Commit 1aaf9429 by lixinyi


parent 9a8b26c1
<el-dialog title="SaveTemplate" :visible.sync="dialogFormVisible" :before-close="closeDialog" :close-on-click-modal="false" :append-to-body="true">
<el-form :model="form" :rules="rules" ref="form" label-width="100px">
<el-form-item label="Name" prop="nam">
<el-input v-model="form.nam" clearable maxlength="30" placeholder="Please Enter Template Name"></el-input>
<el-form-item label="Text" prop="text">
<el-input class="textarea" type="textarea" maxlength="2000" :autosize="{minRows: 3, maxRows: 6}" v-model="form.text"></el-input>
<div slot="footer" class="dialog-footer">
<el-button @click="closeDialog">Cancel</el-button>
<el-button type="primary" @click="saveTemplate"
import send from "../Service/post";
export default {
data() {
return {
dialogFormVisible: false,
form: {
nam: '',
rules: {
{ required: true, message: 'Please Enter Template Name', trigger: ['change','blur']}
{ required: true, message: 'Please Enter Template Text', trigger: ['change','blur']}
methods: {
this.dialogFormVisible = true;
this.dialogFormVisible = false;
this.$refs.form.validate( valid =>{
let data = {
send.saveTemplate(data).then((res) => {
if("ok" =={
message: "Template save success",
type: "success",
}else {
message: "Template save failed",
type: "error",
}).catch((err) => {
message: "Network exception(" + err.message + ")",
type: "error",
<style scoped>
.textarea >>> .el-textarea__inner{
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif !important;
\ No newline at end of file
:autosize="{ minRows: 2, maxRows: 8}"
style="width: 70%"
export default {
props: ["dataModel", "dataType"],
data() {
return {
text: "",
computed: {
vpcPlaceholder() {
this.text = "Please enter " +;
return this.text;
<style scoped>
.inputDeep >>> .el-input__inner {
background-color: white;
\ No newline at end of file
<el-time-picker v-model="dataModel.value" :disabled="dataModel.disabled" format="HH:mm" value-format="HH:mm"
size="small" :picker-options="{
selectableRange: '00:00:00 - 13:59:00', format: 'HH:mm'
}" placeholder="Select time">
export default {
props: ['dataModel'],
\ No newline at end of file
<div class="main"><span>success</span><el-button type="primary" @click="toHome" class="btn">return</el-button></div>
export default {
components: {},
props: {},
data() {
return {
loginUser: this.$route.query.loginUser,
watch: {},
computed: {},
methods: {
toHome() {
path: "/",
query: {
loginUser: this.loginUser,
created() {
mounted() {}
<style scoped>
.main {
height: 100%;
margin-top: 10%;
.main span {
margin: auto;
font-size: 40px;
width: 200px;
height: 200px;
border-radius: 100px;
text-align: center;
line-height: 200px;
display: block;
color: blueviolet;
background-color: rgb(240, 210, 155);
.btn {
display: block;
margin: auto;
margin-top: 20px;
\ No newline at end of file
export default [
path: "0",
name: "Identification",
label: "账号信息",
tag: "id",
type: "Choice",
status: "M",
children: [
path: "0.0",
name: "IBAN",
label: "国际账号标识",
tag: "iban",
type: "TextInput#[A-Z]{2,2}[0-9]{2,2}[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,30}",
status: "M",
maxLength: "34",
path: "0.1",
name: "Other",
label: "其他账号",
tag: "othr",
status: "M",
children: [
path: "0.1.0",
name: "Identification",
label: "账号标识",
tag: "id",
type: "TextInput#([0-9a-zA-Z-?:().,'+ ]([0-9a-zA-Z-?:().,'+ ]*(/[0-9a-zA-Z-?:().,'+ ])?)*)",
status: "M",
maxLength: "34",
path: "0.1.1",
name: "Scheme Name",
label: "账号类型",
tag: "schmeNm",
type: "Choice",
status: "O",
children: [
path: "",
name: "Code",
label: "类型代码",
tag: "cd",
type: "Select#externalAccountIdCode",
status: "M",
path: "",
name: "Proprietary",
label: "其他类型代码",
tag: "prtry",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/\\-\\?:\\(\\)\\.,'\\+ ]+",
status: "M",
maxLength: "35",
path: "0.1.2",
name: "Issuer",
label: "标识对象",
tag: "issr",
type: "TextInput",
status: "O",
maxLength: "35",
path: "1",
name: "Type",
label: "账户类型",
tag: "tp",
type: "Choice",
status: "O",
children: [
path: "1.0",
name: "Code",
label: "类型代码",
tag: "cd",
type: "Select#externalCashAccountTypeCode",
status: "M",
path: "1.1",
name: "Proprietary",
label: "其他类型代码",
tag: "prtry",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/\\-\\?:\\(\\)\\.,'\\+ ]+",
status: "M",
maxLength: "35",
path: "2",
name: "Currency",
label: "账户币种",
tag: "ccy",
type: "Select#ccy",
status: "O",
path: "3",
name: "Name",
label: "账户名称",
