Commit 9a8b26c1 by lixinyi


parent 2fffd814
# local env files
# Log files
# Editor directories and files
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
......@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
"core-js": "^3.8.3",
"decimal.js": "^10.4.0",
"element-ui": "^2.15.8",
"moment": "^2.29.4",
"save": "^2.5.0",
"vue": "^2.6.14",
"vue-router": "^3.5.4",
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0" />
......@@ -28,13 +28,6 @@ export default{
return new link({
return new link({
......@@ -49,5 +42,40 @@ export default{
return new link({
return new link({
return new link({
return new link({
return new link({
......@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
import axios from 'axios'
const service = axios.create({
// baseURL: '/swift-editor-1.0.0/swift', //代理
baseURL: '/swift-editor/swift', //本地用这个
baseURL: '/swift-editor-1.0.0/swift', //代理
// baseURL: '/swift-editor/swift', //本地用这个
timeout: 50000 // request timeout
<el-select v-model="orgData.ccy" :disabled="dataModel.disabled" filterable placeholder="选择币种" clearable
size="small" @change="changeOption">
<el-option v-for="item in options" :key="item.value" :label="item.label" :value="item.value"></el-option>
<el-input :disabled="dataModel.disabled" v-model="orgData.value" type="number" :show-word-limit="true"
style="width:60%;" @blur="amountHandle" @input="checkData" :placeholder="`请输入${dataModel.label}`">
<span :class="{'warning-border': iswarning}">
placeholder="select currency"
v-for="item in options"
style="width: 60%"
:placeholder="`Please enter ${}`"
<p v-if="iswarning" class="warning-text">{{ warningText }}</p>
import MsgCodes from '../script/MsgCode';
import MsgJsonMap from '../script/MsgJson';
import Decimal from 'decimal.js';
import MsgCodes from '../script/MsgCode'
import MsgJsonMap from '../script/MsgJson'
import Decimal from 'decimal.js'
export default {
props: ['dataModel', 'sca'],
data() {
return {
scale: 2,
orgData: {},
options: [],
scaleMap: {}
props: ['dataModel', 'sca'],
data() {
return {
scale: 2,
orgData: {},
options: [],
scaleMap: {},
iswarning: false,
mounted() {
this.orgData = this.dataModel.value
? this.dataModel.value
: MsgJsonMap('Amount')
this.dataModel.value = this.orgData
this.options = MsgCodes['ccy']
for (let opt of this.options) {
this.scaleMap[opt.value] = opt.scale
methods: {
changeOption(value) {
if (value === '') {
this.orgData.value = ''
this.iswarning = false;
} else {
this.scale = this.scaleMap[value]
mounted() {
this.orgData = this.dataModel.value ? this.dataModel.value : MsgJsonMap('Amount');
this.dataModel.value = this.orgData;
this.options = MsgCodes['ccy'];
for (let opt of this.options) {
this.scaleMap[opt.value] = opt.scale;
compare(path) {
let pathMap = path.split('.')
let treeNodeArry = this.$root.$children[0].$children[0].$data.treeModel.treeNodeArry;
let exp = `treeNodeArry[${pathMap[0]}]`;
for (let index = 1; index < pathMap.length; index++) {
const child = pathMap[index];
exp += `.children[${child}]`
let targetCcy = eval(exp + '.value.ccy')
let targetName = eval(exp + '.name')
if(targetCcy != undefined && targetCcy !='' && this.dataModel.value.ccy !== targetCcy){
this.iswarning = true;
this.warningText = `${} And ${targetName} have different Currency`
this.iswarning = false;
methods: {
changeOption(value) {
if (value === '') {
this.orgData.value = undefined;
} else {
this.scale = this.scaleMap[value];
checkData() {
if (this.orgData.ccy === undefined || this.orgData.ccy === null || this.orgData.ccy.trim() === '') {
this.orgData.ccy = this.options[0].value;
this.scale = this.options[0].scale;
amountHandle() {
this.$root.$children[0].$children[0].$refs.form.validateField(this.$parent._props.prop, errMsg => {
if (errMsg === '') {
const inputValue = Decimal(this.orgData.value)
this.orgData.value = inputValue.toFixed(this.scale, Decimal.ROUND_HALF_UP);
checkData() {
if (
this.orgData.ccy === undefined ||
this.orgData.ccy === null ||
this.orgData.ccy.trim() === ''
) {
this.orgData.ccy = this.options[0].value
this.scale = this.options[0].scale
amountHandle() {
(errMsg) => {
if (errMsg === '') {
if (this.orgData.value !== '' && this.orgData.value !== undefined) {
const ccy = this.orgData.ccy
const inputValue = Decimal(this.orgData.value)
var maxValue = Decimal('999999999999.99')
const minValue = Decimal('0')
var tip = '999,999,999,999.99'
let value = inputValue.toFixed(this.scale, Decimal.ROUND_HALF_UP)
if (ccy !== '' && ccy !== undefined) {
if (ccy == 'RAND' || ccy == 'IDR' || ccy == 'VND') {
maxValue = Decimal('9999999999999999.99')
tip = '9,999,999,999,999,999.99'
if (inputValue.comparedTo(maxValue) === 1) {
message: 'The amount maxVlue is ' + tip,
type: 'error',
value = maxValue.toFixed(this.scale, Decimal.ROUND_HALF_UP)
//} else if(inputValue.comparedTo(minValue)===-1||inputValue.comparedTo(minValue)===0) {
// this.$message({
// message: "The amount must be greater than zero",
// type: "error",
// });
// value = null;
// }
} else if (inputValue.comparedTo(minValue) === -1) {
message: 'The amount must be greater than or equal to zero',
type: 'error',
value = null
this.orgData.value = value
watch: {
orgData: function (newValue, oldValue) {
this.dataModel.value = newValue
<style scoped>
.warning-border >>> .el-input--small .el-input__inner{
border-color: orange;
font-size: 12px;
color: orange;
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
<el-cascader v-model="selectedValues" :options="options" @change="onChange" size="small" clearable filterable>
<el-cascader v-model="selectedValues" :options="options" @change="onChange" size="small" clearable filterable placeholder="Select">
<el-date-picker v-model="dataModel.value" :disabled="dataModel.disabled" :type="dateType" :format="viewFormat"
:value-format="valueFormat" :placeholder="`选择日期${'datetime' === dateType ? '和时间' : ''}`">
:value-format="valueFormat" :placeholder="`Select date ${'datetime' === dateType ? 'And time' : ''}`">
import { computed } from 'vue';
export default {
props: ['dataModel', 'dateType'],
data() {
return {
viewFormat: this.dateType === 'datetime' ? 'yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss' : 'yyyy-MM-dd',
valueFormat: this.dateType === 'datetime' ? 'yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss.SSS+08:00' : 'yyyy-MM-dd',
viewFormat: this.dateType === 'datetime' ? 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss' : 'yyyy-MM-dd',
valueFormat: this.dateType === 'datetime' ? 'yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSS+08:00' : 'yyyy-MM-dd',
mounted() {
if (this.dateType=== 'datetime' && this.dataModel.status === 'M' && this.dataModel.defaultValue != 'disabled') {
this.$delete(this.dataModel, 'value');
this.$set(this.dataModel, 'value', this.$moment(new Date()).format("YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSS+08:00"));
\ No newline at end of file
<el-button v-if="!(tableData.length>=maxSize)" type="text" @click="dialogVisible = true">新增{{ dataModel.label }}
<el-button v-if="!(tableData.length>=maxSize)" type="text" @click="dialogVisible = true">Add {{ }}
<el-dialog :title="`新增${dataModel.label}`" :visible.sync="dialogVisible">
<el-dialog :title="`Add ${}`" :visible.sync="dialogVisible">
<el-input v-model="inputData" :maxlength="maxLength" :show-word-limit="true" @input="tipShow = false"
@blur="validate" :class="{isError:tipShow}" clearable>
<div class="tipCls" v-if=" tipShow">不符合{{pattern}}</div>
<div class="tipCls" v-if=" tipShow">Do not conform to{{pattern}}</div>
<div slot="footer">
<el-button @mousedown.native="tipShow = false;dialogVisible = false; inputData = ''">取 消</el-button>
<el-button type="primary" @click="addData" :disabled="tipShow">确 定</el-button>
<el-button @mousedown.native="tipShow = false;dialogVisible = false; inputData = ''">Cancellation</el-button>
<el-button type="primary" @click="addData" :disabled="tipShow">Confirm</el-button>
<el-table class="el_table" :data="tableData" size="mini" max-height="200px">
<el-table-column label="序号" fixed width="100">
<el-table class="el_table" :data="tableData" size="mini" max-height="200px" empty-text="No Data">
<el-table-column label="Serial number" fixed width="120">
<template slot-scope="scope">
<span>{{ scope.$index + 1 }}</span>
<el-table-column :label="dataModel.label" fixed width="450">
<el-table-column :label="" fixed width="450">
<template slot-scope="scope">
<span>{{ }}</span>
<el-input v-model="" :maxlength="maxLength" @blur="validate"></el-input>
<el-table-column label="操作" fixed="right">
<el-table-column label="Operation" fixed="right">
<template slot-scope="scope">
<el-button size="mini" type="danger" @click="tableData.splice(scope.$index, 1)">删除</el-button>
<el-button size="mini" type="danger" @click="tableData.splice(scope.$index, 1)">Delete</el-button>
......@@ -60,7 +60,15 @@ export default {
mounted() {
this.dataModel.value = this.tableData;
if(this.dataModel.defaultValue != undefined){
const data = this.dataModel.defaultValue;
this.tableData.push({ name: data });
this.dataModel.value = this.tableData;
this.tableData = this.dataModel.value
this.limit = [];
if (this.dataModel.maxLength) {
const split = this.dataModel.maxLength.split(',');
<div style="height: 32.89px; width: 70%;">
<el-button icon="el-icon-view" type="text" @click.stop="switchChange">{{ node.isLeaf ? '显示' : '隐藏' }}子节点
<el-button icon="el-icon-view" type="text" @click.stop="switchChange">{{ node.isLeaf ? 'Display' : 'Hide' }} Child node
<el-select v-model="dataModel.value" filterable placeholder="选择列表" clearable size="small"
<el-select v-model="dataModel.value" filterable placeholder="Select list" clearable size="small"
:disabled="dataModel.disabled" no-data-text="No Data" no-match-text="Unmatched Data">
<el-option v-for="item in options" :key="item.value" :label="item.label" :value="item.value"> </el-option>
import { isNotEmpty } from '../script/Rule/BeanUtil';
export default {
props: ['options', 'dataModel'],
if(this.options.length ===1 && this.dataModel.status === 'M'){
this.$set(this.dataModel, 'value', this.options[0].value);
this.$set(this.dataModel, 'value', this.dataModel.defaultValue);
\ No newline at end of file
<el-input :disabled="disabled" v-model="dataModel.value" :maxlength="max" :type="dataType"
:placeholder="vpcPlaceholder" :show-word-limit="true" style="width: 70%;" :class="{'inputDeep':active}">
style="width: 70%"
:class="{ inputDeep: active }"
