Commit 9bea3e94 by lixinyi


parent 2bc8d1bb
......@@ -65,14 +65,7 @@
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......@@ -149,6 +142,14 @@
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label: "Issuer",
tag: "issr",
status: "O",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/\\-\\?:\\(\\)\\.,'\\+ ]+",
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path: "2.10.3",
name: "Country Of Residence",
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tag: "ctryOfRes",
status: "O",
type: "Select#countryCode",
maxLength: "2"
path: "3",
name: "Identifier",
tag: "identifier",
type: "HiddenInput",
status: "O",
defaultValue: "camt.107.001.01",
path: "4",
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tag: "type",
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defaultValue: "cbpr",
import message from '../Message.js'
import { isEmpty, isNotEmpty } from '../BeanUtil.js'
import commonRule from './commonRule.js';
export default function validator(obj) {
console.log("Execult camt055 validatorRule");
if (!CBPR_From_To_Assigner_Assignee_BIC_1_FormalRule(obj.appHdr, obj.assgnmt, "Business Application Header/From&To/BIC")) {
return false;
if (!CBPR_From_To_Assigner_Assignee_BIC_2_FormalRule(obj.appHdr, obj.assgnmt, "Business Application Header/From&To/BIC")) {
return false;
if (!CBPR_Business_Service_Usage_TextualRule(obj.appHdr)) {
return false;
if (!CBPR_Case_Identification_FormalRule(obj.undrlyg.orgnlPmtInfAndCxl.txInf._case)) {
return false;
//r15 //r17//r18//r14
if (!CBPR_Party_Name_Postal_Address_FormalRule(obj.undrlyg.orgnlPmtInfAndCxl.txInf._case.cretr.pty, "Creator/Party/Name") ||
!CBPR_Structured_vs_Unstructured_FormalRule(obj.undrlyg.orgnlPmtInfAndCxl.txInf._case.cretr.pty.pstlAdr, "Transaction Information/Case/Creator/Party/Postal Address") ||
!CBPR_Town_Name_And_Country_FormalRule(obj.undrlyg.orgnlPmtInfAndCxl.txInf._case.cretr.pty.pstlAdr, "Transaction Information/Case/Creator/Party/Postal Address") ||
!CBPR_Party_Name_Any_BIC_FormalRule(obj.undrlyg.orgnlPmtInfAndCxl.txInf._case.cretr.pty,"Transaction Information/Case/Creator/Party/Name")) {
return false;
return false;
if(!CBPR_Structured_vs_Unstructured_FormalRule(obj.undrlyg.orgnlPmtInfAndCxl.txInf._case.cretr.agt.pstlAdr, "Transaction Information/Case/Creator/Agent/Postal Address") ||
!CBPR_Town_Name_And_Country_FormalRule(obj.undrlyg.orgnlPmtInfAndCxl.txInf._case.cretr.agt.pstlAdr, "Transaction Information/Case/Creator/Agent/Postal Address")){
return false;
if (!CBPR_Agent_Name_Postal_Address_FormalRule(obj.undrlyg.orgnlPmtInfAndCxl.txInf._case.cretr.agt.finInstnId)){
return false;
if (!CBPR_Structured_vs_Unstructured_FormalRule(obj.undrlyg.orgnlPmtInfAndCxl.txInf.cxlRsnInf.orgtr.pstlAdr, "Cancellation Reason Information/Originator/Postal Address")) {
return false;
if (!CBPR_Town_Name_And_Country_FormalRule(obj.undrlyg.orgnlPmtInfAndCxl.txInf.cxlRsnInf.orgtr.pstlAdr, "Cancellation Reason Information/Originator/Postal Address")) {
return false;
if (!CBPR_OriginalRequestedExecutionDate_OriginalRequestedCollectionDate_FormalRule(obj.undrlyg.orgnlPmtInfAndCxl.txInf, "Original Requested Execution Date / Original Requested Collection Date")) {
return false;
if(!CBPR_Reason_Code_NARR_Additional_Information_FormalRule(obj.undrlyg.orgnlPmtInfAndCxl.txInf.cxlRsnInf,"Cancellation Reason Information")){
return false;
return true;
// OriginalRequestedExecutionDate或OriginalRequestedCollectionDate必须存在,但两者不能同时存在。
function CBPR_OriginalRequestedExecutionDate_OriginalRequestedCollectionDate_FormalRule(obj1,position){
const msg = "Either OriginalRequestedExecutionDate or OriginalRequestedCollectionDate must be present, but both can't be present.";
const orgnlReqdExctnDt = obj1.orgnlReqdExctnDt;
const orgnlReqdColltnDt = obj1.orgnlReqdColltnDt;
if (isEmpty(orgnlReqdExctnDt) && isEmpty(orgnlReqdColltnDt)){
message(position, msg);
return false;
if (isNotEmpty(orgnlReqdExctnDt) && isNotEmpty(orgnlReqdColltnDt)){
message(position, msg);
return false;
return true;
function CGI_MP_ISODateTime_TextualRule(){
const msg = "Preferred representation is Local time with UTC offset format (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sss+/-hh:mm). Otherwise use UTC time format (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ). Decimal fractions of seconds with 3 digits.";
return true
// r1 BAH "From" BIC必须匹配"Assigner" BIC,除非BAH CopyDuplicate = COPY或= CODU
// BAH "To" BIC必须与"Assignee" BIC匹配,除非BAH CopyDuplicate = COPY或= CODU
function CBPR_From_To_Assigner_Assignee_BIC_1_FormalRule(obj1, obj2, position) {
const msg = "BAH 'From' BIC must match 'Assigner' BIC, except where BAH CopyDuplicate = COPY or = CODUBAH 'To' BIC must match 'Assignee' BIC, except where BAH CopyDuplicate = COPY or = CODU";
const frombic =;
const tobic =;
const cpyDplct = obj1.cpyDplct;
const AssignerBic = obj2.assgnr.agt.finInstnId.bicfi;
const AssigneeBic = obj2.assgne.agt.finInstnId.bicfi;
if (isNotEmpty(frombic)) {
if (frombic != AssignerBic) {
if (cpyDplct != 'COPY' && cpyDplct != 'CODU') {
message(position, msg);
return false;
if (isNotEmpty(tobic)) {
if (tobic != AssigneeBic) {
if (cpyDplct != 'COPY' && cpyDplct != 'CODU') {
message(position, msg);
return false;
return true;
// r2 如果没有副本,“BIC”中的“BAH”必须匹配“Assigner”BIC。
//如果没有副本,BAH "To" BIC必须与"受让人" BIC匹配
function CBPR_From_To_Assigner_Assignee_BIC_2_FormalRule(obj1, obj2, position) {
