	<div class="eibs-tab">
		<!-- ======================= 左边 ========================= -->
		<c-col :span="12" style="padding-right: 20px">
			<c-col :span="24">
				<el-form-item :label="$t('gitame.保函编号')" prop="gidgrp.rec.ownref" label-width="140px">
					<c-input disabled maxlength="16" placeholder="请输入保函编号" v-model="model.gidgrp.rec.ownref"></c-input>

			<c-col :span="24" style="display: flex;align-item: center;justify-content: flex-start;" v-if="model.oldgidgrp.rec.hndtyp == 'OT'">
				<div style="width: calc(100% - 120px);">
					<el-form-item :label="$t('gitame.修改报文的目的')" prop="swiadd.purposamein" label-width="140px">
						<c-select dbCode="PURPOM" :disabled="model.gitp.inc760!='X'" placeholder="请输入修改报文的目的" style="width: 100%" v-model="model.swiadd.purposamein">
				<div style="width: 100px;margin-left: 20px;">
					<c-checkbox v-model="model.gitp.inc760" true-label="X" false-label="" @change="changeInc760">
						Incoming Lose

			<c-col :span="24">
				<el-form-item :label="$t('gitame.修改目的')" prop="swiadd.purposame" label-width="140px">
					<c-select placeholder="请输入修改目的" style="width: 100%" v-model="model.swiadd.purposame">
						<el-option v-for="(item,index) in codes.purposameList" :key="index" :label="item.txt" :value="item.cod">

			<c-col :span="24">
				<el-form-item :label="$t('gitame.修改日期')" prop="swiadd.amedat" label-width="140px">
					<c-date-picker placeholder="请选择修改日期" style="width: 100%" type="date" v-model="model.swiadd.amedat"  @change="amenbrChange">

			<c-col :span="24" class="custom-box-wrap">
				<div style="width: 280px;">
					<el-form-item :label="$t('gitame.原保函金额')" prop="oldgidgrp.cbs.max.cur" label-width="140px">
						<c-select v-model="model.oldgidgrp.cbs.max.cur" dbCode="curtxt" disabled placeholder="请选择金额币种" sort="SRT"></c-select>
				<div style="width: calc(100% - 280px);">
					<el-form-item label-width="5px" prop="oldgidgrp.cbs.max.amt">
						<c-input-currency v-model="model.oldgidgrp.cbs.max.amt" :currency="model.oldgidgrp.cbs.max.cur" disabled placeholder="请输入" />
			<c-col :span="24" class="custom-box-wrap">
				<div style="width: 280px;">
					<el-form-item :label="$t('gitame.修改金额')" prop="swiadd.amecur" label-width="140px">
						<c-select v-model="model.swiadd.amecur" dbCode="curtxt" disabled placeholder="请选择金额币种" sort="SRT"></c-select>
				<div style="width: calc(100% - 280px);">
					<el-form-item label-width="5px" prop="swiadd.ameamt">
						<c-input-currency v-model="model.swiadd.ameamt" :currency="model.swiadd.amecur" @blur="changeSwiaddAmeamt" placeholder="请输入" />
			<c-col :span="24" class="custom-box-wrap">
				<div class="box-1">
					<div style="width: 280px;">
						<el-form-item :label="$t('gitame.保函币种和金额')" prop="swiadd.newcur" label-width="140px">
							<c-select v-model="model.swiadd.newcur" dbCode="curtxt" disabled placeholder="请选择金额币种" sort="SRT"></c-select>
					<div style="width: calc(100% - 280px);">
						<el-form-item label-width="5px" prop="swiadd.newamt">
							<c-input-currency v-model="model.swiadd.newamt" disabled :currency="model.swiadd.newcur" @change="changeSwiaddNewamt" placeholder="请输入" />
				<div class="box-2">
					<c-checkbox @change="addamtflgChange" class="checkbox-left" false-label="" true-label="X" v-model="model.swiadd.addamtflg">Add.Amount</c-checkbox>
			<!-- 修改前的总金额 -->
			<c-col :span="24" class="custom-box-wrap" v-if="model.swiadd.addamtflg">
				<div style="width: 280px;">
					<el-form-item :label="$t('gitame.Old Total Amount')" label-width="140px">
						<c-select v-model="model.oldgidgrp.cbs.max.cur" dbCode="curtxt" disabled placeholder="请选择" sort="SRT">
				<div style="width: calc(100% - 280px);">
					<el-form-item label-width="5px" prop="swiadd.addnewamt">
						<c-input-currency v-model="oldTotalAmount" :currency="model.oldgidgrp.cbs.max.cur" disabled placeholder="请输入" />
			<!-- 修改前的总余额 -->
			<c-col :span="24" class="custom-box-wrap" v-if="model.swiadd.addamtflg">
				<div style="width: 280px;">
					<el-form-item :label="$t('gitame.Old Total Open Amount')" label-width="140px">
						<c-select v-model="model.oldgidgrp.cbs.max.cur" dbCode="curtxt" disabled placeholder="请选择" sort="SRT">
				<div style="width: calc(100% - 280px);">
					<el-form-item label-width="5px" prop="swiadd.addnewamt">
						<c-input-currency v-model="oldTotalOpenAmount" :currency="model.swiadd.addnewcur" disabled placeholder="请输入" />

