Commit 7296ddfa by wangguangchao


parent 443b6946
......@@ -32,7 +32,8 @@ void actSetFieldsForActDef(#act argrec)
Platform.clear( $$argrec\othbnkflg );
//Platform.clear( $$argrec\othbnkflg );
$$argrec\othbnkflg = NULLSTR;
// set OTHOWNFLG from other party
if( Platform.pos( $pty\ptytyp.getValue(), "A" ) > 0 )
......@@ -47,7 +48,8 @@ void actSetFieldsForActDef(#act argrec)
Platform.clear( $$argrec\othownflg );
//Platform.clear( $$argrec\othownflg );
$$argrec\othownflg = NULLSTR;
// Load relevant party to access fields to be used fill
......@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ String cbsGetUnbalancedExtIds(IModule obj,String cbcarg)
Platform.DBFetch( $cbb );
while( Platform.errorCode() <= 0 )
if( Platform.errorCode() <= 0 )
if( Platform.compareTo(lastId, $cbb\extid.getValue()) != 0 )
......@@ -10,15 +10,15 @@ String internalGenSqlSet(String argliste)
// from "Arg1,Arg2,..." in " IN (`Arg1`, `Arg2`,...)"
// Initialize workregister
int begPos = 1;
String rtn = NULLSTR;
IStream argstm = new StreamImpl();
Platform.streamClear( argstm );
// #### label NxtElm
// Search for next delimiter
String rtn = NULLSTR;
// Search for next delimiter
while(begPos <= MdaUtilsEx.len(argliste)) {
int len = Platform.pos( Platform.mid( argliste, begPos ), "," );
if( len == 0 )
// if no delimiter found, check whether first arg to avoid
......@@ -26,7 +26,8 @@ String internalGenSqlSet(String argliste)
if( begPos == 1 )
rtn = " = " + Platform.sqlLit( argliste );
return rtn; // #### goto Done
//return ; // #### goto Done
return rtn;
// if no delimiter found, take rest
len = Platform.len( Platform.mid( argliste, begPos ) ) + 1;
......@@ -45,11 +46,10 @@ String internalGenSqlSet(String argliste)
begPos = begPos + len;
if( begPos <= Platform.len( argliste ) )
//continue; // #### goto NxtElm
//return ; // #### goto NxtElm
continue NxtElmLabel;
break NxtElmLabel;
// transform list of values into the set format
......@@ -16,25 +16,29 @@ default $coninftag order 1000
if( Platform.errorCode() != 0 )
a = Platform.errorCode();
Platform.clear( contag72his );
//Platform.clear( contag72his );
contag72his = NULLSTR;
contag79his = Platform.getContent( path + "\\BLK\\CONTAG79" );
if( Platform.errorCode() != 0 )
a = Platform.errorCode();
Platform.clear( contag79his );
//Platform.clear( contag79his );
contag79his = NULLSTR;
contag72 = Platform.getContent( "\\TRNMOD\\SWIADD\\CONTAG72" );
if( Platform.errorCode() != 0 )
a = Platform.errorCode();
Platform.clear( contag72 );
//Platform.clear( contag72 );
contag72 = NULLSTR;
contag79 = Platform.getContent( "\\TRNMOD\\SWIADD\\CONTAG79" );
if( Platform.errorCode() != 0 )
a = Platform.errorCode();
Platform.clear( contag79 );
//Platform.clear( contag79 );
contag79 = NULLSTR;
// if one of these fields is filled, panel is visible
......@@ -4,7 +4,9 @@ void xmlCharacterData(String content)
content = "encoded binary";
bolStripContent( content );
Argument<String> contentBox = new Argument<String>("","");
bolStripContent( contentBox );
content = contentBox.value;
if( ( ( Platform.isEmpty( $lasttag ) || Platform.compareTo( Platform.trim( $lasttag.getValue() ) , "content" ) == 0 ) && Platform.isEmpty( content ) ) )
void bolStripContent(String content)
void bolStripContent(Argument<String> content)
String charVar = NULLSTR;
while( true )
charVar = Platform.mid( content, 1, 1 );
charVar = Platform.mid( content.value, 1, 1 );
if( Platform.compareTo(charVar , " ")<0 )
content = Platform.mid( content, 2 );
content.value = Platform.mid( content.value, 2 );
......@@ -35,13 +35,15 @@ void savdoc(#smh argsmh)
if( Platform.errorCode() != 0 )
Platform.sysDump( "Cannot get \\TRNMOD\\TRN\\INR" );
Platform.clear( $$argsmh\trninr );
//Platform.clear( $$argsmh\trninr );
$$argsmh\trninr = NULLSTR;
$$argsmh\trnsub = Platform.getContentNumeric( "\\TRNMOD\\TRN\\SMHNXT" ).intValue();
if( Platform.errorCode() != 0 )
Platform.sysDump( "Cannot get \\TRNMOD\\TRN\\SMHNXT" );
Platform.clear( $$argsmh\trnsub );
//Platform.clear( $$argsmh\trnsub );
$$argsmh\trnsub = 0;
......@@ -226,9 +228,12 @@ void savdoc(#smh argsmh)
if( ! Platform.isEmpty( $supcovflg ) )
// suppress cover letter
Platform.clear( $$argsmh\docfil );
Platform.clear( $$argsmh\docpth );
Platform.clear( $$argsmh\docfxt );
//Platform.clear( $$argsmh\docfil );
$$argsmh\docfil = NULLSTR;
//Platform.clear( $$argsmh\docpth );
$$argsmh\docpth = NULLSTR;
//Platform.clear( $$argsmh\docfxt );
$$argsmh\docfxt = NULLSTR;
......@@ -39,7 +39,8 @@ void makeAndConvertRuleDoc()
if( pos == 0 )
function = remainingPlan;
Platform.clear( remainingPlan );
//Platform.clear( remainingPlan );
remainingPlan = NULLSTR;
