<template> <div class="eibs-tab"> <!-- 左边 --> <c-col :span="12" style="padding-right: 20px"> <c-col :span="24"> <c-fullbox> <el-form-item label="Description of Goods and/or Services(45B)" prop="lidgrp.blk.lcrgod"> <c-mul-row-input type="textarea" v-model="model.lidgrp.blk.lcrgod" :rows="800" :cols="65" :autosize="{ minRows: 17, maxRows: 17 }" show-word-limit :charmod="3" @change="handleLcrgodChanged" :disabled="isLcrgodDisabled" placeholder="请输入货物描述"></c-mul-row-input> </el-form-item> </c-fullbox> </c-col> <c-col :span="24"> <c-ptap-commons :cols="65" :rows="800" :minRows="12" :maxRows="12" :model="model" :disabledButton="isUsrblkDisabled" :isRules="false" :extCodes="['litamep', 'lcrgodamep']" lastModel="lcrgod" :charmod="3" title="Adding/Deleting Text in Current Amendment"> </c-ptap-commons> </c-col> </c-col> <!-- 右边 --> <c-col :span="12" style="padding-left: 20px"> <c-col :span="24"> <c-fullbox> <el-form-item label="Historic Overview" prop="lidgrp.blk.lcrgodame"> <c-mul-row-input disabled type="textarea" :rows="800" :cols="65" :autosize="{ minRows: 17, maxRows: 17 }" v-model="model.lidgrp.blk.lcrgodame" show-word-limit placeholder="历史修改信息"></c-mul-row-input> </el-form-item> </c-fullbox> </c-col> <c-col :span="24"> <el-form-item label="Contract No." prop="lidgrp.rec.rptref"> <c-input type="textarea" v-model="model.lidgrp.rec.rptref" maxlength="80" placeholder="请输入合同号"></c-input> </el-form-item> </c-col> <c-col :span="24" class="custom-box-wrap"> <el-form-item label="Contract Amount" prop="lidgrp.rec.rptcur"> <c-select-cur disabled v-model="model.lidgrp.rec.rptcur" style="width: 115px" placeholder="请选择币种" dbCode="curtxt" sort="SRT"> </c-select-cur> </el-form-item> <div style="width: calc(100% - 200px)"> <el-form-item label-width="5px" prop="lidgrp.rec.rptamt"> <c-input-currency v-model="model.lidgrp.rec.rptamt" :currency="model.lidgrp.rec.rptcur" style="width: 100%" placeholder="请输入金额"> </c-input-currency> </el-form-item> </div> </c-col> <c-col :span="24"> <c-col :span="8" class=""> <el-form-item label=" " prop="litamep.lcrgodamep.modflg" label-width="180px" style="float: left"> <c-checkbox v-model="model.litamep.lcrgodamep.modflg" class="checkbox-left" true-label="X" false-label="" :disabled="this.model.litamep.lcrgodamep.modmanflg == 'X'" @change="onModflgChange" >Modify Text to Replace</c-checkbox > </el-form-item> </c-col> <c-col :span="10" class=""> <el-form-item label=" " prop="litamep.lcrgodamep.modmanflg" label-width="180px" style="float: left"> <c-checkbox v-model="model.litamep.lcrgodamep.modmanflg" class="checkbox-left" true-label="X" false-label="" :disabled="this.model.litamep.lcrgodamep.modflg == 'X'" @change="onModmanflgChange" >Modify Text Internally</c-checkbox > </el-form-item> </c-col> </c-col> <c-col :span="24"> <el-form-item label-width="160px" style="float: left"> <text-diff :leftText="model.oldlidgrp.blk.lcrgod" :rightText="model.lidgrp.blk.lcrgod" :isShowScale="false" :disabled="model.lidgrp.blk.lcrgod === model.oldlidgrp.blk.lcrgod" /> </el-form-item> </c-col> <c-col :span="4"> <el-form-item label-width="180px" style="float: left"> <c-button type="primary" @click="onAddClick" :disabled="this.model.litamep.lcrgodamep.lcrgod == null || this.model.litamep.lcrgodamep.lcrgod == ''"> Add </c-button> </el-form-item> </c-col> <c-col :span="4"> <el-form-item label-width="180px" style="float: left"> <c-button type="primary" @click="onDeleteClick" :disabled="this.model.litamep.lcrgodamep.lcrgod == null || this.model.litamep.lcrgodamep.lcrgod == ''"> Delete </c-button> </el-form-item> </c-col> </c-col> </div> </template> <script> import event from "../event"; import moment from "moment"; import commonDepend from "~/mixin/commonDepend"; import TextDiff from "~/components/business/TextDiff"; export default { components: { TextDiff }, inject: ["root"], props: ["model", "codes"], mixins: [event, commonDepend], data() { return { isLcrgodDisabled: true, isUsrblkDisabled: false, tempLcrgod: "", }; }, methods: { onAddClick() { if (this.model.litamep.lcrgodamep.lcrgod != null && this.model.litamep.lcrgodamep.lcrgod != "") { if (this.model.lidgrp.blk.lcrgod === "") { this.model.lidgrp.blk.lcrgod = this.model.lidgrp.blk.lcrgod + this.model.litamep.lcrgodamep.lcrgod; } else { this.model.lidgrp.blk.lcrgod = this.model.lidgrp.blk.lcrgod + "\n" + this.model.litamep.lcrgodamep.lcrgod; } this.model.lidgrp.blk.lcrgodame = this.model.lidgrp.blk.lcrgodame + "\n" + "*** Amendment " + this.model.litamep.amenbr + " Date:" + moment(new Date()).format("MM/DD/YY") + ":" + "\n" + "/ADD/" + "\n" + this.model.litamep.lcrgodamep.lcrgod + "\n"; //设置lcrgod被修改过 this.setLcrgodModified(); if (this.model.godAddDelRep === "") { this.model.godAddDelRep = "/ADD/\n" + this.model.litamep.lcrgodamep.lcrgod; } else { this.model.godAddDelRep = this.model.godAddDelRep + "\n/ADD/\n" + this.model.litamep.lcrgodamep.lcrgod; } this.model.litamep.lcrgodamep.lcrgod = ""; } }, onDeleteClick() { if (this.model.lidgrp.blk.lcrgod != null && this.model.lidgrp.blk.lcrgod != "") { let lcrgod = this.model.lidgrp.blk.lcrgod; let realMatchText = this.specialCharactersProcess(this.model.litamep.lcrgodamep.lcrgod); // 使用正则表达式,匹配usrblk文本框中的内容 // 正则表达式,开启匹配多行 flag: 'g',开启多行模式 flag:'m' let usrblkRegExp = new RegExp("^" + realMatchText + "$", "gm"); let matchArray = lcrgod.match(usrblkRegExp); // 未找到匹配字符串 if (matchArray == null || matchArray.length <= 0) { this.$alert("Text to delete not found in original text and thus cannot be deleted", "提示", { confirmButtonText: "OK", }); return; } // 匹配到多个 字符串 if (matchArray != null && matchArray.length > 1) { this.$alert( "Text to delete found more than once in original text and thus cannot be deleted. \n" + "Please extend portion to delete or use modify to replace.", "提示", { confirmButtonText: "OK", } ); return; } // 匹配到正好1个字符串 if (matchArray != null && matchArray.length == 1) { this.model.lidgrp.blk.lcrgod = this.model.lidgrp.blk.lcrgod.replace("\n" + realMatchText, ""); this.model.lidgrp.blk.lcrgod = this.model.lidgrp.blk.lcrgod.replace(realMatchText + "\n", ""); this.model.lidgrp.blk.lcrgod = this.model.lidgrp.blk.lcrgod.replace(realMatchText, ""); this.model.lidgrp.blk.lcrgodame = this.model.lidgrp.blk.lcrgodame + "\n" + "*** Amendment " + this.model.litamep.amenbr + " Date:" + moment(new Date()).format("MM/DD/YY") + ":" + "\n" + "/DEL/" + "\n" + this.model.litamep.lcrgodamep.lcrgod + "\n"; //设置lcrgod被修改过 this.setLcrgodModified(); if (this.model.godAddDelRep === "") { this.model.godAddDelRep = "/DELETE/\n" + this.model.litamep.lcrgodamep.lcrgod; } else { this.model.godAddDelRep = this.model.godAddDelRep + "\n/DELETE/\n" + this.model.litamep.lcrgodamep.lcrgod; } this.model.litamep.lcrgodamep.lcrgod = ""; return; } } }, onModflgChange() { if (this.model.litamep.lcrgodamep.modflg == "X") { // 如果blk.lcrgod的值被修改过,则给出提示 if (this.isLcrgodModified()) { this.