TDVCSUpd ZT 2008-8-18 11:23:22
Version 50 TradeDesign®
                        Encoding UTF-8
                        Rule 5
20021029       AN       SourceLine default CPDGRP\ORI\PTS\REF order 2000
20030205       RI       SourceLine #! Enable Reference
20040805       NI       SourceLine if not IsEmpty( CPDGRP\ORI\ROLSETFLG ) then
20021029       AN       SourceLine   Enable
20030922       AN       SourceLine else
20030922       AN       SourceLine   Disable( CPDGRP\ORI\PTS\REF )
20030922       AN       SourceLine endif
                        Rule 5
20030204       RI       SourceLine default CPDGRP\PYB\PTS\REF order 2000
20030204       RI       SourceLine #! Enable Reference
20040805       NI       SourceLine if not IsEmpty( CPDGRP\PYB\ROLSETFLG ) then
20030204       RI       SourceLine   Enable
20030922       AN       SourceLine else
20030922       AN       SourceLine   Disable( CPDGRP\PYB\PTS\REF )
20030922       AN       SourceLine endif
                        Rule 5
20030227       AN       SourceLine default CPDGRP\ORC\PTS\REF order 2000
20030227       AN       SourceLine #! Enable Reference
20040805       NI       SourceLine if not IsEmpty( CPDGRP\ORC\ROLSETFLG ) then
20030227       AN       SourceLine   Enable
20030922       AN       SourceLine else
20030922       AN       SourceLine   Disable( CPDGRP\ORC\PTS\REF )
20030922       AN       SourceLine endif
                        Rule 5
20030227       AN       SourceLine default CPDGRP\PYE\PTS\REF order 2000
20030922       AN       SourceLine #! Enable Reference
20040805       NI       SourceLine if not IsEmpty( CPDGRP\PYE\ROLSETFLG ) then
20030922       AN       SourceLine   Enable( CPDGRP\PYE\PTS\REF )
20030922       AN       SourceLine else
20030922       AN       SourceLine   Disable( CPDGRP\PYE\PTS\REF )
20030922       AN       SourceLine endif
                        Rule 5
20030227       AN       SourceLine default CPTP\PYBP\PANSTA order 2000
                        SourceLine CPTP\PYBP\PANSTA = PanStaShow
                        Rule 5
20031013       AN       SourceLine default CPTP\ORCP\PANSTA order 2000
20031013       AN       SourceLine CPTP\ORCP\PANSTA = PanStaShow
                        Rule 5
20031013       AN       SourceLine default CPTP\ORIP\PANSTA order 2000
20031013       AN       SourceLine 
20031013       AN       SourceLine CPTP\ORIP\PANSTA = PanStaShow
                        Rule 5
20031013       AN       SourceLine default CPTP\PYEP\PANSTA order 2000
20031013       AN       SourceLine 
20031013       AN       SourceLine CPTP\PYEP\PANSTA = PanStaShow
                        Rule 5
20021029       AN       SourceLine default TRNMOD\TRNDOC\DOCPAN order 1500
20030205       RI       SourceLine #! hide message Panel in CPTADD
20030227       AN       SourceLine Invisible
                        Rule 5
20030729       AN       SourceLine default CPTP\USRGET\USR\EXTKEY order 2000
20030205       RI       SourceLine #! Change of responsible user is allowed
20030205       RI       SourceLine Enable
                        Rule 5
20021017       AN       SourceLine init
20030205       RI       SourceLine #! supporter part of transaction init, e.g. setting of PANSTA
20030227       AN       SourceLine CPTP\PANSTA = PanStaEdit
20020816       MS       SourceLine CPTP\PTSADDP\PANSTA = PanStaEdit
20021023       AN       SourceLine 
20030204       RI       SourceLine # hide Settlement Panel
20031015       IS       SourceLine Invisible( SETMOD\SETPAN )
20080818112249 ZT       SourceLine 
20080818112321 ZT       SourceLine CPTP.defaultswf
20080818112249 ZT       SourceLine 
                        Rule 5
                        SourceLine event MTABUT\SAV order 500
20030205       RI       SourceLine #! Transaction specific save functions
19990901       EVS      SourceLine # 1. Update Contract ( incl. Texts)
19990721       OP       SourceLine CPTMOD.sav
19990721       OP       SourceLine # 2. Build Transaction from CPDGRP
19990721       OP       SourceLine TRNMOD.TrnSetFromContract ( CPDGRP\REC )
20040420       MM       SourceLine 
                        Rule 5
20031021       MM       SourceLine default SETMOD\SETPAN
20031021       MM       SourceLine Invisible
                        Rule 5
20031021       MM       SourceLine sub RegisterSettlement method
20031026       MM       SourceLine SETMOD.SetDspFlg( "C", "" )
20031103       RI       SourceLine SETMOD.SetCliSetOpt( "P" )
20031103       RI       SourceLine SETMOD.SetForSetOpt( "P" )
20041012       MS       SourceLine # no correspondence charges in this transaction
20041012       MS       SourceLine SETMOD.SetCorChaFlg( "N" )
                        Rule 5
20061204       MS       SourceLine default CPTP\PTSADDP\PANSTA order 1200
20061204       MS       SourceLine CPTP\PTSADDP\PANSTA = PanStaShow

                        PanelPage \CPTADDP
                        PanelPage \MTABUT\FRMLOAPAN
                        PanelPage \TRNMOD\DOCIMM\PRTSWTR
                        PanelPage \TRNMOD\TRNDIA\DIAPAN
                        PanelPage \TRNMOD\TRNDIA\DIASELP
                        PanelPage \MTABUT\SYSWRN\SysWrnDisplay
                        PanelPage \TRNMOD\PTSMOD\ADRP0
                        PanelPage \SETMOD\SETPAN
                        PanelPage \MTABUT\CONINF\CONINFP
                        PanelPage \TRNMOD\TRNDOC\DOCPAN
                        PanelPage \TRNMOD\TRNDOC\DTEMOD\DTETAG
                        PPRelPos 2 \TRNMOD\DOCIMM\DOCBOL\PRTP
                        PanelPage \TRNMOD\TRNDOC\DTAMOD\DTATAG
                        PanelPage \TRNMOD\PTSMOD\OITP
                        PanelPage \TRNMOD\PTSMOD\DETP

                        FramePanel CPTADDP PF000019 788 528 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0
                        FrameField CPTP\OVWP 17 0 0 718 528 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 {-}
                        FrameField \BUTPAN 17 720 0 68 528 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 {-}

                        FramePanel BUTPAN PF000028 68 528 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
                        PComment This global button panel should be used by all fullsize panels in the transaction.
                        FrameField MTABUT\TRABUTU 17 4 8 60 93 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 {-}
                        FrameField MTABUT\TRABUTM 17 4 172 60 93 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 {-}
                        FrameField MTABUT\TRABUTL 17 4 476 60 45 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 {-}

20020819132301 AB       PF000019DE Überblick
00000000000000          PF000019EN Overview
20021203131851 AN       PF000028DE Navigationbuttons der Transaktion
20021203131855 AN       PF000028EN Navigationbuttons of Transaction