......@@ -8,7 +8,8 @@ String headerTCO()
String sec = Platform.mid( Platform.getModuleInfo( Platform.getModule( mod ), 1 ), 1, 2 );
if( Platform.errorCode() != 0 )
Platform.clear( sec );
//Platform.clear( sec );
sec = NULLSTR;
String mt = NULLSTR;
String tags = NULLSTR;
......@@ -219,9 +219,12 @@ void printAllFldStream(boolean printfooterflag)
$cn = $cn.getValue() + 1;
newline = false;
Platform.clear( execontent );
Platform.clear( exeheader );
Platform.clear( exetag );
//Platform.clear( execontent );
execontent = NULLSTR;
//Platform.clear( exeheader );
exeheader = NULLSTR;
//Platform.clear( exetag );
exetag = NULLSTR;
if( Platform.isEmpty( execontent ) )
......@@ -219,9 +219,12 @@ void printAllFldStreamTCO(boolean printfooterflag)
$cn = $cn.getValue() + 1;
newline = false;
Platform.clear( execontent );
Platform.clear( exeheader );
Platform.clear( exetag );
//Platform.clear( execontent );
//Platform.clear( exeheader );
//Platform.clear( exetag );
execontent = NULLSTR;
exeheader = NULLSTR;
exetag = NULLSTR;
if( Platform.isEmpty( execontent ) )
......@@ -102,7 +102,8 @@ BigDecimal clcFecIrtcal(#setfel line,String relcur,BigDecimal relamt,String feec
count = 0;
oldinftxt = $$line\inftxt;
Platform.clear( $$line\allcalflg );
//Platform.clear( $$line\allcalflg );
$$line\allcalflg = NULLSTR;
Platform.streamSet( oldinfdetstm, $$line\infdetstm.getValue() );
// #### label restart
......@@ -189,8 +190,10 @@ BigDecimal clcFecIrtcal(#setfel line,String relcur,BigDecimal relamt,String feec
Platform.clear( $$line\errcod );
Platform.clear( $$line\errtxt );
//Platform.clear( $$line\errcod );
$$line\errcod = 0L;
//Platform.clear( $$line\errtxt );
$$line\errtxt = NULLSTR;
maxnow = $\cbsmod\xrtmod.amtConvTypes( $$line\wrkfec\mincur.getValue(), $$line\wrkfec\amtsetall.getValue(), "M", feecur, "M", );
if( ! Platform.isModified( $$line\basamt ) )
......@@ -3,7 +3,8 @@ void clcFecAmt(#setfel line,Argument<String> relcur,BigDecimal relamt,String fee
// Calculate Feeamount
String wrn = "";
BigDecimal oldamt = new BigDecimal("0");
Platform.clear( $$line\minmaxflg );
//Platform.clear( $$line\minmaxflg );
$$line\minmaxflg = NULLSTR;
BigDecimal fecamt = null;
BigDecimal lowamt = null;
......@@ -56,7 +57,8 @@ void clcFecAmt(#setfel line,Argument<String> relcur,BigDecimal relamt,String fee
// if from pool recalulate and recreate detailled information
if( Platform.compareTo($$line\src, "P" )== 0 && ! Platform.isModified( $$line\feetxtinf ) )
Platform.clear( $$line\feetxtinf );
//Platform.clear( $$line\feetxtinf );
$$line\feetxtinf = NULLSTR;
// Reset units for transaction fees not calulating units if units have not been modified (DO5SFS 500035)
switch( $$line\wrkfec\calrul.getValue() )
......@@ -527,8 +529,10 @@ void clcFecAmt(#setfel line,Argument<String> relcur,BigDecimal relamt,String fee
if( Platform.isEmpty( $$line\dat1 ) || Platform.isEmpty( $$line\dat2 ) )
Platform.clear( $$line\errcod );
Platform.clear( $$line\errtxt );
//Platform.clear( $$line\errcod );
$$line\errcod = 0L;
//Platform.clear( $$line\errtxt );
$$line\errtxt = NULLSTR;
......@@ -547,8 +551,10 @@ void clcFecAmt(#setfel line,Argument<String> relcur,BigDecimal relamt,String fee
Platform.clear( $$line\errcod );
Platform.clear( $$line\errtxt );
//Platform.clear( $$line\errcod );
$$line\errcod = 0L;
//Platform.clear( $$line\errtxt );
$$line\errtxt = NULLSTR;
$$line\unt = 0;
for(int i = 1;i <= Platform.gridCount( $irtcal\irdele );i++)
......@@ -560,8 +566,10 @@ void clcFecAmt(#setfel line,Argument<String> relcur,BigDecimal relamt,String fee
Platform.clear( $$line\errcod );
Platform.clear( $$line\errtxt );
//Platform.clear( $$line\errcod );
$$line\errcod = 0L;
//Platform.clear( $$line\errtxt );
$$line\errtxt = NULLSTR;
// Interest from CBS
if( Platform.compareTo( $$line\wrkfec\calrul , "C" ) == 0 )
......@@ -676,7 +684,8 @@ void clcFecAmt(#setfel line,Argument<String> relcur,BigDecimal relamt,String fee
// You may use $minmaxunits = line\unt instead if minimum shall be applied for each unit, if necessary depending on line\WRKFEC\CALRUL
minmaxunits = 1;
// Minimum calculation
Platform.clear( $$line\minmaxflg );
//Platform.clear( $$line\minmaxflg );
$$line\minmaxflg = NULLSTR;
mincur = $$line\wrkfec\mincur;
if( ! Platform.isEmpty( mincur ) )
......@@ -917,7 +926,8 @@ void clcFecAmt(#setfel line,Argument<String> relcur,BigDecimal relamt,String fee
if( feecnt < 2 )
Platform.clear( $$line\minmaxflg );
//Platform.clear( $$line\minmaxflg );
$$line\minmaxflg = NULLSTR;
mincur = $$line\wrkfec\mincur;
if( ! Platform.isEmpty( mincur ) )
......@@ -17,7 +17,8 @@ void gleStoreEntry(#gle entry)