tag: "nm",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/\\-\\?:\\(\\)\\.,'\\+ ]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "70",
path: "4",
name: "Proxy",
label: "Proxy",
tag: "prxy",
status: "O",
children: [
path: "4.0",
name: "Type",
label: "Type",
tag: "tp",
type: "Choice",
status: "O",
children: [
path: "4.0.0",
name: "Code",
label: "Code",
tag: "cd",
type: "Select#externalProxyAccountType1Code",
status: "M",
path: "4.0.1",
name: "Proprietary",
label: "Proprietary",
tag: "prtry",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/\\-\\?:\\(\\)\\.,'\\+ ]{1,35}",
status: "M",
maxLength: "35",
path: "4.1",
name: "Identification",
label: "Identification",
tag: "id",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/\\-\\?:\\(\\)\\.,'\\+ ]{1,320}",
status: "M",
maxLength: "320",
export default [
path: "0",
name: "Identification",
label: "账号信息",
tag: "id",
type: "Choice",
status: "M",
children: [
path: "0.0",
name: "IBAN",
label: "国际账号标识",
tag: "iban",
type: "TextInput#[A-Z]{2,2}[0-9]{2,2}[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,30}",
status: "M",
maxLength: "34",
path: "0.1",
name: "Other",
label: "其他账号",
tag: "othr",
status: "M",
children: [
path: "0.1.0",
name: "Identification",
label: "账号标识",
tag: "id",
type: "TextInput#([0-9a-zA-Z-?:().,'+ ]([0-9a-zA-Z-?:().,'+ ]*(/[0-9a-zA-Z-?:().,'+ ])?)*)",
status: "M",
maxLength: "34",
path: "0.1.1",
name: "Scheme Name",
label: "账号类型",
tag: "schmeNm",
type: "Choice",
status: "O",
children: [
path: "",
name: "Code",
label: "类型代码",
tag: "cd",
type: "Select#externalAccountIdCode",
status: "M",
path: "",
name: "Proprietary",
label: "其他类型代码",
tag: "prtry",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/\\-\\?:\\(\\)\\.,'\\+ ]+",
status: "M",
maxLength: "35",
path: "0.1.2",
name: "Issuer",
label: "标识对象",
tag: "issr",
type: "TextInput",
status: "O",
maxLength: "35",
path: "1",
name: "Type",
label: "账户类型",
tag: "tp",
type: "Choice",
status: "O",
children: [
path: "1.0",
name: "Code",
label: "类型代码",
tag: "cd",
type: "Select#externalCashAccountTypeCode",
status: "M",
path: "1.1",
name: "Proprietary",
label: "其他类型代码",
tag: "prtry",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/\\-\\?:\\(\\)\\.,'\\+ ]+",
status: "M",
maxLength: "35",
path: "2",
name: "Currency",
label: "账户币种",
tag: "ccy",
type: "Select#ccy",
status: "O",
path: "3",
name: "Name",
label: "账户名称",
tag: "nm",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/\\-\\?:\\(\\)\\.,'\\+ ]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "70",
path: "4",
name: "Proxy",
label: "Proxy",
tag: "prxy",
status: "O",
children: [
path: "4.0",
name: "Type",
label: "Type",
tag: "tp",
type: "Choice",
status: "O",
children: [
path: "4.0.0",
name: "Code",
label: "Code",
tag: "cd",
type: "Select#externalProxyAccountType1Code",
status: "M",
path: "4.0.1",
name: "Proprietary",
label: "Proprietary",
tag: "prtry",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/\\-\\?:\\(\\)\\.,'\\+ ]{1,35}",
status: "M",
maxLength: "35",
path: "4.1",
name: "Identification",
label: "Identification",
tag: "id",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/\\-\\?:\\(\\)\\.,'\\+ ]{1,2048}",
status: "M",
maxLength: "2048",
export default [
path: "0",
name: "Identification",
label: "账号信息",
tag: "id",
type: "Choice",
status: "M",
children: [
path: "0.0",
name: "IBAN",
label: "国际账号标识",
tag: "iban",
type: "TextInput#[A-Z]{2,2}[0-9]{2,2}[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,30}",
status: "M",
maxLength: "34",
path: "0.1",
name: "Other",
label: "其他账号",
tag: "othr",
status: "M",
children: [
path: "0.1.0",
name: "Identification",
label: "账号标识",
tag: "id",
type: "TextInput#([0-9a-zA-Z-?:().,'+ ]([0-9a-zA-Z-?:().,'+ ]*(/[0-9a-zA-Z-?:().,'+ ])?)*)",
status: "M",
maxLength: "34",
path: "0.1.1",
name: "Scheme Name",
label: "账号类型",
tag: "schmeNm",
type: "Choice",
status: "O",
children: [
path: "",
name: "Code",
label: "类型代码",
tag: "cd",
type: "Select#externalAccountIdCode",
status: "M",
path: "",
name: "Proprietary",
label: "其他类型代码",
tag: "prtry",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/\\-\\?:\\(\\)\\.,'\\+ ]+",
status: "M",
maxLength: "35",
path: "0.1.2",
name: "Issuer",
label: "标识对象",
tag: "issr",
type: "TextInput",
status: "O",
maxLength: "35",
path: "1",
name: "Type",
label: "账户类型",
tag: "tp",
type: "Choice",
status: "O",
children: [
path: "1.0",
name: "Code",
label: "类型代码",
tag: "cd",
type: "Select#externalCashAccountTypeCode",
status: "M",
path: "1.1",
name: "Proprietary",
label: "其他类型代码",
