DOCIMM\PRTSWTR
                        PanelPage \TRNMOD\PTSMOD\ADRP\PRTPAN
                        PanelPage \TRNMOD\TRNDIA\PRTPAN
                        PPRelPos 5 \MTABUT\FRMLOAPAN
                        PanelPage \BTTBE1L1
                        PanelPage \BTTBE2L1
                        PanelPage \BTTISSL1
                        PanelPage \SETMOD\CMNSETL2
                        PPRelPos 2 \TRNMOD\DOCIMM\DOCBOL\PRTP
                        PanelPage \LIAALL\LIACCV\DNFMOD\LITAPLL1
                        PPRelPos 6 \TRNMOD\TRNISM\WFMMOD\SRV\SRVQIN\CONFIG
                        PPRelPos 5 \TRNMOD\PTSMOD\DETP

                        XMLPanel BTTBE1L1 PI000020 {LETTER} 800 600 0 0 0 0 0 0 640 400 0 0 0 0
                        PL EN
                        OL EN
                        OL DE

                        XMLPanel BTTBE2L1 PI000021 {A4} 800 600 0 0 0 0 0 0 640 400 0 0 0 0
                        PL EN
                        OL EN
                        OL DE

                        XMLPanel BTTISSL1 PI000022 {A4} 800 600 0 0 0 0 0 0 640 400 0 0 0 0
                        PL EN
                        OL EN
                        OL DE
                        XMLTemplate finrej 8 0
                        XMLLine <BLOCK litid="XI000072" editlevel="0" line-spacing="0%" align="justify"/>
                        XMLTemplate docsencl 8 0
                        XMLLine <BLOCK litid="XI000087" editlevel="0" line-spacing="0%" align="justify"/>
                        XMLTemplate instruc 8 0
                        XMLLine <BLOCK litid="XI000088" editlevel="0" line-spacing="0%" align="justify"/>
                        XMLTemplate IntroAdvOfDiscrepancy 8 0
                        XMLLine <BLOCK editlevel="0" line-spacing="0%" align="justify" litid="XI000097"/>
                        XMLTemplate DiscrepancyToISS 8 0
                        XMLLine <BLOCK editlevel="0" line-spacing="0%" align="justify" litid="XI000098"/>
                        XMLTemplate introAddAmount 8 0
                        XMLLine <BLOCK editlevel="0" line-spacing="0%" align="justify" litid="XI000102"/>
                        XMLTemplate intro 8 0
                        XMLLine <BLOCK editlevel="0" line-spacing="0%" align="justify" litid="XI000103"/>
                        XMLTemplate schedule 8 0
                        XMLLine <BLOCK editlevel="0" line-spacing="0%" litid="XI000110"/>
                        XMLTemplate schedref 8 0
                        XMLLine <BLOCK editlevel="0" line-spacing="0%" litid="XI000111"/>
                        XMLTemplate discfound 8 0
                        XMLLine <BLOCK line-spacing="0%" litid="XI000112"/>
                        XMLTemplate finrej1 8 0
                        XMLLine <BLOCK line-spacing="0%" litid="XI000113"/>
                        XMLTemplate reasrej 8 0
                        XMLLine <BLOCK line-spacing="0%" litid="XI000114"/>
                        XMLTemplate dispdoc 8 0
                        XMLLine <BLOCK line-spacing="0%" litid="XI000115"/>
                        XMLTemplate title 8 0
                        XMLLine <BLOCK litid="XI000116" editlevel="0" line-spacing="0%" fontsize="11pt" align="centered"/>
                        XMLTemplate XML1 8 0
                        XMLLine <BLOCK litid="XI000117" editlevel="0" line-spacing="150%" fontsize="9pt"/>
                        XMLTemplate mailto 8 0
                        XMLLine <BLOCK litid="XI000119" editlevel="0" line-spacing="150%" fontsize="10pt"/>
                        XMLTemplate ebank 8 0
                        XMLLine <TABLE><CELL litid="XI000122" editlevel="0" width="0.36in" line-spacing="150%" fontsize="9pt"/><CELL litid="XI000123" editlevel="0" width="2.12in" line-spacing="100%" fontsize="9pt"/></TABLE>
                        XMLTemplate XML2 8 0
                        XMLLine <TABLE><CELL litid="XI000134" editlevel="0" width="4.52in" line-spacing="0%"/><CELL litid="XI000135" editlevel="0" width="2.17in" line-spacing="100%" fontsize="9pt"/></TABLE>
                        XMLTemplate TXTINFO 8 0
                        XMLLine <BLOCK litid="XI000136" editlevel="0" line-spacing="0%" fontsize="9pt"/>
                        XMLTemplate XML7 8 0
                        XMLLine <BLOCK editlevel="0" line-spacing="0%" fontsize="10pt" litid="XI000140"/>