if( Platform.errorCode() != 0 )
Platform.sysDump( "Cannot get \\TRN\\INR" );
Platform.clear( $$entry\trninr );
//Platform.clear( $$entry\trninr );
$$entry\trninr = NULLSTR;
//return ; // #### goto dontsav
break dontsavLabel;
......@@ -22,7 +22,8 @@ BigDecimal getnewamtSumToLine(int refidx)
if( Platform.compareTo( tenCbtVal , "<all>" ) == 0 )
Platform.clear( tenCbtVal );
//Platform.clear( tenCbtVal );
tenCbtVal = NULLSTR;
cbtok = true;
if( Platform.compareTo( tenCbtVal , "*ALL*MATCBT*" ) == 0 )
......@@ -27,7 +27,8 @@ void movePteToLiaallg(IModule argmod)
liause = liauseBox.value;
if( Platform.errorCode() == tdCacheNotFound )
Platform.clear( liause );
//Platform.clear( liause );
liause = NULLSTR;
......@@ -41,7 +41,8 @@ void fillTENSTM()
if( Platform.compareTo( lst , "<all>" ) == 0 )
Platform.clear( lst );
//Platform.clear( lst );
lst = NULLSTR;
gridcnt = Platform.gridCount( $liaallg );
for(int i = 1;i <= gridcnt;i++)
......@@ -30,10 +30,14 @@ void checkOpenIssues(IModule arggrp)
// get subcontracts from database if not already read
int hardLinkCnt = 0;
Platform.cacheRead( hardLinkCnt, objTyp + objInr + "HardLinkedSubCon" );
Argument<Integer> hardLinkCntBox = new Argument<>("",0);
Platform.cacheRead( hardLinkCntBox, objTyp + objInr + "HardLinkedSubCon" );
hardLinkCnt = hardLinkCntBox.value;
int hardLinkErr = Platform.errorCode();
int softLinkCnt = 0;
Platform.cacheRead( softLinkCnt, objTyp + objInr + "SoftLinkedSubCon" );
Argument<Integer> softLinkCntBox = new Argument<>("",0);
Platform.cacheRead( softLinkCntBox, objTyp + objInr + "SoftLinkedSubCon" );
softLinkCnt = softLinkCntBox.value;
int softLinkErr = Platform.errorCode();
int subConCnt = 0;
int linHardNr = 0;
......@@ -253,7 +257,9 @@ void checkOpenIssues(IModule arggrp)
// get SEP from database if not already read
int sepCnt = 0;
Platform.cacheRead( sepCnt, objTyp + objInr + "SEPOPNCNT" );
Argument<Integer> sepCntBox = new Argument<>("",0);
Platform.cacheRead( sepCntBox, objTyp + objInr + "SEPOPNCNT" );
sepCnt = sepCntBox.value;
String ownSepInr = NULLSTR;
String basSql = NULLSTR;
if( Platform.errorCode() != tdCacheNotFound )
......@@ -284,7 +290,9 @@ void checkOpenIssues(IModule arggrp)
// check whether any SPT except DEL and REJ for this contract exists
int sptCnt = 0;
Platform.cacheRead( sptCnt, objTyp + objInr + "SPTOPNCNT" );
Argument<Integer> sptCntBox = new Argument<>("",0);
Platform.cacheRead( sptCntBox, objTyp + objInr + "SPTOPNCNT" );
sptCnt = sptCntBox.value;
String childsql = NULLSTR;
String sptSql = NULLSTR;
String sptInrSql = NULLSTR;
......@@ -10,7 +10,8 @@ String appendSql()
branchsql = branchsqlBox.value;
Platform.clear( branchsql );
//Platform.clear( branchsql );
branchsql = NULLSTR;
if( ! Platform.isEmpty( Platform.trim( branchsql ) ) )
sql = sql + " (BRANCHINR IN (" + branchsql + ") ";
......@@ -15,7 +15,8 @@ String ptmGetCorAdrFromAdr(#adr argadr,String argcortyp)
res = Platform.getContent( adr );
if( Platform.errorCode() > 0 )
Platform.clear( res );
//Platform.clear( res );
res = NULLSTR;
......@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ void ptsModAssertParty(String argfield,String argrol,#ptspta argptspta,String ar
if( Platform.compareTo( pansta , PanStaShow ) == 0 )
Platform.clear( $$argptspta\rolchgflg );
$$argptspta\rolchgflg = NULLSTR;
if( ! Platform.isModified( $$argptspta\pts ) )
Platform.clear( $$argptspta\pts );
......@@ -34,7 +34,8 @@ default $wrkptspta\pts\adrblk order 1000
relLev = Platform.getContent( $tmpptsppath.getValue() + "\\RELLEV" );
if( Platform.errorCode() > 0 )
Platform.clear( relLev );
//Platform.clear( relLev );
relLev = NULLSTR;
if( Platform.isEmpty( relLev ) )
......@@ -12,7 +12,8 @@ default $butmod order 900
relLev = Platform.getContent( $tmpptsppath.getValue() + "\\RELLEV" );
if( Platform.errorCode() > 0 )
Platform.clear( relLev );
//Platform.clear( relLev );
relLev = NULLSTR;
if( Platform.isEmpty( relLev ) )
......@@ -32,7 +32,8 @@ default $wrkptspta\dbfadrblkcn order 1000
relLev = Platform.getContent( $tmpptsppath.getValue() + "\\RELLEV" );
if( Platform.errorCode() > 0 )
Platform.clear( relLev );
//Platform.clear( relLev );
relLev = NULLSTR;
if( Platform.isEmpty( relLev ) )
......@@ -6,7 +6,8 @@ void ptsmodGetPtaOfPtspta(#ptspta argptspta)
if( Platform.isEmpty( $$argptspta\pts\ptainr ) || Platform.compareTo( $$argptspta\pts\ptainr , "//DELETE#" ) == 0 )
Platform.clear( $$argptspta\pta );
Platform.clear( $$argptspta\pts\ptainr );
//Platform.clear( $$argptspta\pts\ptainr );
$$argptspta\pts\ptainr = NULLSTR;
......@@ -99,6 +99,7 @@ void ptsmodSetPtsFromPta(#ptspta argptspta)
if( ! Platform.isModified( $$argptspta\pts\extkey ) )