<span v-if="showSpan" class="add-btn" @click="generate">+</span>
export default {
props: ['dataModel', 'dataType', 'max'],
data() {
return {
text: "",
disabled: false,
props: ["dataModel", "dataType", "max"],
data() {
return {
text: "",
disabled: false,
active: false,
showSpan: false,
bizMsgIdr: "",
methods: {
generate() {
if ("uetr" === this.dataModel.tag) {
} else if (
"bizMsgIdr" === this.dataModel.tag ||
"msgId" === this.dataModel.tag ||
("id" === this.dataModel.tag && "16" !== this.dataModel.maxLength && "4" !== this.dataModel.maxLength) ||
"cxlId" === this.dataModel.tag && "16" !== this.dataModel.maxLength ||
"rtrId" === this.dataModel.tag ||
"endToEndId" === this.dataModel.tag ||
("instrId" === this.dataModel.tag && "16" !== this.dataModel.maxLength) ||
"txId" === this.dataModel.tag ||
"cdtId" === this.dataModel.tag
) {
let id = this.generateRandomString(21);
}else if(
("id" === this.dataModel.tag && "16" === this.dataModel.maxLength) ||
("instrId" === this.dataModel.tag && "16" === this.dataModel.maxLength) ||
("cxlId" === this.dataModel.tag && "16" === this.dataModel.maxLength)
let id = this.generateRandomString(16);
}else if(
("id" === this.dataModel.tag && "4" === this.dataModel.maxLength)
let id = this.generateRandomString(4);
mounted() {
if ("bizMsgIdr" === this.dataModel.tag) { = true
// console.log(
// this.dataModel.value = "Swift" + Number(
// this.text = "业务编号已自动生成"
this.dataModel.value = "系统自动生成"
} else if (this.dataModel.defaultValue !== undefined) {
this.$set(this.dataModel, 'value', this.dataModel.defaultValue);
this.disabled = this.dataModel.unable || this.dataModel.disabled;
generateUetr() {
let uid = this.guid();
this.$set(this.dataModel, "value", uid);
computed: {
vpcPlaceholder() {
this.text = "请输入" + this.dataModel.label
return this.text
generateId(id) {
this.$set(this.dataModel, "value", id);
watch: {
'dataModel.disabled': {
handler(n, o) {
this.disabled = this.dataModel.unable || n;
generateRandomString(length) {
let result = "";
let characters = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789";
let charactersLength = characters.length;
for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
result += characters.charAt(
Math.floor(Math.random() * charactersLength)
return result;
guid() {
return "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx".replace(
function (c) {
var r = (Math.random() * 16) | 0,
v = c == "x" ? r : (r & 0x3) | 0x8;
return v.toString(16);
mounted() {
if ("CHBHHKHHXXX"===this.dataModel.headBic) {
this.$set(this.dataModel, "value", "CHBHHKHHXXX");
if ("HKICHKHHXXX"===this.dataModel.headBic) {
this.$set(this.dataModel, "value", "HKICHKHHXXX");
let smhinr = this.$route.query.smhinr;
if (smhinr != undefined && smhinr != null) {
// if (
// "bizMsgIdr" === this.dataModel.tag ||
// "msgId" === this.dataModel.tag ||
// "endToEndId" === this.dataModel.tag ||
// "instrId" === this.dataModel.tag ||
// "uetr" === this.dataModel.tag
// ) {
// this.dataModel.disabled = true;
// }
if ("bizMsgIdr" === this.dataModel.tag) { = true;
// console.log(
// this.dataModel.value = "Swift" + Number(
// this.text = "业务编号已自动生成"
if (smhinr === undefined || smhinr === null) {
this.showSpan = true;
let id = window.sessionStorage.getItem("id");
if (id != null || id != undefined) {
this.dataModel.defaultValue = this.generateId(id);
} else {
id = this.generateRandomString(21);
this.dataModel.defaultValue = this.generateId(id);
window.sessionStorage.setItem("id", id);
} else if ("uetr" === this.dataModel.tag) { = true;
this.showSpan = true;
this.dataModel.defaultValue = this.generateUetr();
} else if (
("msgId" === this.dataModel.tag && "1" === this.dataModel.consistence)||
("id" === this.dataModel.tag && "1" === this.dataModel.consistence) ||
("rtrId" === this.dataModel.tag && "1" === this.dataModel.consistence)||
("endToEndId" === this.dataModel.tag && "1" === this.dataModel.consistence)||
("instrId" === this.dataModel.tag && "1" === this.dataModel.consistence)||
("cdtId" === this.dataModel.tag&& "1" === this.dataModel.consistence)||
("pmtInfId" === this.dataModel.tag&& "1" === this.dataModel.consistence)
) { = true;
this.showSpan = true;
let id = window.sessionStorage.getItem("id");
if (id != null || id != undefined) {
this.dataModel.defaultValue = this.generateId(id);
} else {
id = this.generateRandomString(21);
this.dataModel.defaultValue = this.generateId(id);
window.sessionStorage.setItem("id", id);
} else if (
"cxlId" === this.dataModel.tag ||
"txId" === this.dataModel.tag ||
"msgId" === this.dataModel.tag ||
"id" === this.dataModel.tag ||
"rtrId" === this.dataModel.tag ||
"endToEndId" === this.dataModel.tag ||
"instrId" === this.dataModel.tag ||
"cdtId" === this.dataModel.tag
) { = true;
this.showSpan = true;
if (this.dataModel.defaultValue !== undefined) {
this.$set(this.dataModel, "value", this.dataModel.defaultValue);
if("id" === this.dataModel.tag){
if(true === this.dataModel.disabled){
this.showSpan = false; = false;
this.disabled = this.dataModel.unable || this.dataModel.disabled;
computed: {
vpcPlaceholder() {
this.text = "Please enter " +;
return this.text;
watch: {
"dataModel.disabled": {
handler(n, o) {
this.disabled = this.dataModel.unable || n;
if("id" === this.dataModel.tag){
if(true === this.disabled){
this.showSpan = false; = false;
this.showSpan = true;
<style scoped>
.inputDeep>>>.el-input__inner {
background-color: white
.inputDeep >>> .el-input__inner {
background-color: white;
.add-btn {
display: inline-block;
width: 20px;
height: 20px;
line-height: 20px;
text-align: center;
background-color: #ccc;
color: #fff;
border-radius: 50%;
cursor: pointer;
\ No newline at end of file
<el-time-picker v-model="dataModel.value" :disabled="dataModel.disabled" format="HH:mm" value-format="HH:mm"
<el-time-picker v-model="dataModel.value" :disabled="dataModel.disabled" format="HH:mm:ss" value-format="HH:mm:ss"
size="small" :picker-options="{
selectableRange: '00:00:00 - 13:59:00', format: 'HH:mm'
}" placeholder="选择时间">
selectableRange: '00:00:00 - 13:59:00', format: 'HH:mm:ss'
}" placeholder="Select time">
......@@ -9,6 +9,10 @@ import HiddenInput from "./HiddenInput.vue";
import MandatoryNode from "./MandatoryNode.vue";
import OptionalNode from "./OptionalNode.vue";
import BTCDomain from "./BTCDomain.vue";
import Timehhmm from "./Timehhmm.vue";
import TextArea from "./TextArea.vue";
import CancelmsgInfos from "./CancelMsgInfos.vue";
import TemplateInfos from "./TemplateInfos.vue";
export default {
"iso-text-input": TextInput,
......@@ -22,4 +26,8 @@ export default {
"node-mandatory": MandatoryNode,
"node-optional": OptionalNode,
"iso-btc-domain": BTCDomain,
"iso-timehhmm": Timehhmm,
"iso-TextArea": TextArea,
"cancel-msg-infos": CancelmsgInfos,
"template-infos": TemplateInfos,
<el-menu class="el-menu-demo" mode="horizontal">
<!-- <el-menu class="el-menu-demo" mode="horizontal">
<el-submenu index="1">
<template slot="title">ISO手工拟报报文</template>
<template slot="title">CBPR+ Manual mirroring packet</template>
<div v-for="(item, i) in messageTypeCodes">
<el-menu-item><router-link :to="'/iso/'+item.value">{{item.label}}</router-link></el-menu-item>
<el-submenu index="2">
<template slot="title">RTGS Manual mirroring packet</template>
<div v-for="(item, i) in messageTypeCodesRtgs">
<el-menu-item><router-link :to="'/rtgs/'+item.value">{{item.label}}</router-link></el-menu-item>
</el-submenu> -->
<!-- <el-submenu index="3">
<template slot="title">SWIFT报文中央格转器</template>
<el-menu-item index="2-1"><router-link to="/mx2mt">MX转MT</router-link></el-menu-item>
<el-menu-item index="2-2"><router-link to="/mt2mx">MT转MX</router-link></el-menu-item>
<el-menu-item index="3-1"><router-link to="/mx2mt">MX转MT</router-link></el-menu-item>
<el-menu-item index="3-2"><router-link to="/mt2mx">MT转MX</router-link></el-menu-item>
</el-submenu> -->
<!-- </el-menu> -->
<!-- <el-col :span="3"></el-col> -->
<el-col :span="18" :offset="3">
<el-tabs v-model="activeName" type="card">
<el-tab-pane label="RTGS Manual mirroring packet" name="first">
<el-input v-model="inputRtgs" placeholder="Input message type for quick screening" @input="searchRtgsMessageByType"></el-input>
:data="messageTypeCodesRtgs.filter((v) => v.isShow == true)"
style="width: 100%">
<template slot-scope="scope">
<router-link :to="'/rtgs/'+scope.row.value+`/${loginUser}`">{{"Create " + scope.row.value + " " + scope.row.label}}</router-link>
<el-tab-pane label="CBPR+ Manual mirroring packet" name="second">
<el-input v-model="inputCbprPlus" placeholder="Input message type for quick screening" @input="searchCbprPlusMessageByType"></el-input>
:data="messageTypeCodes.filter((v) => v.isShow == true)"
style="width: 100%">
<template slot-scope="scope">
<router-link :to="'/iso/'+scope.row.value+`/${loginUser}`">{{"Create " + scope.row.value + " " + scope.row.label}}</router-link>
<!-- <el-col :span="3"></el-col> -->
import MsgCodes from './script/MsgCode';
......@@ -20,10 +62,50 @@ import MsgCodes from './script/MsgCode';
export default {
data() {
return {
messageTypeCodes : MsgCodes['messageTypeCode']
messageTypeCodes : MsgCodes['messageTypeCode'],
messageTypeCodesRtgs : MsgCodes['messageTypeCodeRtgs'],
activeName: 'second',
inputCbprPlus: '',
inputRtgs: '',
loginUser: this.$route.query.loginUser,
let icp = this.inputCbprPlus;
for(let mess of this.messageTypeCodes){
if(icp != null || icp != undefined){
if(mess.value.indexOf(icp) != -1)
mess.isShow = true;
mess.isShow = false;
mess.isShow = true;
let ir = this.inputRtgs;
for(let mess of this.messageTypeCodesRtgs){
if(ir != null || ir != undefined){
if(mess.value.indexOf(ir) != -1)
mess.isShow = true;
mess.isShow = false;
mess.isShow = true;
this. searchRtgsMessageByType();
<style scoped>
a{text-decoration: none}
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
......@@ -48,8 +48,8 @@ export default function msgComRender(node) { = "iso-select";
renderObj.props = {
options: [
{ label: "", value: "true" },
{ label: "", value: "false" },
{ label: "true", value: "true" },
{ label: "false", value: "false" },
......@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ export default function msgComRender(node) {
renderObj.contextValidator = {
validator: amountValidator(
data.status === "M" && !data.unable && !data.disabled,
trigger: "blur",
......@@ -92,13 +92,19 @@ export default function msgComRender(node) {
