export default class Infgid { constructor() { this.data = { dbCodes:{ gidfromflg:[], gidgartyp:[], gidhndtyp:[], purpos:[], fenlishi:[], }, seaownref: '', // Own Reference .infcon.ownref 保函编号 nam: '', // Name .infcon.nam searef: '', // Party Reference .infcon.searef relflg: '', // Release Status .infcon.relflg hndtyp: '', // Handling Type .infcon.hndtyp hndtyps:['OL','OT','OC'], //保函开立登记薄,默认查询hndtyp为这三个值的数据 ptyExtkey: '', // select Single Party .infcon.pty.extkey ptyNam: '', // Party Name .infcon.pty.nam seapty: '', // Party Name/BIC .infcon.seapty searol: '', // Role .infcon.searol opndatfrom: new Date((new Date).getTime() - (7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)), // Opening between .infcon.opndatfrom opndatto: new Date(), // Open Date to .infcon.opndatto expdat:'', //到期日 clsdat:'', //注销日期 seasta: '',//Status .infcon.seasta seacur: '', // Currency .infcon.seacur seaamtfr: '', //金额起始范围 seaamtto: '', //金额终止范围 seaamt:'', seapurpos: '', //Purpose of Mess. fromflg: '', // 电子渠道类型 .fromflg fenlishi: '', // 是否分离式保函 .fenlishi isfenlishi:'',//是否分离式复选框 seagtyp: '', // Undertaking Type .seagtyp cmtflg: '', //跨境人民币保函 .cmtflg fingua: '', // 对外担保 finfingua:'', //融资性对外担保 grtnam: '', //被保证人名称 branch:'',//交易机构号 isauthorize:'', gidopentyps:[], isClaim:'', ptytyp:'', isGuarantee:'',//保函开立通知 column:'',//排序字段 order:'',//正序倒序 } } }