		<!-- ======================右边====================== -->
		<c-col :span="12" style="padding-left: 20px">
			<c-col :span="24">
				<el-form-item :label="$t('gitame.修改次数')" prop="swiadd.amenbr" label-width="140px">
					<c-input placeholder="请输入修改次数" type="number" v-model="model.swiadd.amenbr"  @change="amenbrChange"></c-input>

			<c-col :span="24">
				<el-form-item :label="$t('gitame.实际修改次数')" prop="gidgrp.rec.amenbr" label-width="140px">
					<c-input disabled placeholder="请输入实际修改次数 " v-model="model.gidgrp.rec.amenbr"></c-input>

			<c-col :span="24">
				<c-col :span="12">
					<el-form-item label-width="140px">
						<c-checkbox class="checkbox-left" false-label="" true-label="X" v-model="model.swiadd.reqcan">{{ $t('gitame.撤销请求') }}</c-checkbox>
		<!--	<c-col :span="24" v-if="this.codes.buttonShow =='1'">
				<c-col :span="12">
            		<el-form-item label-width="140px">
              			<c-checkbox disabled class="checkbox-left" false-label="" true-label="X" v-model="model.gidgrp.rec.needcuscomame">客户确认</c-checkbox>
      		</c-col> -->

			<c-col :span="24" class="custom-box-wrap" v-if="model.swiadd.addamtflg">
				<div style="width: 280px;">
					<el-form-item :label="$t('gitame.原保函附加金额')" prop="oldgidgrp.cbs.max2.cur" label-width="140px">
						<c-select dbCode="curtxt" disabled placeholder="请选择金额币种" sort="SRT" v-model="model.oldgidgrp.cbs.max2.cur">
				<div style="width: calc(100% - 280px);">
					<el-form-item label-width="5px" prop="oldgidgrp.cbs.max2.amt">
						<c-input-currency v-model="model.oldgidgrp.cbs.max2.amt" :currency="model.oldgidgrp.cbs.max2.cur" disabled placeholder="请输入" />
			<c-col :span="24" class="custom-box-wrap" v-if="model.swiadd.addamtflg">
				<div style="width: 280px;">
					<el-form-item :label="$t('gitame.修改附加金额')" prop="swiadd.addamecur" label-width="140px">
						<c-select v-model="model.swiadd.addamecur" dbCode="curtxt" disabled placeholder="请选择" sort="SRT">
				<div style="width: calc(100% - 280px);">
					<el-form-item label-width="5px" prop="swiadd.addameamt">
						<c-input-currency v-model="model.swiadd.addameamt" :currency="model.swiadd.addamecur" :disabled="!model.swiadd.addamtflg" @change="changeSwiaddaddAmeamt" placeholder="请输入" />
			<c-col :span="24" class="custom-box-wrap" v-if="model.swiadd.addamtflg">
				<div style="width: 280px;">
					<el-form-item :label="$t('gitame.Additional Amount')" prop="swiadd.addnewcur" label-width="140px">
						<c-select v-model="model.swiadd.addamecur" dbCode="curtxt" disabled placeholder="请选择" sort="SRT">
				<div style="width: calc(100% - 280px);">
					<el-form-item label-width="5px" prop="swiadd.addnewamt">
						<c-input-currency v-model="model.swiadd.addnewamt" :currency="model.swiadd.addamecur" disabled placeholder="请输入" />