const msg = "BAH 'From' BIC must match 'Assigner' BIC if CopyDuplicate is absent." +
"BAH 'To' BIC must match 'Assignee' BIC if CopyDuplicate is absent.";
const frombic =;
const tobic =;
const cpyDplct = obj1.cpyDplct;
const AssignerBic = obj2.assgnr.agt.finInstnId.bicfi;
const AssigneeBic = obj2.assgne.agt.finInstnId.bicfi;
if (isEmpty(cpyDplct)) {
if (frombic != AssignerBic || tobic != AssigneeBic) {
message(position, msg);
return false;
return true;
// r9 有关该字段用法的进一步说明,请参阅CBPR Plus UHB。
function CBPR_Character_Set_Usage_TextualRule() {
const msg = "For further description on the usage of the field, pls refer to the CBPR Plus UHB.";
return true;
//r4 业务消息标识符是与此标头一起传输的业务消息实例的唯一标识符,由发送应用程序或系统定义。必须包含底层消息的Group Header中的Message Identification元素(如果可用)(例如,pacs、pain和camt消息通常是这样)。如果消息标识在基础消息中不可用,则此字段必须包含业务消息实例的唯一标识符。
function CBPR_Business_Message_Identifier_TextualRule() {
const msg = "The Business Message Identifier is the unique identifier of the Business Message instance that is being transported with this header, as defined by the sending application or system. Must contain the Message Identification element from the Group Header of the underlying message, where available (as is typically the case with pacs, pain, and camt messages, for example). If Message Identification is not available in the underlying message, then this field must contain the unique identifier of the Business Message instance.";
return true;
// r5 与此标头一起传输的业务消息实例的消息定义标识符。通常,它的格式必须与Business Message实例的命名空间的格式完全一致。
function CBPR_Message_Definition_Identifier_TextualRule() {
const msg = "The Message Definition Identifier of the Business Message instance that is being transported with this header. In general, it must be formatted exactly as it appears in the namespace of the Business Message instance.";
return true;
// r6 SWIFT可以使用该字段来支持SWIFT管理的业务(如FINplus)上的差异化处理。有关保留值的描述,请参阅您的服务的服务描述。
// 例如,为了支持CBPRPlus的差异化处理,SWIFT保留了一组符合特定格式的值。
// 可以使用用户特定的值,但在这样做之前请联系您的服务管理员,以确保与您的服务的一般做法保持一致。
function CBPR_Business_Service_TextualRule() {
const msg = "This field may be used by SWIFT to support differentiated processing on SWIFT-administered services such as FINplus. For a description of reserved values, please refer to the Service Description for your service. To support differentiated processing on CBPRPlus, for example, SWIFT reserves a set of values that conform to a specific format.A user-specific value may be used, but please contact your Service Administrator before doing so to ensure alignment with general practice on your service.";
return true;
//r7 必须使用值“swift.cbprpplus.01”。
function CBPR_Business_Service_Usage_TextualRule(obj) {
const position = "Business Service";
const msg = "The value 'swift.cbprplus.01' must be used.";
var bizSvc = obj.bizSvc;
if (bizSvc != 'swift.cbprplus.01') {
message(position, msg);
return false;
return true;
//r8 SWIFT可以在SWIFT管理的业务上使用该字段。有关保留值的描述,请参阅您的服务的服务描述。如有必要,请联系您的服务管理员以进一步澄清。
// 可以使用用户特定的值,但在这样做之前请联系您的服务管理员,以确保与您的服务的一般做法保持一致。
function CBPR_Market_Practice_TextualRule() {
const msg = "This field may be used by SWIFT on SWIFT-administered services. For a description of reserved values, please refer to the Service Description for your service. Contact your Service Administrator for further clarification, if necessary." +
"<br/>A user-specific value may be used, but please contact your Service Administrator before doing so to ensure alignment with general practice on your service.";
return true;
//r9 如果使用,相关BAH必须传输与相关消息的BAH完全相同的信息。
function CBPR_Related_Business_Application_Header_TextualRule() {
//If used, the Related BAH must transport the exact same information as in the BAH of the related message.
function CBPR_Related_BAH_Business_Service_TextualRule() {
//r10 如果存在相关的BAH,它应该传输元素“业务服务”。
//If related BAH is present, it should transport the element Business Service.
//r11 如果 Reason code= NARR,则附加信息是必填的。
function CBPR_Reason_Code_NARR_Additional_Information_FormalRule(obj,position) {
const msg = "If Reason code = Narrative, then Additional Information is mandatory.";
if( == 'NARR'){
return false;
return true;
//r13 对于用例/身份证明,以下限制适用于前16个字符:
// —第一个和第16个参数不能为“/”和
// —长度为16个字符,不能包含“//”。
function CBPR_Case_Identification_FormalRule(obj) {
const msg = "For the Case/Identification, the below restrictions apply to the first 16 characters:" +
"<br/>- The first one and the 16th one cannot be “/” and" +
"<br/>- The string of 16 characters cannot contain “//”";
if (isNotEmpty(obj)) {
var id =;
const position = " Case Identification";
if (isNotEmpty(id)) {
if (id.startsWith('/') || id.endsWith('/') || id.indexOf('//') >= 0) {
message(position, msg);
return false;
return true;
//r15/r37 如果邮政地址是现在,那么Name是必填项。
// 建议:如果存在,在信息冲突的情况下,BIC (AnyBIC)将始终优先。
function CBPR_Party_Name_Postal_Address_FormalRule(PartyIdentification, position) {
const msg = "If Postal Address is present then Name is mandatory." +
"<br/>Recommendation: If present, the BIC (AnyBIC) will always take precedence in case of conflicting information.";
if (isNotEmpty(PartyIdentification)) {
var nm = PartyIdentification.nm;
var pstlAdr = PartyIdentification.pstlAdr;
if (isNotEmpty(pstlAdr)) {
if (isEmpty(nm)) {
message(position, msg);
return false;
return true;
function CBPR_Creator_Identification_TextualRule() {
//r16 如果除了任何其他可选元素之外还存在任何bic,则在信息冲突的情况下,它将始终优先。
//If AnyBIC is present in addition to any other optional elements, in case of conflicting information it will always take precedence.
