import Api from "~/service/Api"; import commonFunctions from "~/mixin/commonFunctions.js"; import buildFn from "./buildCommons.js"; import BigNumber from "bignumber.js"; export default { mixins: [commonFunctions], methods: { // 点击获取按钮拉取当前key字段下的表单数据 queryFormData(key) { console.log(key); }, // 业务信息=》基本信息=》保函编号-----获取保函编号 async queryOwnref() { let params = { ptainr: this.model.brdgrp.apl.pts.ptainr, businessType: "LG", tbl: "LG", }; const loading = this.loading(); let res = await"/service/brtudp/getOwnRef", params); if (res.respCode == SUCCESS) { loading.close(); this.model.brdgrp.rec.ownref =; } }, // 获取brtudp弹框表格数据 async queryGridEtyPromptDialogData(type, ptytyp) { let params = { userId: window.sessionStorage.userId || "ZL", ptytyp: ptytyp, extkey: this.model.brdgrp[type.toLowerCase()].pts.extkey, }; let res = await"/service/ptspta/list", params); if (res.respCode == SUCCESS) { this.root.$refs["etyDialog"].show = true; =; this.root.promptData.type = type; } }, // 选中brtudp弹框表格的行数据 async selectGridEtyPromptData(row) { let params = { ...row, }; let res = await"/service/ptspta/fetch", params); if (res.respCode == SUCCESS) { this.$set(this.model.brdgrp, row.role.toLowerCase(),; } }, // 业务信息=》基本信息=》支出目的 purposChange(key, value) { this.handleChangeForm(key, value); }, buildLiaccv() { let params = { ...buildFn.buildCommonData(this.model, this.trnName), liaccvg: this.model.liaccv.liaccvg, oldamt: this.model.liaccv.oldamt, chgamt: this.model.liaccv.chgamt, concur: this.model.liaccv.concur, }; return params; }, // 公共组件setmod处理方式改变触发联动 changeSetmodModel(emitParams) { let reqParams = {}; switch (emitParams.code) { case "processMethods": reqParams = buildFn.buildSetglg(this.model, this.trnName); this.calcPayDetail(reqParams); break; case "changeDsp": let index = emitParams.index; let setglgRequest = buildFn.buildSetglg(this.model, this.trnName); setglgRequest.setglg = { setgll: emitParams.list }; this.setgllAccts(setglgRequest, index); break; default: return; } }, fillDocstaByChange() { if ( (this.model.brdgrp.rec.advdat == null || this.model.brdgrp.rec.advdat == "") && (this.model.brdgrp.rec.disdat == null || this.model.brdgrp.rec.disdat == "") ) { let rcvFlg = this.model.brdgrp.rec.rcvdat == null || this.model.brdgrp.rec.rcvdat == ""; let dscinsflgFlg = this.model.brdgrp.rec.dscinsflg == null || this.model.brdgrp.rec.dscinsflg == ""; let docdiFlg = this.model.brdgrp.blk.docdis == null || this.model.brdgrp.blk.docdis == ""; if (!rcvFlg && dscinsflgFlg) { this.model.brdgrp.rec.docsta = "G"; } if (!rcvFlg && docdiFlg && !dscinsflgFlg) { this.model.brdgrp.rec.docsta = "H"; } if (!rcvFlg && !docdiFlg && !dscinsflgFlg) { this.model.brdgrp.rec.docsta = "I"; } } }, getBigNumber() { // 配置BigNumber计算规则为保留两位小数,并向上舍入 var BN = BigNumber.clone(); BN.config({ DECIMAL_PLACES: 2, ROUNDING_MODE: 2 }); return BN; }, fillDocdis() { var BN = this.getBigNumber(); let descr = ""; if (this.model.lidgrp.rec.shpdat !== null && this.model.brdgrp.rec.shpdat > this.model.lidgrp.rec.shpdat) { descr = descr + "Late shipment.\n"; } if (this.model.brdgrp.rec.predat > this.model.lidgrp.rec.expdat) { descr = descr + "Documents presented after expiry of the LC.\n"; } let tmp = BN(; if (BN( > 0) { let amt = BN( .minus( .minus( .toFixed(2); let exces = + " " + amt; descr = descr + "The LC is overdrawn by " + exces + "\n"; } let tmp2 = BN(; if (BN( > 0) { let addamt = BN( .minus( .minus( .toFixed(2); let excesadd = + " " + addamt; descr = descr + "The Additional Amount is overdrawn by " + excesadd + "\n"; } if (this.model.lidgrp.rec.shppar === "N" && this.model.lidgrp.utlnbr >= 1) { descr = descr + "Partial shipment effected.\n"; } if (this.model.brdgrp.rec.docflg === "P") { if (this.model.lidgrp.rec.avbby === "A" || this.model.lidgrp.rec.avbby === "D") { descr = descr + "Sight documents presented instead of usance.\n"; } if (this.model.lidgrp.rec.avbby === "M") { descr = descr + "Only Sight documents presented instead of mixed payment.\n"; } } if (this.model.brdgrp.rec.docflg === "A" || this.model.brdgrp.rec.docflg === "D") { if (this.model.lidgrp.rec.avbby === "P") { descr = descr + "Usance documents presented instead of sight.\n"; } if (this.model.lidgrp.rec.avbby === "M") { descr = descr + "Only Usance documents presented instead of mixed payment.\n"; } } if (this.model.brdgrp.rec.docflg === "M") { if (this.model.lidgrp.rec.avbby === "P") { descr = descr + "Mixed payment documents presented instead of sight.\n"; } if (this.model.lidgrp.rec.avbby === "A" || this.model.lidgrp.rec.avbby === "D") { descr = descr + "Mixed payment documents presented instead of usance.\n"; } } this.model.brdgrp.blk.docdis = descr; }, }, };