import Pts from '~/components/business/commonModel/Pts';
import Pub from '~/components/business/commonModel/index.js';

export default class Getfre {
    constructor() { = {
            gitp0: {
                explab: "",			//  Label unlimited Validity		.gitp0.explab
                lialab: "",			//  Label unlimited lLability		.gitp0.lialab
                aplmullab: "",			//  Label, that is set, if there are multiple applicants		.gitp0.aplmullab
                expfldlab: "",			//  Label for Field Validity		.gitp0.expfldlab
                liafldlab: "",			//  Label for Field Lability		.gitp0.liafldlab
                recget: {
                    sdamod: {
                        seainf: "",			//  		.gitp0.recget.sdamod.seainf
                        dadsnd: "",			//  Drag  Drop Sender		.gitp0.recget.sdamod.dadsnd
            gidgrp: {
                rec: {
                    inr: "",
                    ownref: "",			//  Reference		.gidgrp.rec.ownref
                    nam: "",			//  Externally Displayed Name to Identify the Contract		.gidgrp.rec.nam
                    hndtyp: "",			//  Handling Type		.gidgrp.rec.hndtyp
                    gartyp: "",			//  Type of Undertaking		.gidgrp.rec.gartyp
                    expdat: "",			//  Valid until		.gidgrp.rec.expdat
                    liadat: "",			//  Liability until		.gidgrp.rec.liadat
                    branchinr: "",
                    stacty: "",
                    giduil: "",
                cbs: {
                    max: {
                        cur: "",			//  Currency
                        amt: "",			//  Balance
                    opn1: {
                        cur: "",			//  Currency
                        amt: "",			//  Balance
								apl: {
									pts: new Pts().data,
								ben: {
									pts: new Pts().data,
								ctr: {
									pts: new Pts().data,
								iss: {
									pts: new Pts().data,
								atb: {
									pts: new Pts().data,
								adv: {
									pts: new Pts().data,
								at2: {
									pts: new Pts().data,
								avb: {
									pts: new Pts().data,
								bec: {
									pts: new Pts().data,
								oth: {
									pts: new Pts().data,
								apc: {
									pts: new Pts().data,
								con: {
									pts: new Pts().data,
                blk: {
                    revtxt: "",			//  Declaration of Indemnity Text		.gidgrp.blk.revtxt
            fremsg: {
                reldatlab: "",			//  label for date		.fremsg.reldatlab
                strinflab: "",			//  label for tag 79		.fremsg.strinflab
                sndmt: "",			//  发报类型		.fremsg.sndmt
                fulmt: "",			//  报文类型		.fremsg.fulmt
                prttitle: "",			//  标题		.fremsg.prttitle
                relmt: "",			//  相关报文		.fremsg.relmt
                reldat: "",			//  from		.fremsg.reldat
                reldir: "",			//  relevant message sent/received		.fremsg.reldir
                strinf: "",			//  Narrative		.fremsg.strinf
                tag20lab: "",			//  MT799 tag20		.fremsg.tag20lab
                tag20ref: "",			//  tag 20 Ref.		.fremsg.tag20ref
                flg: "",			//  FLG FOR GITFRE		.fremsg.flg
                msgrol: "",			//  收报行		.fremsg.msgrol
								ccrol: "",			//  副本的收报行		.fremsg.ccrol
								msgrolSet: [],
                othmsg: {
                    pts: new Pts().data,
                    namelc: "",			//  名称		.fremsg.othmsg.namelc
                    adrelc: "",			//  地址		.fremsg.othmsg.adrelc
                    dbfadrblkcn: "",			//  Chinese address		.fremsg.othmsg.dbfadrblkcn
                othmsgp: {
                    ptsget: {
                        sdamod: {
                            seainf: "",			//  		.fremsg.othmsgp.ptsget.sdamod.seainf
                            dadsnd: "",		//  Drag  Drop Sender		.fremsg.othmsgp.ptsget.sdamod.dadsnd
                othcc: {
                    pts: new Pts().data,
                    namelc: "",			//  名称		.fremsg.othcc.namelc
                    adrelc: "",			//  地址		.fremsg.othcc.adrelc
                    dbfadrblkcn: "",			//  Chinese address		.fremsg.othcc.dbfadrblkcn
                othccp: {
                    ptsget: {
                        sdamod: {
                            seainf: "",			//  		.fremsg.othccp.ptsget.sdamod.seainf
                            dadsnd: "",			//  Drag  Drop Sender		.fremsg.othccp.ptsget.sdamod.dadsnd
                tag22d: "",			//  Form of Undertaking		.fremsg.tag22d
                tag23: "",			//  Undertaking Number		.fremsg.tag23
                issrol: "",			//  Issuer of Undertak.		.fremsg.issrol
                iss: {
                    pts: new Pts().data,
                    namelc: "",			//  名称		.fremsg.iss.namelc
                    adrelc: "",			//  地址		.fremsg.iss.adrelc
                    dbfadrblkcn: "",			//  Chinese address		.fremsg.iss.dbfadrblkcn
                issp: {
                    ptsget: {
                        sdamod: {
                            seainf: "",			//  		.fremsg.issp.ptsget.sdamod.seainf
                            dadsnd: "",			//  Drag  Drop Sender		.fremsg.issp.ptsget.sdamod.dadsnd
                tag23h: "",			//  Function		.fremsg.tag23h
                tag45d: "",			//  Details of Request		.fremsg.tag45d
                det: "",			//  Query/ Answer		.fremsg.det
                tag77a: "",			//  Narrative (77A)		.fremsg.tag77a
						swiadd: new Pub().data.Trnmod.swiadd,
            pageId: "",		// ctx的key
            setmod: new Pub().data.Setmod,
            mtabut: new Pub().data.Mtabut,
            trnmod: new Pub().data.Trnmod,
            liaall: new Pub().data.Liaall,
            liaccv: new Pub().data.Liaccv,
            docpan: new Pub().data.Docpan,
            doctre: new Pub().data.Doctre,
            trndia: new Pub().data.Trndia,