<template> <div class="eibs-tab"> <c-col :span="24"> <c-col :span="12" style="padding-right: 20px"> <!-- S0000312 : Discrepancies --> <c-col :span="24"> <c-ptap-commons :cols="50" :rows="70" :minRows="8" :maxRows="8" :model="model" :extCodes="['btdgrp','blk']" lastModel="docdis" disabledButton title="Discrepancies"> </c-ptap-commons> </c-col> <!-- S0000313 : Internal Discrepancies --> <c-col :span="24"> <c-ptap-commons :cols="65" :rows="20" :minRows="8" :maxRows="8" :model="model" :extCodes="['btdgrp','blk']" lastModel="intdis" disabledButton title="Internal Discrepancies"> </c-ptap-commons> </c-col> <!-- S0000314 : Comments and Conclusions --> <c-col :span="24"> <c-ptap-commons :cols="65" :rows="10" :minRows="8" :maxRows="8" :model="model" :extCodes="['btdgrp','blk']" lastModel="comcon" disabledButton title="Comments and Conclusions"> </c-ptap-commons> </c-col> <!-- S0000311 : Settlement instructions for this Document Set --> <c-col :span="24"> <c-ptap-commons :cols="65" :rows="20" :minRows="8" :maxRows="8" :model="model" :extCodes="['btdgrp','blk']" lastModel="setinsbt" disabledButton title="Settlement Instructions for this Document"> </c-ptap-commons> </c-col> </c-col> <!-- ==================右边================ --> <c-col :span="12" style="padding-left: 20px"> <!-- S0000317 : Discrepancies modified --> <c-col :span="24"> <el-form-item class="checkbox-left"> <c-checkbox v-model="model.btdgrp.blk.docdisflg" disabled>{{$t('Discrepancies modified')}}</c-checkbox> </el-form-item> </c-col> <!-- S0000317 : Further Handling --> <c-col :span="24"> <el-form-item label="Further Handling" prop="bttp.futhndflg"> <c-select v-model="model.bttp.futhndflg" style="width:100%" dbCode="FUTHND" disabled > </c-select> </el-form-item> </c-col> <!-- S0000316 : Document Set Status --> <c-col :span="24"> <el-form-item label="Document Set Status" prop="btdgrp.rec.docsta"> <c-select v-model="model.btdgrp.rec.docsta" maxlength="65" disabled dbCode="stadoc" ></c-select> </el-form-item> </c-col> <!--TODO 需添加组件信息--> <c-col :span="24"> <!-- <span> Doucments presented by 1st Beneficiary</span> <span v-text="model.bttp.docgrdmbe1.docdsclab" data-path=".bttp.docgrdmbe1.docdsclab"> </span>--> <el-form-item label="Doucments presented by 1st Beneficiary" > <c-istream-table ref="table" :columns="doc1stBen.columns" :showSelection="true" prop="" > </c-istream-table> </el-form-item> </c-col> <c-col :span="24"> <!-- <span> Doucments presented by 2nd Beneficiary</span> <span v-text="model.bttp.docgrdmbe2.docdsclab" data-path=".bttp.docgrdmbe2.docdsclab"> </span>--> <el-form-item label="Doucments presented by 2nd Beneficiary" > <c-istream-table ref="table" :columns="doc2ndBen.columns" :showSelection="true" prop="" > </c-istream-table> </el-form-item> </c-col> </c-col> </c-col> </div> </template> <script> import event from "../event"; export default { inject: ['root'], props:["model","codes"], mixins: [event], data(){ return { doc1stBen: { columns: [ '1 1 "1st" ', '2 2 "2nd" ', '3 3 "Document" ', ], data: [], }, doc2ndBen: { columns: [ '1 1 "1st" ', '2 2 "2nd" ', '3 3 "Document" ', ], data: [], }, } }, methods:{}, created:function(){ } } </script> <style> </style>