case "BTCDomain": = "iso-btc-domain";
case "Timehhmm": = "iso-timehhmm";
case "TextArea": = "iso-TextArea";
if ( === undefined) {
if (!node.isLeaf && data.status === "M" && !data.unable && !data.disabled) { = "node-mandatory";
renderObj.contextValidator = {
validator: emptyObjectValueValidator(data, node.label),
validator: emptyObjectValueValidator(data,,
} else if ( !== undefined) { = "node-optional";
......@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ export default [
name: "Proprietary",
label: "其他类型代码",
tag: "prtry",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ ]+",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/\\-\\?:\\(\\)\\.,'\\+ ]+",
status: "M",
maxLength: "35",
......@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ export default [
name: "Proprietary",
label: "其他类型代码",
tag: "prtry",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ ]+",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/\\-\\?:\\(\\)\\.,'\\+ ]+",
status: "M",
maxLength: "35",
......@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ export default [
name: "Name",
label: "账户名称",
tag: "nm",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ ]+",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/\\-\\?:\\(\\)\\.,'\\+ ]+",
status: "O",
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name: "Identification",
label: "账号信息",
tag: "id",
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tag: "iban",
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status: "M",
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path: "0.1.1",
name: "Scheme Name",
label: "账号类型",
tag: "schmeNm",
type: "Choice",
status: "O",
children: [
path: "",
name: "Code",
label: "类型代码",
tag: "cd",
type: "Select#externalAccountIdCode",
status: "M",
path: "",
name: "Proprietary",
label: "其他类型代码",
tag: "prtry",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ ]+",
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path: "1",
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tag: "tp",
type: "Choice",
status: "O",
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path: "1.0",
name: "Code",
label: "类型代码",
tag: "cd",
type: "Select#externalCashAccountTypeCode",
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name: "Proprietary",
label: "其他类型代码",
tag: "prtry",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ ]+",
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path: "2",
name: "Currency",
label: "账户币种",
tag: "ccy",
type: "Select#ccy",
status: "O",
path: "3",
name: "Name",
label: "账户名称",
tag: "nm",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ ]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "35",
......@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ export default [
name: "Identification",
label: "账号标识",
tag: "id",
type: "TextInput#([0-9a-zA-Z-?:().,'+ ]([0-9a-zA-Z-?:().,'+ ]*(/[0-9a-zA-Z-?:().,'+ ])?)*)",
type: "TextInput",
status: "M",
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......@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ export default [
name: "Proprietary",
label: "其他类型代码",
tag: "prtry",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ ]+",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/\\-\\?:\\(\\)\\.,'\\+ ]+",
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......@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ export default [
name: "Name",
label: "账户名称",
tag: "nm",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ ]+",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/\\-\\?:\\(\\)\\.,'\\+ ]+",
status: "O",
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......@@ -53,12 +53,21 @@ export default [
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tag: "prtry",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ ]+",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/\\-\\?:\\(\\)\\.,'\\+ ]+",
status: "M",
maxLength: "35",
path: "0.1.2",
name: "Issuer",
label: "标识对象",
tag: "issr",
type: "TextInput",
status: "O",
maxLength: "35",
......@@ -103,20 +112,66 @@ export default [
name: "Name",
label: "账户名称",
tag: "nm",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ ]+",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/\\-\\?:\\(\\)\\.,'\\+ ]+",
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tag: "prxy",
status: "O",
children: [
path: "4.0",
name: "Type",
label: "Type",
tag: "tp",
type: "Choice",
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name: "Code",
label: "Code",
tag: "cd",
type: "Select#externalProxyAccountType1Code",
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path: "4.0.1",
name: "Proprietary",
label: "Proprietary",
tag: "prtry",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/\\-\\?:\\(\\)\\.,'\\+ ]{1,35}",
status: "M",
maxLength: "35",
path: "4.1",
name: "Identification",
label: "Identification",
tag: "id",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/\\-\\?:\\(\\)\\.,'\\+ ]{1,320}",
status: "M",
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path: "5",
name: "Owner",
label: "账户户主",
tag: "ownr",
type: "Party1350",
type: "Party135002",
status: "O",
path: "5",
path: "6",
name: "Servicer",
label: "账户行信息",
tag: "svcr",
/**++Address Type
* ++Address Line 70
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......@@ -27,7 +30,7 @@ export default [
name: "Identification",
label: "唯一标识",
tag: "id",
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type: "TextInput#[a-zA-Z0-9]{4}",
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......@@ -36,7 +39,7 @@ export default [
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label: "标识对象",
tag: "issr",
type: "TextInput",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "M",
maxLength: "35",
......@@ -45,7 +48,7 @@ export default [
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label: "简短描述",
tag: "schmeNm",
type: "TextInput",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "35",
......@@ -55,129 +58,129 @@ export default [
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name: "Country",
label: "国家",
tag: "ctry",
type: "TextInput#[A-Z]{2,2}",
name: "Department",
label: "部门名称",
tag: "dept",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "2",
maxLength: "70",
path: "2",
name: "Country Sub Division",
label: "省份",
tag: "ctrySubDvsn",
type: "TextInput",
name: "Sub Department",
label: "子部门名称",
tag: "subDept",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "35",
maxLength: "70",
path: "3",
name: "District Name",
label: "市",
tag: "dstrctNm",
type: "TextInput",
status: "O",
maxLength: "35",
path: "4",
name: "Town Location Name",
label: "区",
tag: "twnLctnNm",
type: "TextInput",
status: "O",
maxLength: "35",
path: "5",
name: "Town Name",
label: "城镇",
tag: "twnNm",
type: "TextInput",
status: "O",
maxLength: "35",
path: "6",
name: "Post Code",
label: "邮编",
tag: "pstCd",
type: "TextInput",
status: "O",
maxLength: "16",
path: "7",
name: "Street Name",
label: "街道",
tag: "strtNm",
type: "TextInput",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
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path: "8",
path: "4",
name: "Building Number",
label: "建筑门牌号",
tag: "bldgNb",
type: "TextInput",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
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path: "9",
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label: "建筑名称",
tag: "bldgNm",
type: "TextInput",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
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path: "10",
path: "6",
name: "Floor",
label: "楼层",
tag: "flr",
type: "TextInput",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
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path: "11",
path: "7",
name: "Post Box",
label: "邮箱编号",
tag: "pstBx",
type: "TextInput",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "16",
path: "12",
path: "8",
name: "Room",
label: "房间号",
tag: "room",
type: "TextInput",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
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path: "9",
name: "Post Code",
label: "邮编",
tag: "pstCd",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "16",
path: "10",
name: "Town Name",
label: "城镇",
tag: "twnNm",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "35",
path: "11",
name: "Town Location Name",
label: "区",
tag: "twnLctnNm",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "35",
path: "12",
name: "District Name",
label: "市",
tag: "dstrctNm",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "35",
path: "13",
name: "Department",
label: "部门名称",
tag: "dept",
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name: "Country Sub Division",
label: "省份",
tag: "ctrySubDvsn",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
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path: "14",
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label: "子部门名称",
tag: "subDept",
type: "TextInput",
name: "Country",
label: "国家",
tag: "ctry",
type: "Select#countryCode",
status: "O",
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maxLength: "2",
path: "15",
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path: "1",
name: "Country Sub Division",
label: "省份",
tag: "ctrySubDvsn",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@[\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "35",
path: "2",
name: "District Name",
label: "市",
tag: "dstrctNm",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@[\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "35",
path: "3",
name: "Town Location Name",
label: "区",
tag: "twnLctnNm",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@[\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "35",
path: "4",
name: "Town Name",
label: "城镇",
tag: "twnNm",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@[\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "35",
path: "5",
name: "Post Code",
label: "邮编",
tag: "pstCd",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@[\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "16",
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name: "Street Name",
label: "街道",
tag: "strtNm",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@[\\]]+",
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path: "7",
name: "Building Number",
label: "建筑门牌号",
tag: "bldgNb",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@[\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "16",