//r17/r25/r41 如果使用PostalAddress并且存在AddressLine,则PostalAddress中的所有其他可选元素都必须不存在。
function CBPR_Structured_vs_Unstructured_FormalRule(pstlAdr, position) {
const msg = "If PostalAddress is used and if AddressLine is present, then all other optional elements in PostalAddress must be absent."
if (isNotEmpty(pstlAdr) && isNotEmpty(pstlAdr.adrLine)) {
var temp = pstlAdr.adrLine
pstlAdr.adrLine = null;
if (isNotEmpty(pstlAdr)) {
message(position, msg);
pstlAdr.adrLine = temp;
return false;
pstlAdr.adrLine = temp;
return true;
//r18/r26/r40 如果使用了“邮寄地址”,并且没有AddressLine,则必须提供国家和城镇名称。
function CBPR_Town_Name_And_Country_FormalRule(pstlAdr, position) {
const msg = "If 'PostalAddress' is used, and if AddressLine is absent, then Country and Town name must be present.";
if (isNotEmpty(pstlAdr)) {
var adrLine = pstlAdr.adrLine;
var ctry = pstlAdr.ctry;
var twnNm = pstlAdr.twnNm;
if (isEmpty(adrLine)) {
if (isEmpty(ctry) || isEmpty(twnNm)) {
message(position, msg);
return false;
return true;
//r19 当债务人代理人和债权人代理人位于同一国家时,只能使用清算代码。
function CBPR_Agent_National_only_TextualRule() {
const msg = "Whenever Debtor Agent and Creditor Agent are located within the same country, the clearing code only may be used.";
return true;
//r20 BICFI,可选补充LEI(首选)
function CBPR_Agent_Option_1_TextualRule() {
const msgp = "BICFI, complemented optionally with a LEI (preferred option)";
return true;
//r21 (清算代码OR LEI)AND(名称AND(非结构化邮政地址OR[具有最小城镇名称和国家的结构化邮政地址])。建议在可用时也添加邮政编码。
function CBPR_Agent_Option_2_TextualRule() {
const msg = "(Clearing Code OR LEI) AND (Name AND (Unstructured postal address OR [Structured postal address with minimum Town Name and Country]). It is recommended to also add the post code when available.";
return true;
//r22 地址行(非结构化地址)仅在FIN中或MI在共存期间启动付款的情况下才可用。结构化邮寄地址仍然是首选选项。因此:-如果在FIN或MI上发起付款,并且邮寄地址是非结构化的,则发出的ISO 20022消息将传输非结构化邮寄地址,直到债权人代理。-如果付款是在ISO 20022中发起的,则必须结构化邮政地址。
function CBPR_Co_existence_Postal_Address_TextualRule(obj) {
const msg = "Address Line (Unstructured Address) remains available only for cases when the payment is initiated in FIN, or by an MI, during coexistence only. The Structured PostalAddress remains the prefered option.Therefore:- If a payment is initiated on FIN, or by an MI, and the postal address is unstructured, the outgoing ISO 20022 message will transport unstructured postal address, up to the Creditor Agent.- If a payment is initiated in ISO 20022, postal address must be structured.";
var cdtrAddr = obj._case.cretr.pty.pstlAdr;
if (isNotEmpty(cdtrAddr)) {
if (isNotEmpty(cdtrAddr.adrLine) ) {
message("Creditor/Party", msg);
return false;
var dbtrAddr = obj._case.cretr.agt.finInstnId.pstlAdr;
if (isNotEmpty(dbtrAddr)) {
if (isNotEmpty(dbtrAddr.adrLine) ) {
message("Creditor/Agent", msg);
return false;
var instdRmbrsmntAgtAddr = obj.cxlRsnInf.orgtr.pstlAdr;
if (isNotEmpty(instdRmbrsmntAgtAddr)) {
if (isNotEmpty(instdRmbrsmntAgtAddr.adrLine) ) {
message("Cancellation Reason Information/Originator", msg);
return false;
return true;
//r23 Name AND(非结构化OR[至少包含城镇名称和国家的结构化邮政地址])。建议在可用时也添加邮政编码。
function CBPR_Agent_Option_3_TextualRule() {
const msg = "Name AND (Unstructured OR [Structured postal address with minimum Town Name and Country]). It is recommended to also add the post code when available.";
return true;
//r24 姓名和地址必须同时出现
function CBPR_Agent_Name_Postal_Address_FormalRule(na) {
const msg = "Name and Address must always be present together.";
const position = "Creator/Agent/Financial Institution Identification";
var name = na.nm;
var addr = na.pstlAdr
if ((isNotEmpty(name) && isEmpty(addr)) || (isNotEmpty(addr) && isEmpty(name))) {
message(position, msg);
return false;
return true;
//r27 此要素应该只由“发起人”填充,否则可以用“未提供”填充。
function CBPR_Original_Message_Identification_2_TextualRule() {
const msg = "This element should be only populated by the 'Originator' otherwise can be populated with 'Not provided'.";
return true;
//r28 原始消息标识应该传输基础付款的消息标识(例如:pacs.008 / pacs.009)s
function CBPR_Original_Message_Identification_1_TextualRule() {
const msg = "Original Message Identification should transport the Message Identification of the underlying payment (eg. pacs.008/pacs.009)";
return true;
function CBPR_Original_Message_Name_Identification_1_TextualRule() {
//r29 原始消息名称标识应传输基础付款的消息名称标识(例如:pacs.008 / pacs.009)
//Original Message Name Identification should transport the Message Name Identification of the underlying payment (eg. pacs.008/pacs.009)
//r30 是否必须传输底层pacs.008/pacs.009的指令标识
function CBPR_Original_Instruction_Identification_TextualRule() {
const msg = "Must transport the Instruction Identification of the underlying pacs.008/pacs.009 ";
return true;
//r31 此字段不能以斜杠“/”开头或结尾,并且不能包含两个连续的斜杠“//”。
function CBPR_Original_Instruction_Identification_FormalRule(obj) {
const msg = "This field must not start or end with a slash '/' and must not contain two consecutive slashes '//'.";
const position = "Original Instruction Identification";
if (isNotEmpty(obj)){
var orgnlInstrId = obj.orgnlInstrId;
if (isNotEmpty(orgnlInstrId)) {
if (orgnlInstrId.startsWith('/') || orgnlInstrId.endsWith("/") || orgnlInstrId.indexOf("//") >= 0) {
message(position, msg);
return false;
return true;
//r32 必须传输请求取消的基础事务的EndToEnd标识。
function CBPR_Original_End_To_End_Identification_TextualRule() {
const msg = "Must transport the EndToEnd Identification of the underlying transaction that is requested to be cancelled.";
return true;
//r33 应传输请求取消的基础事务的事务标识。
function CBPR_Original_Transaction_Identification_TextualRule() {
const msg = "Should transport the Transaction Identification of the underlying transaction that is requested to be cancelled.";
return true;
//r34 必须传输请求取消的基础事务的UETR。
function CBPR_Original_UETR_TextualRule() {
const msg = "Must transport the UETR of the underlying transaction that is requested to be cancelled.";
return true;
function CBPR_Original_Clearing_System_Reference_TextualRule() {
//r35 目前必须传输底层pacs.008/pacs的清算系统参考
//Must transport the Clearing System Reference of the underlying pacs.008/pacs.009 when present.