Platform.clear( $$argptspta\pts\extkey );
$$argptspta\pts\extkey = NULLSTR;
......@@ -41,7 +41,9 @@ void getFepEntries(Argument<Boolean> argfirstcall)
Platform.cacheWrite( sqlStm, "SEFMOD", "FEPSQL" );
// remove old pool entries from cache (if any)
Platform.cacheRead( cnt, "SETFEG", "FEPCNT" );
Argument<Integer> cntBox = new Argument<>("",0);
Platform.cacheRead( cntBox, "SETFEG", "FEPCNT" );
cnt = cntBox.value;
if( Platform.errorCode() != tdCacheNotFound )
......@@ -56,7 +56,9 @@ void addTrnFee(String id,String feetyp,String feeflg,int feeunt,Date from,Date t
if( Platform.errorCode() == tdCacheNotFound )
cnt = 0;
Platform.cacheRead( cnt, "SETFEG", "FEECNT" );
Argument<Integer> cntBox = new Argument<>("",0);
Platform.cacheRead( cntBox, "SETFEG", "FEECNT" );
cnt = cntBox.value;
if( Platform.errorCode() == tdCacheNotFound )
cnt = 0;
......@@ -2,7 +2,9 @@ void getfepinrs(IStream res,boolean feponly)
Platform.streamClear( res );
int cnt = 0;
Platform.cacheRead( cnt, "SETFEG", "FEPCNT" );
Argument<Integer> cntBox = new Argument<>("",0);
Platform.cacheRead( cntBox, "SETFEG", "FEPCNT" );
cnt = cntBox.value;
String id = NULLSTR;
if( Platform.errorCode() != tdCacheNotFound )
......@@ -26,7 +28,8 @@ void getfepinrs(IStream res,boolean feponly)
if( ! feponly )
cnt = 0;
Platform.cacheRead( cnt, "SETFEG", "FEECNT" );
Platform.cacheRead( cntBox, "SETFEG", "FEECNT" );
cnt = cntBox.value;
if( Platform.errorCode() != tdCacheNotFound )
......@@ -3,7 +3,9 @@ void remTrnFeeGroup(String argid)
//! remove logically a group of entries from list of fee positions
//! ArgId : Prefix of Ids to be removed as used in AddTrnFee
int cnt = 0;
Platform.cacheRead( cnt, "SETFEG", "FEECNT" );
Argument<Integer> cntBox = new Argument<>("",0);
Platform.cacheRead( cntBox, "SETFEG", "FEECNT" );
cnt = cntBox.value;
String id = NULLSTR;
String mac = NULLSTR;
if( Platform.errorCode() != tdCacheNotFound )
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ String getfepval(String inr,String nam)
value = valueBox.value;
if( Platform.errorCode() == tdCacheNotFound )
Platform.clear( value );
value = NULLSTR;
......@@ -5,7 +5,9 @@ default $macbog order 1000
int cnt = 0;
IStream stm = new StreamImpl();
Platform.streamClear( stm );
Platform.cacheRead( cnt, "SETFEG", "FEECNT" );
Argument<Integer> cntBox = new Argument<>("",0);
Platform.cacheRead( cntBox, "SETFEG", "FEECNT" );
cnt = cntBox.value;
String mac = NULLSTR;
if( Platform.errorCode() != tdCacheNotFound )
......@@ -5,7 +5,9 @@ void fillPtyInrStmForFep(IStream argstm)
IStream ptyinrs = new StreamImpl();
Platform.streamClear( ptyinrs );
int cnt = 0;
Platform.cacheRead( cnt, "SETFEG", "FEPCNT" );
Argument<Integer> cntBox = new Argument<>("",0);
Platform.cacheRead( cntBox, "SETFEG", "FEPCNT" );
cnt = cntBox.value;
String id = NULLSTR;
String ptyinr = NULLSTR;
if( Platform.errorCode() != tdCacheNotFound )
......@@ -11,7 +11,9 @@ boolean isFeeCodSettled(String argfeecod,IModule arggrp)
fepCnt = 0;
lbl = objTyp + objInr + argfeecod;
Platform.cacheRead( fepCnt, lbl );
Argument<Integer> fepCntBox = new Argument<>("",0);
Platform.cacheRead( fepCntBox, lbl );
fepCnt = fepCntBox.value;
if( Platform.errorCode() != tdCacheNotFound )
......@@ -3,7 +3,9 @@ void getfepfeecods(IStream res,boolean feponly)
//! res returns a stream with lines such as "feecod|inr"
Platform.streamClear( res );
int cnt = 0;
Platform.cacheRead( cnt, "SETFEG", "FEPCNT" );
Argument<Integer> cntBox = new Argument<>("",0);
Platform.cacheRead( cntBox, "SETFEG", "FEPCNT" );
cnt = cntBox.value;
String id = NULLSTR;
String feecod = NULLSTR;
if( Platform.errorCode() != tdCacheNotFound )
......@@ -32,7 +34,8 @@ void getfepfeecods(IStream res,boolean feponly)
if( ! feponly )
cnt = 0;
Platform.cacheRead( cnt, "SETFEG", "FEECNT" );
Platform.cacheRead( cntBox, "SETFEG", "FEECNT" );
cnt = cntBox.value;
if( Platform.errorCode() != tdCacheNotFound )
......@@ -10,7 +10,9 @@ static void delTrnFee(String id,String feetyp,String feeflg)
Platform.cacheDelete( "SETFEG", "FEEIDS", idx );
cnt = 0;
Platform.cacheRead( cnt, "SETFEG", "FEECNT" );
Argument<Integer> cntBox = new Argument<>("",0);
Platform.cacheRead( cntBox, "SETFEG", "FEECNT" );
cnt = cntBox.value;
if( Platform.errorCode() == tdCacheNotFound )
......@@ -56,7 +56,9 @@ void addTrnFee1(String id,String feetyp,String feeflg,int feeunt,Date from,Date
if( Platform.errorCode() == tdCacheNotFound )
cnt = 0;
Platform.cacheRead( cnt, "SETFEG", "FEECNT" );
Argument<Integer> cntBox = new Argument<>("",0);
Platform.cacheRead( cntBox, "SETFEG", "FEECNT" );
cnt = cntBox.value;
if( Platform.errorCode() == tdCacheNotFound )
cnt = 0;
