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Description: This document outlines the specifications for the RTR ISO 20022 Business Application Header message. Prior to reading this RTR ISO 20022 Message Specification, it is highly recommended to read the RTR ISO 20022 Message Specification Companion Document that is published alongside it since the Companion provides high-level context and an overview of the message portfolio and content.
RTR Usage:
Payments Canada will use the Business Application Header for all messages in the RTR ISO 20022 portfolio.
The Business Layer deals with Business Messages. The behaviour of the Business Messages is fully described by the Business Transaction and the structure of the Business Messages is fully described by the Message Definitions and related Message Rules, Rules and Market Practices. All of which are registered in the ISO 20022 Repository.
A single new Business Message (with its accompagnying business application header) is created - by the sending MessagingEndpoint - for each business event; that is each interaction in a Business Transaction. A Business Message adheres to the following principles:
" A Business Message (and its business application header) must not contain information about the Message Transport System or the mechanics or mechanism of message sending, transportation, or receipt.
" A Business Message must be comprehensible outside of the context of the Transport Message. That is the Business Message must not require knowledge of the Transport Message to be understood.
" A Business Message may contain headers, footers, and envelopes that are meaningful for the business. When present, they are treated as any other message content, which means that they are considered part of the Message Definition of the Business Message and as such will be part of the ISO 20022 Repository.
" A Business Message refers to Business Actors by their Name. Each instance of a Business Actor has one Name. The Business Actor must not be referred to in the Transport Layer.
Specific usage of this BusinessMessageHeader may be defined by the relevant SEG.
Generated by the MyStandards web platform [] on 2022-05-25T23:24:24+00:00
This schema is a component of MyStandards, the SWIFT collaborative Web application used to manage
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Description: This document outlines the specifications for the RTR ISO 20022 FI To FI Customer Credit Transfer (Credit Transfer) message. Prior to reading this RTR ISO 20022 Message Specification, it is highly recommended to read the RTR ISO 20022 Message Specification Companion Document that is published alongside it since the Companion provides high-level context and an overview of the message portfolio and content.
RTR Usage:
This message will be sent from the Debtor Agent to the RTR Exchange to instruct a credit transfer. The RTR Exchange will also send this message to the Creditor Agent to complete the instruction of the credit transfer.
The FinancialInstitutionToFinancialInstitutionCustomerCreditTransfer message is sent by the debtor agent to the creditor agent, directly or through other agents and/or a payment clearing and settlement system. It is used to move funds from a debtor account to a creditor.
The FIToFICustomerCreditTransfer message is exchanged between agents and can contain one or more customer credit transfer instructions.
The FIToFICustomerCreditTransfer message does not allow for grouping: a CreditTransferTransactionInformation block must be present for each credit transfer transaction.
The FIToFICustomerCreditTransfer message can be used in different ways:
- If the instructing agent and the instructed agent wish to use their direct account relationship in the currency of the transfer then the message contains both the funds for the customer transfer(s) as well as the payment details;
- If the instructing agent and the instructed agent have no direct account relationship in the currency of the transfer, or do not wish to use their account relationship, then other (reimbursement) agents will be involved to cover for the customer transfer(s). The FIToFICustomerCreditTransfer contains only the payment details and the instructing agent must cover the customer transfer by sending a FinancialInstitutionCreditTransfer to a reimbursement agent. This payment method is called the Cover method;
- If more than two financial institutions are involved in the payment chain and if the FIToFICustomerCreditTransfer is sent from one financial institution to the next financial institution in the payment chain, then the payment method is called the Serial method.
The FIToFICustomerCreditTransfer message can be used in domestic and cross-border scenarios.
Generated by the MyStandards web platform [] on 2022-06-08T18:06:03+00:00