import Api from "~/service/Api"
import Pts from '~/components/business/commonModel/Pts';
import Pub from '~/components/business/commonModel/index.js';

export default class Nitppl {
  constructor() { = {
      nidgrp: {
        rec: {
          ver: "",
          inr: "",
          branchinr: "",
          ownref: "",			//  Reference		.nidgrp.rec.ownref
          nam: "",			//  Externally Displayed Name to Identify the Contract		.nidgrp.rec.nam
          gartyp: "",			//  Type of Undertaking		.nidgrp.rec.gartyp
          opndat: "",
          expdat: "",			//  Valid until		.nidgrp.rec.expdat
          liadat: "",			//  Liability until		.nidgrp.rec.liadat
          purpos: "",
          exptyp: "",
          liatypc: "",
          hndtyp: "",
          fingua: "",
          segtyp: "",
          fromflg: "",
          sndto: "",
          giduil: "",
          revflg: "",
					cnfsta: "",
					projnam: "",
        cbs: {
          max: {
            cur: "",			//  Currency
            amt: "",			//  Balance
          opn1: {
            cur: "",			//  Currency
            amt: "",			//  Balance
        /* apl:{
          pts:new Pts().data,
          pts:new Pts().data,
        ctr: {
          pts: new Pts().data,
        iss: {
          pts: new Pts().data,
        apl: {
          pts: new Pts().data,
          namelc: "",			//  名称		.nidgrp.apl.namelc
          adrelc: "",			//  地址		.nidgrp.apl.adrelc
          dbfadrblkcn: "",			//  Chinese address		.nidgrp.apl.dbfadrblkcn
        ben: {
          pts: new Pts().data,
          namelc: "",			//  名称		.nidgrp.ben.namelc
          adrelc: "",			//  地址		.nidgrp.ben.adrelc
          dbfadrblkcn: "",			//  Chinese address		.nidgrp.ben.dbfadrblkcn
        blk: {
          gartyptxtin: "",			//  Specification of Type of Undertaking - Counter Undertaking		.nidgrp.blk.gartyptxtin
          apprul: "",			//  Applicable Rules		.nidgrp.blk.apprul
          apprultxt: "",			//  Applicable Rules		.nidgrp.blk.apprultxt
          exptxt: "",			//  Expiry Condition/ Evt.		.nidgrp.blk.exptxt
          atxexptxt: "",			//  Expiry Condition/ Evt.		.nidgrp.blk.atxexptxt
          liatxtc: "",			//  Liability Condition		.nidgrp.blk.liatxtc
          atxliatxtc: "",			//  Liability Condition		.nidgrp.blk.atxliatxtc
          deltoadr: "",			//  Delivery to Address		.nidgrp.blk.deltoadr
          preper: "",			//  Presentation Instr.		.nidgrp.blk.preper
          atxpreper: "",			//  Presentation Instr.		.nidgrp.blk.atxpreper
          trfcond: "",			//  Transfer Conditions		.nidgrp.blk.trfcond
          feetxt: "",			//  Additional Details to Code for Charges		.nidgrp.blk.feetxt
          gidtxt: "",			//  Guarantee Text		.nidgrp.blk.gidtxt
          gtxgidtxt: "",			//  Guarantee Text with Variables		.nidgrp.blk.gtxgidtxt
          gartyptxtc: "",			//  Undertaking Type 		.nidgrp.blk.gartyptxtc
          apprulc: "",			//  Applicable Rules		.nidgrp.blk.apprulc
          apprultxtc: "",			//  Applicable Rules		.nidgrp.blk.apprultxtc
          deltoadrc: "",			//  Delivery to Address		.nidgrp.blk.deltoadrc
          preperc: "",			//  Presentation Instr. 		.nidgrp.blk.preperc
          atxpreperc: "",			//  Presentation Instr. 		.nidgrp.blk.atxpreperc
          trfcondc: "",			//  Transfer Conditions		.nidgrp.blk.trfcondc
          feetxtc: "",			//  Additional Details to Code for Charges		.nidgrp.blk.feetxtc
          covgodsrvc: "",			//  Object of Contract - Local Undertaking Seq. C		.nidgrp.blk.covgodsrvc
          orcplcc: "",			//  Original Contract Place - Local Undertaking Seq. C		.nidgrp.blk.orcplcc
          addinfc: "",			//  Additional Info - Local Undertaking Seq. C		.nidgrp.blk.addinfc
          atxcovgodsrvc: "",			//  Underly. Transact. Det.		.nidgrp.blk.atxcovgodsrvc
          gidtxtc: "",			//  Guarantee Text  local undertaking		.nidgrp.blk.gidtxtc
          gtxgidtxtc: "",			//  Guarantee Text with Variables - Counter Undertaking		.nidgrp.blk.gtxgidtxtc
          addamtcovc: "",			//  Covered		.nidgrp.blk.addamtcovc
          covgodsrv: "",			//  Object of Contract		.nidgrp.blk.covgodsrv
          orcplc: "",			//  Original Contract Place		.nidgrp.blk.orcplc
          addinf: "",			//  Additional Info		.nidgrp.blk.addinf
          atxcovgodsrv: "",			//  Underly. Transact. Det.		.nidgrp.blk.atxcovgodsrv
          gidtxtame: "",			//  Amendments so Far		.nidgrp.blk.gidtxtame
          addamtcovs20: ""			//Additional Amount .nidgrp.blk.addamtcovs20
      chgdat: new Date(),			//  Change Date Booking		.chgdat
      chgamt: "",			//  Change Amount		.chgamt
      setmod: new Pub().data.Setmod,
      mtabut: new Pub().data.Mtabut,
      trnmod: new Pub().data.Trnmod,
      liaall: new Pub().data.Liaall,
      limmod: new Pub().data.Limmod,
      liaccv: new Pub().data.Liaccv,
      docpan: new Pub().data.Docpan,
      doctre: new Pub().data.Doctre,
			trndia: new Pub().data.Trndia,
			cfagit: new Pub().data.Cfagit