tag: "prtry",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/\\-\\?:\\(\\)\\.,'\\+ ]+",
status: "M",
maxLength: "35",
path: "2",
name: "Currency",
label: "账户币种",
tag: "ccy",
type: "Select#ccy",
status: "M",
path: "3",
name: "Name",
label: "账户名称",
tag: "nm",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/\\-\\?:\\(\\)\\.,'\\+ ]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "70",
path: "4",
name: "Proxy",
label: "Proxy",
tag: "prxy",
status: "O",
children: [
path: "4.0",
name: "Type",
label: "Type",
tag: "tp",
type: "Choice",
status: "O",
children: [
path: "4.0.0",
name: "Code",
label: "Code",
tag: "cd",
type: "Select#externalProxyAccountType1Code",
status: "M",
path: "4.0.1",
name: "Proprietary",
label: "Proprietary",
tag: "prtry",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/\\-\\?:\\(\\)\\.,'\\+ ]{1,35}",
status: "M",
maxLength: "35",
path: "4.1",
name: "Identification",
label: "Identification",
tag: "id",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/\\-\\?:\\(\\)\\.,'\\+ ]{1,320}",
status: "M",
maxLength: "320",
export default [
path: "0",
name: "Identification",
label: "账号信息",
tag: "id",
type: "Choice",
status: "M",
children: [
path: "0.0",
name: "IBAN",
label: "国际账号标识",
tag: "iban",
type: "TextInput#[A-Z]{2,2}[0-9]{2,2}[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,30}",
status: "M",
maxLength: "34",
path: "0.1",
name: "Other",
label: "其他账号",
tag: "othr",
status: "M",
children: [
path: "0.1.0",
name: "Identification",
label: "账号标识",
tag: "id",
type: "TextInput#([0-9a-zA-Z-?:().,'+ ]([0-9a-zA-Z-?:().,'+ ]*(/[0-9a-zA-Z-?:().,'+ ])?)*)",
status: "M",
maxLength: "34",
path: "0.1.1",
name: "Scheme Name",
label: "账号类型",
tag: "schmeNm",
type: "Choice",
status: "O",
children: [
path: "",
name: "Code",
label: "类型代码",
tag: "cd",
type: "Select#externalAccountIdCode",
status: "M",
path: "",
name: "Proprietary",
label: "其他类型代码",
tag: "prtry",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/\\-\\?:\\(\\)\\.,'\\+ ]+",
status: "M",
maxLength: "35",
path: "0.1.2",
name: "Issuer",
label: "标识对象",
tag: "issr",
type: "TextInput",
status: "O",
maxLength: "35",
path: "1",
name: "Type",
label: "账户类型",
tag: "tp",
type: "Choice",
status: "O",
children: [
path: "1.0",
name: "Code",
label: "类型代码",
tag: "cd",
type: "Select#externalCashAccountTypeCode",
status: "M",
path: "1.1",
name: "Proprietary",
label: "其他类型代码",
tag: "prtry",
type: "TextInput",
status: "M",
maxLength: "35",
path: "2",
name: "Currency",
label: "账户币种",
tag: "ccy",
type: "Select#ccy",
status: "M",
path: "3",
name: "Name",
label: "账户名称",
tag: "nm",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/\\-\\?:\\(\\)\\.,'\\+ ]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "70",
path: "4",
name: "Proxy",
label: "Proxy",
tag: "prxy",
status: "O",
children: [
path: "4.0",
name: "Type",
label: "Type",
tag: "tp",
type: "Choice",
status: "O",
children: [
path: "4.0.0",
name: "Code",
label: "Code",
tag: "cd",
type: "Select#externalProxyAccountType1Code",
status: "M",
maxLength: "4",
path: "4.0.1",
name: "Proprietary",
label: "Proprietary",
tag: "prtry",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/\\-\\?:\\(\\)\\.,'\\+ ]{1,35}",
status: "M",
maxLength: "35",
path: "4.1",
name: "Identification",
label: "Identification",
tag: "id",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/\\-\\?:\\(\\)\\.,'\\+ ]{1,320}",
status: "M",
maxLength: "320",
path: "5",
name: "Owner",
label: "账户户主",
tag: "ownr",
type: "Party135002",
status: "O",
path: "6",
name: "Servicer",
label: "账户行信息",
tag: "svcr",
type: "Agent6601",
status: "O",
/**--Address Type
* ++Address Line 70
export default [
path: "0",
name: "Department",
label: "Department",
tag: "dept",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "70",
path: "1",
name: "Sub Department",
label: "Sub Department",
tag: "subDept",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "70",
path: "2",
name: "Street Name",
label: "Street Name",
tag: "strtNm",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "70",
path: "3",
name: "Building Number",
label: "Building Number",
tag: "bldgNb",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "16",
path: "4",
name: "Building Name",
label: "Building Name",
tag: "bldgNm",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "35",
path: "5",
name: "Floor",
label: "Floor",
tag: "flr",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "70",
path: "6",
name: "Post Box",
label: "Post Box",
tag: "pstBx",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "16",