$confirm( "Do you really want to change to modification of the complete text?\n" + "The information about single added and deleted lines will be lost.", "提示", { confirmButtonText: "OK", cancelButtonText: "Cancel", type: "warning", showClose: false, } ) .then(() => { //yes的执行在这里写 this.model.litamep.lcrgodamep.modflg = "X"; this.isLcrgodDisabled = false; this.isUsrblkDisabled = true; this.model.litamep.lcrgodamep.lcrgod = ""; this.model.lidgrp.blk.lcrgod = this.model.oldlidgrp.blk.lcrgod; // 值恢复,删除lcrgod的modify记录 this.resetLcrgodNotModified(); }) .catch(() => { //No的功能在这里写 this.model.litamep.lcrgodamep.modflg = ""; this.isLcrgodDisabled = true; this.isUsrblkDisabled = false; }); } else { this.isLcrgodDisabled = false; this.isUsrblkDisabled = true; } } else { // 如果blk.lcrgod的值被修改过,则给出reset提示 if (this.isLcrgodModified()) { this.$confirm("Do you really want to reset your manual modifications?", "提示", { confirmButtonText: "OK", cancelButtonText: "Cancel", type: "warning", showClose: false, }) .then(() => { //yes的执行在这里写,执行reset,将blk.lcrgod恢复到原值 this.model.litamep.lcrgodamep.modflg = ""; this.isLcrgodDisabled = true; this.isUsrblkDisabled = false; this.model.litamep.lcrgodamep.lcrgod = ""; this.model.lidgrp.blk.lcrgod = this.model.oldlidgrp.blk.lcrgod; // 值恢复,删除lcrgod的modify记录 this.resetLcrgodNotModified(); // 清空add/delete内容 this.model.godAddDelRep = ""; }) .catch(() => { //No的功能在这里写,不执行rest,将modflg的继续选中 this.model.litamep.lcrgodamep.modflg = "X"; }); } else { this.isLcrgodDisabled = true; this.isUsrblkDisabled = false; } } }, onModmanflgChange() { if (this.model.litamep.lcrgodamep.modmanflg == "X") { this.isLcrgodDisabled = false; this.isUsrblkDisabled = true; this.model.litamep.lcrgodamep.lcrgod = ""; this.tempLcrgod = this.model.lidgrp.blk.lcrgod; } else { if (this.tempLcrgod !== this.model.lidgrp.blk.lcrgod) { this.$confirm("Do you really want to reset your manual modifications?", "提示", { confirmButtonText: "OK", cancelButtonText: "Cancel", type: "warning", showClose: false, }) .then(() => { // 确认取消勾选 this.isLcrgodDisabled = true; this.isUsrblkDisabled = false; // 将blk的值还原成手动修改前的值 this.model.lidgrp.blk.lcrgod = this.tempLcrgod; }) .catch(() => { // 不取消勾选 this.model.litamep.lcrgodamep.modmanflg = "X"; }); } else { // 没做过手动修改 this.isLcrgodDisabled = true; this.isUsrblkDisabled = false; } } }, setLcrgodModified() { this.customAddModify(this.model.lidgrp.blk, "lcrgod"); }, resetLcrgodNotModified() { this.customRemoveModify(this.model.lidgrp.blk, "lcrgod"); }, isLcrgodModified() { if (!this.model.lidgrp.blk.modifySet) { return false; } else { if (this.model.lidgrp.blk.modifySet.includes("lcrgod")) { return true; } } return false; }, handleLcrgodChanged() { // 设置修改标记 this.setLcrgodModified(); let changedText = "*** Amendment " + this.model.litamep.amenbr + " Date:" + moment(new Date()).format("MM/DD/YY") + ":" + "\n"; if (this.model.litamep.lcrgodamep.modflg === "X") { changedText = changedText + "/REPALL/" + "\n"; } else { changedText = changedText + "Description of Goods changed as follows:"; } changedText = changedText + this.model.lidgrp.blk.lcrgod + "\n"; this.model.lidgrp.blk.lcrgodame = this.model.lidgrp.blk.lcrgodame + "\n" + changedText; }, }, }; </script> <style></style>