......@@ -135,7 +135,8 @@ String swtCreateMT768(Date argmsgdat,String argrol)
account = $setglg\setgll[idx]\acccur.getValue() + "-account No " + $setglg\setgll[idx]\act.getValue();
tag72 = tag72 + cr + "We kindly ask you to credit the amount of charges to our " + "\r\n" + account;
Platform.streamInsert( tag72Stm, 0, "72: " + Platform.convertBlock( tag72, 1, 6, 35 ) );
Platform.clear( cr );
//Platform.clear( cr );
......@@ -170,7 +170,8 @@ String swtCreateMT769(Date argmsgdat,String argrol,String argcur,int argamt,Stri
account = $setglg\setgll[idx]\acccur.getValue() + "-account No " + $setglg\setgll[idx]\act.getValue();
tag72 = tag72 + cr + "We kindly ask you to credit the amount of charges to our " + "\r\n" + account;
Platform.streamInsert( tag72Stm, 0, "72: " + Platform.convertBlock( tag72, 1, 6, 35 ) );
Platform.clear( cr );
//Platform.clear( cr );
......@@ -224,7 +224,8 @@ default $sptstm order 1000
// NRA本行转账
if( ! Platform.isEmpty( $chknra ) )
Platform.clear( sql );
//Platform.clear( sql );
sql = NULLSTR;
sql = " WHERE";
if( ! Platform.isEmpty( usrSql ) )
......@@ -40,12 +40,16 @@ void gridEtyLoad(IStream argstg,String argtds,IModule argrec,String argetyins,St
cntMax = 99999999;
Argument<Integer> cntLowBox = new Argument<>("",0);
Platform.cacheRead( cntLow, "stgmod", argtds, "Low-Limit" );
cntLow = cntLowBox.value;
if( Platform.errorCode() != tdCacheNotFound )
Argument<Integer> cntMaxBox = new Argument<>("",0);
Platform.cacheRead( cntMax, "stgmod", argtds, "Max-Limit" );
cntMax = cntMaxBox.value;
if( Platform.errorCode() != tdCacheNotFound )
......@@ -70,7 +70,8 @@ void getSysInfStream(IStream argstm)
Platform.streamInsert( argstm, 0, Platform.mid( ctxVar + " " + ctxVal, 1, 96 ) );
ctxVal = Platform.mid( ctxVal, 96 - len );
Platform.clear( ctxVar );
//Platform.clear( ctxVar );
ctxVar = NULLSTR;
......@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ void internalSetupEty()
if( Platform.errorCode() > 0 )
Platform.sysDump( Platform.formatText( "Error setting time zone.\n(Error=$1 $2)", Platform.errorCode(), Platform.getErrorText(), $\sysmod\ety\timzon.getValue() ) );
//Platform.sysDump( Platform.formatText( "Error setting time zone.\n(Error=$1 $2)", Platform.errorCode(), Platform.getErrorText(), $\sysmod\ety\timzon.getValue() ) );
String ety = $\sysmod\ssn\ety;
// Store the active Entity in the session entry
......@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ init $$\ order 9000550
ssnInrNumeric = $syspth.valBase36( ssnInr );
if( ssnInrNumeric < 0 )
Platform.sysDump( Platform.formatText( "Invalid base 36 number '$1' passed following -SSNINR", ssnInr ) );
// Platform.sysDump( Platform.formatText( "Invalid base 36 number '$1' passed following -SSNINR", ssnInr ) );
//return ; // #######TODO 改写 LABEL与GOTO #### goto SSNNew
SSNNewFlag = true;
break SSNNewLabel;
......@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ init $$\ order 9000550
if( Platform.errorCode() > 0 )
$\sysmod\ssn\inr = "NO";
Platform.sysDump( Platform.formatText( "Unable to lock session ID upon start of transaction.\n(Error=$1 $2)", Platform.errorCode(), Platform.getErrorText() ) );
//Platform.sysDump( Platform.formatText( "Unable to lock session ID upon start of transaction.\n(Error=$1 $2)", Platform.errorCode(), Platform.getErrorText() ) );
//return ; // #######TODO 改写 LABEL与GOTO #### goto SSNNew
SSNNewFlag = true;
break SSNNewLabel;
......@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ init $$\ order 9000550
if( Platform.errorCode() > 0 )
Platform.sysDump( Platform.formatText( "Unable to read session ID upon start of transaction.\n(Error=$1 $2)", Platform.errorCode(), Platform.getErrorText() ) );
// Platform.sysDump( Platform.formatText( "Unable to read session ID upon start of transaction.\n(Error=$1 $2)", Platform.errorCode(), Platform.getErrorText() ) );
$\sysmod\ssn\inr = "NO";
//return ; // #######TODO 改写 LABEL与GOTO #### goto SSNNew
SSNNewFlag = true;
......@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ init $$\ order 9000550
// The stored Applications server id has to fit
if( Platform.compareTo($\sysmod\ssn\appsrv.getValue(), Platform.mid( Platform.getContext( tdContextSERVERID ), 1, Platform.getAttribute( $\sysmod\ssn\appsrv.getValue(), tdAttrLength ) )) != 0 )
Platform.sysDump( Platform.formatText( "Inconsistent session data upon start of transaction.\nThe session record identifies the application server as $1, but it is $2.\nSession not registered.\n(Session INR used: $3)", $\sysmod\ssn\appsrv.getValue(), Platform.getContext( tdContextSERVERID ),$\sysmod\ssn\inr.getValue() ) );