path: "7",
name: "Room",
label: "Room",
tag: "room",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "70",
path: "8",
name: "Post Code",
label: "Post Code",
tag: "pstCd",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "16",
path: "9",
name: "Town Name",
label: "Town Name",
tag: "twnNm",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "35",
path: "10",
name: "Town Location Name",
label: "Town Location Name",
tag: "twnLctnNm",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "35",
path: "11",
name: "District Name",
label: "District Name",
tag: "dstrctNm",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "35",
path: "12",
name: "Country Sub Division",
label: "Country Sub Division",
tag: "ctrySubDvsn",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "35",
path: "13",
name: "Country",
label: "Country",
tag: "ctry",
type: "Select#countryCode",
status: "O",
maxLength: "2",
path: "14",
name: "Address Line",
label: "Address Line",
tag: "adrLine",
type: "List",
status: "O",
maxLength: "70,7",
\ No newline at end of file
/**--Address Type
* --Address Line
export default [
path: "0",
name: "Department",
label: "Department",
tag: "dept",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "70",
path: "1",
name: "Sub Department",
label: "Sub Department",
tag: "subDept",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "70",
path: "2",
name: "Street Name",
label: "Street Name",
tag: "strtNm",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "70",
path: "3",
name: "Building Number",
label: "Building Number",
tag: "bldgNb",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "16",
path: "4",
name: "Building Name",
label: "Building Name",
tag: "bldgNm",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "35",
path: "5",
name: "Floor",
label: "Floor",
tag: "flr",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "70",
path: "6",
name: "Post Box",
label: "Post Box",
tag: "pstBx",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "16",
path: "7",
name: "Room",
label: "Room",
tag: "room",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "70",
path: "8",
name: "Post Code",
label: "Post Code",
tag: "pstCd",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "16",
path: "9",
name: "Town Name",
label: "Town Name",
tag: "twnNm",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "35",
path: "10",
name: "Town Location Name",
label: "Town Location Name",
tag: "twnLctnNm",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "35",
path: "11",
name: "District Name",
label: "District Name",
tag: "dstrctNm",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "35",
path: "12",
name: "Country Sub Division",
label: "Country Sub Division",
tag: "ctrySubDvsn",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "35",
path: "13",
name: "Country",
label: "Country",
tag: "ctry",
type: "Select#countryCode",
status: "O",
maxLength: "2",
/**--Address Type
* --Address Line Country:M
* Town Name:M
export default [
path: "0",
name: "Department",
label: "Department",
tag: "dept",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "70",
path: "1",
name: "Sub Department",
label: "Sub Department",
tag: "subDept",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "70",
path: "2",
name: "Street Name",
label: "Street Name",
tag: "strtNm",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "70",
path: "3",
name: "Building Number",
label: "Building Number",
tag: "bldgNb",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "16",
path: "4",
name: "Building Name",
label: "Building Name",
tag: "bldgNm",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "35",
path: "5",
name: "Floor",
label: "Floor",
tag: "flr",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "70",
path: "6",
name: "Post Box",
label: "Post Box",
tag: "pstBx",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "16",
path: "7",
name: "Room",
label: "Room",
tag: "room",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "70",
path: "8",
name: "Post Code",
label: "Post Code",
tag: "pstCd",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "16",
path: "9",
name: "Town Name",
label: "Town Name",
tag: "twnNm",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "M",
maxLength: "35",
path: "10",
name: "Town Location Name",
label: "Town Location Name",
tag: "twnLctnNm",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "35",
path: "11",
name: "District Name",
label: "District Name",