			<!-- 修改后的总金额 -->
			<c-col :span="24" class="custom-box-wrap" v-if="model.swiadd.addamtflg">
				<div style="width: 280px;">
					<el-form-item :label="$t('gitame.Total Amount')" label-width="140px">
						<c-select v-model="model.oldgidgrp.cbs.max.cur" dbCode="curtxt" disabled placeholder="请选择金额币种" sort="SRT">
				<div style="width: calc(100% - 280px);">
					<el-form-item label-width="5px">
						<c-input-currency v-model="totalAmount" :currency="model.oldgidgrp.cbs.max.cur" disabled placeholder="请输入" />
			<!-- 修改后的总余额 -->
			<c-col :span="24" class="custom-box-wrap" v-if="model.swiadd.addamtflg">
				<div style="width: 280px;">
					<el-form-item :label="$t('gitame.Total Open Amount')" label-width="140px">
						<c-select v-model="model.oldgidgrp.cbs.max.cur" dbCode="curtxt" disabled placeholder="请选择金额币种" sort="SRT">
				<div style="width: calc(100% - 280px);">
					<el-form-item label-width="5px">
						<c-input-currency v-model="totalOpenAmount" :currency="model.oldgidgrp.cbs.max.cur" disabled placeholder="请输入" />

			<c-col :span="24" v-if="isShowRedrea">
				<el-form-item :label="$t('gitame.减少/清偿原因')" prop="swiadd.redrea" label-width="140px">
					<c-select dbCode="redrea" placeholder="请输入减少/清偿原因" style="width: 100%" v-model="model.swiadd.redrea">
			<c-col :span="24" v-show="false">
				<el-form-item :label="$t('gitame.修改内容 :77C')">
						<c-input type="textarea"  v-model="gitamepAmetxt" rows="4" maxlength="32500" show-word-limit placeholder="请输入修改内容 :77C"></c-input>
import event from "../event";
import Check from "../model/check";
import Default from "../model/default";
import BigNumber from "bignumber.js";

export default {
	inject: ["root"],
	props: ["model", "codes"],
	mixins: [Default, event],
	data() {
		return {
			addamtcovs20Flg: ""

