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wangguangchao committed
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135
TDVCSUpd WD 2009-2-16 17:28:44
Version 50 TradeDesign®
                        Encoding UTF-8
                        LV 2
                        Frame T0000000 0 1 1 1 1 0
                        TableName BFTACC
                        Rule -1
20020827       AN       SourceLine init order 950
20040108       RI       SourceLine 
20040423       RI       SourceLine TRNMOD.TroLockExistingContract ( BFDGRP )
20020827       AN       SourceLine # load parent
20050722       MV       SourceLine DEDGRP\REC\INR = BFDGRP\REC\PNTINR
20080927104427 SH0      SourceLine TRNMOD.TroLockContractForCBSOnly ( DEDGRP )
20060119       RM       SourceLine BFTMOD.SetBFDFieldsFromDED
20060119       RM       SourceLine 
                        Rule -1
20090104143013 ZT       SourceLine default BFTP\FURIDE
20090104143027 ZT       SourceLine if IsEmpty( BFTP\CRE752FLG ) then
20090104143017 ZT       SourceLine   DisableAndClearField( BFTP\FURIDE )
20040421       RI       SourceLine else
20090104143022 ZT       SourceLine   Enable( BFTP\FURIDE )
20040421       RI       SourceLine   StreamSet( $val, GetTblKeyList( "FURIDE", GetUIL ) )
20040421       RI       SourceLine   # DEB and REM are not allowed in BETPAY
20040421       RI       SourceLine   $idx = StreamSearch( $val, "DEB" )
20040421       RI       SourceLine   if $idx > 0 then
20040421       RI       SourceLine     StreamDelete( $val, $idx )
20040421       RI       SourceLine   endif
20040421       RI       SourceLine   $idx = StreamSearch( $val, "REM" )
20040421       RI       SourceLine   if $idx > 0 then
20040421       RI       SourceLine     StreamDelete( $val, $idx )
20040421       RI       SourceLine   endif
20090104143024 ZT       SourceLine   SetValues( BFTP\FURIDE, StreamGet( $val ) )
20040421       RI       SourceLine endif
                        Rule -1
20040421       RI       SourceLine default BFDGRP\REC\ADVDAT
20090104143008 ZT       SourceLine if IsEmpty( BFTP\CRE752FLG ) then
20040421       RI       SourceLine   Disable( BFDGRP\REC\ADVDAT )
20040421       RI       SourceLine else
20040421       RI       SourceLine   Enable( BFDGRP\REC\ADVDAT )
20040421       RI       SourceLine endif
                        Rule -1
20040421       RI       SourceLine check BFDGRP\REC\ADVDAT
20080326145527 ZHL      SourceLine 
20080326145535 ZHL      SourceLine {
20080326145619 ZHL      SourceLine #----没有地方对此字段赋值,界面上也没有,为什么要CHECK?-----------
20040421       RI       SourceLine #! Date of advise is mandatory when 752 is created
20050830       AN       SourceLine if ( not IsEmpty( BFTP\CRE752FLG ) ) and IsEmpty( BFDGRP\REC\ADVDAT ) then
20040421       RI       SourceLine   ErrorMandatory
20040421       RI       SourceLine endif
                        Rule -1
20090104143001 ZT       SourceLine default BFTP\CRE752FLG
20070611102555 VO       SourceLine 
20070611102757 VO       SourceLine $IsSetPresenter = BFTMOD\BFTDOC.IsRolSet ( BFDGRP\REC\DOCPRBROL, $DummyPtaInr, $DummyAdrBlk )
20070611102813 VO       SourceLine if $IsSetPresenter then
20090104143002 ZT       SourceLine   Enable( BFTP\CRE752FLG )
20040421       RI       SourceLine else
20090104143003 ZT       SourceLine   DisableAndClearField( BFTP\CRE752FLG )
20040421       RI       SourceLine endif
                        Rule -1
20090104142950 ZT       SourceLine check BFTP\FURIDE
20040421       RI       SourceLine #! Date of advise is mandatory when 752 is created
20090104142954 ZT       SourceLine if ( not IsEmpty( BFTP\CRE752FLG ) ) and IsEmpty( BFTP\FURIDE ) then
20040421       RI       SourceLine   ErrorMandatory
20040421       RI       SourceLine endif
                        Rule -1
20070226       AB       SourceLine textfunction BETPRBE1 static
20050923       MM       SourceLine #! DTAEAD 775 - Maturity Message
20040421       RI       SourceLine 
20070410165051 MM       SourceLine $matdat = NULLDATE
20070410165054 MM       SourceLine $cur = ""
20070410165057 MM       SourceLine $amt = 0
20070410165045 MM       SourceLine 
20070330155736 VO       SourceLine # (DO5DOS.005265)
20070330155736 VO       SourceLine # The 8th position of DOCCUR\ID is set to the index of LIAALLG grid row from calling RegisterDocument.