//r14/r36 如果AnyBIC不存在,则名称为必填项。
function CBPR_Party_Name_Any_BIC_FormalRule(Party, position) {
const msg = "If AnyBIC is Absent Then Name is mandatory.";
var nm = Party.nm;
var anyBIC =;
if (isNotEmpty(Party)) {
if (isEmpty(anyBIC)) {
if (isEmpty(nm)) {
message(position, msg);
return false;
return true;
//r38 如果除了任何其他可选元素之外还存在任何bic,则在信息冲突的情况下,它将始终优先。
function CBPR_Originator_Identification_TextualRule() {
const msg = "If AnyBIC is present in addition to any other optional elements, in case of conflicting information it will always take precedence.";
return true;
function CBPR_Originator_Presence_TextualRule() {
//r39 Cancellation Reason Information/Originator只有在不同于Case Creator时才会被填充。
//CancellationReasonInformation/Originator will be populated only if different from Case Creator.
......@@ -71,6 +71,10 @@ export default function validator(obj) {
return false;
if(!CBPR_Reason_Code_NARR_Additional_Information_FormalRule(obj.undrlyg.txInf.cxlRsnInf,"Cancellation Reason Information")){
return false;
return true;
......@@ -180,9 +184,16 @@ function CBPR_Related_BAH_Business_Service_TextualRule() {
//If related BAH is present, it should transport the element Business Service.
function CBPR_Reason_Code_NARR_Additional_Information_FormalRule() {
function CBPR_Reason_Code_NARR_Additional_Information_FormalRule(obj,position) {
//r11 如果 Reason code= NARR,则附加信息是必填的。
const msg = "If Reason code = Narrative, then Additional Information is mandatory.";
if( == 'NARR'){
return false;
return true;
//If Reason code = NARR, then Additional Information is mandatory.
import message from '../Message.js'
import { isEmpty, isNotEmpty } from '../BeanUtil.js'
import { version } from 'less';
export default function validator(obj) {
console.log("Execult camt058 validatorRule");
if (!CBPR_Business_Service_Usage_TextualRule(obj.appHdr)) {
return false;
if (!CBPR_Message_Identification_FormalRule(obj.grpHdr.msgId, `Group Header/Message Identification`)) {
return false;
if (!CBPR_Party_Name_Postal_Address_FormalRule(obj.grpHdr.msgSndr.pty, `Group Header/Message Sender/Party`)) {
return false;
if (!CBPR_Structured_vs_Unstructured_FormalRule(obj.grpHdr.msgSndr.pty.pstlAdr, `Group Header/Message Sender/Party/Postal Address`)) {
return false;
if (!CBPR_Town_Name_And_Country_FormalRule(obj.grpHdr.msgSndr.pty.pstlAdr, `Group Header/Message Sender/Party/Postal Address`)) {
return false;
if (!CBPR_Party_Name_Postal_Address_FormalRule(obj.orgnlNtfctn.orgnlNtfctnRef.dbtr.pty, `Original Notification/Original Notification Reference/Debtor/Party`)) {
return false;
if (!CBPR_Structured_vs_Unstructured_FormalRule(obj.orgnlNtfctn.orgnlNtfctnRef.dbtr.pty.pstlAdr, `Original Notification/Original Notification Reference/Debtor/Party/Postal Address`)) {
return false;
if (!CBPR_Town_Name_And_Country_FormalRule(obj.orgnlNtfctn.orgnlNtfctnRef.dbtr.pty.pstlAdr, `Original Notification/Original Notification Reference/Debtor/Party/Postal Address`)) {
return false;
if (!CBPR_Name_Any_BIC_FormalRule(obj.orgnlNtfctn.orgnlNtfctnRef.dbtr.pty, `Original Notification/Original Notification Reference/Debtor/Party`)) {
return false;
if (!CBPR_Debtor_BIC_Presence_TextualRule(obj.orgnlNtfctn.orgnlNtfctnRef.dbtr.pty, `Original Notification/Original Notification Reference/Debtor/Party`)) {
return false;
if (!CBPR_Party_Name_Postal_Address_FormalRule(obj.cxlRsn.orgtr, `Cancellation Reason/Originator`)) {
return false;
if (!CBPR_Structured_vs_Unstructured_FormalRule(obj.orgnlNtfctn.orgnlNtfctnRef.dbtr.agt.finInstnId.pstlAdr, `Original Notification/Original Notification Reference/Debtor/Agent/Financial Institution Identification/Postal Address`)) {
return false;
if (!CBPR_Town_Name_And_Country_FormalRule(obj.orgnlNtfctn.orgnlNtfctnRef.dbtr.agt.finInstnId.pstlAdr, `Original Notification/Original Notification Reference/Debtor/Agent/Financial Institution Identification/Postal Address`)) {
return false;
if (!CBPR_Agent_Name_Postal_Address_FormalRule(obj.orgnlNtfctn.orgnlNtfctnRef.dbtr.agt.finInstnId.pstlAdr, `Original Notification/Original Notification Reference/Debtor/Agent/Financial Institution Identification/Postal Address`)) {
return false;
if (!CBPR_Structured_vs_Unstructured_FormalRule(obj.orgnlNtfctn.orgnlNtfctnRef.dbtrAgt.finInstnId.pstlAdr, `Original Notification/Original Notification Reference/Debtor Agent/Financial Institution Identification/Postal Address`)) {
return false;
if (!CBPR_Structured_vs_Unstructured_FormalRule(obj.cxlRsn.orgtr.pstlAdr, `Cancellation Reason/Originator/Postal Address`)) {
return false;
if (!CBPR_Town_Name_And_Country_FormalRule(obj.orgnlNtfctn.orgnlNtfctnRef.dbtrAgt.finInstnId.pstlAdr, `Original Notification/Original Notification Reference/Debtor Agent/Financial Institution Identification/Postal Address`)) {
return false;
if (!CBPR_Town_Name_And_Country_FormalRule(obj.cxlRsn.orgtr.pstlAdr, `Cancellation Reason/Originator/Postal Address`)) {
return false;
if (!CBPR_Agent_Name_Postal_Address_FormalRule(obj.grpHdr.msgSndr.agt.finInstnId.pstlAdr, `Group Header/Message Sender/Agent/Financial Institution Identification`)) {
return false;
if (!CBPR_Agent_Name_Postal_Address_FormalRule(obj.orgnlNtfctn.orgnlNtfctnRef.dbtrAgt.finInstnId.pstlAdr, `Original Notification/Original Notification Reference/Debtor Agent/Financial Institution Identification/Postal Address`)) {
return false;
if (!CBPR_Name_Any_BIC_FormalRule(obj.cxlRsn.orgtr, `Cancellation Reason/Originator`)) {
return false;
if (!CBPR_Reason_Code_NARR_Additional_Information_FormalRule(obj.cxlRsn, `Cancellation Reason/Reason/Code`)) {
return false;
if (!Mandatory_Debtor_Rule(obj.orgnlNtfctn.orgnlNtfctnRef, `Original Notification/Original Notification Reference`)) {