	methods: {},
	mounted() {
	created () {
	computed: {
		// 此计算属性是为了判断this.model.swiadd.ameamt字段的金额值是否为负数,如果为负数则显示redrea字段
		isShowRedrea () {
			if (this.model.swiadd.ameamt) {
				return Number(this.model.swiadd.ameamt) < 0
			} else {
				return false
		// 原始总金额
		oldTotalAmount: {
			get () {
				let oldMaxAmt = this.model.oldgidgrp.cbs.max.amt ? Number(this.model.oldgidgrp.cbs.max.amt) : 0;
				let oldMax2Amt = this.model.oldgidgrp.cbs.max2.amt ? Number(this.model.oldgidgrp.cbs.max2.amt) : 0
				return oldMaxAmt + oldMax2Amt
			set(newVal) {
				return newVal
		// 原始总余额
		oldTotalOpenAmount: {
			get () {
				let oldOpnAmt = this.model.oldgidgrp.cbs.opn1.amt ? Number(this.model.oldgidgrp.cbs.opn1.amt) : 0;
				let oldOpn2Amt = this.model.oldgidgrp.cbs.opn2.amt ? Number(this.model.oldgidgrp.cbs.opn2.amt) : 0
				return oldOpnAmt + oldOpn2Amt
			set(newVal) {
				return newVal
		// 修改后总金额
		totalAmount: {
			get () {
				let newamt = this.model.swiadd.newamt ? Number(this.model.swiadd.newamt) : 0
				let addnewamt = this.model.swiadd.addnewamt ? Number(this.model.swiadd.addnewamt) : 0
				return newamt + addnewamt
			set(newVal) {
				return newVal
		// 修改后总余额
		totalOpenAmount: {
			get () {
				let oldOpnAmt = this.model.oldgidgrp.cbs.opn1.amt ? Number(this.model.oldgidgrp.cbs.opn1.amt) : 0;
				let oldOpn2Amt = this.model.oldgidgrp.cbs.opn2.amt ? Number(this.model.oldgidgrp.cbs.opn2.amt) : 0
				let ameamt = this.model.swiadd.ameamt ? Number(this.model.swiadd.ameamt) : 0
				let addameamt = this.model.swiadd.addameamt ? Number(this.model.swiadd.addameamt) : 0
				return oldOpnAmt + ameamt + oldOpn2Amt + addameamt
			set(newVal) {
				return newVal
		ramrolList() {
			let ramrolList = [];
			if (this.model.gidgrp.rec.hndtyp=='OC' || this.model.gidgrp.rec.hndtyp=='OT') {
					if (this.model.gidgrp.bec && this.model.gidgrp.bec.pts && this.model.gidgrp.bec.pts.extkey) {
						this.model.gitamep.ramrol = "BEC"
					if (this.model.gidgrp.iss && this.model.gidgrp.iss.pts && this.model.gidgrp.iss.pts.extkey) {
						this.model.gitamep.ramrol = "ISS"
			if (this.model.gidgrp.rec.hndtyp=='FA' || this.model.gidgrp.rec.hndtyp=='FI' || this.model.gidgrp.rec.hndtyp=='OL') {
					if (this.model.gidgrp.atb && this.model.gidgrp.atb.pts && this.model.gidgrp.atb.pts.extkey) {
						this.model.gitamep.ramrol = "ATB"
					if (this.model.gidgrp.ben && this.model.gidgrp.ben.pts && this.model.gidgrp.ben.pts.extkey) {
						this.model.gitamep.ramrol = "BEN"
			return ramrolList;
		gitamepAmetxt: {
			get() {
                        return this.model.gitamep.ametxt;
					if (this.model.gitamep.ametxtflg === '') {
							var res = "";
							if (this.model.gcdgrp.rec.inr !== "") {
									res = "Request for extension of the undertaking accepted.";
							if (this.model.gidgrp.rec.gartyp !== this.model.oldgidgrp.rec.gartyp) {
									res = res + "\n" + "The undertaking is changed from " + this.model.oldgidgrp.rec.gartyp + " to " + this.model.gidgrp.rec.gartyp + ".";
							if (this.model.gidgrp.blk.covgodsrv !== this.model.oldgidgrp.blk.covgodsrv) {
									res = res + "\n" + "The following goods are now covered: " + this.model.gidgrp.blk.covgodsrv + ".";
							if (this.model.gidgrp.rec.orcdat !== this.model.oldgidgrp.rec.orcdat) {
									if (this.model.oldgidgrp.rec.orcdat !== "") {
											res = res + "\n" + "The Contract Date has changed from " + this.model.oldgidgrp.rec.orcdat + " to " + this.model.gidgrp.rec.orcdat + ".";
									} else {
											res = res + "\n" + "The  Contract Date has been set to " + this.model.gidgrp.rec.orcdat + ".";
							if (this.model.gidgrp.rec.trmdat !== this.model.oldgidgrp.rec.trmdat) {
									res = res + "\n" + "Please transmit until " + this.model.gidgrp.rec.trmdat + ".";
							if (this.model.gidgrp.rec.orcref !== this.model.oldgidgrp.rec.orcref) {
									if (this.model.oldgidgrp.rec.orcref !== "") {
											res = res + "\n" + "The Contract reference has changed from " + this.model.oldgidgrp.rec.orcref + " to " + this.model.gidgrp.rec.orcref + ".";
									} else {
											res = res + "\n" + "The  Contract reference has been set to " + this.model.gidgrp.rec.orcref + ".";
							if (this.model.gidgrp.rec.tenclsdat !== this.model.oldgidgrp.rec.tenclsdat) {
									if (this.model.oldgidgrp.rec.tenclsdat !== "") {
											res = res + "\n" + "The tender closing date has changed from " + this.model.oldgidgrp.rec.tenclsdat + " to " + this.model.gidgrp.rec.tenclsdat + ".";
									} else {
											res = res + "\n" + "The tender closing date has been set to " + this.model.gidgrp.rec.tenclsdat + ".";
							// if (this.model.gidgrp.rec.orcrat !== this.model.oldgidgrp.rec.orcrat) {
							// 		if (this.model.oldgidgrp.rec.orcrat !== "") {
							// 				res = res + "\n" + "The original rate has changed from " + this.model.oldgidgrp.rec.orcrat + " to " + this.model.gidgrp.rec.orcrat + ".";
							// 		} else {
							// 				res = res + "\n" + "The original rate has been set to " + this.model.gidgrp.rec.orcrat + ".";
							// 		}
							// }
							if (this.model.gidgrp.rec.orcamt !== this.model.oldgidgrp.rec.orcamt) {
									if (this.model.oldgidgrp.rec.orcamt !== "") {
											res = res + "\n" + "The contract amount has changed from " + this.model.oldgidgrp.rec.orccur + " " + this.model.oldgidgrp.rec.orcamt + " to " + this.model.gidgrp.rec.orccur + " " + this.model.gidgrp.rec.orcamt + ".";
									} else {
											res = res + "\n" + "The contract amount has been set to " + this.model.gidgrp.rec.orccur + " " + this.model.gidgrp.rec.orcamt + ".";

							if (this.model.gidgrp.rec.acc !== this.model.oldgidgrp.rec.acc) {
									if (this.model.oldgidgrp.rec.acc !== "" && this.model.gidgrp.rec.acc !== "") {
											res = res + "\n" + "The account for the advanced payment undertaking has been changed from " + this.model.oldgidgrp.rec.acc + " to " + this.model.gidgrp.rec.acc + ".";
									} else {
											if (this.model.gidgrp.rec.acc !== "") {
													res = res + "\n" + "The account for the advanced payment undertaking has been set to " + this.model.gidgrp.rec.acc + ".";
											} else {
													res = res + "\n" + "The account for the advanced payment undertaking " + this.model.oldgidgrp.rec.acc + " has been deleted.";