path: "8",
name: "Building Name",
label: "建筑名称",
tag: "bldgNm",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@[\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "35",
path: "9",
name: "Floor",
label: "楼层",
tag: "flr",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@[\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "70",
path: "10",
name: "Post Box",
label: "邮箱编号",
tag: "pstBx",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@[\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "16",
path: "11",
name: "Room",
label: "房间号",
tag: "room",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@[\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "70",
path: "12",
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label: "部门名称",
tag: "dept",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@[\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "70",
path: "13",
name: "Sub Department",
label: "子部门名称",
tag: "subDept",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@[\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "70",
path: "14",
name: "Address Line",
label: "地址信息",
tag: "adrLine",
type: "List#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@[\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "35,3",
/**++Address Type
* ++Address Line 35
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......@@ -27,7 +30,7 @@ export default [
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tag: "id",
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type: "TextInput#[a-zA-Z0-9]{4}",
status: "M",
maxLength: "4",
......@@ -36,7 +39,7 @@ export default [
name: "Issuer",
label: "标识对象",
tag: "issr",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@[\\]]+",
type: "TextInput",
status: "M",
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......@@ -45,7 +48,7 @@ export default [
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label: "简短描述",
tag: "schmeNm",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@[\\]]+",
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......@@ -55,137 +58,137 @@ export default [
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label: "国家",
tag: "ctry",
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name: "Department",
label: "部门名称",
tag: "dept",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "2",
maxLength: "70",
path: "2",
name: "Country Sub Division",
label: "省份",
tag: "ctrySubDvsn",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@[\\]]+",
name: "Sub Department",
label: "子部门名称",
tag: "subDept",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "35",
maxLength: "70",
path: "3",
name: "District Name",
label: "市",
tag: "dstrctNm",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@[\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "35",
path: "4",
name: "Town Location Name",
label: "区",
tag: "twnLctnNm",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@[\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "35",
path: "5",
name: "Town Name",
label: "城镇",
tag: "twnNm",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@[\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "35",
path: "6",
name: "Post Code",
label: "邮编",
tag: "pstCd",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@[\\]]+",
status: "O",
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path: "7",
name: "Street Name",
label: "街道",
tag: "strtNm",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@[\\]]+",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
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path: "4",
name: "Building Number",
label: "建筑门牌号",
tag: "bldgNb",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@[\\]]+",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
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tag: "bldgNm",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@[\\]]+",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
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path: "6",
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label: "楼层",
tag: "flr",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@[\\]]+",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
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tag: "pstBx",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@[\\]]+",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
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path: "12",
path: "8",
name: "Room",
label: "房间号",
tag: "room",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@[\\]]+",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
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tag: "pstCd",
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path: "10",
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label: "城镇",
tag: "twnNm",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
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label: "区",
tag: "twnLctnNm",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
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label: "市",
tag: "dstrctNm",
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tag: "dept",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@[\\]]+",
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label: "省份",
tag: "ctrySubDvsn",
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tag: "subDept",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@[\\]]+",
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\ No newline at end of file
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......@@ -33,19 +33,28 @@ export default [
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label: "Proprietary",
tag: "prtry",
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label: "标识号",
label: "Member Identification",
tag: "mmbId",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ ]+",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/\\-\\?:\\(\\)\\.,'\\+ ]+",
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......@@ -54,7 +63,7 @@ export default [
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label: "法人标识号",
label: "LEI",
tag: "lei",
type: "TextInput#[A-Z0-9]{18,18}[0-9]{2,2}",
status: "O",
......@@ -63,108 +72,18 @@ export default [
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label: "Name",
tag: "nm",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@[\\]]+",
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label: "名称",
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......@@ -18,14 +18,14 @@ export default [
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status: "O",
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label: "Clearing System Identification",
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......@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ export default [
path: "",
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label: "Code",
tag: "cd",
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......@@ -43,9 +43,9 @@ export default [
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label: "标识号",
label: "Member Identification",
tag: "mmbId",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ ]+",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/\\-\\?:\\(\\)\\.,'\\+ ]+",
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......@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ export default [
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label: "法人标识号",
label: "LEI",
tag: "lei",
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status: "O",
......@@ -63,20 +63,75 @@ export default [
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tag: "nm",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@[\\]]+",
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label: "地址信息",
label: "Postal Address",
tag: "pstlAdr",
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label: "Proprietary",
tag: "prtry",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/\\-\\?:\\(\\)\\.,'\\+ ]+",
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tag: "issr",
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......@@ -2,14 +2,14 @@ export default [
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......@@ -18,22 +18,21 @@ export default [
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path: "",
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label: "LEI",
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status: "O",
* 无Proprietary,Postal Address无Address Type,Address Line 35
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type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/\\-\\?:\\(\\)\\.,'\\+ ]+",
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......@@ -63,38 +66,119 @@ export default [
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......@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ export default [
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......@@ -130,6 +130,15 @@ export default [
path: "0.5.2",
name: "Issuer",
label: "Issuer",
tag: "issr",
type: "TextInput",
status: "O",
maxLength: "35",
......@@ -137,14 +146,14 @@ export default [
path: "1",
name: "Branch Identification",
label: "分行信息",
label: "Branch Identification",
tag: "brnchId",
status: "O",
children: [
path: "1.0",
name: "Identification",
label: "标识号",
label: "Identification",
tag: "id",
type: "TextInput",
status: "O",
......@@ -153,7 +162,7 @@ export default [
path: "1.1",
name: "LEI",
label: "法人标识号",
label: "LEI",
tag: "lei",
type: "TextInput#[A-Z0-9]{18,18}[0-9]{2,2}",
status: "O",
......@@ -162,7 +171,7 @@ export default [
path: "1.2",
name: "Name",
label: "分行名称",
label: "Name",
tag: "nm",
type: "TextInput",
status: "O",
......@@ -171,10 +180,10 @@ export default [
path: "1.3",
name: "Postal Address",
label: "地址信息",
label: "Postal Address",
tag: "pstlAdr",
type: "Address",
status: "O",
type: "Address"
export default [
path: "0",
name: "Financial Institution Identification",
label: "金融机构信息",
tag: "finInstnId",
status: "M",
children: [
path: "0.0",
name: "BICFI",
label: "行号",
tag: "bicfi",
type: "TextInput#[A-Z0-9]{4,4}[A-Z]{2,2}[A-Z0-9]{2,2}([A-Z0-9]{3,3}){0,1}",
status: "O",
maxLength: "11",
path: "0.1",
name: "Clearing System Member Identification",
label: "清算系统成员信息",
tag: "clrSysMmbId",
status: "O",
children: [
path: "0.1.0",
name: "Clearing System Identification",