return false;
var orgnlItm = obj.orgnlNtfctn.orgnlNtfctnRef.orgnlItm;
for (var index = 0; index < orgnlItm.length; index++) {
const element = orgnlItm[index];
if (!CBPR_Message_Identification_FormalRule(element.orgnlItmId, `Original Notification/Original Notification Reference/Original Item/OriginalItem Identification`)) {
return false;
if (!CBPR_Party_Name_Postal_Address_FormalRule(element.orgnlItmRef.dbtr.pty, `Original Notification/Original Notification Reference/Original Item/Original Item Reference/Debtor/Party`)) {
return false;
if (!CBPR_Structured_vs_Unstructured_FormalRule(element.orgnlItmRef.dbtr.pty.pstlAdr, `Original Notification/Original Notification Reference/Original Item/Original Item Reference/Debtor Agent/Financial Institution Identification/Postal Address`)) {
return false;
if (!CBPR_Town_Name_And_Country_FormalRule(element.orgnlItmRef.dbtr.pty.pstlAdr, `Original Notification/Original Notification Reference/Original Item/Original Item Reference/Debtor Agent/Financial Institution Identification/Postal Address`)) {
return false;
if (!CBPR_Name_Any_BIC_FormalRule(element.orgnlItmRef.dbtr.pty, `Original Notification/Original Notification Reference/Original Item/Original Item Reference/Debtor/Party`)) {
return false;
if (!CBPR_Debtor_BIC_Presence_TextualRule(element.orgnlItmRef.dbtr.pty, `Original Notification/Original Notification Reference/Original Item/Original Item Reference/Debtor/Party`)) {
return false;
if (!CBPR_Structured_vs_Unstructured_FormalRule(element.orgnlItmRef.dbtr.agt.finInstnId.pstlAdr, `Original Notification/Original Notification Reference/Original Notification Reference/Original Item/Debtor/Party/Postal Address`)) {
return false;
if (!CBPR_Town_Name_And_Country_FormalRule(element.orgnlItmRef.dbtr.agt.finInstnId.pstlAdr, `Original Notification/Original Notification Reference/Original Notification Reference/Original Item/Original Item Reference/Debtor/Party/Postal Address`)) {
return false;
if (!CBPR_Agent_Name_Postal_Address_FormalRule(element.orgnlItmRef.dbtr.agt.finInstnId.pstlAdr, `Original Notification/Original Notification Reference/Original Item/Original Item Reference/Debtor/Agent/Financial Institution Identification/Postal Address`)) {
return false;
if (!CBPR_Structured_vs_Unstructured_FormalRule(element.orgnlItmRef.dbtrAgt.finInstnId.pstlAdr, `Original Notification/Original Notification Reference/Original Notification Reference/Original Item/Debtor Agent/Financial Institution Identification/Postal Address`)) {
return false;
if (!CBPR_Town_Name_And_Country_FormalRule(element.orgnlItmRef.dbtrAgt.finInstnId.pstlAdr, `Original Notification/Original Notification Reference/Original Notification Reference/Original Item/Original Item Reference/Debtor Agent/Financial Institution Identification/Postal Address`)) {
return false;
if (!CBPR_Agent_Name_Postal_Address_FormalRule(element.orgnlItmRef.dbtrAgt.finInstnId.pstlAdr, `Original Notification/Original Notification Reference/Original Item/Original Item Reference/Debtor Agent/Financial Institution Identification/Postal Address`)) {
return false;
return true;
//r1 有关该字段用法的进一步说明,请参阅CBPR Plus UHB。
function CBPR_Character_Set_Usage_TextualRule() {
const msg = "For further description on the usage of the field, pls refer to the CBPR Plus UHB.";
return true;
//r2 业务消息标识符是与此标头一起传输的业务消息实例的唯一标识符,由发送应用程序或系统定义。
function CBPR_Business_Message_Identifier_TextualRule() {
//必须包含底层消息的Group Header中的Message Identification元素(如果可用)(例如,pacs、pain和camt消息通常是这样)。如果消息标识在基础消息中不可用,则此字段必须包含业务消息实例的唯一标识符。
const msg = "The Business Message Identifier is the unique identifier of the Business Message instance that is being transported with this header, as defined by the sending application or system. Must contain the Message Identification element from the Group Header of the underlying message, where available (as is typically the case with pacs, pain, and camt messages, for example). If Message Identification is not available in the underlying message, then this field must contain the unique identifier of the Business Message instance.";
return true;
//r3 使用此标头传输的业务消息实例的消息定义标识符。通常,它的格式必须与业务消息实例的命名空间中显示的格式完全相同。
function CBPR_Message_Definition_Identifier_TextualRule() {
const msg = "The Message Definition Identifier of the Business Message instance that is being transported with this header. In general, it must be formatted exactly as it appears in the namespace of the Business Message instance.";
return true;
//r4 SWIFT可以使用此字段来支持对SWIFT管理的服务(如FINplus)进行差异化处理。有关保留值的说明,请参阅您的服务的服务说明。例如,为了支持CBPRPlus上的差异化处理,SWIFT保留了一组符合特定格式的值。可能会使用特定于用户的值,但请在这样做之前联系您的服务管理员,以确保与您服务的一般做法保持一致。
function CBPR_Business_Service_TextualRule() {
const msg = "This field may be used by SWIFT to support differentiated processing on SWIFT-administered services such as FINplus. For a description of reserved values, please refer to the Service Description for your service. To support differentiated processing on CBPRPlus, for example, SWIFT reserves a set of values that conform to a specific format.A user-specific value may be used, but please contact your Service Administrator before doing so to ensure alignment with general practice on your service.";
return true;
//r5 必须使用值“swift.cbprpplus.01”。
function CBPR_Business_Service_Usage_TextualRule(obj) {
const position = "Business Service";
const msg = "The value 'swift.cbprplus.01' must be used.";
var bizSvc = obj.bizSvc;
if (bizSvc != 'swift.cbprplus.01') {
message(position, msg);
return false;
return true;
//r6 此字段可由SWIFT在SWIFT管理的服务中使用。有关保留值的说明,请参阅您的服务的服务说明。如有必要,请与您的服务管理员联系以获得进一步的澄清。
