/* * Copyright 2006-2021 Prowide * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.prowidesoftware.swift.model.field; import com.google.gson.JsonObject; import com.google.gson.JsonParser; import com.prowidesoftware.Generated; import com.prowidesoftware.swift.model.Tag; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import java.io.Serializable; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import com.prowidesoftware.swift.model.SwiftMessage; import com.prowidesoftware.swift.model.SwiftTagListBlock; /** * <strong>SWIFT MT Field 55B</strong> * <p> * Model and parser for field 55B of a SWIFT MT message. * * <p>Subfields (components) Data types * <ol> * <li><code>String</code></li> * <li><code>String</code></li> * <li><code>String</code></li> * </ol> * * <p>Structure definition * <ul> * <li>validation pattern: <code>[[/<DC>][/34x]$][35x](****)</code></li> * <li>parser pattern: <code>[[/c][/S]$][S]</code></li> * <li>components pattern: <code>SSS</code></li> * </ul> * * <p> * This class complies with standard release <strong>SRU2020</strong> */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") @Generated public class Field55B extends OptionBPartyField implements Serializable, MultiLineField { /** * Constant identifying the SRU to which this class belongs to. */ public static final int SRU = 2020; private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; /** * Constant with the field name 55B */ public static final String NAME = "55B"; /** * same as NAME, intended to be clear when using static imports */ public static final String F_55B = "55B"; /** * Default constructor. Creates a new field setting all components to null. */ public Field55B() { super(); } /** * Creates a new field and initializes its components with content from the parameter value. * @param value complete field value including separators and CRLF */ public Field55B(final String value) { super(value); } /** * Creates a new field and initializes its components with content from the parameter tag. * The value is parsed with {@link #parse(String)} * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the parameter tag is null or its tagname does not match the field name * @since 7.8 */ public Field55B(final Tag tag) { this(); if (tag == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("tag cannot be null."); } if (!StringUtils.equals(tag.getName(), "55B")) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("cannot create field 55B from tag "+tag.getName()+", tagname must match the name of the field."); } parse(tag.getValue()); } /** * Copy constructor.<br> * Initializes the components list with a deep copy of the source components list. * @param source a field instance to copy * @since 7.7 */ public static Field55B newInstance(Field55B source) { Field55B cp = new Field55B(); cp.setComponents(new ArrayList<>(source.getComponents())); return cp; } /** * Create a Tag with this field name and the given value. * Shorthand for <code>new Tag(NAME, value)</code> * @see #NAME * @since 7.5 */ public static Tag tag(final String value) { return new Tag(NAME, value); } /** * Create a Tag with this field name and an empty string as value * Shorthand for <code>new Tag(NAME, "")</code> * @see #NAME * @since 7.5 */ public static Tag emptyTag() { return new Tag(NAME, ""); } /** * Returns the field validator pattern */ @Override public final String validatorPattern() { return "[[/<DC>][/34x]$][35x](****)"; } /** * Set the component1 (D/C Mark). * @param component1 the component1 to set */ public Field55B setComponent1(String component1) { setComponent(1, component1); return this; } /** * Set the D/C Mark (component1). * @param component1 the D/C Mark to set */ public Field55B setDCMark(String component1) { setComponent(1, component1); return this; } /** * Set the component2 (Account). * @param component2 the component2 to set */ public Field55B setComponent2(String component2) { setComponent(2, component2); return this; } /** * Set the Account (component2). * @param component2 the Account to set */ public Field55B setAccount(String component2) { setComponent(2, component2); return this; } /** * Set the component3 (Location). * @param component3 the component3 to set */ public Field55B setComponent3(String component3) { setComponent(3, component3); return this; } /** * Set the Location (component3). * @param component3 the Location to set */ public Field55B setLocation(String component3) { setComponent(3, component3); return this; } /** * Returns the field's name composed by the field number and the letter option (if any) * @return the static value of Field55B.NAME */ @Override public String getName() { return NAME; } /** * Gets the first occurrence form the tag list or null if not found. * @return null if not found o block is null or empty * @param block may be null or empty */ public static Field55B get(final SwiftTagListBlock block) { if (block == null || block.isEmpty()) { return null; } final Tag t = block.getTagByName(NAME); if (t == null) { return null; } return new Field55B(t) ; } /** * Gets the first instance of Field55B in the given message. * @param msg may be empty or null * @return null if not found or msg is empty or null * @see #get(SwiftTagListBlock) */ public static Field55B get(final SwiftMessage msg) { if (msg == null || msg.getBlock4()==null || msg.getBlock4().isEmpty()) return null; return get(msg.getBlock4()); } /** * Gets a list of all occurrences of the field Field55B in the given message * an empty list is returned if none found. * @param msg may be empty or null in which case an empty list is returned * @see #getAll(SwiftTagListBlock) */ public static List<Field55B> getAll(final SwiftMessage msg) { if (msg == null || msg.getBlock4()==null || msg.getBlock4().isEmpty()) return java.util.Collections.emptyList(); return getAll(msg.getBlock4()); } /** * Gets a list of all occurrences of the field Field55B from the given block * an empty list is returned if none found. * * @param block may be empty or null in which case an empty list is returned */ public static List<Field55B> getAll(final SwiftTagListBlock block) { if (block == null || block.isEmpty()) { return java.util.Collections.emptyList(); } final Tag[] arr = block.getTagsByName(NAME); if (arr != null && arr.length > 0) { final List<Field55B> result = new ArrayList<>(arr.length); for (final Tag f : arr) { result.add( new Field55B(f)); } return result; } return java.util.Collections.emptyList(); } /** * Returns a specific line from the field's value.<br> * * @see MultiLineField#getLine(int) * @param line a reference to a specific line in the field, first line being 1 * @return line content or null if not present or if line number is above the expected * @since 7.7 */ public String getLine(int line) { return getLine(line, 0); } /** * Returns a specific line from the field's value.<br> * * @see MultiLineField#getLine(int, int) * @param line a reference to a specific line in the field, first line being 1 * @param offset an optional component number used as offset when counting lines * @return line content or null if not present or if line number is above the expected * @since 7.7 */ public String getLine(int line, int offset) { Field55B cp = newInstance(this); return getLine(cp, line, null, offset); } /** * Returns the field value split into lines.<br> * * @see MultiLineField#getLines() * @return lines content or empty list if field's value is empty * @since 7.7 */ public List<String> getLines() { return SwiftParseUtils.getLines(getValue()); } /** * Returns the field value starting at the offset component, split into lines.<br> * * @see MultiLineField#getLines(int) * @param offset an optional component number used as offset when counting lines * @return found lines or empty list if lines are not present or the offset is invalid * @since 7.7 */ public List<String> getLines(int offset) { Field55B cp = newInstance(this); return SwiftParseUtils.getLines(getLine(cp, null, null, offset)); } /** * Returns a specific subset of lines from the field's value, given a range.<br> * * @see MultiLineField#getLinesBetween(int, int ) * @param start a reference to a specific line in the field, first line being 1 * @param end a reference to a specific line in the field, must be greater than start * @return found lines or empty list if value is empty * @since 7.7 */ public List<String> getLinesBetween(int start, int end) { return getLinesBetween(start, end, 0); } /** * Returns a specific subset of lines from the field's value, starting at the offset component.<br> * * @see MultiLineField#getLinesBetween(int start, int end, int offset) * @param start a reference to a specific line in the field, first line being 1 * @param end a reference to a specific line in the field, must be greater than start * @param offset an optional component number used as offset when counting lines * @return found lines or empty list if lines are not present or the offset is invalid * @since 7.7 */ public List<String> getLinesBetween(int start, int end, int offset) { Field55B cp = newInstance(this); return SwiftParseUtils.getLines(getLine(cp, start, end, offset)); } /** * This method deserializes the JSON data into a Field55B object. * @param json JSON structure including tuples with label and value for all field components * @return a new field instance with the JSON data parsed into field components or an empty field id the JSON is invalid * @since 7.10.3 * @see Field#fromJson(String) */ public static Field55B fromJson(final String json) { Field55B field = new Field55B(); JsonParser parser = new JsonParser(); JsonObject jsonObject = (JsonObject) parser.parse(json); if (jsonObject.get("dCMark") != null) { field.setComponent1(jsonObject.get("dCMark").getAsString()); } if (jsonObject.get("account") != null) { field.setComponent2(jsonObject.get("account").getAsString()); } if (jsonObject.get("location") != null) { field.setComponent3(jsonObject.get("location").getAsString()); } return field; } }