setfeg.0003.script 4.81 KB
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void getFepEntries(Argument<Boolean> argfirstcall)
  //! Get entries from fee pool
  //! ArgFirstCall is true if it is the first call with a access to pool as roles are set
  // FEPinp contains the information about the fees from pool
  // 1. Read the pool records from FEP
  int cnt = 0;
  argfirstcall.value = false;
  IStream sqlStm = new StreamImpl();
  IStream cacsql = new StreamImpl();
  String id = NULLSTR;
  IStream inrStm = new StreamImpl();
  int sqlStmCnt = 0;
  String sql = NULLSTR;
  String sepWrn = NULLSTR;
  IStream sepStm = new StreamImpl();
  int stmCnt = 0;
  IStream ptyInrStm = new StreamImpl();
  String ptynam = NULLSTR;
  String ptyextkey = NULLSTR;
  if( Platform.streamCount( $\setmod\roldsc.getValue() ) > 0 )
    Platform.streamClear( sqlStm );
    setFepSql( sqlStm );
    if( ! Platform.isEmpty( sqlStm ) )
      // read Sql from cache (not from FEPINP as it has to be reread in case of pickup)
      Platform.streamClear( cacsql );
      Platform.cacheRead( cacsql, "SEFMOD", "FEPSQL" );
      if( Platform.errorCode() == tdCacheNotFound )
        argfirstcall.value = true;
        if( Platform.compareTo( Platform.toString( sqlStm ) ,  Platform.toString( cacsql ) ) == 0 )
          if(1==1) return;
      Platform.cacheWrite( sqlStm, "SEFMOD", "FEPSQL" );
      // remove old pool entries from cache (if any)
44 45 46
      Argument<Integer> cntBox = new Argument<>("",0);
      Platform.cacheRead( cntBox, "SETFEG", "FEPCNT" );
      cnt = cntBox.value;
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47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54
      if( Platform.errorCode() != tdCacheNotFound )
        if( cnt > 0 )
          for(int  i = 1;i <= cnt;i++)
            id = "";
55 56 57
            Argument<String> idBox= new Argument<>("","");
            Platform.cacheRead( idBox, "SETFEG", "FEPIDS", i );
            id = idBox.value;
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58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112
            if( Platform.errorCode() != tdCacheNotFound )
              Platform.cacheDelete( "SETFEG", "FEEVAL", id );
              Platform.cacheDelete( "SETFEG", "FEPIDS", i );
      cnt = 0;
      Platform.streamClear( inrStm );
      sqlStmCnt = Platform.streamCount( sqlStm );
      for(int  sqlCnt = 1;sqlCnt <= sqlStmCnt;sqlCnt++)
        sql = Platform.getLine( sqlStm, sqlCnt );
        Platform.dbExecuteSql( "select inr from fep " + Platform.sdbEtyGenSql( $wrkfep, sql ) );
        Platform.dbFetchStream( inrStm );
      sepWrn = "";
      if( ! Platform.isEmpty( $\setmod\sep\inr ) && Platform.isEmpty( $\setmod\tmpnotfnlflg ) )
        Platform.streamClear( sepStm );
        Platform.dbExecuteSQL( "select inr from fep where sepinr = ? and dontrninr = ' ' and rpltrninr = ' ' ", $\setmod\sep\inr.getValue() );
        Platform.dbFetchStream( sepStm );
        stmCnt = Platform.streamCount( sepStm );
        for(int  i = 1;i <= stmCnt;i++)
          if( Platform.streamSearch( inrStm, Platform.getLine( sepStm, i ) ) == 0 )
            Platform.streamInsert( inrStm, 0, Platform.getLine( sepStm, i ) );
            sepWrn = #CT000305;
        $\trnmod\mtabut\syswrn.sysWarningSet( SYSWRNTypeWarning, sepWrn, "SETFEGBOGSEPWRN" );
      Platform.streamClear( ptyInrStm );
      fillPtyInrStmForFep( ptyInrStm );
      stmCnt = Platform.streamCount( inrStm );
      for(int  idx = 1;idx <= stmCnt;idx++)
        Platform.sdbRead( $wrkfep, Platform.getLine( inrStm, idx ) );
        if( Platform.streamSearch( ptyInrStm, $wrkfep\ptyinr ) > 0 )
          cnt = cnt + 1;
          Platform.cacheWrite( $wrkfep\inr.getValue(), "SETFEG", "FEPIDS", cnt );
          Platform.cacheWrite( cnt, "SETFEG", "FEPIDS", $wrkfep\inr.getValue() );
          Platform.dbExecuteSQL( "SELECT NAM,EXTKEY FROM PTY WHERE INR = ?", $wrkfep\ptyinr.getValue() );
          ptynam = "";
          ptyextkey = "";
113 114 115 116 117
          Argument<String> ptynamBox = new Argument<>();
          Argument<String> ptyextkeyBox = new Argument<>();
          Platform.dbFetchFields( "NAM", ptynamBox, "EXTKEY", ptyextkeyBox );
          ptynam = ptynamBox.value;
          ptyextkey = ptyextkeyBox.value;
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118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134
          if( Platform.errorCode() != tdOdbcNotFound )
          $\trnmod\mtabut\syswrn.sysWarningSet( SYSWRNTypeWarning, Platform.getText( #CT000010, $wrkfep\feecod.getValue(), ptyextkey, ptynam ), "FEPWRN-" + $wrkfep\inr.getValue() );
      if( Platform.errorCode() != tdOdbcNotFound )
      Platform.cacheWrite( cnt, "SETFEG", "FEPCNT" );
