import Api from "~/service/Api" import Pts from '~/components/business/commonModel/Pts'; import Pub from '~/components/business/commonModel/index.js'; export default class Hitpca { constructor() { = { nitp0: { explab: "", // Label unlimited Validity .nitp0.explab lialab: "", // Label unlimited lLability .nitp0.lialab aplmullab: "", // Label, that is set, if there are multiple applicants .nitp0.aplmullab expfldlab: "", // Label for Field Validity .nitp0.expfldlab liafldlab: "", // Label for Field Lability .nitp0.liafldlab recget: { sdamod: { seainf: "", // .nitp0.recget.sdamod.seainf dadsnd: "", // Drag Drop Sender .nitp0.recget.sdamod.dadsnd }, }, }, nidgrp: { rec: { purcan: "", // Reason of Cancelation .nidgrp.rec.purcan purposin: "", redamt:"", branchinr: '', inr: '', ver:'', ownref: '', // Reference .nidgrp.rec.ownref ownusr: '',//业务负责人 etyextkey:"",// grtnam:"", needcuscomopn: '',//需客户确认 .nidgrp.rec.needcuscomopn grtjuscod: '',//被保证人社会统一信用代码/组织机构代码.nidgrp.rec.grtjuscod hndtyp: '', // Handling Type .nidgrp.rec.hndtyp gartyp: '', // Type of Undertaking .nidgrp.rec.gartyp legfrm: '', // Form of Undertaking .nidgrp.rec.legfrm demand: '', // Demand Indicator .nidgrp.rec.demand fingua: '', // 是否对外担保 .nidgrp.rec.fingua cfaguatyp: '', // 对外担保类型 .nidgrp.rec.cfaguatyp cmtflg: '', // 跨境人民币保函 .nidgrp.rec.cmtflg giduil: '', // Language of Undertak. .nidgrp.rec.giduil vrfdat: '', // 核销日期 .nidgrp.rec.vrfdat gtxinr: '', // Choice of Text .nidgrp.rec.gtxinr fenlishi: '', // 是否分离式保函 .nidgrp.rec.fenlishi atxinr: '', // Choice of Text .nidgrp.rec.atxinr orddat: '', // Order Date .nidgrp.rec.orddat expflg: '', // Unlimited Guarantee .nidgrp.rec.expflg expdat: '', // Valid until .nidgrp.rec.expdat liaflg: '', // Unlimited Liability .nidgrp.rec.liaflg liadat: '', // Our Liability until .nidgrp.rec.liadat inudat: '', // Inure Date .nidgrp.rec.inudat nam: '', // Name .nidgrp.rec.nam liatxtc: '', // Liability Condition .nidgrp.blk.liatxtc delori: '', // Delivery of Undertak. .nidgrp.rec.delori deloritxt: '', // Delivery of Undertak. .nidgrp.rec.deloritxt sndto: '', // Undertaking Send to .nidgrp.rec.sndto delto: '', // Deliv. To/Collection By .nidgrp.rec.delto chato: '', // Own Charges Borne by .nidgrp.rec.chato credat:"",//创建日期 opndat: "",// 开立日期 opndatc: "", opnsta: "",//开立状态 amesta: "",//修改状态 cansta: "",//撤销状态 oldamt: "",//原保函金额 olddat: "",//原到期日期 opntrninr: "", orcref: '', // Contract Reference .nidgrp.rec.orcref orcdat: '', // Date from Original Contract .nidgrp.rec.orcdat tenclsdat: '', // Closing Date .nidgrp.rec.tenclsdat orccur: '', // Contract Amount .nidgrp.rec.orccur orcamt: '0.00', // Contract Amount .nidgrp.rec.orcamt acc: '', // A/c for Adv. Paym. Guar. .nidgrp.rec.acc jurlaws20: '', // Governing Law .nidgrp.rec.jurlaws20 jurlaw: '', // Law of Jurisdiction .nidgrp.rec.jurlaw tenref: '', // Tender Reference .nidgrp.rec.tenref tendat: '', // Tender Date .nidgrp.rec.tendat trmdat: '', // Latest Transmiss. Date .nidgrp.rec.trmdat mannum: '', // 手册号码 .nidgrp.rec.mannum bngcod: '', // 企业海关编码 .nidgrp.rec.bngcod juscod: '', // 组织机构代码 .nidgrp.rec.juscod cunqii: '', // 流动资金贷款利率档次 .nidgrp.rec.cunqii bilvvv: 0, // 上浮比率 .nidgrp.rec.bilvvv jurplc: '', // Place of Jurisdiction .nidgrp.rec.jurplc reccnfdet: '', // Confirm. Instr. .nidgrp.rec.reccnfdet cnfdet: '', cnfsta: '', // Confirmation Status .nidgrp.rec.cnfsta partcon: 0, // Partial Confirmation .nidgrp.rec.partcon cnfdat: '', // Confirmation Date .nidgrp.rec.cnfdat exptyp: '', // Expiry Type .nidgrp.rec.exptyp cxmflg: '', // 是否显示查询码 .nidgrp.nidcxm.cxmflg bennam: '', // 受益人名称 .nidgrp.nidcxm.benefi segtyp: '', // 特殊保函类型 .nidgrp.ghd.segtyp bustyp: '', // 业务类型 .nidgrp.ghd.bustyp remark: '', // 备注 .nidgrp.ghd.remark aplnam: '', //申请人名称.nidgrp.nid.aplnam idcode: '', //统一社会信用代码.nidgrp.nid.idcode gidtxtmodflg: '',//修改保函文本 purpos: "", amenbr: "", flwsta: "", zsjzts: '', //追索截止天数.nidgrp.nid.zsjzts