20070320202657 MK       LI000107DE Die Dokumente wurden aufgrund der folgenden Abweichungen abgelehnt
20070320144206 MK       LI000107EN Documents are refused due to the following discrepancies
20070320144206 MK       LI000108DE Die Gründe für die Ablehnung lauten wie folgt
20070320144206 MK       LI000108EN The reasons for rejection are as follows
20080704102112 WD       LI000137EN 
20080704102112 WD       LI000138EN Advice of Refusal
20080704102747 WD       LI000139EN Accept Discrepancies
20050207104427 MK       PI000020DE Ablehnungsavis Erstbegünstigter
20050926212723 MK       PI000020EN Advice of Refusal
20050207104440 MK       PI000021DE Ablehnungsavis Zweitbegünstigter
20050926212734 MK       PI000021EN Advice of Refusal
20050218175748 MK       PI000022DE Abweichungsavis
20041227142934 VO       PI000022EN Advice of Discrepancies
20050207104015 MK       XI000072DE Der Dokumentensatz wurde endgültig zurückgewiesen.<BR/>
20050207102953 MK       XI000072EN The document set has been finally rejected.<BR/>
20050207104038 MK       XI000087DE Dokumente sind beigefügt.<BR/>
20070320144032  MK      XI000087EN Please find documents enclosed.<BR/>
20050207104127 MK       XI000088DE Bitte teilen Sie uns mit, wie wir weiter verfahrten sollen.<BR/>
20050207095559 MK       XI000088EN Please let us have your instructions at your earliest convenience. <BR/>
20070312220820 MK       XI000097DE Wir avisieren Ihnen hiermit <VAR nr="3"/> über den Gesamtbetrag in Höhe von <VAR nr="1"/>, die unter dem übertragbaren Akkreditiv Nummer <VAR nr="2"/> eingereicht wurden.<BR/>
20070312220349 MK       XI000097EN We herewith advise to you <VAR nr="3"/> for the total amount of <VAR nr="1"/> which have been presented to us under Transfer Letter of Credit number <VAR nr="2"/>.<BR/>
20070312222206 MK       XI000098DE Wir haben den Dokumentensatz von <VAR nr="2"/> erhalten und folgende Unstimmigkeiten gefunden:<BR/><VAR nr="1"/><BR/>Bitte informieren Sie uns, wie wir die Abweichungen hantieren sollen.<BR/>
20070312221533 MK       XI000098EN We have received the document set from <VAR nr="2"/> and found the following discrepancies:<BR/><VAR nr="1"/><BR/>Please instruct us how to handle these discrepancies.<BR/>
20070315230817  MK      XI000102DE bitte nehmen Sie zur Kenntnis, dass uns Dokumente über den Betrag von <VAR nr="1"/> (zuzüglich eines Zusatzbetrages von <VAR nr="2"/>) vorgelegt wurden.<BR/>
20061211152110 MK       XI000102EN Please note that documents for the amount of <VAR nr="1"/> (plus additional amounts of <VAR nr="2"/> have been presented to us. <BR/>
20070315230819  MK      XI000103DE bitte nehmen Sie zur Kenntnis. dass uns Dokumente über den Betrag von <VAR nr="1"/> vorgelegt wurden.<BR/>
20061211152137 MK       XI000103EN Please note that documents for the amount of <VAR nr="1"/> have been presented to us.<BR/>
                        XI000110EN we refer to your documentary schedule and reget to inform you that the documents were not accepted.<BR/><BR/>
                        XI000111EN we refer to your documentary schedule under your reference <VAR nr="1"/> and reget to inform you that the documents were not accepted.<BR/><BR/>
                        XI000112EN Checking the documents we noted the following discrepancy(ies):<BR/><VAR nr="1"/><BR/><BR/>
                        XI000113EN The document set has been finally rejected.<BR/><BR/>
                        XI000114EN The reasons for rejection are as follows:<BR/><VAR nr="1"/><BR/><BR/>
                        XI000115EN Diposal of documents:<BR/><VAR nr="1"/><BR/><BR/>
00000000000000          XI000116EN <B><VAR nr="1"/></B><BR/>
00000000000000          XI000117EN <VAR nr="1"/><BR/>
20081104183844 SH0051   XI000119EN <B> TO:<VAR nr="2"/></B><BR/>
00000000000000          XI000122EN FOR <BR/>
20080521164450 WCX      XI000123EN  <VAR nr="1"/><BR/><VAR nr="2"/><BR/>
20080509101305 WD       XI000135EN <VAR nr="1"/><BR/>
20080521163652 WCX      XI000136EN <VAR nr="1"/><BR/>
00000000000000          XI000140EN _____________________________<BR/>AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE(S)<BR/>