tag: "dstrctNm",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "35",
path: "12",
name: "Country Sub Division",
label: "Country Sub Division",
tag: "ctrySubDvsn",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "35",
path: "13",
name: "Country",
label: "Country",
tag: "ctry",
type: "Select#countryCode",
status: "M",
maxLength: "2",
/**--Address Type
* ++Address Line 35
export default [
path: "0",
name: "Department",
label: "Department",
tag: "dept",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "70",
path: "1",
name: "Sub Department",
label: "Sub Department",
tag: "subDept",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "70",
path: "2",
name: "Street Name",
label: "Street Name",
tag: "strtNm",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "70",
path: "3",
name: "Building Number",
label: "Building Number",
tag: "bldgNb",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "16",
path: "4",
name: "Building Name",
label: "Building Name",
tag: "bldgNm",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "35",
path: "5",
name: "Floor",
label: "Floor",
tag: "flr",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "70",
path: "6",
name: "Post Box",
label: "Post Box",
tag: "pstBx",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "16",
path: "7",
name: "Room",
label: "Room",
tag: "room",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "70",
path: "8",
name: "Post Code",
label: "Post Code",
tag: "pstCd",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "16",
path: "9",
name: "Town Name",
label: "Town Name",
tag: "twnNm",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "35",
path: "10",
name: "Town Location Name",
label: "Town Location Name",
tag: "twnLctnNm",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "35",
path: "11",
name: "District Name",
label: "District Name",
tag: "dstrctNm",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "35",
path: "12",
name: "Country Sub Division",
label: "Country Sub Division",
tag: "ctrySubDvsn",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "35",
path: "13",
name: "Country",
label: "Country",
tag: "ctry",
type: "Select#countryCode",
status: "O",
maxLength: "2",
path: "14",
name: "Address Line",
label: "Address Line",
tag: "adrLine",
type: "List",
status: "O",
maxLength: "35,3",
\ No newline at end of file
/**--Address Type Country status:M
* ++Address Line 35
export default [
path: "0",
name: "Department",
label: "Department",
tag: "dept",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "70",
path: "1",
name: "Sub Department",
label: "Sub Department",
tag: "subDept",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "70",
path: "2",
name: "Street Name",
label: "Street Name",
tag: "strtNm",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "70",
path: "3",
name: "Building Number",
label: "Building Number",
tag: "bldgNb",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "16",
path: "4",
name: "Building Name",
label: "Building Name",
tag: "bldgNm",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "35",
path: "5",
name: "Floor",
label: "Floor",
tag: "flr",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "70",
path: "6",
name: "Post Box",
label: "Post Box",
tag: "pstBx",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "16",
path: "7",
name: "Room",
label: "Room",
tag: "room",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "70",
path: "8",
name: "Post Code",
label: "Post Code",
tag: "pstCd",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "16",
path: "9",
name: "Town Name",
label: "Town Name",
tag: "twnNm",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "35",
path: "10",
name: "Town Location Name",
label: "Town Location Name",
tag: "twnLctnNm",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "35",
path: "11",
name: "District Name",
label: "District Name",
tag: "dstrctNm",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "35",
path: "12",
name: "Country Sub Division",
label: "Country Sub Division",
tag: "ctrySubDvsn",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "35",
path: "13",
name: "Country",
label: "Country",
tag: "ctry",
type: "Select#countryCode",
status: "M",
maxLength: "2",
path: "14",
name: "Address Line",
label: "Address Line",
tag: "adrLine",
type: "List",
status: "O",
maxLength: "35,3",
\ No newline at end of file
/**--Address Type Country status:M
* --Address Line
export default [
path: "0",
name: "Department",
label: "Department",