// 可能会使用特定于用户的值,但请在执行此操作之前与您的“服务管理员”联系,以确保与服务的一般做法保持一致。
function CBPR_Market_Practice_TextualRule() {
const msg = "This field may be used by SWIFT on SWIFT-administered services. For a description of reserved values, please refer to the Service Description for your service. Contact your Service Administrator for further clarification, if necessary.A user-specific value may be used, but please contact your Service Administrator before doing so to ensure alignment with general practice on your service.";
return true;
function CBPR_BusinessService_TextualRule() {
const msg = "This field may be used by SWIFT to support differentiated processing on SWIFT-administered services such as FINplus. For a description of reserved values, please refer to the Service Description for your service. ";
return true;
//r8 如果存在相关的BAH,则建议传输元素Business Service。
function CBPR_RelatedBAHBusinessService_TextualRule() {
const msg = "If related BAH is present, then it is recommended to transport the element Business Service. ";
return true;
//r12/24/31/34/41/44/47/54 如果使用PostalAddress并且存在AddressLine,则PostalAddress中的所有其他可选元素都必须不存在。
function CBPR_Structured_vs_Unstructured_FormalRule(pstlAdr, position) {
const msg = "If Postal Address is used and if AddressLine is present, then all other optional elements in PostalAddress must be absent.";
if (isNotEmpty(pstlAdr) && isNotEmpty(pstlAdr.adrLine)) {
var temp = pstlAdr.adrLine
pstlAdr.adrLine = null;
if (isNotEmpty(pstlAdr)) {
message(position, msg);
pstlAdr.adrLine = temp;
return false;
pstlAdr.adrLine = temp;
return true;
//r13/25/32/35/42/45/48/55 如果使用了“PostalAddress”,并且没有AddressLine,则必须提供国家和城镇名称。
function CBPR_Town_Name_And_Country_FormalRule(pstlAdr, position) {
const msg = "If “PostalAddress” is used, and if AddressLine is absent, then Country and Town name must be present.";
if (isNotEmpty(pstlAdr)) {
var adrLine = pstlAdr.adrLine;
var ctry = pstlAdr.ctry;
var twnNm = pstlAdr.twnNm;
if (isEmpty(adrLine)) {
if (isEmpty(ctry) || isEmpty(twnNm)) {
message(position, msg);
return false;
return true;
//r14/20/ 地址线(非结构化地址)仅在共存期间在FIN中或由MI发起支付的情况下可用。结构化PostalAddress仍然是首选选项。
function CBPR_Co_existence_Postal_Address_TextualRule(pstlAdr, position) {
const msg = "Address Line (Unstructured Address) remains available only for cases when the payment is initiated in FIN, or by an MI, during coexistence only. The Structured PostalAddress remains the prefered option.Therefore:- If a payment is initiated on FIN, or by an MI, and the postal address is unstructured, the outgoing ISO 20022 message will transport unstructured postal address, up to the Creditor Agent.- If a payment is initiated in ISO 20022, postal address must be structured.";
return true;
//r15 BICFI, complemented optionally with a LEI (preferred option)
function CBPR_Agent_Option_1_TextualRule() {
const msg = "BICFI, complemented optionally with a LEI (preferred option)";
return true;
//r16 (清算代码或LEI)和(名称和(非结构化邮政地址或[具有最少城镇名称和国家的结构化邮政地址])。建议在可用时也添加邮政编码。
function CBPR_Agent_Option_2_TextualRule() {
const msg = "(Clearing Code OR LEI) AND (Name AND (Unstructured postal address OR [Structured postal address with minimum Town Name and Country]). It is recommended to also add the post code when available.";
return true;
}//r17 名称和(非结构化或[包含最少城镇名称和国家的结构化邮政地址])。建议在可用时也添加邮政编码。
function CBPR_Agent_Option_3_TextualRule() {
const msg = "Name AND (Unstructured OR [Structured postal address with minimum Town Name and Country]). It is recommended to also add the post code when available.";
return true;
//r18/30/33/43/46 姓名和地址必须同时出现
function CBPR_Agent_Name_Postal_Address_FormalRule(na, position) {
const msg = "Name and Address must always be present together.";
var name = na.nm;
var addr = na.pstlAdr
if ((isNotEmpty(name) && isEmpty(addr)) || (isNotEmpty(addr) && isEmpty(name))) {
message(position, msg);
return false;
return true;
//r9/10 此字段不能以斜杠'/'开始或结束,也不能包含两个连续的斜杠'//'。
function CBPR_Message_Identification_FormalRule(obj) {
const msg = "This field must not start or end with a slash '/' and must not contain two consecutive slashes '//'. ";
const position = "Message Identification";
if(obj.startsWith('/') || obj.endsWith('/') || obj.indexOf('//')>=0){
return false;
return true;
//r11/22/40/51 如果邮政地址是目前,那么名称是强制性的。
function CBPR_Party_Name_Postal_Address_FormalRule(na, position) {
const msg = "If Postal Address is present then Name is mandatory.";
var name = na.nm;
var addr = na.pstlAdr
if (isNotEmpty(addr) && isEmpty(name)) {
message(position, msg);
return false;
return true;
//r19 对于有管辖权的交易,债务人/名称必须带有债务人身份证明(即在同一国家或同一立法下的地区-例如EAA)。
function CBPR_Debtor_Option_3_Jurisdictions_only_TextualRule(){
const msg = "For Jurisdictional transactions, Debtor/ Name is mandatory with Debtor Identification (that is within a country or for regions under same legislations - eg EAA)";
return true;
function CBPR_Name_Any_BIC_FormalRule(PartyIdentification,position) {
const msg = "If AnyBIC is Absent Then Name is mandatory.";
if (isNotEmpty(PartyIdentification)) {
var nm = PartyIdentification.nm;
var anyBIC =;
if (isEmpty(anyBIC)) {
if (isEmpty(nm)) {
message(position, msg);
return false;
return true;
//r23/38 如果存在任何BIC,则不允许使用(名称和邮政地址)(其他元素仍然是可选的)-但是,在信息冲突的情况下,AnyBIC将始终优先。
function CBPR_Debtor_BIC_Presence_TextualRule(obj,position) {
const msg = "If Any BIC is present, then (Name and Postal Address) is NOT allowed (other elements remain optional) - However, in case of conflicting information, AnyBIC will always take precedence. ";
if(isNotEmpty( || isNotEmpty(obj.pstlAdr)){
return false;
return true;
//r11 如果使用了PostalAddress并且存在AddressLine,那么PostalAddress中的所有其他可选元素必须不存在。。