//Platform.sysDump( Platform.formatText( "Inconsistent session data upon start of transaction.\nThe session record identifies the application server as $1, but it is $2.\nSession not registered.\n(Session INR used: $3)", $\sysmod\ssn\appsrv.getValue(), Platform.getContext( tdContextSERVERID ),$\sysmod\ssn\inr.getValue() ) );
$\sysmod\ssn\inr = "NO";
//return ; // #######TODO 改写 LABEL与GOTO #### goto SSNNew
SSNNewFlag = true;
......@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ init $$\ order 9000550
// The stored Applications server pid has to fit
if( Platform.compareTo($\sysmod\ssn\apppid.getValue(), Platform.getContext( tdContextSERVERPID )) != 0 )
Platform.sysDump( Platform.formatText( "Inconsistent session data upon start of transaction.\nThe session record identifies the application pid as $1, but it is $2.\nSession not registered.\n(Session INR used: $3)", $\sysmod\ssn\apppid.getValue(), Platform.getContext( tdContextSERVERPID ),$\sysmod\ssn\inr.getValue() ) );
// Platform.sysDump( Platform.formatText( "Inconsistent session data upon start of transaction.\nThe session record identifies the application pid as $1, but it is $2.\nSession not registered.\n(Session INR used: $3)", $\sysmod\ssn\apppid.getValue(), Platform.getContext( tdContextSERVERPID ),$\sysmod\ssn\inr.getValue() ) );
$\sysmod\ssn\inr = "NO";
//return ; // #######TODO 改写 LABEL与GOTO #### goto SSNNew
SSNNewFlag = true;
......@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ init $$\ order 9000550
// The stored Userid has to fit
if( Platform.compareTo(Platform.toUpper( $\sysmod\ssn\usr.getValue() ), Platform.toUpper( Platform.getLoginUser() )) != 0 )
Platform.sysDump( Platform.formatText( "Inconsistent session data upon start of transaction.\nThe session record identifies the user as $1, but it is $2.\nSession not registered.\n(Session INR used: $3)", $\sysmod\ssn\usr.getValue(), Platform.getLoginUser(), $\sysmod\ssn\inr.getValue() ) );
//Platform.sysDump( Platform.formatText( "Inconsistent session data upon start of transaction.\nThe session record identifies the user as $1, but it is $2.\nSession not registered.\n(Session INR used: $3)", $\sysmod\ssn\usr.getValue(), Platform.getLoginUser(), $\sysmod\ssn\inr.getValue() ) );
$\sysmod\ssn\inr = "NO";
//return ; // #######TODO 改写 LABEL与GOTO #### goto SSNNew
SSNNewFlag = true;
......@@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ init $$\ order 9000550
$\sysmod\ssn\inr = "NO";
if( Platform.errorCode() == 271 )
Platform.sysDump( Platform.formatText( "Licensed user count of $1 sessions exceeded", Platform.getContext( "MAXUSERCOUNT" ) ) );
//Platform.sysDump( Platform.formatText( "Licensed user count of $1 sessions exceeded", Platform.getContext( "MAXUSERCOUNT" ) ) );
......@@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ init $$\ order 9000550
if( Platform.errorCode() > 0 )
Platform.sysDump( Platform.formatText( "Error occured on commiting the update of the session record.\n(Error=$1 $2)", Platform.errorCode(), Platform.getErrorText() ) );
// Platform.sysDump( Platform.formatText( "Error occured on commiting the update of the session record.\n(Error=$1 $2)", Platform.errorCode(), Platform.getErrorText() ) );
......@@ -318,12 +318,12 @@ init $$\ order 9000550
if( Platform.errorCode() == tdOdbcNotFound )
// Passed SPT not found
Platform.sysDump( Platform.formatText( "A SPT has been externally passed (via command line), but internally this SPT is not found.\nPassed SPTINR (=$1) is ignored.", sptInr ) );
//Platform.sysDump( Platform.formatText( "A SPT has been externally passed (via command line), but internally this SPT is not found.\nPassed SPTINR (=$1) is ignored.", sptInr ) );
// other errors on access to SPT
Platform.sysDump( Platform.formatText( "A SPT has been externally passed (via command line), but on access to this SPT an error occured.\nPassed SPTINR (=$3) is ignored.\n(Error=$1 $2)", Platform.errorCode(), Platform.getErrorText(), sptInr ) );
//Platform.sysDump( Platform.formatText( "A SPT has been externally passed (via command line), but on access to this SPT an error occured.\nPassed SPTINR (=$3) is ignored.\n(Error=$1 $2)", Platform.errorCode(), Platform.getErrorText(), sptInr ) );
......@@ -6,12 +6,21 @@ BigDecimal doRelease(#trn argtrn,int argrelnum)
boolean prompt = Platform.prompt( #CT000049 );
BigDecimal destnum = null;
String queHldFlg = NULLSTR;
if( prompt )
destnum = new BigDecimal("0");
queHldFlg = " ";
//return ; // #### goto ExitNoUpdateLabel
return destnum;
/*if( checkXrtChg( $$argtrn\inr.getValue() ) )
if( checkXrtChg( $$argtrn\inr.getValue() ) )
//return destnum; // #######TODO 改写 LABEL与GOTO #### goto ExitNoUpdateLabel
