import Pub from '~/components/business/commonModel/index.js'; import Pts from '~/components/business/commonModel/Pts.js'; import Bfdgrp from "~/components/business/commonModel/Bfdgrp"; export default class Bftset { constructor() { = { bfdgrp: new Bfdgrp().data.bfdgrp, bftp: { recget: { sdamod: { seainf: "", // .bftp.recget.sdamod.seainf dadsnd: "", // Drag Drop Sender .bftp.recget.sdamod.dadsnd }, }, fidget: { sdamod: { seainf: "", // .bftp.fidget.sdamod.seainf dadsnd: "", // Drag Drop Sender .bftp.fidget.sdamod.dadsnd }, }, lrdget: { sdamod: { seainf: "", // .bftp.lrdget.sdamod.seainf dadsnd: "", // Drag Drop Sender .bftp.lrdget.sdamod.dadsnd }, }, fiap: { ptsget: { sdamod: { dadsnd: "", // Drag Drop Sender .bftp.fiap.ptsget.sdamod.dadsnd seainf: "", // .bftp.fiap.ptsget.sdamod.seainf }, }, }, usrget: { sdamod: { seainf: "", // .bftp.usrget.sdamod.seainf }, }, usr: { extkey: "", // Responsible User .bftp.usr.extkey }, invp: { ptsget: { sdamod: { dadsnd: "", // Drag Drop Sender .bftp.invp.ptsget.sdamod.dadsnd seainf: "", // .bftp.invp.ptsget.sdamod.seainf }, }, }, }, lrdgrp: { rec: { ownref: "", // Credit Reference .lrdgrp.rec.ownref nam: "", // Externally Displayed Name to Identify the Contract .lrdgrp.rec.nam }, }, amt: "", // Net Proceeds .amt latcre: { crefinflg: "", // Create Financing .latcre.crefinflg latp: { ratlabel: "", // 利率标签 .latcre.latp.ratlabel recget: { sdamod: { seainf: "", // .latcre.latp.recget.sdamod.seainf dadsnd: "", // Drag Drop Sender .latcre.latp.recget.sdamod.dadsnd }, }, usr: { extkey: "", // Responsible User .latcre.latp.usr.extkey }, usrget: { sdamod: { seainf: "", // .latcre.latp.usrget.sdamod.seainf }, }, fiap: { ptsget: { sdamod: { dadsnd: "", // Drag Drop Sender .latcre.latp.fiap.ptsget.sdamod.dadsnd seainf: "", // .latcre.latp.fiap.ptsget.sdamod.seainf }, }, }, }, }, mtabut: { coninf: { oitinf: { labinftxt: "", // Label for INFTXT .mtabut.coninf.oitinf.labinftxt oit: { inftxt: "", // Infotext .mtabut.coninf.oitinf.oit.inftxt inflev: "", // Infotext Level .mtabut.coninf.oitinf.oit.inflev }, }, oitset: { labinftxt: "", // Label for INFTXT .mtabut.coninf.oitset.labinftxt oit: { inftxt: "", // Infotext .mtabut.coninf.oitset.oit.inftxt inflev: "", // Infotext Level .mtabut.coninf.oitset.oit.inflev }, }, conexedat: "", // 执行日期 .mtabut.coninf.conexedat usr: { extkey: "", // User ID .mtabut.coninf.usr.extkey }, contag72his: "", // Historic content of TAG 72 .mtabut.coninf.contag72his contag72: "", // Current content of TAG 72 .mtabut.coninf.contag72 contag79his: "", // Historic content of TAG 79 .mtabut.coninf.contag79his contag79: "", // Current content of TAG 79 .mtabut.coninf.contag79 }, }, trnmod: { trndoc: { doclbl: "", // Lable for CONDOCSTM .trnmod.trndoc.doclbl doctrestm: "", // Document tree .trnmod.trndoc.doctrestm shwinc: "", // Show Incoming Messages .trnmod.trndoc.shwinc shwout: "", // Show Outgoing Messages .trnmod.trndoc.shwout condocstm: "", // Connected Documents .trnmod.trndoc.condocstm rcvatt: { seainf: "", // .trnmod.trndoc.rcvatt.seainf }, filrecv: "", // File Receiver .trnmod.trndoc.filrecv dtemod: { dtetagm06: "", // Information