label: "清算系统",
tag: "clrSysId",
type: "Choice",
status: "M",
children: [
path: "",
name: "Code",
label: "系统代码",
tag: "cd",
type: "Select#externalClearingSystemIdentificationCode",
status: "M",
path: "0.1.1",
name: "Member Identification",
label: "标识号",
tag: "mmbId",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ ]+",
status: "M",
maxLength: "28",
path: "0.2",
name: "LEI",
label: "法人标识号",
tag: "lei",
type: "TextInput#[A-Z0-9]{18,18}[0-9]{2,2}",
status: "O",
maxLength: "20",
path: "0.3",
name: "Name",
label: "机构名称",
tag: "nm",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@[\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "140",
path: "0.4",
name: "Postal Address",
label: "地址信息",
tag: "pstlAdr",
type: "Address242",
status: "O",
path: "0.5",
name: "Other",
label: "其他信息",
tag: "othr",
status: "O",
children: [
path: "0.5.0",
name: "Identification",
label: "唯一标识",
tag: "id",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ ]+",
status: "M",
maxLength: "35",
path: "0.5.1",
name: "Scheme Name",
label: "标识方案名称",
tag: "schmeNm",
type: "Choice",
status: "O",
children: [
path: "",
name: "Code",
label: "标识码",
tag: "cd",
type: "TextInput",
status: "M",
maxLength: "4",
path: "",
name: "Proprietary",
label: "专有信息",
tag: "prtry",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ ]+",
status: "M",
maxLength: "35",
path: "1",
name: "Branch Identification",
label: "特定分行的机构信息",
tag: "brnchId",
status: "O",
children: [
path: "1.0",
name: "Identification",
label: "唯一标识",
tag: "id",
type: "TextInput",
status: "O",
maxLength: "35",
path: "1.1",
name: "LEI",
label: "金融机构的法人标识",
tag: "lei",
type: "TextInput#[A-Z0-9]{18,18}[0-9]{2,2}",
status: "O",
maxLength: "20",
path: "1.2",
name: "Name",
label: "名称",
tag: "nm",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@[\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "140",
path: "1.3",
name: "Postal Address",
label: "地址信息",
tag: "pstlAdr",
type: "Address242",
status: "O",
......@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ export default [
name: "Member Identification",
label: "标识号",
tag: "mmbId",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ ]+",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/\\-\\?:\\(\\)\\.,'\\+ ]+",
status: "M",
maxLength: "28",
......@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ export default [
name: "Name",
label: "机构名称",
tag: "nm",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@[\\]]+",
type: "TextInput",
status: "O",
maxLength: "140",
......@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ export default [
name: "Identification",
label: "唯一标识",
tag: "id",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ ]+",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/\\-\\?:\\(\\)\\.,'\\+ ]+",
status: "M",
maxLength: "35",
......@@ -115,12 +115,21 @@ export default [
name: "Proprietary",
label: "专有信息",
tag: "prtry",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ ]+",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/\\-\\?:\\(\\)\\.,'\\+ ]+",
status: "M",
maxLength: "35",
path: "0.5.2",
name: "Issuer",
label: "Issuer",
tag: "issr",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/\\-\\?:\\(\\)\\.,'\\+ ]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "35",
......@@ -155,7 +164,7 @@ export default [
name: "Name",
label: "名称",
tag: "nm",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@[\\]]+",
type: "TextInput",
status: "O",
maxLength: "140",
......@@ -164,7 +173,7 @@ export default [
name: "Postal Address",
label: "地址信息",
tag: "pstlAdr",
type: "Address241",
type: "Address242",
status: "O",
......@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ export default [
name: "Proprietary",
label: "专有信息",
tag: "prtry",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ ]+",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/\\-\\?:\\(\\)\\.,'\\+ ]+",
status: "M",
maxLength: "35",
......@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ export default [
name: "Proprietary",
label: "专有信息",
tag: "prtry",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ ]+",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/\\-\\?:\\(\\)\\.,'\\+ ]+",
status: "M",
maxLength: "35",
......@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ export default [
name: "Proprietary",
label: "专有信息",
tag: "prtry",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ ]+",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/\\-\\?:\\(\\)\\.,'\\+ ]+",
status: "M",
maxLength: "35",
......@@ -137,6 +137,7 @@ export default [
tag: "dtTm",
type: "DateTime",
status: "M",
defaultValue: "disabled"
......@@ -181,6 +182,7 @@ export default [
tag: "dtTm",
type: "DateTime",
status: "M",
defaultValue: "disabled"
......@@ -205,7 +207,7 @@ export default [
name: "Number Of Days",
label: "浮动的天数",
tag: "nbOfDays",
type: "TextInput#[+]{0,1}[0-9]{1,15}",
type: "TextInput#[\+]{0,1}[0-9]{1,15}",
status: "M",
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
......@@ -22,6 +22,10 @@ export function appendTreeChild(nodeArry) {
function genJsonNode(newJson, orgJson) {
if (orgJson.children === undefined || orgJson.children === null) {
orgJson.children = orgJson._children;
if (orgJson.children === undefined || orgJson.children === null) {
if (orgJson.value === undefined) {
newJson[orgJson.tag] = "";
......@@ -34,7 +38,7 @@ function genJsonNode(newJson, orgJson) {
} else {
newJson[orgJson.tag] = orgJson.value;
} else if (orgJson.diabled !== true) {
} else if (orgJson.disabled !== true) {
newJson[orgJson.tag] = appendTreeChild(orgJson.children);
return newJson;
......@@ -90,7 +94,9 @@ export function isEmptyMsg(json) {
return true;
} else {
if (json.children) {
return isEmptyMsg(json.children);
return isEmptyMsg(json.children);
}else if(json._children){
return isEmptyMsg(json._children);
} else {
if (json.children === null || !json.value) {
return true;
......@@ -147,3 +153,28 @@ export function clearMsgValue(data, isValue) {
export function deepClone(obj = {}, hashMap = new WeakMap()) {
let objClone = null,
hashKey = hashMap.get(obj);
if (obj instanceof RegExp) return new RegExp(obj); //正则表达式的情况
if (obj instanceof Date) return new Date(obj); //日期对象的情况
if (hashKey) return hashKey;
if (typeof obj == "object" && obj !== null) {
objClone = obj instanceof Array ? [] : {};
hashMap.set(obj, objClone);
for (const i in obj) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
objClone[i] = deepClone(obj[i], hashMap);
} else {
objClone = obj;
return objClone;
......@@ -90,7 +90,6 @@ export default [
tag: "txDtls",
status: "M",
maxLength: "1",
array: true,
children: [
path: "5.0.0",
......@@ -104,7 +103,7 @@ export default [
name: "End To End Identification",
label: "业务编号",
tag: "endToEndId",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ ]+",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/\\-\\?:\\(\\)\\.,'\\+ ]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "35",
......@@ -131,7 +130,7 @@ export default [
name: "Additional Transaction Information",
label: "附加信息",
tag: "addtlTxInf",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ ]+",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/\\-\\?:\\(\\)\\.,'\\+ ]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "500",
......@@ -144,7 +143,7 @@ export default [
name: "Account Servicer Reference",
label: "账户唯一标识",
tag: "acctSvcrRef",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ ]+",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/\\-\\?:\\(\\)\\.,'\\+ ]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "35",
......@@ -153,7 +152,7 @@ export default [
name: "Entry Reference",
label: "参考信息",
tag: "ntryRef",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ ]+",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/\\-\\?:\\(\\)\\.,'\\+ ]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "35",
......@@ -170,7 +169,7 @@ export default [
name: "Code",
label: "代码",
tag: "cd",
type: "Select#ExternalEntryStatus1Code",
type: "Select#ExternalEntryStatus1Code1",
status: "M",
......@@ -211,7 +210,7 @@ export default [
name: "Issuer",
label: "发行者标识",
tag: "issr",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ ]+",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/\\-\\?:\\(\\)\\.,'\\+ ]+",
status: "M",
maxLength: "35",
......@@ -224,7 +223,7 @@ export default [
name: "Additional Entry Information",
label: "附加信息",
tag: "addtlNtryInf",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ ]+",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/\\-\\?:\\(\\)\\.,'\\+ ]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "500",
......@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ export default [
name: "Code",
label: "专有形式代码",
tag: "cd",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ ]+",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/\\-\\?:\\(\\)\\.,'\\+ ]+",
status: "M",
maxLength: "35",
......@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ export default [
name: "Issuer",
label: "发行者标识",
tag: "issr",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ ]+",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/\\-\\?:\\(\\)\\.,'\\+ ]+",
status: "M",
maxLength: "35",
......@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ export default [
name: "Instruction Identification",
label: "消息标识号",
tag: "instrId",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ ]+",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/\\-\\?:\\(\\)\\.,'\\+ ]+",
status: "M",
maxLength: "35",
......@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ export default [
name: "End To End Identification",
label: "端到端标识号",
tag: "endToEndId",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ ]+",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/\\-\\?:\\(\\)\\.,'\\+ ]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "35",
......@@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ export default [
name: "Additional Transaction Information",
label: "交易详情",
tag: "addtlTxInf",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ ]+",
type: "TextInput",
status: "O",
maxLength: "500",
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
export default [
path: "0",
name: "Sender Bic",
label: "发报行行号",
tag: "senderBic",
type: "TextInput#[A-Z0-9]{4,4}[A-Z]{2,2}[A-Z0-9]{2,2}([A-Z0-9]{3,3}){0,1}",
status: "M",
maxLength: "11",
path: "1",
name: "Sender Name",
label: "发报行名称",