							//model.gidgrp.rec.jurlaws20 jurlaw
							if (this.model.gidgrp.rec.jurlaws20 !== this.model.oldgidgrp.rec.jurlaws20 || this.model.gidgrp.rec.jurlaw !== this.model.oldgidgrp.rec.jurlaw) {
									if (this.model.oldgidgrp.rec.jurlaw !== "" && this.model.gidgrp.rec.jurlaw !== "") {
											res = res + "\n" + "The governing law has been changed from " + this.model.oldgidgrp.rec.jurlaw + " to " + this.model.gidgrp.rec.jurlaw + ".";
									} else {
											if (this.model.gidgrp.rec.jurlaw !== "") {
													res = res + "\n" + "The governing law has been set to " + this.model.gidgrp.rec.jurlaw + ".";
											} else {
												if(this.model.oldgidgrp.rec.jurlaw !== ""){
													res = res + "\n" + "The governing law " + this.model.oldgidgrp.rec.jurlaw + " has been deleted.";

							if (this.model.gidgrp.rec.jurplc !== this.model.oldgidgrp.rec.jurplc) {
									if (this.model.oldgidgrp.rec.jurplc !== "" && this.model.gidgrp.rec.jurplc !== "") {
											res = res + "\n" + "The place of jurisdiction has been changed from " + this.model.oldgidgrp.rec.jurplc + " to " + this.model.gidgrp.rec.jurplc + ".";
									} else {
											if (this.model.gidgrp.rec.jurplc !== "") {
													res = res + "\n" + "The place of jurisdiction has been set to " + this.model.gidgrp.rec.jurplc + ".";
											} else {
													res = res + "\n" + "The place of jurisdiction " + this.model.oldgidgrp.rec.jurplc + " has been deleted.";

							if (this.model.gidgrp.rec.tenref !== this.model.oldgidgrp.rec.tenref) {
									if (this.model.oldgidgrp.rec.tenref !== "") {
											res = res + "\n" + "The tender reference has changed from " + this.model.oldgidgrp.rec.tenref + " to " + this.model.gidgrp.rec.tenref + ".";
									} else {
											res = res + "\n" + "The tender reference has been set to " + this.model.gidgrp.rec.tenref + ".";
							if (this.model.gidgrp.rec.tendat !== this.model.oldgidgrp.rec.tendat) {
									if (this.model.oldgidgrp.rec.tendat !== "") {
											res = res + "\n" + "The tender date has changed from " + this.model.oldgidgrp.rec.tendat + " to " + this.model.gidgrp.rec.tendat + ".";
									} else {
											res = res + "\n" + "The tender date has been set to " + this.model.gidgrp.rec.tendat + ".";
							if (this.model.gidgrp.blk.addinf !== this.model.oldgidgrp.blk.addinf) {
									if (this.model.oldgidgrp.blk.addinf !== "" && this.model.gidgrp.blk.addinf !== "") {
											res = res + "\n" + "The additional info has been changed from " + this.model.oldgidgrp.blk.addinf + " to " + this.model.gidgrp.blk.addinf + ".";
									} else {
											if (this.model.gidgrp.blk.addinf !== "") {
													res = res + "\n" + "The additional info has been set to " + this.model.gidgrp.blk.addinf + ".";
											} else {
													res = res + "\n" + "The additional info " + this.model.oldgidgrp.blk.addinf + " has been deleted.";