about Confirmation Instruction .trnmod.trndoc.dtemod.dtetagm06 dtetagm07: "", // Notes from Advising Bank .trnmod.trndoc.dtemod.dtetagm07 dtetagm08: "", // Fee of Advising Bank .trnmod.trndoc.dtemod.dtetagm08 dtetagm53typ: "", // Document Sending Type .trnmod.trndoc.dtemod.dtetagm53typ dtetagm53nam: "", // Courier Name .trnmod.trndoc.dtemod.dtetagm53nam dtetagm53num: "", // Courier Number .trnmod.trndoc.dtemod.dtetagm53num }, }, cmimod: { cmigrp: { cmi: { prjnam: "", // 项目名称 .trnmod.cmimod.cmigrp.cmi.prjnam cntnum: "", // 商务合同号 .trnmod.cmimod.cmigrp.cmi.cntnum depnub: "", // 协议号 .trnmod.cmimod.cmigrp.cmi.depnub cmdpsn: "", // 推荐人1 .trnmod.cmimod.cmigrp.cmi.cmdpsn stacty: "", // 交易对手国别 .trnmod.cmimod.cmigrp.cmi.stacty cmdpep: "", // 推荐单位1 .trnmod.cmimod.cmigrp.cmi.cmdpep cmdtwo: "", // 推荐单位2 .trnmod.cmimod.cmigrp.cmi.cmdtwo cmdpep1: "", // 二级部门 .trnmod.cmimod.cmigrp.cmi.cmdpep1 cmdtwo1: "", // 推荐单位2的二级部门 .trnmod.cmimod.cmigrp.cmi.cmdtwo1 inonum: "", // 发票号 .trnmod.cmimod.cmigrp.cmi.inonum crdprd: "", // 信贷资产类型 .trnmod.cmimod.cmigrp.cmi.crdprd detail: "", // 具体类别 .trnmod.cmimod.cmigrp.cmi.detail inntrn: "", // 创新业务类型 .trnmod.cmimod.cmigrp.cmi.inntrn usdamt: "", // 商务合同折美元 .trnmod.cmimod.cmigrp.cmi.usdamt brncod: "", // 支农投向 .trnmod.cmimod.cmigrp.cmi.brncod rattyp: "", // 利率方式 .trnmod.cmimod.cmigrp.cmi.rattyp ratlev: "", // 利率基准 .trnmod.cmimod.cmigrp.cmi.ratlev yesorno: "", // 是否421 .trnmod.cmimod.cmigrp.cmi.yesorno loan: "", // 贷款投向大类 fincod: "", // 贷款投向小类 .trnmod.cmimod.cmigrp.cmi.fincod cmdpsn1: "", // 推荐人2 .trnmod.cmimod.cmigrp.cmi.cmdpsn1 icuflg: "", // 是否有保险公司承保 .trnmod.cmimod.cmigrp.cmi.icuflg }, }, kjdgrp: { kjd: { kjdflg: "", // 跨境人民币业务标识 .trnmod.cmimod.kjdgrp.kjd.kjdflg }, }, }, }, setmod: { docamttyplab: "", // settled amount description as label .setmod.docamttyplab retmsg: "", // Label showing Retry overflow condition .setmod.retmsg ref: "", // our reference .setmod.ref doccur: "", // document currency .setmod.doccur docamt: "", // document amount .setmod.docamt setglg: { labdspflg: "", // Label for Type of Settlement .setmod.setglg.labdspflg accsndflg: "", // 转'提款 .setmod.setglg.accsndflg }, }, liaall: { contrc: { contxt: "", // Contract .liaall.contrc.contxt }, liaccv: { concur: "", // Reserved Amount .liaall.liaccv.concur newamt: "", // Contract Amount .liaall.liaccv.newamt newresamt: "", // Reserved Amount .liaall.liaccv.newresamt }, liacrp: { ifcred: "", // 此项业务是否涉及代理行额度 .liaall.liacrp.ifcred }, }, ladgrp: { rec: { pntref: "", // Parent Contract .ladgrp.rec.pntref pntnam: "", // Parent Contract Name .ladgrp.rec.pntnam ownref: "", // Finance Reference .ladgrp.rec.ownref nam: "", // Name of LAD contract .ladgrp.rec.nam fintyp: "", // 类型 .ladgrp.rec.fintyp pctfin: "", // 比例 .ladgrp.rec.pctfin opndat: "", // 经办日期 .ladgrp.rec.opndat rat: "", // 适用利率 .ladgrp.rec.rat buscur: "", // 业务金额 .ladgrp.rec.buscur busamt: "", // Business amount .ladgrp.rec.busamt }, cbs: { max: { cur: "", // 垫款/逾期金额 amt: "", // 垫款/逾期金额 }, }, fia: { pts: new Pts().data, dbfadrblkcn: "", // Chinese address .ladgrp.fia.dbfadrblkcn }, }, setmod: new Pub().data.Setmod, docpan: new Pub().data.Docpan, } } }