20070330155736 VO       SourceLine # The ID = 0 indicates the sight payment, all other values > 0 indicates a deferred payment.
20070330162310 VO       SourceLine $MsgID = Trim( TRNMOD\TRNDOC\DOCCUR\ID )
20070330155736 VO       SourceLine $LiaAllGRow = Mid( $MsgID, 8 )
20070330155736 VO       SourceLine $Row = Val( $LiaAllGRow )
20070330155736 VO       SourceLine if ErrorCode <> 0 then
20070330155736 VO       SourceLine   if IsEmpty( $LiaAllGRow ) then
20070330155736 VO       SourceLine     # nothing to do, because Val sets an empty 8th digit to 0
20070330155736 VO       SourceLine   else
20070330155748 VO       SourceLine     SysDump( FormatText( "BETPRBE1: RegisterDocument has not set the 8th digit of DOCCUR\ID=\"$1\" to a figure.", $MsgID ) )
20070330155736 VO       SourceLine   endif
20070330155736 VO       SourceLine endif
20070330155736 VO       SourceLine if $Row > 0 then
20070410165103 MM       SourceLine   $matdat = LIAALL\LIAALLG( $Row )\MatDat
20070410165127 MM       SourceLine   $cur = LIAALL\LIAALLG( $Row )\cur
20070410165132 MM       SourceLine   $amt = LIAALL\LIAALLG( $Row )\amt
20070410165111 MM       SourceLine endif
20070410165100 MM       SourceLine 
20070410165124 MM       SourceLine print BFTMOD\BFTDOC.DTEPrtEAD775 ( $matdat, $cur, $amt ) ;
20070330155736 VO       SourceLine 
                        Rule -1
20070226       AB       SourceLine textfunction BETPRBT1 static
20070226       AB       SourceLine #! TradeConnect MT 775 (in DTAEAD format) - Maturity Message
20070226       AB       SourceLine 
20070226       AB       SourceLine print BFTMOD\BFTDOC.TCOPrtEAD775 ;
                        Rule -1
20071107164157 SZ       SourceLine textfunction BETPRBB1 static
20071108102920 SZ       SourceLine #! Bolero 496
20071107164237 SZ       SourceLine print BFTMOD\BFTDOC.BOLMOD496 ;
                        PanelCount 4

                        PanelPage \TRNMOD\DOCIMM\DOCBOL\PRTP
                        Module BFDGRP BFDGRP 0
                        Module DEDGRP DEDGRP 0
                        Module BFTMOD BFTMOD 0
                        Argument BFDGRP BFDGRP
                        Argument DEDGRP DEDGRP
                        Module DETMOD DETMOD 0
                        Argument DEDGRP DEDGRP
                        Module SETBFD SETBFD 0
                        Argument BFDGRP BFDGRP
                        Argument DEDGRP DEDGRP
                        Module SETMOD SETMOD 0
                        Argument RECGRP BFDGRP
                        Module LIAALL LIAALL 0
                        Argument GRP BFTMOD\BFTOBJ
                        Module CBSMOD CBSMOD 0
                        Module RNGMOD RNGMOD 0
                        Module TRNMOD TRNMOD 0
                        Argument MTABUT MTABUT
                        Module MTABUT MTABUT 0
                        Argument REC BFDGRP
                        Module SYSMOD SYSMOD 0

20040714095931 MK       T0000000DE Änderung Fälligkeit
20080716105740 WD       T0000000EN Changing Maturity
20090216172820 WD       T0000000CN 承兑