							if (this.model.gidgrp.rec.legfrm !== this.model.oldgidgrp.rec.legfrm) {
									if (this.model.oldgidgrp.rec.legfrm !== "") {
											res = res + "\n" + "The form of undertaking has changed from " + this.model.oldgidgrp.rec.legfrm + " to " + this.model.gidgrp.rec.legfrm + ".";
									} else {
											res = res + "\n" + "The form of undertaking has been set to " + this.model.gidgrp.rec.legfrm + ".";
							//model.gidgrp.blk.apprul apprultxt
							if (this.model.gidgrp.blk.apprul !== this.model.oldgidgrp.blk.apprul || this.model.gidgrp.blk.apprultxt !== this.model.oldgidgrp.blk.apprultxt) {
									res = res + "\n" + "The applicable rules has changed from " + this.model.oldgidgrp.rec.apprul + " " + this.model.oldgidgrp.blk.apprultxt + " to " + this.model.gidgrp.blk.apprul + " " + this.model.gidgrp.blk.apprultxt + ".";
              let newapladrblk = this.model.gidgrp.apl.pts.adrblk.replace(/\r?\n/g,'\n');
              let oldapladrblk = this.model.oldgidgrp.apl.pts.adrblk.replace(/\r?\n/g,'\n');
							if (this.model.gidgrp.apl.pts.ptainr !== this.model.oldgidgrp.apl.pts.ptainr || newapladrblk !== oldapladrblk) {
									if (this.model.oldgidgrp.apl.pts.adrblk !== "") {
											res = res + "\n" + "The applicant has changed from " + this.model.oldgidgrp.apl.pts.adrblk + " to " + this.model.gidgrp.apl.pts.adrblk + ".";
									} else {
											res = res + "\n" + "The applicant has been set to " + this.model.gidgrp.apl.pts.adrblk + ".";
              let newctradrblk = this.model.gidgrp.ctr.pts.adrblk.replace(/\r?\n/g,'\n');
              let oldctradrblk = this.model.oldgidgrp.ctr.pts.adrblk.replace(/\r?\n/g,'\n');
							if (this.model.gidgrp.ctr.pts.ptainr !== this.model.oldgidgrp.ctr.pts.ptainr || newctradrblk !== oldctradrblk) {
									if (this.model.oldgidgrp.ctr.pts.adrblk !== "") {
											res = res + "\n" + "The obligor has changed from " + this.model.oldgidgrp.ctr.pts.adrblk + " to " + this.model.gidgrp.ctr.pts.adrblk + ".";
									} else {
											res = res + "\n" + "The obligor has been set to " + this.model.gidgrp.ctr.pts.adrblk + ".";
              let newatbadrblk = this.model.gidgrp.atb.pts.adrblk.replace(/\r?\n/g,'\n');
              let oldatbadrblk = this.model.oldgidgrp.atb.pts.adrblk.replace(/\r?\n/g,'\n');
							if (this.model.gidgrp.atb.pts.ptainr !== this.model.oldgidgrp.atb.pts.ptainr || newatbadrblk !== oldatbadrblk) {
									if (this.model.oldgidgrp.atb.pts.adrblk !== "") {
											res = res + "\n" + "The advising bank has changed from " + this.model.oldgidgrp.atb.pts.adrblk + " to " + this.model.gidgrp.atb.pts.adrblk + ".";
									} else {
											res = res + "\n" + "The advising bank has been set to " + this.model.gidgrp.atb.pts.adrblk + ".";
							if (this.model.gidgrp.atb.pts.ref !== this.model.oldgidgrp.atb.pts.ref) {
									if (this.model.oldgidgrp.atb.pts.ref !== "") {
											res = res + "\n" + "The advising bank reference has changed from " + this.model.oldgidgrp.atb.pts.ref + " to " + this.model.gidgrp.atb.pts.ref + ".";
									} else {
											res = res + "\n" + "The advising bank reference has been set to " + this.model.gidgrp.atb.pts.ref + ".";

              this.model.oldgidgrp.blk.addamtcovs20 = this.model.oldgidgrp.blk.addamtcovs20.trim();
							var addAmtBlk = this.model.oldgidgrp.blk.addamtcovs20;
							if (this.model.swiadd.addamtcovs20 !== "" || this.model.swiadd.addamtflg === "") {
									addAmtBlk = this.model.swiadd.addamtcovs20;
							if (this.model.oldgidgrp.blk.addamtcovs20 !== addAmtBlk) {
									if (this.model.oldgidgrp.blk.addamtcovs20 !== "") {
											res = res + "\n" + "The additional amount information has been changed from " + this.model.oldgidgrp.blk.addamtcovs20 + " to " + addAmtBlk + ".";
									} else {
											res = res + "\n" + "The additional amount information has been set to " + addAmtBlk + ".";
							if (this.model.gidgrp.blk.feetxt !== this.model.oldgidgrp.blk.feetxt) {
									if (this.model.oldgidgrp.blk.feetxt !== "" && this.model.gidgrp.blk.feetxt !== "") {
											res = res + "\n" + "The charges has been changed from " + this.model.oldgidgrp.blk.feetxt + " to " + this.model.gidgrp.blk.feetxt + ".";
									} else {
											if (this.model.gidgrp.blk.feetxt !== "") {
													res = res + "\n" + "Charges has been set to " + this.model.gidgrp.blk.feetxt + ".";
											} else {
													res = res + "\n" + "'Charges have been deleted.";