function CBPR_StructuredvsUnstructured_FormalRule() {
const msg = "If PostalAddress is used and if AddressLine is present, then all other optional elements in PostalAddress must be absent.";
return true;
//r12 如果使用“PostalAddress”,并且没有AddressLine,则必须显示国家和城镇名称。
function CBPR_TownNameAndCountry_FormalRule() {
const msg = "If “PostalAddress” is used, and if AddressLine is absent, then Country and Town name must be present.";
return true;
//r13 在某些司法管辖区,建议还提供付款人帐户。
function CBPR_Payer_Account_Guideline() {
const msg = "In some jurisdictions, it is recommended to also provide the Payer Account.";
return true;
//r14/29 地址线(非结构化地址)仅在共存期间在FIN中或由MI发起支付的情况下可用。结构化PostalAddress仍然是首选选项。
function CBPR_Co_existence_PostalAddress_TextualRule() {
const msg = "Address Line (Unstructured Address) remains available only for cases when the payment is initiated in FIN, or by an MI, during coexistence only. The Structured PostalAddress remains the prefered option.";
return true;
//r36 除非双方同意,否则应寄送单件原件。
function CBPR_Original_Item_TextualRule(){
const msg = "Single Original item should be sent unless bilaterally agreed.";
return true;
//r49 如果原因码= NARR,则附加信息是必填的。
function CBPR_Reason_Code_NARR_Additional_Information_FormalRule(obj,position){
const msg = "If Reason code = Narrative, then Additional Information is mandatory.";
if( == 'NARR'){
return false;
return true;
//r52 如果除了任何其他可选元素之外还存在任何bic,则在信息冲突的情况下,它将始终优先。
function CBPR_Originator_Identification_TextualRule(){
const msg = "If AnyBIC is present in addition to any other optional elements, in case of conflicting information, it will always take precedence.";
return true;
}//r53 CancellationReasonInformation/Originator只有在与消息发送方不同时才会被填充。
function CBPR_Originator_Presence_TextualRule(){
const msg = "CancellationReasonInformation/Originator will be populated only if different from message sender.";
return true;
//r15/26 BICFI,可选地补充LEI(首选选项)
function CBPR_Agent_Option1_TextualRule() {
const msg = "BICFI, complemented optionally with a LEI (preferred option)";
return true;
//r16/27 (清算代码或LEI)和(名称和(非结构化邮政地址或[具有最少城镇名称和国家的结构化邮政地址])。建议在可用时也添加邮政编码。
function CBPR_Agent_Option2_TextualRule() {
const msg = "(Clearing Code OR LEI) AND (Name AND (Unstructured postal address OR [Structured postal address with minimum Town Name and Country]). It is recommended to also add the post code when available.";
return true;
//r17/28 名称和(非结构化或[包含最少城镇名称和国家的结构化邮政地址])。建议在可用时也添加邮政编码。
function CBPR_Agent_Option3_TextualRule() {
const msg = "Name AND (Unstructured OR [Structured postal address with minimum Town Name and Country]). It is recommended to also add the post code when available.";
return true;
function Mandatory_Debtor_Rule(obj,position) {
const msg = "Either Debtor must be present or OriginalItem/Debtor must be present.";
var flag1 = true;
var flag2 = true;
flag1 = false;
for (var index = 0; index < obj.orgnlItm.length; index++){
flag2 = false;
return false;
return true;
import message from '../Message.js'
import { isEmpty, isNotEmpty } from '../BeanUtil.js'
export default function validator(obj) {
console.log("Execult camt107 validatorRule");
if (!CBPR_Business_Service_Usage_TextualRule(obj.appHdr)) {
return false;
var chq = obj.chq;
for (var index = 0; index < chq.length; index++) {
const element = chq[index];
if (!CBPR_Town_Name_And_Country_FormalRule(element.drwrAgt.finInstnId, `Cheque/DrawerAgent/Financial Institution Identification`)) {
return false;
if (!CBPR_Town_Name_And_Country_FormalRule(element.drwrAgt.finInstnId, `Cheque/DrawerAgent/Financial Institution Identification`)) {
return false;
if (!CBPR_Structured_vs_Unstructured_FormalRule(element.drwrAgt.finInstnId.pstlAdr, `Cheque/DrawerAgent/Financial Institution Identification/Postal Address`)) {
return false;
if (!CBPR_Structured_vs_Unstructured_FormalRule(element.pyee.finInstnId.pstlAdr, `Cheque/Payee/Financial Institution Identification/Postal Address`)) {
return false;
if (!CBPR_Agent_Name_Postal_Address_FormalRule(element.drwrAgt.finInstnId, `Cheque/DrawerAgent/Financial Institution Identification`)) {
return false;
if (!CBPR_Town_Name_And_Country_FormalRule(element.pyee.finInstnId, `Cheque/Payee/Financial Institution Identification`)) {
return false;
if (!CBPR_Town_Name_And_Country_FormalRule(element.drwrAgt.finInstnId, `Cheque/DrawerAgent/Financial Institution Identification`)) {
return false;
return true;
//r1 有关该字段用法的进一步说明,请参阅CBPR Plus UHB。
function CBPR_Character_Set_Usage_TextualRule() {
const msg = "For further description on the usage of the field, pls refer to the CBPR Plus UHB.";
return true;
//r2 业务消息标识符是与此标头一起传输的业务消息实例的唯一标识符,由发送应用程序或系统定义。
function CBPR_Business_Message_Identifier_TextualRule() {
//必须包含底层消息的Group Header中的Message Identification元素(如果可用)(例如,pacs、pain和camt消息通常是这样)。如果消息标识在基础消息中不可用,则此字段必须包含业务消息实例的唯一标识符。
const msg = "The Business Message Identifier is the unique identifier of the Business Message instance that is being transported with this header, as defined by the sending application or system. Must contain the Message Identification element from the Group Header of the underlying message, where available (as is typically the case with pacs, pain, and camt messages, for example). If Message Identification is not available in the underlying message, then this field must contain the unique identifier of the Business Message instance.";
return true;
//r3 使用此标头传输的业务消息实例的消息定义标识符。通常,它的格式必须与业务消息实例的命名空间中显示的格式完全相同。
function CBPR_Message_Definition_Identifier_TextualRule() {
const msg = "The Message Definition Identifier of the Business Message instance that is being transported with this header. In general, it must be formatted exactly as it appears in the namespace of the Business Message instance.";
