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-> If BICFI is present, then (Name & Postal Address) is NOT allowed (ClearingSystemMemberIdentification and LEI may complement) – However, in case of conflicting information, the BICFI will always take precedence.
-> If BICFI is absent, (Name & Postal Address) OR [(Name & Postal Address) and ClearingSystemMemberIdentification] must be present.
Exception: If BICFI is absent, whenever Debtor Agent, Creditor Agent and all agents in between are located within the same country, the clearing code only may be used.
Note: "Instructing/ Instructed Agents" must be identified with a BICFI - Clearing System Members Identification and LEI are optional.
2. This usage guideline covers the scenario "Advise for transfer of funds" and the pacs.009ADV is sent to pre-advice the receipt of the cover via a pacs.009 CORE.
IMPORTANT NOTE: in such scenario, the pacs.009 ADV message is sent by a debtor financial institution to a creditor financial institution, directly or through other agents. It is NEVER sent via a payment clearing and settlement system, the settlement will happen with the pacs.009 CORE.
-> More information on this scenario can be found in the UHB.
3. Character Set:
All proprietary and Text fields EXCLUDING Name and Address for all actors and Related Remittance Information and Remittance are limited to the FIN-X-Character set.
All Name and Address for all actors, Related Remittance Information and Remittance Information (structured and unstructured), Email Address where included as part of a proxy element are extended to support the following additional characters:
< is replaced with <
> is replaced with >
4. CBPR_Agent_PointToPointOnSWIFT:
If the transaction is exchanged on the SWIFT network (ie if the instructing agent/sender and instruted agent/receiver of the message are on SWIFT), then BICFI is mandatory and other elements are optional, eg LEI
Generated by the MyStandards web platform [] on 2024-04-04T00:27:56+00:00