							if (this.model.gidgrp.blk.preper !== this.model.oldgidgrp.blk.preper) {
									if (this.model.oldgidgrp.blk.preper !== "" && this.model.gidgrp.blk.preper !== "") {
											res = res + "\n" + "The presentation instructions has been changed from " + this.model.oldgidgrp.blk.preper + " to " + this.model.gidgrp.blk.preper + ".";
									} else {
											if (this.model.gidgrp.blk.preper !== "") {
													res = res + "\n" + "The presentation instructions has been set to " + this.model.gidgrp.blk.preper + ".";
											} else {
													res = res + "\n" + "'The presentation instructions have been deleted.";
							if (this.model.gidgrp.con.pts.ptainr !== this.model.oldgidgrp.con.pts.ptainr || this.model.gidgrp.con.pts.adrblk !== this.model.oldgidgrp.con.pts.adrblk) {
									if (this.model.oldgidgrp.con.pts.adrblk !== "") {
											var conadrblk;
											if (this.model.gidgrp.con.pts.adrblk === "") {
													conadrblk = "<empty>";
											} else {
													conadrblk = this.model.gidgrp.con.pts.adrblk;
											res = res + "\n" + "The confirmation party has changed from " + this.model.oldgidgrp.con.pts.adrblk + " to " + conadrblk + ".";
									} else {
											res = res + "\n" + "The confirmation party has been set to " + this.model.gidgrp.con.pts.adrblk + ".";
							if (this.model.gidgrp.rec.demand !== this.model.oldgidgrp.rec.demand) {
									if (this.model.oldgidgrp.rec.demand !== "" && this.model.gidgrp.rec.demand !== "") {
											res = res + "\n" + "The demand indicator has been changed from " + this.model.oldgidgrp.rec.demand + " to " + this.model.gidgrp.rec.demand + ".";
									} else {
											if (this.model.gidgrp.rec.demand !== "") {
													res = res + "\n" + "The demand indicator has been set to " + this.model.gidgrp.rec.demand + ".";
											} else {
													res = res + "\n" + "The demand indicator " + this.model.oldgidgrp.rec.demand + " has been deleted.";