tag: "senderNm",
type: "TextInput",
status: "O",
maxLength: "140",
path: "2",
name: "Receiver Bic",
label: "收报行行号",
tag: "receiverBic",
type: "TextInput#[A-Z0-9]{4,4}[A-Z]{2,2}[A-Z0-9]{2,2}([A-Z0-9]{3,3}){0,1}",
status: "M",
maxLength: "11",
path: "3",
name: "Receiver Name",
label: "收报行名称",
tag: "receiverNm",
type: "TextInput",
status: "O",
maxLength: "140",
path: "4",
name: "Business Message Identifier",
label: "业务编号",
tag: "bizMsgIdr",
type: "TextInput",
status: "M",
maxLength: "35",
unable: true,
path: "5",
name: "Message Definition Identifier",
label: "报文类型定义标识",
tag: "msgDefIdr",
type: "TextInput",
status: "M",
maxLength: "35",
defaultValue: "pain.002.001.10",
path: "6",
name: "Business Service",
label: "交易服务名称",
tag: "bizSvc",
type: "TextInput",
status: "M",
maxLength: "35",
defaultValue: "swift.cbprplus.02",
path: "7",
name: "Creation Date",
label: "创建时间",
tag: "creDt",
type: "DateTime",
status: "M",
path: "8",
name: "Initiating Party",
label: "发起方",
tag: "initgPty",
type: "Party1358",
status: "M",
path: "9",
name: "Forwarding Agent",
label: "代理行",
tag: "fwdgAgt",
type: "Agent62",
status: "O",
maxLength: "35",
path: "10",
name: "Original Message Identification",
label: "原始消息标识号",
tag: "orgnlMsgId",
type: "TextInput",
status: "M",
maxLength: "35",
path: "11",
name: "Original Message Name Identification",
label: "原始消息名称",
tag: "orgnlMsgNmId",
type: "TextInput",
status: "M",
maxLength: "35",
path: "12",
name: "Original Creation Date Time",
label: "原始消息创建时间",
tag: "orgnlCreDtTm",
type: "DateTime",
status: "O",
maxLength: "35",
path: "13",
name: "Original Payment Information Identification",
label: "原始支付唯一标识",
tag: "orgnlPmtInfId",
type: "TextInput",
status: "M",
maxLength: "35",
path: "14",
name: "Original Instruction Identification",
label: "原始指示方唯一标识",
tag: "orgnlInstrId",
type: "TextInput",
status: "O",
maxLength: "35",
path: "15",
name: "Original End To End Identification",
label: "原始端到端标识号",
tag: "orgnlEndToEndId",
type: "TextInput",
status: "M",
maxLength: "35",
path: "16",
name: "Transaction Status",
label: "交易状态",
tag: "txSts",
type: "Select#ExternalPaymentTransactionStatus1Code",
status: "M",
path: "17",
name: "Status Reason Information",
label: "状态原因详情",
tag: "stsRsnInf",
status: "O",
maxLength: "1",
array: true,
children: [
path: "17.0",
name: "Originator",
label: "出具解决通知方",
tag: "orgtr",
type: "Party1351",
status: "O",
path: "17.1",
name: "Reason",
label: "状态报告原因",
tag: "rsn",
status: "O",
children: [
path: "17.1.0",
name: "Code",
label: "代码",
tag: "cd",
type: "Select#ExternalStatusReason1Code",
status: "M",
path: "17.1.1",
name: "Additional Information",
label: "取消消息状态交易详情",
tag: "addtlInf",
type: "List",
status: "O",
maxLength: "105,2",
path: "18",
name: "Identifier",
tag: "identifier",
type: "HiddenInput",
status: "O",
defaultValue: "pain.002.001.10",
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ export default [
name: "Name",
label: "名称",
tag: "nm",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@[\\]]+",
type: "TextInput",
status: "O",
maxLength: "140",
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ export default [
name: "Postal Address",
label: "地址信息",
tag: "pstlAdr",
type: "Address242",
type: "Address001",
status: "O",
......@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ export default [
name: "Identification",
label: "标识号",
tag: "id",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ ]+",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/\\-\\?:\\(\\)\\.,'\\+ ]+",
status: "M",
maxLength: "35",
......@@ -88,12 +88,21 @@ export default [
name: "Proprietary",
label: "其他类型代码",
tag: "prtry",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ ]+",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/\\-\\?:\\(\\)\\.,'\\+ ]+",
status: "M",
maxLength: "35",
path: "",
name: "Issuer",
label: "Issuer",
tag: "issr",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/\\-\\?:\\(\\)\\.,'\\+ ]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "35",
......@@ -125,7 +134,7 @@ export default [
name: "Province Of Birth",
label: "出生省份",
tag: "prvcOfBirth",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@[\\]]+",
type: "TextInput",
status: "O",
maxLength: "35",
......@@ -134,7 +143,7 @@ export default [
name: "City Of Birth",
label: "出生城市",
tag: "cityOfBirth",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@[\\]]+",
type: "TextInput",
status: "M",
maxLength: "35",
......@@ -143,7 +152,7 @@ export default [
name: "Country Of Birth",
label: "出生国家",
tag: "ctryOfBirth",
type: "TextInput#[A-Z]{2,2}",
type: "Select#countryCode",
status: "M",
maxLength: "2",
......@@ -163,7 +172,7 @@ export default [
name: "Identification",
label: "标识号",
tag: "id",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ ]+",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/\\-\\?:\\(\\)\\.,'\\+ ]+",
status: "M",
maxLength: "35",
......@@ -188,12 +197,21 @@ export default [
name: "Proprietary",
label: "其他类型代码",
tag: "prtry",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ ]+",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/\\-\\?:\\(\\)\\.,'\\+ ]+",
status: "M",
maxLength: "35",
path: "",
name: "Issuer",
label: "Issuer",
tag: "issr",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/\\-\\?:\\(\\)\\.,'\\+ ]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "35",
......@@ -205,8 +223,142 @@ export default [
name: "Country Of Residence",
label: "国家",
tag: "ctryOfRes",
type: "TextInput#[A-Z]{2,2}",
type: "Select#countryCode",
status: "O",
maxLength: "2",
path: "4",
name: "Contact Details",
label: "Contact Details",
tag: "ctctDtls",
status: "O",
children: [
path: "4.0",
name: "Name Prefix",
label: "Name Prefix",
tag: "nmPrfx",
type: "Select#namePrefix2Code",
status: "O",
path: "4.1",
name: "Name",
label: "Name",
tag: "nm",
type: "TextInput",
status: "O",
maxLength: "140",
path: "4.2",
name: "Phone Number",
label: "Phone Number",
tag: "phneNb",
type: "TextInput#\+[0-9]{1,3}-[0-9()+\-]{1,30}",
status: "O",
maxLength: "35"
path: "4.3",
name: "Mobile Number",
label: "Mobile Number",
tag: "mobNb",
type: "TextInput#\+[0-9]{1,3}-[0-9()+\-]{1,30}",
status: "O",
maxLength: "35"
path: "4.4",
name: "Fax Number",
label: "Fax Number",
tag: "faxNb",
type: "TextInput#\+[0-9]{1,3}-[0-9()+\-]{1,30}",
status: "O",
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path: "4.5",
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label: "Email Address",
tag: "emailAdr",
type: "TextInput",
status: "O",
maxLength: "2048",
path: "4.6",
name: "Email Purpose",
label: "Email Purpose",
tag: "emailPurp",
type: "TextInput",
status: "O",
maxLength: "35",
path: "4.7",
name: "Job Title",
label: "Job Title",
tag: "jobTitl",
type: "TextInput",
status: "O",
maxLength: "35",
path: "4.8",
name: "Responsibility",
label: "Responsibility",
tag: "rspnsblty",
type: "TextInput",
status: "O",
maxLength: "35",
path: "4.9",
name: "Department",
label: "Department",
tag: "dept",
type: "TextInput",
status: "O",
maxLength: "70",
path: "4.10",
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label: "Preferred Method",
tag: "prefrdMtd",
type: "Select#preferredContactMethod1Code",
status: "O",
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ export default [
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label: "名称",
tag: "nm",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@[\\]]+",
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status: "O",
maxLength: "140",
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ export default [
name: "Postal Address",
label: "地址信息",
tag: "pstlAdr",
type: "Address241",
type: "Address001",
status: "O",
......@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ export default [
name: "Identification",
label: "标识号",
tag: "id",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ ]+",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/\\-\\?:\\(\\)\\.,'\\+ ]+",
status: "M",
maxLength: "35",
......@@ -88,12 +88,21 @@ export default [
name: "Proprietary",
label: "其他类型代码",
tag: "prtry",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ ]+",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/\\-\\?:\\(\\)\\.,'\\+ ]+",
status: "M",
maxLength: "35",
path: "",
name: "Issuer",
label: "Issuer",
tag: "issr",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/\\-\\?:\\(\\)\\.,'\\+ ]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "35",
......@@ -125,7 +134,7 @@ export default [
name: "Province Of Birth",
label: "出生省份",
tag: "prvcOfBirth",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@[\\]]+",
type: "TextInput",
status: "O",
maxLength: "35",
......@@ -134,7 +143,7 @@ export default [
name: "City Of Birth",
label: "出生城市",
tag: "cityOfBirth",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@[\\]]+",
type: "TextInput",
status: "M",
maxLength: "35",
......@@ -143,7 +152,7 @@ export default [
name: "Country Of Birth",
label: "出生国家",
tag: "ctryOfBirth",
type: "TextInput#[A-Z]{2,2}",
type: "Select#countryCode",
status: "M",
maxLength: "2",
......@@ -163,7 +172,7 @@ export default [
name: "Identification",
label: "标识号",
tag: "id",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ ]+",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/\\-\\?:\\(\\)\\.,'\\+ ]+",
status: "M",
maxLength: "35",
......@@ -188,12 +197,21 @@ export default [
name: "Proprietary",
label: "其他类型代码",
tag: "prtry",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ ]+",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/\\-\\?:\\(\\)\\.,'\\+ ]+",
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maxLength: "35",
path: "",
name: "Issuer",
label: "Issuer",
tag: "issr",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/\\-\\?:\\(\\)\\.,'\\+ ]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "35",
......@@ -205,8 +223,142 @@ export default [
name: "Country Of Residence",
label: "国家",
tag: "ctryOfRes",
type: "TextInput#[A-Z]{2,2}",
type: "Select#countryCode",
status: "O",
maxLength: "2",
// {
// path: "4",
// name: "Contact Details",
// label: "Contact Details",
// tag: "ctctDtls",
// status: "O",
// children: [
// {
// path: "4.0",
// name: "Name Prefix",
// label: "Name Prefix",
// tag: "nmPrfx",
// type: "Select#namePrefix2Code",
// status: "O",
// },
// {
// path: "4.1",
// name: "Name",
// label: "Name",
// tag: "nm",
// type: "TextInput#{1,140}",
// status: "O",
// maxLength: "140",
// },
// {
// path: "4.2",
