import Pub from "~/components/business/commonModel/index.js";
import Lidgrp from "~/components/business/commonModel/lidgrp";
import Litp from "~/components/business/commonModel/litp";
export default class Litdla {
  constructor() { = {
      lidgrp: new Lidgrp().data,
      decstm: "", //  Decrease limits stream		.decstm
      amenbr: "", //  Amendment No.		.amenbr
      amedat: "", //  Amount Amend Date		.amedat
      amecur: "", //  Amount Amend Cur		.amecur
      ameflg: "", //  是否接受此笔减额修改		.ameflg
      reduceamt: "", //  修改金额		.reduceamt
      actameamt: "", // 实际修改金额
      ameamt: "",
      ameaddamt: "",
      litamep: {
        lcrdocamep: {
          modflg: "",
          modmanflg: "",
          usrblk: "",
          lcrdoc: "",
        spcbenamep: {
          modflg: "",
          modmanflg: "",
          usrblk: "",
          spcben: "",
        spcrcbamep: {
          modflg: "",
          modmanflg: "",
          usrblk: "",
          spcrcb: "",
        lcrgodamep: {
          modflg: "",
          modmanflg: "",
          usrblk: "",
          lcrgod: "",
        adlcndamep: {
          modflg: "",
          modmanflg: "",
          usrblk: "",
          adlcnd: "",

        ramrollab: "", //  Label for RAMROL		.litamep.ramrollab
        engcur: "", //  修改总金额		.litamep.engcur
        engamt: "", //  修改总金额		.litamep.engamt
        maxcur: "", //  Currency of Maximum Amount		.litamep.maxcur
        maxamt: "", //  New Maximum Amount		.litamep.maxamt
        cre707flg: "", //  Create Amendment Message		.litamep.cre707flg
        ramrol: "", //  Request of Amendment send to		.litamep.ramrol
        amenbr: "", //  实际修改次数		.litamep.amenbr
      oldlidgrp: new Lidgrp().data,
      litp: new Litp().data,
      swiadd: {
        trnchato: "",
        newnomtop: "0",
        purpos: "",
        amedat: "",
        addamtcov: "",
        newnomton: "0",
        prepers18: "",
        amenbr: "",
        nartxt: "",
        addamt: "",
        amecur: "",
        newshpdat: "",
        newamt: "",
        newexpdat: "",
        trnfeetxt: "",
        ameamt: "",
        newcur: "",
        prepertxts18: "",
        nomspc: "",
        reqcan: "",
        addamtflg: "",
        opn2amt: "",
        payeecountcode: "",
      decstmList: [],
      setmod: new Pub().data.Setmod,
      mtabut: new Pub().data.Mtabut,
      trnmod: new Pub().data.Trnmod,
      liaall: new Pub().data.Liaall,
      liaccv: new Pub().data.Liaccv,
      docpan: new Pub().data.Docpan,
      limmod: new Pub().data.Limmod,
      rmbbop: new Pub().data.Rmbbop,
      trndia: new Pub().data.Trndia,