<template> <div class="eibs"> <c-collapse v-model="activeNames"> <el-collapse-item title="Extend Usance" name="brteus"> <m-brteus :model="model" :codes="codes" /> </el-collapse-item> <el-collapse-item title="Liabilities" name="acceptlinep"> <m-acceptlinep ref="setp" :model="model" :codes="codes" @changeMatdat="changeMatdat" /> </el-collapse-item> <el-collapse-item title="Parties" name="ptyp"> <m-ptyp :model="model" :codes="codes" /> </el-collapse-item> </c-collapse> </div> </template> <script> import event from "../event"; import Brteus from "./BrteusPanel"; import Ptyp from "./Ptyp"; import AcceptLine from "~/components/business/engp/views/AcceptLine.vue"; import moment from "moment"; export default { components: { "m-brteus": Brteus, "m-ptyp": Ptyp, "m-acceptlinep": AcceptLine, }, inject: ["root"], props: ["model", "codes"], mixins: [event], data() { return { activeNames: ["brteus", "acceptlinep", "ptyp"], matdatChangeMap: {}, }; }, methods: { changeMatdat(liaallg) { console.log("liaallg", liaallg); let matdat = liaallg.matdat; let pteinr = liaallg.pteinr; let cur = liaallg.cur; let amt = Number(liaallg.oldamt).toFixed(2); if (matdat !== "") { if (this.model.modifySet && this.model.modifySet.includes("strinf")) { } else { let oldMatdat = this.root.oldMatdatMap.get(pteinr); if (oldMatdat !== matdat) { let olddat = moment(oldMatdat).format("DD.MMMM.yyyy"); let newdat = ""; if (matdat !== null && matdat !== "") { newdat = moment(matdat).format("DD.MMMM.yyyy"); } let str = "Maturity for " + cur + " " + amt + " has been changed from " + olddat + " to " + newdat + "\n"; // 将变化信息保存到matdatChangeArray中 this.matdatChangeMap.set(pteinr, str); } else { this.matdatChangeMap.delete(pteinr); } if (this.matdatChangeMap.size > 0) { let changeStr = ""; for (let val of this.matdatChangeMap.values()) { changeStr = changeStr + val; } this.model.strinf = changeStr + this.root.oldStrinf; } else { this.model.strinf = this.root.oldStrinf; } } this.model.brdgrp.rec.matdat = matdat; let matDate = new Date(this.model.brdgrp.rec.matdat); this.model.brdgrp.rec.stadat = matDate.setDate(matDate.getDate() - Number(this.model.brdgrp.rec.tenmaxday)); } }, }, created: function () { this.matdatChangeMap = new Map(); }, }; </script> <style></style>