Commit 0da2ddab by qiuxia


parent d946b92c
......@@ -209,13 +209,16 @@ export default class InfgidScreen extends Page
<Col span={12}>
<Row className="row">
<Col span={19} offset={2}>
<Col span={5} offset={2}>
<Label itext="display stream" trn="infgid" />
<Col span={14}>
<InputItem InputProps={bind("infbut_dspstm")} desp="display stream" path="/infbut/dspstm" />
<Button type="primary" onClick={this.onInfbut_searow} desp="Search" path="/infbut/searow">
{/* <Button type="primary" onClick={this.onInfbut_searow} desp="Search" path="/infbut/searow">
<Label itext="&Search"/>
<Button type="primary" onClick={this.onInfbut_dsp} desp="Display" path="/infbut/dsp">
......@@ -229,7 +232,9 @@ export default class InfgidScreen extends Page
<Button type="primary" onClick={this.onInfbut_exi} desp="Exit" path="/infbut/exi">
<Label itext="E&xit"/>
</Button> */}
{/* 底部按钮 */}
<BottomBtn _this={this} />
......@@ -8,9 +8,6 @@ import CodeTableFactory from '@/components/CodeTable'
import "./index.less"
import { inject, observer } from 'mobx-react'
import { Card } from 'antd'
import Ovwp from './Ovwp'
import Detp from './Detp'
import Tkp from './Tkp'
import Selp from './Selp'
import { action, observable,runInAction } from 'mobx'
......@@ -95,17 +92,6 @@ export default class InfgidScreen extends Page
<StepItem title="查询">
<Selp model={this.model} extra={this.extra} flag={this.state.flag} />
{/*<StepItem title="明细">
<Ovwp model={this.model} extra={this.extra} flag={this.state.flag} />
<StepItem title="附加">
<Detp model={this.model} extra={this.extra} />
<StepItem title="条款">
<Tkp model={this.model} extra={this.extra} />
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