tag: "dept",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "70",
path: "1",
name: "Sub Department",
label: "Sub Department",
tag: "subDept",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "70",
path: "2",
name: "Street Name",
label: "Street Name",
tag: "strtNm",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "70",
path: "3",
name: "Building Number",
label: "Building Number",
tag: "bldgNb",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "16",
path: "4",
name: "Building Name",
label: "Building Name",
tag: "bldgNm",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "35",
path: "5",
name: "Floor",
label: "Floor",
tag: "flr",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "70",
path: "6",
name: "Post Box",
label: "Post Box",
tag: "pstBx",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "16",
path: "7",
name: "Room",
label: "Room",
tag: "room",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "70",
path: "8",
name: "Post Code",
label: "Post Code",
tag: "pstCd",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "16",
path: "9",
name: "Town Name",
label: "Town Name",
tag: "twnNm",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "35",
path: "10",
name: "Town Location Name",
label: "Town Location Name",
tag: "twnLctnNm",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "35",
path: "11",
name: "District Name",
label: "District Name",
tag: "dstrctNm",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "35",
path: "12",
name: "Country Sub Division",
label: "Country Sub Division",
tag: "ctrySubDvsn",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "35",
path: "13",
name: "Country",
label: "Country",
tag: "ctry",
type: "Select#countryCode",
status: "M",
maxLength: "2",
/**++Address Type
* ++Address Line 35,7
export default [
path: "0",
name: "Address Type",
label: "地址类型",
tag: "adrTp",
type: "Choice",
status: "O",
children: [
path: "0.0",
name: "Code",
label: "类型代码",
tag: "cd",
type: "Select#AddressTypeCode",
status: "M",
path: "0.1",
name: "Proprietary",
label: "专有地址类型",
tag: "prtry",
status: "M",
children: [
path: "0.1.0",
name: "Identification",
label: "唯一标识",
tag: "id",
type: "TextInput#[a-zA-Z0-9]{4}",
status: "M",
maxLength: "4",
path: "0.1.1",
name: "Issuer",
label: "标识对象",
tag: "issr",
type: "TextInput",
status: "M",
maxLength: "35",
path: "0.1.2",
name: "Scheme Name",
label: "简短描述",
tag: "schmeNm",
type: "TextInput",
status: "O",
maxLength: "35",
path: "1",
name: "Department",
label: "部门名称",
tag: "dept",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "70",
path: "2",
name: "Sub Department",
label: "子部门名称",
tag: "subDept",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "70",
path: "3",
name: "Street Name",
label: "街道",
tag: "strtNm",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "70",
path: "4",
name: "Building Number",
label: "建筑门牌号",
tag: "bldgNb",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "16",
path: "5",
name: "Building Name",
label: "建筑名称",
tag: "bldgNm",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "35",
path: "6",
name: "Floor",
label: "楼层",
tag: "flr",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "70",
path: "7",
name: "Post Box",
label: "邮箱编号",
tag: "pstBx",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "16",
path: "8",
name: "Room",
label: "房间号",
tag: "room",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "70",
path: "9",
name: "Post Code",
label: "邮编",
tag: "pstCd",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "16",
path: "10",
name: "Town Name",
label: "城镇",
tag: "twnNm",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "35",
path: "11",
name: "Town Location Name",
label: "区",
tag: "twnLctnNm",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "35",
path: "12",
name: "District Name",
label: "市",
tag: "dstrctNm",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "35",
path: "13",
name: "Country Sub Division",
label: "省份",
tag: "ctrySubDvsn",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "35",
path: "14",
name: "Country",
label: "国家",
tag: "ctry",
type: "Select#countryCode",
status: "O",
maxLength: "2",
path: "15",
name: "Address Line",
label: "地址信息",
tag: "adrLine",
type: "List",
status: "O",
maxLength: "35,7",
\ No newline at end of file
/**++Address Type
* ++Address Line 35,2
export default [
path: "0",
name: "Address Type",
label: "地址类型",
tag: "adrTp",
type: "Choice",
status: "O",
children: [
path: "0.0",
name: "Code",
label: "类型代码",
tag: "cd",
type: "Select#AddressTypeCode",
