// Cookie
// https://github.com/MoeKit/cookie
// -------------
// Thanks to:
//  - http://www.nczonline.net/blog/2009/05/05/http-cookies-explained/
//  - http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/3/cookie/

const Cookie = {}

var decode = decodeURIComponent;
var encode = encodeURIComponent;

 * Returns the cookie value for the given name.
 * @param {String} name The name of the cookie to retrieve.
 * @param {Function|Object} options (Optional) An object containing one or
 *     more cookie options: raw (true/false) and converter (a function).
 *     The converter function is run on the value before returning it. The
 *     function is not used if the cookie doesn't exist. The function can be
 *     passed instead of the options object for conveniently. When raw is
 *     set to true, the cookie value is not URI decoded.
 * @return {*} If no converter is specified, returns a string or undefined
 *     if the cookie doesn't exist. If the converter is specified, returns
 *     the value returned from the converter.
Cookie.get = function (name, options) {

  if (typeof options === 'function') {
    options = {
      converter: options
  } else {
    options = options || {};

  var cookies = parseCookieString(document.cookie, !options['raw']);
  return (options.converter || same)(cookies[name]);

 * Sets a cookie with a given name and value.
 * @param {string} name The name of the cookie to set.
 * @param {*} value The value to set for the cookie.
 * @param {Object} options (Optional) An object containing one or more
 *     cookie options: path (a string), domain (a string),
 *     expires (number or a Date object), secure (true/false),
 *     and raw (true/false). Setting raw to true indicates that the cookie
 *     should not be URI encoded before being set.
 * @return {string} The created cookie string.

Cookie.set = function (name, value, options) {

  options = options || {};
  var expires = options['expires'];
  var domain = options['domain'];
  var path = options['path'];

  if (!options['raw']) {
    value = encode(String(value));

  var text = name + '=' + value;

  // expires
  var date = expires;
  if (typeof date === 'number') {
    date = new Date();
    date.setDate(date.getDate() + expires);
  if (date instanceof Date) {

    text += '; expires=' + date.toUTCString();

  // domain
  if (isNonEmptyString(domain)) {
    text += '; domain=' + domain;

  // path
  if (isNonEmptyString(path)) {
    text += '; path=' + path;

  // secure
  if (options['secure']) {
    text += '; secure';

  document.cookie = text;
  return text;

 * Removes a cookie from the machine by setting its expiration date to
 * sometime in the past.
 * @param {string} name The name of the cookie to remove.
 * @param {Object} options (Optional) An object containing one or more
 *     cookie options: path (a string), domain (a string),
 *     and secure (true/false). The expires option will be overwritten
 *     by the method.
 * @return {string} The created cookie string.
Cookie.remove = function (name, options) {
  options = options || {};
  options['expires'] = new Date(0);
  return this.set(name, '', options);

function parseCookieString(text, shouldDecode) {
  var cookies = {};

  if (isString(text) && text.length > 0) {

    var decodeValue = shouldDecode ? decode : same;
    var cookieParts = text.split(/;\s/g);
    var cookieName;
    var cookieValue;
    var cookieNameValue;

    for (var i = 0, len = cookieParts.length; i < len; i++) {

      // Check for normally-formatted cookie (name-value)
      cookieNameValue = cookieParts[i].match(/([^=]+)=/i);
      if (cookieNameValue instanceof Array) {
        try {
          cookieName = decode(cookieNameValue[1]);
          cookieValue = decodeValue(cookieParts[i]
            .substring(cookieNameValue[1].length + 1));
        } catch (ex) {
          // Intentionally ignore the cookie -
          // the encoding is wrong
      } else {
        // Means the cookie does not have an "=", so treat it as
        // a boolean flag
        cookieName = decode(cookieParts[i]);
        cookieValue = '';

      if (cookieName) {
        cookies[cookieName] = cookieValue;


  return cookies;

// Helpers

function isString(o) {
  return typeof o === 'string';

function isNonEmptyString(s) {
  return isString(s) && s !== '';

function validateCookieName(name) {
  if (!isNonEmptyString(name)) {
    throw new TypeError('Cookie name must be a non-empty string');

function same(s) {
  return s;

export default Cookie