Commit cf3083c5 by lsk

A-D if修改

parent 3bbfa3f4
......@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ Version 50 TradeDesign®
20030311 AB SourceLine
20030826 MS SourceLine $col1 = 'LI000618'
20030826 MS SourceLine $col3 = 'LI000619'
20030311 AB SourceLine if not IsEmpty( PTYGRP\ADRMAA\POB ) or not IsEmpty( PTYGRP\ADRMAA\POBZIP ) not IsEmpty( PTYGRP\ADRMAA\POBTXT ) then
20030311 AB SourceLine if not IsEmpty( PTYGRP\ADRMAA\POB ) or not IsEmpty( PTYGRP\ADRMAA\POBZIP ) or not IsEmpty( PTYGRP\ADRMAA\POBTXT ) then
20030311 AB SourceLine $col2 = PTYGRP\ADRMAA\POB
20030311 AB SourceLine $col4 = PTYGRP\ADRMAA\POBZIP + " " + PTYGRP\ADRMAA\POBTXT
20030311 AB SourceLine else
......@@ -390,7 +390,7 @@ Version 50 TradeDesign®
20030310 AB SourceLine endif
20030310 AB SourceLine next $idx
20030310 AB SourceLine else
20060117 BC SourceLine if ErrorCode = tdOdbcNotFound then
20060117 BC SourceLine if ErrorCode == tdOdbcNotFound then
20060117 BC SourceLine SetErrorCode( 0, "" )
20060117 BC SourceLine print using lineempty, 'LI000560'
20060117 BC SourceLine else
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