// name: "Phone Number",
// label: "Phone Number",
// tag: "phneNb",
// type: "TextInput#\+[0-9]{1,3}-[0-9()+\-]{1,30}",
// status: "O",
// maxLength: "35"
// },
// {
// path: "4.3",
// name: "Mobile Number",
// label: "Mobile Number",
// tag: "mobNb",
// type: "TextInput#\+[0-9]{1,3}-[0-9()+\-]{1,30}",
// status: "O",
// maxLength: "35"
// },
// {
// path: "4.4",
// name: "Fax Number",
// label: "Fax Number",
// tag: "faxNb",
// type: "TextInput#\+[0-9]{1,3}-[0-9()+\-]{1,30}",
// status: "O",
// maxLength: "35"
// },
// {
// path: "4.5",
// name: "Email Address",
// label: "Email Address",
// tag: "emailAdr",
// type: "TextInput#{1,2048}",
// status: "O",
// maxLength: "2048",
// },
// {
// path: "4.6",
// name: "Email Purpose",
// label: "Email Purpose",
// tag: "emailPurp",
// type: "TextInput#{1,35}",
// status: "O",
// maxLength: "35",
// },
// {
// path: "4.7",
// name: "Job Title",
// label: "Job Title",
// tag: "jobTitl",
// type: "TextInput#{1,35}",
// status: "O",
// maxLength: "35",
// },
// {
// path: "4.8",
// name: "Responsibility",
// label: "Responsibility",
// tag: "rspnsblty",
// type: "TextInput#{1,35}",
// status: "O",
// maxLength: "35",
// },
// {
// path: "4.9",
// name: "Department",
// label: "Department",
// tag: "dept",
// type: "TextInput#{1,70}",
// status: "O",
// maxLength: "70",
// },
// {
// path: "4.10",
// name: "Other",
// label: "Other",
// tag: "othr",
// status: "O",
// array: true,
// children: [
// {
// path: "4.10.0",
// name: "Channel Type",
// label: "Channel Type",
// tag: "chanlTp",
// type: "TextInput#{1,4}",
// status: "M",
// maxLength: "4",
// },
// {
// path: "4.10.1",
// name: "Identification",
// label: "Identification",
// tag: "id",
// type: "TextInput#{1,128}",
// status: "O",
// maxLength: "128",
// },
// ],
// },
// {
// path: "4.11",
// name: "Preferred Method",
// label: "Preferred Method",
// tag: "prefrdMtd",
// type: "Select#preferredContactMethod1Code",
// status: "O",
// },
// ],
// },
export default [
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label: "名称",
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type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@[\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "140",
path: "1",
name: "Postal Address",
label: "地址信息",
tag: "pstlAdr",
type: "Address241",
status: "O",
path: "2",
name: "Identification",
label: "身份标识信息",
tag: "id",
type: "Choice",
status: "O",
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path: "2.0",
name: "Organisation Identification",
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path: "2.0.1",
name: "LEI",
label: "法人标识号",
tag: "lei",
type: "TextInput#[A-Z0-9]{18,18}[0-9]{2,2}",
status: "O",
maxLength: "20",
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path: "",
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label: "标识号",
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path: "",
name: "Scheme Name",
label: "标识号类型",
tag: "schmeNm",
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status: "M",
children: [
path: "",
name: "Code",
label: "类型代码",
tag: "cd",
type: "Select#externalOrganisationIdentificationCode",
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name: "Private Identification",
label: "个人信息",
tag: "prvtId",
status: "M",
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path: "2.1.0",
name: "Date And Place Of Birth",
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tag: "dtAndPlcOfBirth",
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path: "",
name: "Birth Date",
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label: "出生省份",
tag: "prvcOfBirth",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@[\\]]+",
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path: "",
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label: "出生城市",
tag: "cityOfBirth",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@[\\]]+",
status: "M",
maxLength: "35",
path: "",
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status: "M",
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path: "",
name: "Scheme Name",
label: "标识号类型",
tag: "schmeNm",
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status: "M",
children: [
path: "",
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label: "类型代码",
tag: "cd",
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label: "国家",
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type: "TextInput#[A-Z]{2,2}",
status: "O",
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......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ export default [
name: "Postal Address",
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tag: "pstlAdr",
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type: "Address242",
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......@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ export default [
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tag: "id",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ ]+",
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maxLength: "35",
......@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ export default [
name: "Proprietary",
label: "其他类型代码",
tag: "prtry",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ ]+",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/\\-\\?:\\(\\)\\.,'\\+ ]+",
status: "M",
maxLength: "35",
......@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ export default [
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label: "出生省份",
tag: "prvcOfBirth",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@[\\]]+",
type: "TextInput",
status: "O",
maxLength: "35",
......@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ export default [
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tag: "cityOfBirth",
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type: "TextInput",
status: "M",
maxLength: "35",
......@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ export default [
name: "Country Of Birth",
label: "出生国家",
tag: "ctryOfBirth",
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type: "Select#countryCode",
status: "M",
maxLength: "2",
......@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ export default [
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tag: "id",
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type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/\\-\\?:\\(\\)\\.,'\\+ ]+",
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maxLength: "35",
......@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ export default [
name: "Proprietary",
label: "其他类型代码",
tag: "prtry",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ ]+",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/\\-\\?:\\(\\)\\.,'\\+ ]+",
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maxLength: "35",
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name: "Country Of Residence",
label: "国家",
tag: "ctryOfRes",
type: "TextInput#[A-Z]{2,2}",
type: "Select#countryCode",
status: "O",
maxLength: "2",
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ export default [
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label: "名称",
tag: "nm",
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type: "TextInput",
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label: "出生国家",
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type: "Select#countryCode",
status: "M",
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type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/\\-\\?:\\(\\)\\.,'\\+ ]+",
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......@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ export default [
name: "Country Of Residence",
label: "国家",
tag: "ctryOfRes",
type: "TextInput#[A-Z]{2,2}",
type: "Select#countryCode",
status: "O",
maxLength: "2",
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ export default [
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label: "名称",
tag: "nm",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@[\\]]+",
type: "TextInput",
status: "O",
maxLength: "140",
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type: "Select#countryCode",
status: "M",
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tag: "ctryOfBirth",
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type: "Select#countryCode",
status: "M",
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name: "Country Of Residence",
label: "国家",
tag: "ctryOfRes",
type: "TextInput#[A-Z]{2,2}",
type: "Select#countryCode",
status: "O",
maxLength: "2",
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ export default [
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tag: "nm",
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type: "TextInput",
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name: "Postal Address",
label: "地址信息",
tag: "pstlAdr",
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tag: "prtry",
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maxLength: "35",
path: "",
name: "Issuer",
label: "Issuer",
tag: "issr",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/\\-\\?:\\(\\)\\.,'\\+ ]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "35",
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tag: "ctryOfBirth",
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tag: "issr",
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type: "Select#countryCode",
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label: "Preferred Method",
tag: "prefrdMtd",
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......@@ -33,25 +50,25 @@ export default [
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path: "",
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label: "其他类型代码",
tag: "prtry",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/\\-\\?:\\(\\)\\.,'\\+ ]+",
status: "M",
maxLength: "35",
path: "",
name: "Issuer",
label: "Issuer",
tag: "issr",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/\\-\\?:\\(\\)\\.,'\\+ ]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "35",
path: "2.1",
name: "Private Identification",
label: "个人信息",
tag: "prvtId",
status: "M",
children: [
path: "2.1.0",
name: "Date And Place Of Birth",
label: "出生信息",
tag: "dtAndPlcOfBirth",
status: "O",
children: [
path: "",
name: "Birth Date",
label: "出生日期",
tag: "birthDt",
type: "Date",