break ExitNoUpdateLabel;
//return ; // #### goto ExitNoUpdateLabel
return destnum;
boolean getXrtReturn = false;
Argument<Boolean> getXrtReturnBox = new Argument<Boolean>("",getXrtReturn);
......@@ -20,14 +29,27 @@ BigDecimal doRelease(#trn argtrn,int argrelnum)
getXrtReturn = getXrtReturnBox.value;
if( getXrtReturn )
destnum = new BigDecimal("0");
Platform.errorMessage( #CT000072 );
//return destnum; //#### goto ExitNoUpdateLabel
break ExitNoUpdateLabel;
//return ; // #### goto ExitNoUpdateLabel
return destnum;
//Settemod 如果包含保证金和内部户进行提示
boolean chkbusflg = false;
if( Platform.checkActBusTyp( argtrn ) )
chkbusflg = Platform.prompt( #CT000057, "交易中包含保证金账户或内部户,是否继续授权? " );
if( chkbusflg )
destnum = new BigDecimal("0");
queHldFlg = " ";
//return ; // #### goto ExitNoUpdateLabel
return destnum;
//! brtset bctset cptopn 交易提示一下如果结算贷款登记时绑定过借据号
String jjh = NULLSTR;
......@@ -52,8 +74,9 @@ BigDecimal doRelease(#trn argtrn,int argrelnum)
Platform.errorMessage( #CT000058, Platform.mid( $$argtrn\ownref.getValue(), 3 ) );
destnum = new BigDecimal("0");
//return destnum; // #### goto ExitNoUpdateLabel
break ExitNoUpdateLabel;
//return ; // #### goto ExitNoUpdateLabel
return destnum;
queHldFlg = "D";
......@@ -67,8 +90,9 @@ BigDecimal doRelease(#trn argtrn,int argrelnum)
Platform.errorMessage( #CT000028, $$argtrn\inr.getValue(), GetLockUID, GetLockDateTime );
destnum = new BigDecimal("0");
queHldFlg = " ";
//return destnum; // #### goto ExitNoUpdateLabel
break ExitNoUpdateLabel;
//return ; // #### goto ExitNoUpdateLabel
return destnum;
......@@ -81,19 +105,21 @@ BigDecimal doRelease(#trn argtrn,int argrelnum)
Platform.errorMessage( #CT000029, $$argtrn\inr.getValue(), GetLockUID, GetLockDateTime );
destnum = new BigDecimal("0");
queHldFlg = " ";
//return destnum; // #### goto ExitNoUpdateLabel
break ExitNoUpdateLabel;
//return ; // #### goto ExitNoUpdateLabel
return destnum;
// Checking the current status after locking the TRN
if( ( Platform.compareTo( $$argtrn\relflg , "X") ) != 0 && ( Platform.compareTo( $$argtrn\relflg , "W") ) != 0 )
if( !( Platform.compareTo( $$argtrn\relflg , "X") == 0) && !( Platform.compareTo( $$argtrn\relflg , "W") == 0) )
Platform.errorMessage( #CT000030 );
queHldFlg = "D";
destnum = new BigDecimal("0");
//return destnum; // #### goto ExitNoUpdateLabel
break ExitNoUpdateLabel;
//return ; // #### goto ExitNoUpdateLabel
return destnum;
// Checking the commit status after locking the TRN
if( Platform.compareTo($$argtrn\comflg, "D" )== 0 )
......@@ -101,8 +127,9 @@ BigDecimal doRelease(#trn argtrn,int argrelnum)
Platform.errorMessage( #CT000031 );
queHldFlg = "D";
destnum = new BigDecimal("0");
//return destnum; // #### goto ExitNoUpdateLabel
break ExitNoUpdateLabel;
//return ; // #### goto ExitNoUpdateLabel
return destnum;
destnum = new BigDecimal(argrelnum);
// Force reread of WFEs
......@@ -110,22 +137,22 @@ BigDecimal doRelease(#trn argtrn,int argrelnum)
// Check wether REL Entry is waiting
// if service "REL" is used, SRVREL must be included and executed in MGRTSK in order to set WFE for REL to "D"one
int err = 0;
if( ! checkServiceWfe( argtrn, "REL" ) )
queHldFlg = "D";
destnum = new BigDecimal("0");
//return destnum; // #### goto ExitLabel
break ExitLabel;
//return ; // #### goto ExitLabel
break ExitLabelLabel;
//检查服务状态是否有,"E" or "F" ,如果有,必须先进行处理才能RELEASE
if( ! checkWfeStat() )
queHldFlg = "D";
destnum = new BigDecimal("0");
//return destnum; // #### goto ExitLabel
break ExitLabel;
//return ; // #### goto ExitLabel
break ExitLabelLabel;
// check wether user already gave signature
destnum = setSign( argtrn, argrelnum );
......@@ -133,15 +160,17 @@ BigDecimal doRelease(#trn argtrn,int argrelnum)
queHldFlg = "D";
destnum = new BigDecimal("0");
//return destnum; // #### goto ExitNoUpdateLabel
break ExitNoUpdateLabel;
//return ; // #### goto ExitNoUpdateLabel
return destnum;
if( ! checkPDP( argtrn ) )
queHldFlg = "D";
destnum = new BigDecimal("0");
//return destnum; // #### goto ExitNoUpdateLabel
break ExitNoUpdateLabel;
//return ; // #### goto ExitNoUpdateLabel
return destnum;
// 资金报价交易有时间控制,超过时间不允许Release
Date time = null;
......@@ -157,10 +186,32 @@ BigDecimal doRelease(#trn argtrn,int argrelnum)
Platform.errorMessage( #CT000050 );
queHldFlg = " ";
destnum = new BigDecimal("0");
//return destnum; // #### goto ExitNoUpdateLabel
break ExitNoUpdateLabel;
//return ; // #### goto ExitNoUpdateLabel
return destnum;
// 融资交易隔日不让Release的控制
if not CheckFinance( ArgTRN ) then
Error( 'LG000056' )
$QueHldFlg = " "
$destnum = 0
goto ExitNoUpdateLabel
if CheckXrtChg( argtrn\inr ) then
goto ExitNoUpdateLabel