bdbdbr: '', //被担保人法定代表人.nidgrp.nid.bdbdbr bdbrdz: '', //被担保人地址.nidgrp.nid.bdbrdz bdbrdh: '', //被担保人联系电话.nidgrp.nid.bdbrdh dbyhmc: '', //担保银行名称.nidgrp.nid.dbyhmc dbyhdb: '', //担保银行法定代表人.nidgrp.nid.dbyhdb dbyhdz: '', //担保银行地址.nidgrp.nid.dbyhdz dbyhdh: '', //担保银行联系电话.nidgrp.nid.dbyhdh sqrdbr: '', //申请人法定代表人.nidgrp.nid.sqrdbr sqradr: '', //申请人地址.nidgrp.nid.sqradr sqrtel: '', //申请人联系电话.nidgrp.nid.sqrtel beyzd1: '', //索偿付款账号.nidgrp.nid.beyzd1 beyzd2: '', //备用字段2.nidgrp.nid.beyzd2 beyzd3: '', //备用字段3.nidgrp.nid.beyzd3 beyzd4: '', //备用字段4.nidgrp.nid.beyzd4 beyzd5: '', //备用字段5.nidgrp.nid.beyzd5 beyzd6: '', //备用字段6.nidgrp.nid.beyzd6 ptyhgq: '', //多个受益海关.nidgrp.nid.ptyhgq ptyhsx: '', //已经生效的受益海关.nidgrp.nid.ptyhsx bdbrmc: '', //被担保人名称.nidgrp.nid.bdbrmc sqqydm: '', //申请人企业代码.nidgrp.nid.sqqydm sqrnam: '', //申请人名称.nidgrp.nid.sqrnam sqqyhg: '', //申请人企业海关注册编码.nidgrp.nid.sqqyhg projnam: '', }, blk: { gartyptxtin: "", // Specification of Type of Undertaking - Counter Undertaking .nidgrp.blk.gartyptxtin apprul: "", // Applicable Rules .nidgrp.blk.apprul apprultxt: "", // Applicable Rules .nidgrp.blk.apprultxt exptxt: "", // Expiry Condition/ Evt. .nidgrp.blk.exptxt atxexptxt: "", // Expiry Condition/ Evt. .nidgrp.blk.atxexptxt liatxtc: "", // Liability Condition .nidgrp.blk.liatxtc atxliatxtc: "", // Liability Condition .nidgrp.blk.atxliatxtc deltoadr: "", // Delivery to Address .nidgrp.blk.deltoadr preper: "", // Presentation Instr. .nidgrp.blk.preper atxpreper: "", // Presentation Instr. .nidgrp.blk.atxpreper trfcond: "", // Transfer Conditions .nidgrp.blk.trfcond feetxt: "", // Additional Details to Code for Charges .nidgrp.blk.feetxt gidtxt: "", // Guarantee Text .nidgrp.blk.gidtxt gtxgidtxt: "", // Guarantee Text with Variables .nidgrp.blk.gtxgidtxt gartyptxtc: "", // Undertaking Type .nidgrp.blk.gartyptxtc apprulc: "", // Applicable Rules .nidgrp.blk.apprulc apprultxtc: "", // Applicable Rules .nidgrp.blk.apprultxtc deltoadrc: "", // Delivery to Address .nidgrp.blk.deltoadrc preperc: "", // Presentation Instr. .nidgrp.blk.preperc atxpreperc: "", // Presentation Instr. .nidgrp.blk.atxpreperc trfcondc: "", // Transfer Conditions .nidgrp.blk.trfcondc feetxtc: "", // Additional Details to Code for Charges .nidgrp.blk.feetxtc covgodsrvc: "", // Object of Contract - Local Undertaking Seq. C .nidgrp.blk.covgodsrvc orcplcc: "", // Original Contract Place - Local Undertaking Seq. C .nidgrp.blk.orcplcc addinfc: "", // Additional Info - Local Undertaking Seq. C .nidgrp.blk.addinfc atxcovgodsrvc: "", // Underly. Transact. Det. .nidgrp.blk.atxcovgodsrvc gidtxtc: "", // Guarantee Text local undertaking .nidgrp.blk.gidtxtc gtxgidtxtc: "", // Guarantee Text with Variables - Counter Undertaking .nidgrp.blk.gtxgidtxtc addamtcovc: "", // Covered .nidgrp.blk.addamtcovc covgodsrv: "", // Object of Contract .nidgrp.blk.covgodsrv orcplc: "", // Original Contract Place .nidgrp.blk.orcplc addinf: "", // Additional Info .nidgrp.blk.addinf atxcovgodsrv: "", // Underly. Transact. Det. .nidgrp.blk.atxcovgodsrv gidtxtame: "", // Amendments so Far .nidgrp.blk.gidtxtame addamtcovs20: "", //Additional Amount .nidgrp.blk.addamtcovs20 decamtstm: "" }, cbs: { max: { cur: "", // Currency amt: "", // Balance }, opn1: { cur: "", // Currency amt: "", // Balance }, }, apl: { pts: new Pts().data, }, ben: { pts: new Pts().data, }, ctr: { pts: new Pts().data, }, iss: { pts: new Pts().data, }, adv: { pts: new Pts().data, }, bdb: { pts: new Pts().data, }, con: { pts: new Pts().data, }, }, swiaddVo: { strinf: "", }, newref: "", // New Reference .newref autflg: "", // Authentication .autflg canmsg: "", // 撤销文书 .canmsg setmod: new Pub().data.Setmod, mtabut: new Pub().data.Mtabut, trnmod: new Pub().data.Trnmod, liaall: new Pub().data.Liaall, liaccv: new Pub().data.Liaccv, docpan: new Pub().data.Docpan, doctre: new Pub().data.Doctre, trndia: new Pub().data.Trndia, } } }