status: "M",
path: "",
name: "Province Of Birth",
label: "出生省份",
tag: "prvcOfBirth",
type: "TextInput",
status: "O",
maxLength: "35",
path: "",
name: "City Of Birth",
label: "出生城市",
tag: "cityOfBirth",
type: "TextInput",
status: "M",
maxLength: "35",
path: "",
name: "Country Of Birth",
label: "出生国家",
tag: "ctryOfBirth",
type: "Select#countryCode",
status: "M",
maxLength: "2",
path: "2.1.1",
name: "Other",
label: "其他信息",
tag: "othr",
status: "O",
array: true,
maxLength: "2",
children: [
path: "",
name: "Identification",
label: "标识号",
tag: "id",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/\\-\\?:\\(\\)\\.,'\\+ ]+",
status: "M",
maxLength: "35",
path: "",
name: "Scheme Name",
label: "标识号类型",
tag: "schmeNm",
type: "Choice",
status: "O",
children: [
path: "",
name: "Code",
label: "类型代码",
tag: "cd",
type: "Select#externalPersonIdentificationCode",
status: "M",
path: "",
name: "Proprietary",
label: "其他类型代码",
tag: "prtry",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/\\-\\?:\\(\\)\\.,'\\+ ]+",
status: "M",
maxLength: "35",
path: "",
name: "Issuer",
label: "Issuer",
tag: "issr",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/\\-\\?:\\(\\)\\.,'\\+ ]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "35",
path: "3",
name: "Contact Details",
label: "Contact Details",
tag: "ctctDtls",
status: "O",
children: [
path: "3.0",
name: "Name",
label: "Name",
tag: "nm",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@[\\\]]+",
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import Amount from "./Amount";
import Ntry from "./Ntry";
import Balance from "./Balance";
import Head_010_001_03 from "./Head_010_001_03";
// import Head_001_001_09 from "./Head_001_001_09";
// import Head_002_001_10Pacs from "./Head_002_001_10Pacs";
// import Head_002_001_10Pain from "./Head_002_001_10Pain";
// import Head_004_001_09 from "./Head_004_001_09";
// import Head_008_001_08 from "./Head_008_001_08";
// import Head_009_001_08 from "./Head_009_001_08";
// import Head_009_001_08Cov from "./Head_009_001_08Cov";
// import Head_029_001_09 from "./Head_029_001_09";
// import Head_052_001_08 from "./Head_052_001_08";
// import Head_053_001_08 from "./Head_053_001_08";
// import Head_054_001_08 from "./Head_054_001_08";
// import Head_056_001_08 from "./Head_056_001_08";
// import Head_057_001_06 from "./Head_057_001_06";
// import Head_060_001_05 from "./Head_060_001_05";
import Pacs_008_001_08 from "./Pacs_008_001_08";
import Camt_053_001_08 from "./Camt_053_001_08";
import Camt_054_001_08 from "./Camt_054_001_08";
......@@ -13,39 +28,108 @@ import Pacs_009_001_08_COV from "./Pacs_009_001_08_COV";
import Camt_060_001_05 from "./Camt_060_001_05";
import Pacs_002_001_10 from "./Pacs_002_001_10";
import Pain_001_001_09 from "./Pain_001_001_09";
import Pain_002_001_10 from "./Pain_020_001_10";
import Pain_002_001_10 from "./Pain_002_001_10";
import Pacs_004_001_09 from "./Pacs_004_001_09";
import Pacs_010_001_03 from "./Pacs_010_001_03";
import Account381 from "./Account381";
import Address241 from "./Address241";
import Account010 from "./Account010";
import Address029 from "./Address029";
import Address02901 from "./Address02901";
import Address02902 from "./Address02902";
import Address000102 from "./Address000102";
import Address001 from "./Address001";
import Address002 from "./Address002";
import Agent from "./Agent";
import Agent01 from "./Agent01";
import Agent02 from "./Agent02";
import Agent03 from "./Agent03";
import Agent04 from "./Agent04";
import Agent05201 from "./Agent05201";
import Agent61 from "./Agent61";
import Party1352 from "./Party1352";
import Party05601 from "./Party05601";
import Party05602 from "./Party05602";
import Party05603 from "./Party05603";
import Party00201 from "./Party00201";
import Party00101 from "./Party00101";
import Party00101009 from "./Party00101009";
import Party0010100901 from "./Party0010100901";
import Party0010100902 from "./Party0010100902";
import Party135001 from "./Party135001";
import Party135002 from "./Party135002";
import Party0010100903 from "./Party0010100903";
import Party1353 from "./Party1353";
import Agent63 from "./Agent63";
import Account382 from "./Account382";
import Agent0101 from "./Agent0101";
import Agent0301 from "./Agent0301";
import Account020 from "./Account020";
import Account391 from "./Account391";
import Agent60 from "./Agent60";
import Address242 from "./Address242";
import Address24201 from "./Address24201";
import Address24202 from "./Address24202";
import Party1350 from "./Party1350";
import BTCDomain from "./BTCDomain";
import Party1351 from "./Party1351";
import Agent62 from "./Agent62";
import Party1354 from "./Party1354";
import Party1355 from "./Party1355";
import Address243 from "./Address243";
import Agent64 from "./Agent64";
import Party1356 from "./Party1356";
import Party1357 from "./Party1357";
import Address244 from "./Address244";
import Party135701 from "./Party135701";
import Address from "./Address";
import Party1358 from "./Party1358";
import Agent65 from "./Agent65";
import Party135801 from "./Party135801";
import Party135802 from "./Party135802";
import Party135803 from "./Party135803";
import Agent05202 from "./Agent05202";
import Agent05203 from "./Agent05203";
import Agent05204 from "./Agent05204";
import Agent05205 from "./Agent05205";
import Ntry2 from "./Ntry2";
import Agent66 from "./Agent66";
import Agent63 from "./Agent63";
import Agent6601 from "./Agent6601";
import Account392 from "./Account392";
import Account393 from "./Account393";
import Account011 from "./Account011";
import Ntry3 from "./Ntry3";
import Interest from "./Interest";
import Head_001_001_02 from "./Head_001_001_02";
export default function MsgJsonMap(mty) {
switch (mty) {
case "Head_001_001_02":
return msgClone(Head_001_001_02);
case "Head_010_001_03":
return msgClone(Head_010_001_03);
// case "Head_002_001_10Pacs":
// return msgClone(Head_002_001_10Pacs);
// case "Head_002_001_10Pain":
// return msgClone(Head_002_001_10Pain);
// case "Head_004_001_09":
// return msgClone(Head_004_001_09);
// case "Head_008_001_08":
// return msgClone(Head_008_001_08);
// case "Head_009_001_08":
// return msgClone(Head_009_001_08);
// case "Head_009_001_08Cov":
// return msgClone(Head_009_001_08Cov);
// case "Head_001_001_09":
// return msgClone(Head_001_001_09);
// case "Head_029_001_09":
// return msgClone(Head_029_001_09);
// case "Head_052_001_08":
// return msgClone(Head_052_001_08);
// case "Head_053_001_08":
// return msgClone(Head_053_001_08);
// case "Head_054_001_08":
// return msgClone(Head_054_001_08);
// case "Head_056_001_08":
// return msgClone(Head_056_001_08);
// case "Head_057_001_06":
// return msgClone(Head_057_001_06);
// case "Head_060_001_05":
// return msgClone(Head_060_001_05);
case "pacs.008.001.08":
return msgClone(Pacs_008_001_08);
case "camt.053.001.08":
......@@ -84,24 +168,28 @@ export default function MsgJsonMap(mty) {
return msgClone(Pacs_010_001_03);
case "Account381":
return msgClone(Account381);
case "Address241":
return msgClone(Address241);
case "Agent61":
return msgClone(Agent61);
case "Party1352":
return msgClone(Party1352);
case "Party0010100903":
return msgClone(Party0010100903);
case "Party1353":
return msgClone(Party1353);
case "Agent63":
return msgClone(Agent63);
case "Account382":
return msgClone(Account382);
case "Agent0101":
return msgClone(Agent0101);
case "Agent0301":
return msgClone(Agent0301);
case "Account020":
return msgClone(Account020);
case "Account391":
return msgClone(Account391);
case "Agent60":
return msgClone(Agent60);
case "Address242":
return msgClone(Address242);
case "Address24201":
return msgClone(Address24201);
case "Address24202":
return msgClone(Address24202);
case "Party1350":
return msgClone(Party1350);
case "BTCDomain":
......@@ -110,32 +198,100 @@ export default function MsgJsonMap(mty) {
return msgClone(Party1351);
case "Agent62":
return msgClone(Agent62);
case "Agent63":
return msgClone(Agent63);
case "Party1354":
return msgClone(Party1354);
case "Party1355":
return msgClone(Party1355);
case "Address243":
return msgClone(Address243);
case "Agent64":
return msgClone(Agent64);
case "Party1356":
return msgClone(Party1356);
case "Party1357":
return msgClone(Party1357);
case "Address244":
return msgClone(Address244);
case "Address":
return msgClone(Address);
case "Party1358":
return msgClone(Party1358);
case "Agent65":
return msgClone(Agent65);
case "Party135801":
return msgClone(Party135801);
case "Agent05202":
return msgClone(Agent05202);
case "Agent05203":
return msgClone(Agent05203);
case "Agent05204":
return msgClone(Agent05204);
case "Agent05205":
return msgClone(Agent05205);
case "Ntry2":
return msgClone(Ntry2);
case "Agent66":
return msgClone(Agent66);
case "Account392":
return msgClone(Account392);
case "Account393":
return msgClone(Account393);
case "Account011":
return msgClone(Account011);
case "Ntry3":
return msgClone(Ntry3);
case "Agent":
return msgClone(Agent);
case "Agent01":
return msgClone(Agent01);
case "Address029":
return msgClone(Address029);
case "Address02901":
return msgClone(Address02901);
case "Address02902":
return msgClone(Address02902);
case "Party05601":
return msgClone(Party05601);
case "Party05602":
return msgClone(Party05602);
case "Party05603":
return msgClone(Party05603);
case "Party00201":
return msgClone(Party00201);
case "Agent05201":
return msgClone(Agent05201);
case "Account010":
return msgClone(Account010);
case "Address001":
return msgClone(Address001);
case "Address002":
return msgClone(Address002);
case "Party00101":
return msgClone(Party00101);
case "Agent02":
return msgClone(Agent02);
case "Address000102":
return msgClone(Address000102);
case "Party00101009":
return msgClone(Party00101009);
case "Party0010100901":
return msgClone(Party0010100901);
case "Party0010100902":
return msgClone(Party0010100902);
case "Agent03":
return msgClone(Agent03);
case "Party135001":
return msgClone(Party135001);
case "Party135002":
return msgClone(Party135002);
case "Party135802":
return msgClone(Party135802);
case "Party135803":
return msgClone(Party135803);
case "Party135701":
return msgClone(Party135701);
case "Agent04":
return msgClone(Agent04);
case "Agent6601":
return msgClone(Agent6601);
case "Interest":
return msgClone(Interest);
return null;
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