status: "M",
path: "0.1",
name: "Proprietary",
label: "专有地址类型",
tag: "prtry",
status: "M",
children: [
path: "0.1.0",
name: "Identification",
label: "唯一标识",
tag: "id",
type: "TextInput#[a-zA-Z0-9]{4}",
status: "M",
maxLength: "4",
path: "0.1.1",
name: "Issuer",
label: "标识对象",
tag: "issr",
type: "TextInput",
status: "M",
maxLength: "35",
path: "0.1.2",
name: "Scheme Name",
label: "简短描述",
tag: "schmeNm",
type: "TextInput",
status: "O",
maxLength: "35",
path: "1",
name: "Department",
label: "部门名称",
tag: "dept",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "70",
path: "2",
name: "Sub Department",
label: "子部门名称",
tag: "subDept",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "70",
path: "3",
name: "Street Name",
label: "街道",
tag: "strtNm",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "70",
path: "4",
name: "Building Number",
label: "建筑门牌号",
tag: "bldgNb",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "16",
path: "5",
name: "Building Name",
label: "建筑名称",
tag: "bldgNm",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "35",
path: "6",
name: "Floor",
label: "楼层",
tag: "flr",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "70",
path: "7",
name: "Post Box",
label: "邮箱编号",
tag: "pstBx",
type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/-?:().,'+ !#$%&*=^_`{|}~\";<>@\[\\\]]+",
status: "O",
maxLength: "16",
path: "8",
name: "Room",
label: "房间号",
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\ No newline at end of file
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// },
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// type: "Address242",
// status: "O",
// },
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// {
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// label: "Proprietary",
// tag: "prtry",
// type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/\\-\\?:\\(\\)\\.,'\\+ ]+",
// status: "M",
// maxLength: "35",
// },
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// },
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tag: "mmbId",
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// status: "O",
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// {
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// {
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// label: "Proprietary",
// tag: "prtry",
// type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/\\-\\?:\\(\\)\\.,'\\+ ]+",
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// },
// ],
// },
// ],
// },
//conuntry为M Agent0101
\ No newline at end of file
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tag: "mmbId",
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// {
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// {
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// label: "Proprietary",
// tag: "prtry",
// type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/\\-\\?:\\(\\)\\.,'\\+ ]+",
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// },
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label: "Member Identification",
tag: "mmbId",
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// {
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// {
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// label: "Proprietary",
// tag: "prtry",
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// status: "M",
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// },
// {
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//conuntry为M Agent0301
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// {
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// tag: "id",
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// {
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// {
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// label: "Proprietary",
// tag: "prtry",
// type: "TextInput#[0-9a-zA-Z/\\-\\?:\\(\\)\\.,'\\+ ]+",
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// },
// {
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// tag: "pstlAdr",
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* Financial Institution Identification 里面 Clearing System Identification 含有 Proprietary
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* 与Agent0502相比,Branch Identification里的Postal Address不同(35,7)
\ No newline at end of file
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This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
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