return true;
//r4 SWIFT可以使用此字段来支持对SWIFT管理的服务(如FINplus)进行差异化处理。有关保留值的说明,请参阅您的服务的服务说明。例如,为了支持CBPRPlus上的差异化处理,SWIFT保留了一组符合特定格式的值。可能会使用特定于用户的值,但请在这样做之前联系您的服务管理员,以确保与您服务的一般做法保持一致。
function CBPR_Business_Service_TextualRule() {
const msg = "This field may be used by SWIFT to support differentiated processing on SWIFT-administered services such as FINplus. For a description of reserved values, please refer to the Service Description for your service. To support differentiated processing on CBPRPlus, for example, SWIFT reserves a set of values that conform to a specific format.A user-specific value may be used, but please contact your Service Administrator before doing so to ensure alignment with general practice on your service.";
return true;
//r5 必须使用值“swift.cbprpplus.01”。
function CBPR_Business_Service_Usage_TextualRule(obj) {
const position = "Business Service";
const msg = "The value 'swift.cbprplus.01' must be used.";
var bizSvc = obj.bizSvc;
if (bizSvc != 'swift.cbprplus.01') {
message(position, msg);
return false;
return true;
//r6 此字段可由SWIFT在SWIFT管理的服务中使用。有关保留值的说明,请参阅您的服务的服务说明。如有必要,请与您的服务管理员联系以获得进一步的澄清。
// 可能会使用特定于用户的值,但请在执行此操作之前与您的“服务管理员”联系,以确保与服务的一般做法保持一致。
function CBPR_Market_Practice_TextualRule() {
const msg = "This field may be used by SWIFT on SWIFT-administered services. For a description of reserved values, please refer to the Service Description for your service. Contact your Service Administrator for further clarification, if necessary.A user-specific value may be used, but please contact your Service Administrator before doing so to ensure alignment with general practice on your service.";
return true;
function CBPR_BusinessService_TextualRule() {
const msg = "This field may be used by SWIFT to support differentiated processing on SWIFT-administered services such as FINplus. For a description of reserved values, please refer to the Service Description for your service. ";
return true;
//r8 如果存在相关的BAH,则建议传输元素Business Service。
function CBPR_RelatedBAHBusinessService_TextualRule() {
const msg = "If related BAH is present, then it is recommended to transport the element Business Service. ";
return true;
//r19/21 如果使用PostalAddress并且存在AddressLine,则PostalAddress中的所有其他可选元素都必须不存在。
function CBPR_Structured_vs_Unstructured_FormalRule(pstlAdr, position) {
const msg = "If Postal Address is used and if AddressLine is present, then all other optional elements in PostalAddress must be absent.";
if (isNotEmpty(pstlAdr) && isNotEmpty(pstlAdr.adrLine)) {
var temp = pstlAdr.adrLine
pstlAdr.adrLine = null;
if (isNotEmpty(pstlAdr)) {
message(position, msg);
pstlAdr.adrLine = temp;
return false;
pstlAdr.adrLine = temp;
return true;
//r20/r22 如果使用了“PostalAddress”,并且没有AddressLine,则必须提供国家和城镇名称。
function CBPR_Town_Name_And_Country_FormalRule(pstlAdr, position) {
const msg = "If “PostalAddress” is used, and if AddressLine is absent, then Country and Town name must be present.";
if (isNotEmpty(pstlAdr)) {
var adrLine = pstlAdr.adrLine;
var ctry = pstlAdr.ctry;
var twnNm = pstlAdr.twnNm;
if (isEmpty(adrLine)) {
if (isEmpty(ctry) || isEmpty(twnNm)) {
message(position, msg);
return false;
return true;
//r18 姓名和地址必须同时出现
function CBPR_Agent_Name_Postal_Address_FormalRule(na, position) {
const msg = "Name and Address must always be present together.";
var name = na.nm;
var addr = na.pstlAdr
if ((isNotEmpty(name) && isEmpty(addr)) || (isNotEmpty(addr) && isEmpty(name))) {
message(position, msg);
return false;
return true;
//r9/10 此字段不能以斜杠'/'开始或结束,也不能包含两个连续的斜杠'//'。
function CBPR_Message_Identification_FormalRule() {
const msg = "This field must not start or end with a slash '/' and must not contain two consecutive slashes '//'. ";
return true;
//r11 如果使用了PostalAddress并且存在AddressLine,那么PostalAddress中的所有其他可选元素必须不存在。。
function CBPR_StructuredvsUnstructured_FormalRule() {
const msg = "If PostalAddress is used and if AddressLine is present, then all other optional elements in PostalAddress must be absent.";
return true;
//r12 如果使用“PostalAddress”,并且没有AddressLine,则必须显示国家和城镇名称。
function CBPR_TownNameAndCountry_FormalRule() {
const msg = "If “PostalAddress” is used, and if AddressLine is absent, then Country and Town name must be present.";
return true;
//r13 在某些司法管辖区,建议还提供付款人帐户。
function CBPR_Payer_Account_Guideline() {
const msg = "In some jurisdictions, it is recommended to also provide the Payer Account.";
return true;
//r14 地址线(非结构化地址)仅在共存期间在FIN中或由MI发起支付的情况下可用。结构化PostalAddress仍然是首选选项。
function existence_PostalAddress_TextualRule() {
const msg = "Address Line (Unstructured Address) remains available only for cases when the payment is initiated in FIN, or by an MI, during coexistence only. The Structured PostalAddress remains the prefered option.";
return true;
//r15 BICFI,可选地补充LEI(首选选项)
function CBPR_Agent_Option1_TextualRule() {
const msg = "BICFI, complemented optionally with a LEI (preferred option)";
return true;
//r16 (清算代码或LEI)和(名称和(非结构化邮政地址或[具有最少城镇名称和国家的结构化邮政地址])。建议在可用时也添加邮政编码。
function CBPR_Agent_Option2_TextualRule() {
const msg = "(Clearing Code OR LEI) AND (Name AND (Unstructured postal address OR [Structured postal address with minimum Town Name and Country]). It is recommended to also add the post code when available.";
return true;
//r17 名称和(非结构化或[包含最少城镇名称和国家的结构化邮政地址])。建议在可用时也添加邮政编码。
function CBPR_Agent_Option3_TextualRule() {
const msg = "Name AND (Unstructured OR [Structured postal address with minimum Town Name and Country]). It is recommended to also add the post code when available.";
return true;
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