							if (this.model.gidgrp.rec.transfer !== this.model.oldgidgrp.rec.transfer) {
									if (this.model.oldgidgrp.rec.transfer !== "") {
											res = res + "\n" + "The transfer indicator has changed from " + this.model.oldgidgrp.rec.transfer + " to " + this.model.gidgrp.rec.transfer + ".";
									} else {
											res = res + "\n" + "The transfer indicator has been set to " + this.model.gidgrp.rec.transfer + ".";
							if (this.model.gidgrp.blk.trfcond !== this.model.oldgidgrp.blk.trfcond) {
									if (this.model.oldgidgrp.blk.trfcond !== "" && this.model.gidgrp.blk.trfcond !== "") {
											res = res + "\n" + "The transfer conditions has been changed from " + this.model.oldgidgrp.blk.trfcond + " to " + this.model.gidgrp.blk.trfcond + ".";
									} else {
											if (this.model.gidgrp.blk.trfcond !== "") {
													res = res + "\n" + "The transfer conditions has been set to " + this.model.gidgrp.blk.trfcond + ".";
											} else {
													res = res + "\n" + "'The transfer conditions have been deleted.";
              				let newbenadrblk = this.model.gidgrp.ben.pts.adrblk.replace(/\r?\n/g,'\n');
              				let oldbenadrblk = this.model.oldgidgrp.ben.pts.adrblk.replace(/\r?\n/g,'\n');
							if (this.model.gidgrp.ben.pts.ptainr !== this.model.oldgidgrp.ben.pts.ptainr || newbenadrblk !== oldbenadrblk) {
								if (this.model.oldgidgrp.apl.pts.adrblk !== "") {
									res = res + "\n" + "The beneficiary in Sequence B has changed from " + this.model.oldgidgrp.ben.pts.adrblk + " to " + this.model.gidgrp.ben.pts.adrblk + ".";
								} else {
									res = res + "\n" + "The beneficiary in Sequence B has been set to " + this.model.gidgrp.ben.pts.adrblk + ".";
              				let newbecadrblk = this.model.gidgrp.bec.pts.adrblk.replace(/\r?\n/g,'\n');
              				let oldbecadrblk = this.model.oldgidgrp.bec.pts.adrblk.replace(/\r?\n/g,'\n');
							if (this.model.gidgrp.bec.pts.ptainr !== this.model.oldgidgrp.bec.pts.ptainr || newbecadrblk !== oldbecadrblk) {
								if (this.model.oldgidgrp.bec.pts.adrblk !== "") {
									res = res + "\n" + "The beneficiary in Sequence C has changed from " + this.model.oldgidgrp.bec.pts.adrblk + " to " + this.model.gidgrp.bec.pts.adrblk + ".";
								} else {
									res = res + "\n" + "The beneficiary in Sequence C has been set to " + this.model.gidgrp.bec.pts.adrblk + ".";
							if(new BigNumber(this.model.swiadd.newamt).comparedTo(new BigNumber(this.model.oldgidgrp.cbs.max.amt))!=0){
								res = res + "\n" + "The guarantee amount has changed from " + this.model.oldgidgrp.cbs.max.cur + new BigNumber(this.model.oldgidgrp.cbs.max.amt).toFormat(2) + " to " + this.model.swiadd.newcur + new BigNumber(this.model.swiadd.newamt).toFormat(2) + ".";
							if(this.model.gidgrp.rec.legfrm != 'DEPU'){
										res = res + "\n" + "The expiry type has changed from " + this.model.oldgidgrp.rec.exptyp + " to " + this.model.swiadd.exptyp + ".";
												res = res + "\n" + "The expiry date has changed from unlimited to " + this.model.swiadd.newexpdat + ".";
													res = res + "\n" + "The expiry date has been set to "+this.model.swiadd.newexpdat + ".";
														res = res + "\n" + "The expiry date has changed from "+this.model.oldgidgrp.rec.expdat + " to " + this.model.swiadd.newexpdat+ ".";
												res = res + "\n" + "The expiry date has been set to unlimited.";
												res = res + "\n" + "The expiry date has changed from " + this.model.oldgidgrp.rec.expdat + " to unlimited.";
										res = res + "\n" + "The expiry date has not been set."
									if(this.model.swiadd.exptyp == 'COND'&&this.model.oldgidgrp.rec.exptyp=="COND"){
												res = res + "\n" + "The expiry condition has changed from "+this.model.oldgidgrp.blk.atxexptxt + " to " + this.model.swiadd.exptxt+ ".";
												res = res + "\n" + "The expiry condition has changed from "+this.model.oldgidgrp.blk.exptxt + " to " + this.model.swiadd.exptxt+ ".";
									if(this.model.swiadd.exptyp == 'COND'&&this.model.oldgidgrp.rec.exptyp!="COND"){
											res = res + "\n" + "The expiry condition has been set to "+this.model.swiadd.exptxt+ ".";
								if(this.model.swiadd.purposame == 'ISCA' || this.model.swiadd.purposame == 'ICCA'){
											res = res + "\n" + "The liability type has changed from " + this.model.oldgidgrp.rec.liatypc + " to " + this.model.swiadd.liatypc + ".";
													res = res + "\n" + "The liability date has changed from unlimited to " + this.model.swiadd.newliadat + ".";
														res = res + "\n" + "The liability date has been set to "+this.model.swiadd.newliadat + ".";
															res = res + "\n" + "The liability date has changed from "+this.model.oldgidgrp.rec.liadat + " to " + this.model.swiadd.newliadat+ ".";
													res = res + "\n" + "The liability date has been set to unlimited.";
													res = res + "\n" + "The liability date has changed from " + this.model.oldgidgrp.rec.liadat + " to unlimited.";
											res = res + "\n" + "The liability date has not been set."
										if(this.model.swiadd.liatypc == 'COND'&&this.model.oldgidgrp.rec.liatypc=="COND"){
													res = res + "\n" + "The liability condition has changed from "+this.model.oldgidgrp.blk.atxliatxtc + " to " + this.model.swiadd.liatxtc+ ".";
													res = res + "\n" + "The liability condition has changed from "+this.model.oldgidgrp.blk.liatxtc + " to " + this.model.swiadd.liatxtc+ ".";
										if(this.model.swiadd.liatypc == 'COND'&&this.model.oldgidgrp.rec.liatypc!="COND"){
												res = res + "\n" + "The liability condition has been set to "+this.model.swiadd.liatxtc+ ".";
							this.model.gitamep.ametxt = res.replace(/^\s*[\r\n]/gm, '');
					return this.model.gitamep.ametxt;
			set(newVal) {
				// 根据需要在设置计算属性时执行一些操作
				this.model.gitamep.ametxt = newVal.replace(/^\s*[\r\n]/gm, ''); // 这里假设你要将计算属性绑定到 formData 中的 fieldName 属性
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