if Checkgletimeandamt( argtrn\inr ) then
//gleXrtChgAfterRelease( argtrn\inr )
if( Platform.compareTo( $$argtrn\relres , $$argtrn\relreq ) == 0 )
......@@ -177,6 +228,26 @@ BigDecimal doRelease(#trn argtrn,int argrelnum)
$$argtrn\relflg = "W";
//if IsEmpty( ORDMOD\ORD\SDHFLG ) then
if argtrn\relflg == "R" then
// 最后一步,直接更新数据库表
$Boolean = LsnDoRelease( ArgTrn\OrdInr )
// 非最后一步,只检查
$Boolean = LsnProcessEntry( ArgTrn\OrdInr, "CHK" )
if not $Boolean then
$QueHldFlg = " "
$destnum = 0
goto ExitNoUpdateLabel
IStream msgStream = new StreamImpl();
if( Platform.compareTo( $$argtrn\relflg , "R" ) == 0 )
......@@ -283,8 +354,9 @@ BigDecimal doRelease(#trn argtrn,int argrelnum)
$imgmod.imgrel ( $$argtrn\imginr.getValue(), $$argtrn\ownref.getValue(), $$argtrn\relflg.getValue(), $$argtrn\relres.getValue() );
break ExitLabel;
break ExitLabelLabel;
// #### label ExitLabel
$$argtrn\inftxt = inftxttmp;
$$argtrn\infdsp = infdsptmp;
......@@ -339,10 +411,9 @@ BigDecimal doRelease(#trn argtrn,int argrelnum)
updategrid( argtrn );
Platform.SetAttributeStream( $trnstm.getValue(), tdAttrSelected, lines );
break ExitNoUpdateLabel;
// #### label ExitNoUpdateLabel
return destnum;
// #### label ExitNoUpdateLabel
//return destnum;
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -12,7 +12,8 @@ void internalCtlSavDia(String argpth,#dia argdia,String argflg)
// This field must be empty in Save-Structure and is always new defaulted before to be shown or saved
if( Platform.compareTo(Platform.mid( argflg, 1, 1 ), "S") != 0 && ! Platform.isModified( $$argdia\ownusr ) )
Platform.clear( $$argdia\ownusr );
//Platform.clear( $$argdia\ownusr );
$$argdia\ownusr = NULLSTR;
internalClearAddFldForDia( argdia, argflg );
// set a list of modified fields
......@@ -170,7 +170,8 @@ String swtPrtReference(String argtag,String argcortyp,String argrol)
Platform.clear( ref );
//Platform.clear( ref );
ref = NULLSTR;
if( Platform.errorCode() > 0 )
......@@ -18,7 +18,8 @@ String coverta()
if( Platform.errorCode() != 0 )
Platform.clear( sec );
//Platform.clear( sec );
sec = NULLSTR;
String mt = NULLSTR;
String tags = NULLSTR;
......@@ -4,7 +4,8 @@ String getOwnRef()
String ownRef = Platform.getContent( $doccur\objmod.getValue() + "\\OWNREF" );
if( Platform.errorCode() != 0 )
Platform.clear( ownRef );
//Platform.clear( ownRef );
ownRef = NULLSTR;
Platform.message( #CT000953, Platform.errorCode() );
return ownRef;
......@@ -17,7 +17,8 @@ String getYourRef()
fremsg = Platform.getModule( "\\FREMSG" );
if( Platform.errorCode() > 0 )
Platform.clear( yourref );
//Platform.clear( yourref );
yourref = NULLSTR;
......@@ -25,7 +26,8 @@ String getYourRef()
msgrolcc = Platform.getContent( "\\FREMSG\\CCROL" );
if( Platform.errorCode() > 0 )
Platform.clear( yourref );
//Platform.clear( yourref );
yourref = NULLSTR;
......@@ -46,12 +48,14 @@ String getYourRef()
Platform.clear( yourref );
//Platform.clear( yourref );
yourref = NULLSTR;
if( Platform.errorCode() > 0 )
Platform.clear( yourref );
//Platform.clear( yourref );
yourref = NULLSTR;
......@@ -60,7 +64,8 @@ String getYourRef()
Platform.clear( yourref );
//Platform.clear( yourref );
yourref = NULLSTR;
......@@ -72,7 +77,8 @@ String getYourRef()
yourref = Platform.getContent( grpMod + "\\" + $doccur\role.getValue() + "\\PTS\\REF" );
if( Platform.errorCode() != 0 )
Platform.clear( yourref );
//Platform.clear( yourref );
yourref = NULLSTR;
Platform.message( #CT000955, Platform.errorCode() );
......@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ String getCtrAmt()
if( Platform.errorCode() != 0 )
Platform.clear( ctrCur );
ctrCur = NULLSTR;
Platform.message( #CT000958, Platform.errorCode() );
......@@ -26,7 +27,8 @@ String getCtrAmt()
ctrAmt = Platform.getContentNumeric( mod + "\\CBS\\OPN1\\AMT" );
if( Platform.errorCode() != 0 )
Platform.clear( ctrAmt );
//Platform.clear( ctrAmt );
ctrAmt = BigDecimal.ZERO;
Platform.message( #CT000956, Platform.errorCode() );
......@@ -82,7 +82,8 @@ void bopTroLoadContract(IModule obj)
if( ! Platform.sptIsAnyLoaded() )
Platform.clear( obj );
Platform.clear( objINR );
//Platform.clear( objINR );
//goto done
//return ; // #######TODO 改写 LABEL与GOTO #### goto NoContract
......@@ -8,7 +8,8 @@ void getcur(String argcur,#cur currec)
if( Platform.compareTo($$currec\cod.getValue(), argcur) != 0 )
Platform.clear( $$currec\cod );
//Platform.clear( $$currec\cod );
$$currec\cod = NULLSTR;
Platform.cacheDbReadSql( currec, Platform.sdbEtyGenSql( currec, "where COD = " + Platform.sqlLit( argcur ) ) );
if( Platform.isEmpty( $$currec\cod ) || Platform.errorCode() == tdOdbcNotFound )
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